2022-09-17 10:29:27 +02:00

236 lines
14 KiB

#Libraries for Telegram bot
import telebot
from telebot import telebot
#Libraries for logging on console
import logging
#Libraries for get BOT_TOKEN
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
#Libraries for use API
import requests
#Libraries for send message at a certain moment
import schedule
#Libraries for connect to Mongodb
import urllib
#Libraries for connect to Mongodb
import pymongo
#Libraries for search collection by Id
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
#Libraries for research game on db
import time
import sys
format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s",
API_TOKEN = os.getenv('BOT_TOKEN')
URL_MONGO = os.getenv('URL_MONGODB')
bot = telebot.TeleBot(API_TOKEN)
mongo_url = "mongodb+srv://stefano:" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(PASSWORD_MONGO) + URL_MONGO
client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_url)
database = client["personal"]
collection = database["epicgames-telegram"]
logging.info("The bot started successfully.")
#Create file for save id user
with open('/app/data/readme.txt', 'w') as f:
bot.send_message("771375637", "Please write /start")
#Command /start
def start_command(message):
chat_id = message.chat.id
logging.info("Triggered command START.")
messageText = "✋ Welcome to <b>Epic Games Notifier</b>\n\n📱 You will be notified every week when there are new free games in the Epic Games Store. \n\n👨‍💻 Created and developed by @Stef58_Official"
bot.send_message(chat_id, messageText, parse_mode="HTML")
#Command /comingsoon
def comingsoon(message):
logging.info("Triggered command COMING SOON.")
chat_id = message.chat.id
logging.info("Triggered command COMING SOON")
url = "https://api.plenusbot.xyz/epic_games?country=IT"
response = requests.get(url).json()
# Title of future games
image_futuregames1 = response['nextGames'][0]['keyImages'][0]['url'] # First image future games
future_games1 = response['nextGames'][0]['title'] # First title future games
future_games_description1 = response['nextGames'][0]['description'] # First description future games
future_games_startdate1 = response['nextGames'][0]['promotions']['upcomingPromotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate']
future_games_price1 = response['nextGames'][0]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice']
image_futuregames2 = response['nextGames'][1]['keyImages'][1]['url'] # Second image future games
future_games2 = response['nextGames'][1]['title'] # Second title future games
future_games_description2 = response['nextGames'][1]['description'] # Second description future games
future_games_startdate2 = response['nextGames'][1]['promotions']['upcomingPromotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate']
future_games_price2 = response['nextGames'][1]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice']
image_futuregames3 = response['nextGames'][0]['keyImages'][2]['url'] # Third image future games
future_games3 = response['nextGames'][2]['title'] # Third title future games
future_games_description3 = response['nextGames'][2]['description'] # Third description future games
future_games_startdate3 = response['nextGames'][1]['promotions']['upcomingPromotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate']
future_games_price3 = response['nextGames'][1]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice']
title_description_3 = future_games3 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + future_games_description3 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + future_games_startdate3 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + future_games_price3 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price second future game
img_3 = bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, image_futuregames3) # Send image third future games
send_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, title_description_2, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
except IndexError:
print("No third game")
#Send notification to user
title_description_1 = future_games1 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + future_games_description1 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + future_games_startdate1 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + future_games_price1 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price first future game
img_1 = bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, image_futuregames1) # Send image first future games
send_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, title_description_1, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
title_description_2 = future_games2 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + future_games_description2 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + future_games_startdate2 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + future_games_price2 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price second future game
img_2 = bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, image_futuregames2) # Send image second future games
send_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, title_description_2, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
#Command /freenow
def freenow(message):
logging.info("Triggered command FREENOW.")
chat_id = message.chat.id
url = "https://api.plenusbot.xyz/epic_games?country=IT"
response = requests.get(url).json()
image_currentgames1 = response['currentGames'][0]['keyImages'][0]['url'] # First image current games
current_games1 = response['currentGames'][0]['title'] # First title current games
current_games_description1 = response['currentGames'][0]['description'] # First description current games
current_games_startdate1 = response['currentGames'][0]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate']
current_games_endate1 = response['currentGames'][0]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['endDate']
current_games_price1 = response['currentGames'][0]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice']
image_currentgames2 = response['currentGames'][1]['keyImages'][0]['url'] # First image current games
current_games2 = response['currentGames'][1]['title'] # First title current games
current_games_description2 = response['currentGames'][1]['description'] # First description current games
current_games_startdate2 = response['currentGames'][1]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate']
current_games_endate2 = response['currentGames'][1]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['endDate']
current_games_price2 = response['currentGames'][1]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice']
#Send notification to user
title_description_1 = current_games1 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + current_games_description1 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + current_games_startdate1 + "\n" + "\n<b>End Date:</b>\n" + current_games_endate1 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + current_games_price1 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price first current game
img_1 = bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, image_currentgames1) # Send image first current games
send_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, title_description_1, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
title_description_2 = current_games2 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + current_games_description2 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + current_games_startdate2 + "\n" + "\n<b>End Date:</b>\n" + current_games_endate2 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + current_games_price2 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price second current game
img_2 = bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, image_currentgames2) # Send image second current games
send_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, title_description_2, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
image_currentgames3 = response['currentGames'][2]['keyImages'][0]['url'] # First image current games
current_games3 = response['currentGames'][2]['title'] # First title current games
current_games_description3 = response['currentGames'][2]['description'] # First description current games
current_games_startdate3 = response['currentGames'][2]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate']
current_games_endate3 = response['currentGames'][2]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['endDate']
current_games_price3 = response['currentGames'][2]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice']
title_description_3 = current_games3 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + current_games_description3 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + current_games_startdate3 + "\n" + "\n<b>End Date:</b>\n" + current_games_endate3 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + current_games_price3 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price second current game
img_3 = bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, image_currentgames3) # Send image second current games
send_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, title_description_3, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
except IndexError:
print("No third game")
#Command /subscribe
def subscribe(message):
logging.info("Triggered command SUBSCRIBE.")
#Register the user
global chat_id
chat_id = message.chat.id
send_message = bot.send_message(chat_id, "✅ You have been successfully subscribed to Epic Games Store Free Games notifications!")
#Get the ids of all users who write /subscribe
take_id = message.from_user.id
with open('/app/data/readme.txt', 'w') as f:
def recheck_game():
logging.info("Triggered RECHECK GAME.")
#Function for send every week the notification
def a():
logging.info("Triggered CHECK GAME.")
#Read all id on readme.txt
#Check for new games
url = "https://api.plenusbot.xyz/epic_games?country=IT"
response = requests.get(url).json()
# Title of current games
current_games_title1 = response['currentGames'][0]['title']
current_games_title2 = response['currentGames'][1]['title']
#Check first game
search_game1 = collection.find_one({"Game 1" : current_games_title1})
if search_game1 is None:
#Send notification if title game is changed
print("There is a new game!")
print("Now I'm sending the notification to everyone.")
#If new game is changed recheck every 10 second
print("The game is not changed")
def send_automatically1():
logging.info("Triggered AUTOMATICALLY SEND MESSAGE.")
#Connect to the api
url = "https://api.plenusbot.xyz/epic_games?country=IT"
response = requests.get(url).json()
#All information for first game
current_games_title1 = response['currentGames'][0]['title'] # First title current games
current_games_description1 = response['currentGames'][0]['description'] # First description current games
current_games_startdate1 = response['currentGames'][0]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate'] # Public release first game
current_games_endate1 = response['currentGames'][0]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['endDate'] # End public release first game
current_games_price1 = response['currentGames'][0]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice']
current_games_images1 = response['currentGames'][0]['keyImages'][0]['url'] # First image current games
#All information for second game
current_games_title2 = response['currentGames'][1]['title'] # Second title current game
current_games_images2 = response['currentGames'][1]['keyImages'][0]['url'] # Second image current game
current_games_description2 = response['currentGames'][1]['description'] # Second description current game
current_games_startdate2 = response['currentGames'][1]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['startDate'] #Public release second game
current_games_endate2 = response['currentGames'][1]['promotions']['promotionalOffers'][0]['promotionalOffers'][0]['endDate'] # End public release second game
current_games_price2 = response['currentGames'][1]['price']['totalPrice']['fmtPrice']['originalPrice'] # Original price second game
with open('/app/data/readme.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
y = line.split()
a = (', '.join(y))
#Send first and second message when the free game title change
title_description_1 = current_games_title1 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + current_games_description1 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + current_games_startdate1 + "\n" + "\n<b>End Date:</b>\n" + current_games_endate1 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + current_games_price1 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price first current game
img_1 = bot.send_photo(a, current_games_images1) # Send image first current games
send_message = bot.send_message(a, title_description_1, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
title_description_2 = current_games_title2 + "\n\n<b>About:</b>\n" + current_games_description2 + "\n" + "\n<b>Start Date:</b>\n" + current_games_startdate2 + "\n" + "\n<b>End Date:</b>\n" + current_games_endate2 + "\n" + "\n<b>Price:</b>\n" + current_games_price2 + "" + "Free" # Send title, description, start date and price second current game
img_2 = bot.send_photo(a, current_games_images2) # Send image second current games
send_message = bot.send_message(a, title_description_2, parse_mode="HTML") # Send all
#Update Collection with new game
send_game1 = {"Game 1": current_games_title1}
senddata = collection.update_one({'_id':ObjectId("6319beba54b4d66a40e2d3eb")}, {"$set": send_game1}, upsert=False)
send_game2 = {"Game 2": current_games_title2}
senddata = collection.update_one({'_id':ObjectId("6319c0ac2ffd38ae32cd9ffa")}, {"$set": send_game2}, upsert=False)