{{define "view-user"}} {{template "header" .}}
{{template "admin-header" .}}


{{if .NewPassword}}

This user's password has been reset to:

They can use this new password to log in to their account. This will only be shown once, so be sure to copy it and send it to them now.

{{if .User.Email}}

Their email address is: {{.ClearEmail}}

No. {{.User.ID}}
Type {{if .User.IsAdmin}}Admin{{else}}User{{end}}
Username {{.User.Username}}
Joined {{.User.CreatedFriendly}}
Total Posts {{.TotalPosts}}
Last Post {{if .LastPost}}{{.LastPost}}{{else}}Never{{end}}
Password {{if ne .Username .User.Username}}
{{else}} Change your password {{end}}


{{range .Colls}}


{{if $.Config.Federation}} {{end}}
Alias {{.Alias}}
Title {{.Title}}
Description {{.Description}}
Visibility {{.FriendlyVisibility}}
Views {{.Views}}
Posts {{.TotalPosts}}
Last Post {{if .LastPost}}{{.LastPost}}{{else}}Never{{end}}
Fediverse Followers {{.Followers}}
{{template "footer" .}} {{end}}