while True: print(''' Welcome to the calculator program! Created by: Stef58 Below is a list of the various functions available: -To perform an Addition, select 1; -To perform a Subtraction, select 2; -To perform a Multiplication, select 3; -To perform a Split, select 4; -To perform an Exponential Calculation, select 5; -To exit the program you can type ESC; ''') scelta = input('Enter the number corresponding to the selected operation ---> ') if scelta == "1": print('\nYou have chosen: Addition\n') a = float(input('Enter the First Number -> ')) b = float(input('Enter the Second Number -> ')) print('The sum result is: ' + str(a + b)) elif scelta == "2": print('\nYou have chosen: Subtraction\n') a = float(input('Enter the First Number -> ')) b = float(input('Enter the Second Number -> ')) print('Il risultato della Sottrazione è: ' + str(a - b)) elif scelta == "3": print('\nHai scelto: Moltiplicazione\n') a = float(input('Enter the First Number -> ')) b = float(input('Enter the Second Number -> ')) print('Il risultato della Moltiplicazione è: ' + str(a * b)) elif scelta == "4": print('\nHai scelto: Divisione\n') a = float(input('Enter the First Number -> ')) b = float(input('Enter the Second Number -> ')) print('Il risultato della Divisione è: ' + str(a / b)) elif scelta == "5": print('\nHai scelto: Calcolo Esponenziale\n') a = float(input('Insert the Base -> ')) b = float(input('Enter the Exponent -> ')) print('The result of the Exponential Calculation is: ' + str(a ** b)) elif scelta == "ESC": print('''The application will now be closed! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++''') break loop = input('\nYou want to continue using the application? Y/N ') if loop == "Y" or loop == "y": print('''I'm going back to the main menu! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++''') continue else: print('''Thank you and goodbye! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++''') break