baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Takahē" theme = "cayman" # Syntax highlighting pygmentsCodefences = true pygmentsStyle = "pygments" [params] # Header text, can be markdown project_name = "Takahē" project_tagline = "An efficient ActivityPub Server, for small installs with multiple domains" # Date format for post list and single pages # For more date formats see dateFormat = "2006-01-02" # Footer text, can be markdown footer = "Theme based on [Cayman](" # If true, the CSS/JS for Katex math typesetting are enabled katex = true # Breakpoints large_breakpoint = "64em" medium_breakpoint = "42em" # Header colors header_heading_color = "#fff" header_background_color = "#26323c" header_background_color_secondary = "#27343e" # Text colors section_headings_color = "#005487" body_text_color = "#606c71" body_link_color = "#1e6bb8" blockquote_text_color = "#819198" # Code colors code_background_color = "#f3f6fa" code_text_color = "#567482" # Border colors border_color = "#dce6f0" table_border_color = "#e9ebec" hr_border_color = "#eff0f1" [menu] [[menu.nav]] name = "About" url = "/about/" weight = 1 [[menu.nav]] name = "GitHub" url = "" weight = 3 [[menu.nav]] name = "Docs" url = "" weight = 2 [[menu.nav]] name = "Discord" url = "" weight = 4 [[menu.nav]] name = "@takahe" url = "" weight = 5