{{define "articles"}} {{template "header" .}}
{{if .Flashes}}{{end}} {{if .Suspended}} {{template "user-suspended"}} {{end}}


{{ if .AnonymousPosts }}

These are your draft posts. You can share them individually (without a blog) or move them to your blog when you're ready.

{{ range $el := .AnonymousPosts }}

edit delete {{ if $.Collections }} {{if gt (len $.Collections) 1}}
{{else}} {{range $.Collections}} move to {{.DisplayTitle}} {{end}} {{end}} {{ end }}

{{if .Summary}}


{{ else }}

Your anonymous and draft posts will show up here once you've published some. You'll be able to share them individually (without a blog) or move them to a blog when you're ready.

{{if not .SingleUser}}

Alternatively, see your blogs and their posts on your Blogs page.


Start writing

{{ end }}
{{template "footer" .}} {{end}}