function toLocalDate(dateEl, displayEl) { var d = new Date(dateEl.getAttribute("datetime")); displayEl.textContent = d.toLocaleDateString(navigator.language || "en-US", { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }); } // Adjust dates on individual post pages, and on posts in a list *with* an explicit title var $dates = document.querySelectorAll("article > time"); for (var i=0; i < $dates.length; i++) { toLocalDate($dates[i], $dates[i]); } // Adjust dates on posts in a list without an explicit title, where they act as the header $dates = document.querySelectorAll(" > time"); for (i=0; i < $dates.length; i++) { toLocalDate($dates[i], $dates[i].querySelector('a')); }