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synced 2025-02-02 09:46:43 +01:00
Fixing a bug in the oauth callback URL registration where the lack of provider context was overwriting the previous oauth callback route registration call.
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package writefreely
import (
// TokenResponse contains data returned when a token is created either
// through a code exchange or using a refresh token.
type TokenResponse struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in"`
RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`
TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// InspectResponse contains data returned when an access token is inspected.
type InspectResponse struct {
ClientID string `json:"client_id"`
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expires_at"`
Username string `json:"username"`
DisplayName string `json:"-"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Error string `json:"error"`
// tokenRequestMaxLen is the most bytes that we'll read from the /oauth/token
// endpoint. One megabyte is plenty.
const tokenRequestMaxLen = 1000000
// infoRequestMaxLen is the most bytes that we'll read from the
// /oauth/inspect endpoint.
const infoRequestMaxLen = 1000000
// OAuthDatastoreProvider provides a minimal interface of data store, config,
// and session store for use with the oauth handlers.
type OAuthDatastoreProvider interface {
DB() OAuthDatastore
Config() *config.Config
SessionStore() sessions.Store
// OAuthDatastore provides a minimal interface of data store methods used in
// oauth functionality.
type OAuthDatastore interface {
GetIDForRemoteUser(context.Context, string, string, string) (int64, error)
RecordRemoteUserID(context.Context, int64, string, string, string, string) error
ValidateOAuthState(context.Context, string) (string, string, error)
GenerateOAuthState(context.Context, string, string) (string, error)
CreateUser(*config.Config, *User, string) error
GetUserByID(int64) (*User, error)
type HttpClient interface {
Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type oauthClient interface {
GetProvider() string
GetClientID() string
GetCallbackLocation() string
buildLoginURL(state string) (string, error)
exchangeOauthCode(ctx context.Context, code string) (*TokenResponse, error)
inspectOauthAccessToken(ctx context.Context, accessToken string) (*InspectResponse, error)
type callbackProxyClient struct {
server string
callbackLocation string
httpClient HttpClient
type oauthHandler struct {
Config *config.Config
DB OAuthDatastore
Store sessions.Store
EmailKey []byte
oauthClient oauthClient
callbackProxy *callbackProxyClient
func (h oauthHandler) viewOauthInit(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
ctx := r.Context()
state, err := h.DB.GenerateOAuthState(ctx, h.oauthClient.GetProvider(), h.oauthClient.GetClientID())
if err != nil {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "could not prepare oauth redirect url"}
if h.callbackProxy != nil {
if err := h.callbackProxy.register(ctx, state); err != nil {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "could not register state server"}
location, err := h.oauthClient.buildLoginURL(state)
if err != nil {
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "could not prepare oauth redirect url"}
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, location}
func configureSlackOauth(parentHandler *Handler, r *mux.Router, app *App) {
if app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientID != "" {
callbackLocation := app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/slack"
var stateRegisterClient *callbackProxyClient = nil
if app.Config().SlackOauth.CallbackProxyAPI != "" {
stateRegisterClient = &callbackProxyClient{
server: app.Config().SlackOauth.CallbackProxyAPI,
callbackLocation: app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/slack",
httpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(),
callbackLocation = app.Config().SlackOauth.CallbackProxy
oauthClient := slackOauthClient{
ClientID: app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientID,
ClientSecret: app.Config().SlackOauth.ClientSecret,
TeamID: app.Config().SlackOauth.TeamID,
HttpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(),
CallbackLocation: callbackLocation,
configureOauthRoutes(parentHandler, r, app, oauthClient, stateRegisterClient)
func configureWriteAsOauth(parentHandler *Handler, r *mux.Router, app *App) {
if app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID != "" {
callbackLocation := app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/write.as"
var callbackProxy *callbackProxyClient = nil
if app.Config().WriteAsOauth.CallbackProxy != "" {
callbackProxy = &callbackProxyClient{
server: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.CallbackProxyAPI,
callbackLocation: app.Config().App.Host + "/oauth/callback/write.as",
httpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(),
callbackLocation = app.Config().SlackOauth.CallbackProxy
oauthClient := writeAsOauthClient{
ClientID: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientID,
ClientSecret: app.Config().WriteAsOauth.ClientSecret,
ExchangeLocation: config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().WriteAsOauth.TokenLocation, writeAsExchangeLocation),
InspectLocation: config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().WriteAsOauth.InspectLocation, writeAsIdentityLocation),
AuthLocation: config.OrDefaultString(app.Config().WriteAsOauth.AuthLocation, writeAsAuthLocation),
HttpClient: config.DefaultHTTPClient(),
CallbackLocation: callbackLocation,
configureOauthRoutes(parentHandler, r, app, oauthClient, callbackProxy)
func configureOauthRoutes(parentHandler *Handler, r *mux.Router, app *App, oauthClient oauthClient, callbackProxy *callbackProxyClient) {
handler := &oauthHandler{
Config: app.Config(),
DB: app.DB(),
Store: app.SessionStore(),
oauthClient: oauthClient,
EmailKey: app.keys.EmailKey,
callbackProxy: callbackProxy,
r.HandleFunc("/oauth/"+oauthClient.GetProvider(), parentHandler.OAuth(handler.viewOauthInit)).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc("/oauth/callback/"+oauthClient.GetProvider(), parentHandler.OAuth(handler.viewOauthCallback)).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc("/oauth/signup", parentHandler.OAuth(handler.viewOauthSignup)).Methods("POST")
func (h oauthHandler) viewOauthCallback(app *App, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
ctx := r.Context()
code := r.FormValue("code")
state := r.FormValue("state")
provider, clientID, err := h.DB.ValidateOAuthState(ctx, state)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to ValidateOAuthState: %s", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()}
tokenResponse, err := h.oauthClient.exchangeOauthCode(ctx, code)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to exchangeOauthCode: %s", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()}
// Now that we have the access token, let's use it real quick to make sur
// it really really works.
tokenInfo, err := h.oauthClient.inspectOauthAccessToken(ctx, tokenResponse.AccessToken)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to inspectOauthAccessToken: %s", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()}
localUserID, err := h.DB.GetIDForRemoteUser(ctx, tokenInfo.UserID, provider, clientID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to GetIDForRemoteUser: %s", err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()}
if localUserID != -1 {
user, err := h.DB.GetUserByID(localUserID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to GetUserByID %d: %s", localUserID, err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()}
if err = loginOrFail(h.Store, w, r, user); err != nil {
log.Error("Unable to loginOrFail %d: %s", localUserID, err)
return impart.HTTPError{http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()}
return nil
tp := &oauthSignupPageParams{
AccessToken: tokenResponse.AccessToken,
TokenUsername: tokenInfo.Username,
TokenAlias: tokenInfo.DisplayName,
TokenEmail: tokenInfo.Email,
TokenRemoteUser: tokenInfo.UserID,
Provider: provider,
ClientID: clientID,
tp.TokenHash = tp.HashTokenParams(h.Config.Server.HashSeed)
return h.showOauthSignupPage(app, w, r, tp, nil)
func (r *callbackProxyClient) register(ctx context.Context, state string) error {
form := url.Values{}
form.Add("state", state)
form.Add("location", r.callbackLocation)
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "POST", r.server, strings.NewReader(form.Encode()))
if err != nil {
return err
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "writefreely")
req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
resp, err := r.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
return fmt.Errorf("unable register state location: %d", resp.StatusCode)
return nil
func limitedJsonUnmarshal(body io.ReadCloser, n int, thing interface{}) error {
lr := io.LimitReader(body, int64(n+1))
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(lr)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(data) == n+1 {
return fmt.Errorf("content larger than max read allowance: %d", n)
return json.Unmarshal(data, thing)
func loginOrFail(store sessions.Store, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User) error {
// An error may be returned, but a valid session should always be returned.
session, _ := store.Get(r, cookieName)
session.Values[cookieUserVal] = user.Cookie()
if err := session.Save(r, w); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error saving session", err)
return err
http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
return nil