import psutil import requests import random import pyfiglet import socket import threading import datetime import telebot import time import ast import ffmpeg import os import python_weather import asyncio import json import goslate import urllib.request import urllib.parse import logging import deepl from dotenv import load_dotenv from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL from platform import system from import tqdm from importlib.metadata import files from dataclasses import dataclass from jmespath import search from telebot import types, telebot from pytube import YouTube from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from gc import callbacks load_dotenv() API_TOKEN = os.getenv('BOT_TOKEN') bot = telebot.TeleBot(API_TOKEN) print("Il bot si è avviato con successo!") #Command /start @bot.message_handler(commands=['start']) def send_welcome(message): chat_id = print("Triggered command START.") bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo='') messageText = "✋ Benvenuto su RetniNet!\n\nRetniNet è un bot privato per automatizzare e semplificare cose che facciamo quotidianamente. \n\n👨‍💻 Creato & sviluppato da @Stef58_Official" bot.send_message(chat_id,messageText, parse_mode="HTML") #Command /music @bot.message_handler(commands=['music']) def select_music(pm): print("Triggered command MUSIC.") sent_msg = bot.send_message(, "Inserisci il link della canzone:") bot.register_next_step_handler(sent_msg, music_step) def music_step(pm): if pm.text.startswith('') or pm.text.startswith(''): ytdl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': '%(title)s.%(ext)s', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } with YoutubeDL(ytdl_opts) as ydl: url = pm.text info = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False) name = info.get('title') id = info.get('id')[id]) send_message = "🎶 La canzone " + name + " è stata scaricata con successo!" bot.send_message(, send_message, parse_mode="HTML") bot.send_audio(, audio=open(name + '.mp3', 'rb')) else: bot.send_message(, "🚫 Devi inserire un link valido!") #Command /meteo @bot.message_handler(commands=['meteo']) def meteo(pm): print("Triggered command METEO.") sent_msg = bot.send_message(, "🏙️ Inserisci la città:") bot.register_next_step_handler(sent_msg, meteo_step) def meteo_step(message): translator = deepl.Translator(os.getenv('DEEPL_TOKEN')) result = translator.translate_text('hi', target_lang='IT') translated_text = result.text city = message.text token_weather = os.environ.get('WEATHER_TOKEN') response = requests.get(""+city+",it&APPID="+token_weather).json() weather = response['weather'][0]['main'] # temp = response['main']['temp'] temp = temp - 273.15 weather_translate = translator.translate_text(weather, target_lang='IT') result_weather = weather_translate.text bot.send_message(, "🌡️ La temperatura in " + city + " è di " + str(temp) + "°C") bot.send_message(, "🌧️ La condizione è " + result_weather) #Command /stats @bot.message_handler(commands=['stats']) def uptime(message): print("Triggered command STATS.") cpuUsage = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) ramTotal = int(psutil.virtual_memory().total/(1024*1024)) #GB ramUsage = int(psutil.virtual_memory().used/(1024*1024)) #GB ramFree = int(psutil.virtual_memory().free/(1024*1024)) #GB ramUsagePercent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent msg = ''' CPU & RAM Info 🟩 Utilizzo CPU = {} % RAM Totale = {} MB Usato = {} MB Libero = {} MB In uso = {} %\n'''.format(cpuUsage,ramTotal,ramUsage,ramFree,ramUsagePercent) bot.send_message(,msg) #Command /pastebin @bot.message_handler(commands=['pastebin']) def pastebin(message): print("Triggered command PASTEBIN.") sent_msg = bot.send_message(, "📋 Inserisci il testo:") bot.register_next_step_handler(sent_msg, pastebin_step) def pastebin_step(message): chat = text = message.text site = '' dev_key = os.environ.get('PASTEBIN_TOKEN') code = text our_data = urllib.parse.urlencode({"api_dev_key": dev_key, "api_option": "paste", "api_paste_code": code}) our_data = our_data.encode() resp = urllib.request.urlopen(site, our_data) resp = send_msg = "📋 Il tuo codice è stato inviato con successo!\n\nLink: " + str(resp) bot.send_message(chat,send_msg, parse_mode="HTML") #Command /epicgames @bot.message_handler(commands=['epicgames']) def epicgames(message): text = message.text bot.send_message(, "🎮 Vuoi vedere il gioco disponibile al momento o quello futuro? (disponibile/futuro)") bot.register_next_step_handler(message, epicgames_step) def epicgames_step(message): text = message.text if text == 'disponibile': print("Triggered command EPICGAMES DISPONIBILE.") #URL API url = "" response = requests.get(url).json() #Title of current games current_games = response['currentGames'][0]['title'] #Image current games image_currentgames = response['currentGames'][0]['keyImages'][0]['url'] #Description current games current_games_description = response['currentGames'][0]['description'] #Token for translate translator = deepl.Translator(os.getenv('DEEPL_TOKEN')) #Translate description current games description_translate = translator.translate_text(current_games_description, target_lang='IT') result_description = description_translate.text send_img = bot.send_photo(, image_currentgames) sent_msg = bot.send_message(, "🎮 Il gioco gratis di oggi è " + current_games + "\n\n" + result_description) else: print("Triggered command EPICGAMES FUTURO.") #URL API url = "" response = requests.get(url).json() #Title of future games future_games1 = response['nextGames'][0]['title'] #Image future games image_futuregames1 = response['nextGames'][0]['keyImages'][0]['url'] #Description future games future_games_description1 = response['nextGames'][0]['description'] #Token for translate translator = deepl.Translator(os.getenv('DEEPL_TOKEN')) description_translate1 = translator.translate_text(future_games_description1, target_lang='IT') result_description1 = description_translate1.text send_img = bot.send_photo(, image_futuregames1) sent_msg = bot.send_message(, "🎮 Il gioco futuro è " + future_games1 + "\n\n" + result_description1) #Title of future games future_games2 = response['nextGames'][1]['title'] #Image future games image_futuregames2 = response['nextGames'][1]['keyImages'][0]['url'] #Description future games future_games_description2 = response['nextGames'][1]['description'] #Traslate description future games description_translate2 = translator.translate_text(future_games_description2, target_lang='IT') result_description2 = description_translate2.text send_img = bot.send_photo(, image_futuregames2) sent_msg = bot.send_message(, "🎮 Il gioco futuro è " + future_games2 + "\n\n" + result_description2) bot.polling()