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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. All rights
// reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
// can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines all of the command line switches used by cefclient.
#pragma once
namespace cefclient {
extern const char kUrl[];
extern const char kExternalDevTools[];
// CefSettings attributes.
extern const char kMultiThreadedMessageLoop[];
extern const char kCachePath[];
// CefBrowserSettings attributes.
extern const char kRemoteFontsDisabled[];
extern const char kDefaultEncoding[];
extern const char kEncodingDetectorEnabled[];
extern const char kJavascriptDisabled[];
extern const char kJavascriptOpenWindowsDisallowed[];
extern const char kJavascriptCloseWindowsDisallowed[];
extern const char kJavascriptAccessClipboardDisallowed[];
extern const char kDomPasteDisabled[];
extern const char kCaretBrowsingDisabled[];
extern const char kJavaDisabled[];
extern const char kPluginsDisabled[];
extern const char kUniversalAccessFromFileUrlsAllowed[];
extern const char kFileAccessFromFileUrlsAllowed[];
extern const char kWebSecurityDisabled[];
extern const char kXssAuditorEnabled[];
extern const char kImageLoadingDisabled[];
extern const char kShrinkStandaloneImagesToFit[];
extern const char kSiteSpecificQuirksDisabled[];
extern const char kTextAreaResizeDisabled[];
extern const char kPageCacheDisabled[];
extern const char kTabToLinksDisabled[];
extern const char kHyperlinkAuditingDisabled[];
extern const char kUserStyleSheetEnabled[];
extern const char kUserStyleSheetLocation[];
extern const char kAuthorAndUserStylesDisabled[];
extern const char kLocalStorageDisabled[];
extern const char kDatabasesDisabled[];
extern const char kApplicationCacheDisabled[];
extern const char kWebglDisabled[];
extern const char kAcceleratedCompositingDisabled[];
extern const char kAcceleratedLayersDisabled[];
extern const char kAcceleratedVideoDisabled[];
extern const char kAcceledated2dCanvasDisabled[];
extern const char kAcceleratedPaintingEnabled[];
extern const char kAcceleratedFiltersEnabled[];
extern const char kAcceleratedPluginsDisabled[];
extern const char kDeveloperToolsDisabled[];
extern const char kFullscreenEnabled[];
// Other attributes.
extern const char kProxyType[];
extern const char kProxyType_Direct[];
extern const char kProxyType_Named[];
extern const char kProxyType_Pac[];
extern const char kProxyConfig[];
} // namespace cefclient