Daniele Sluijters acc333c40b
[feature] Inherit resource limits from cgroups (#1336)
When GTS is running in a container runtime which has configured CPU or
memory limits or under an init system that uses cgroups to impose CPU
and memory limits the values the Go runtime sees for GOMAXPROCS and
GOMEMLIMIT are still based on the host resources, not the cgroup.

At least for the throttling middlewares which use GOMAXPROCS to
configure their queue size, this can result in GTS running with values
too big compared to the resources that will actuall be available to it.

This introduces 2 dependencies which can pick up resource contraints
from the current cgroup and tune the Go runtime accordingly. This should
result in the different queues being appropriately sized and in general
more predictable performance. These dependencies are a no-op on
non-Linux systems or if running in a cgroup that doesn't set a limit on
CPU or memory.

The automatic tuning of GOMEMLIMIT can be disabled by either explicitly
setting GOMEMLIMIT yourself or by setting AUTOMEMLIMIT=off. The
automatic tuning of GOMAXPROCS can similarly be counteracted by setting
GOMAXPROCS yourself.
2023-01-17 20:59:04 +00:00

92 lines
2.3 KiB

# Test the current package under a different kernel.
# Requires virtme and qemu to be installed.
set -eu
set -o pipefail
if [[ "${1:-}" = "--in-vm" ]]; then
mount -t bpf bpf /sys/fs/bpf
export CGO_ENABLED=0
export GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly
export GOPATH=/run/go-path
export GOPROXY=file:///run/go-path/pkg/mod/cache/download
export GOSUMDB=off
export GOCACHE=/run/go-cache
if [[ -d "/run/input/bpf" ]]; then
export KERNEL_SELFTESTS="/run/input/bpf"
readonly output="${1}"
echo Running tests...
go test -v -coverpkg=./... -coverprofile="$output/coverage.txt" -count 1 ./...
touch "$output/success"
exit 0
# Pull all dependencies, so that we can run tests without the
# vm having network access.
go mod download
# Use sudo if /dev/kvm isn't accessible by the current user.
if [[ ! -r /dev/kvm || ! -w /dev/kvm ]]; then
readonly sudo
readonly kernel_version="${1:-}"
if [[ -z "${kernel_version}" ]]; then
echo "Expecting kernel version as first argument"
exit 1
readonly kernel="linux-${kernel_version}.bz"
readonly selftests="linux-${kernel_version}-selftests-bpf.bz"
readonly input="$(mktemp -d)"
readonly output="$(mktemp -d)"
readonly tmp_dir="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"
readonly branch="${BRANCH:-master}"
fetch() {
echo Fetching "${1}"
wget -nv -N -P "${tmp_dir}" "https://github.com/cilium/ci-kernels/raw/${branch}/${1}"
fetch "${kernel}"
if fetch "${selftests}"; then
mkdir "${input}/bpf"
tar --strip-components=4 -xjf "${tmp_dir}/${selftests}" -C "${input}/bpf"
echo "No selftests found, disabling"
echo Testing on "${kernel_version}"
$sudo virtme-run --kimg "${tmp_dir}/${kernel}" --memory 512M --pwd \
--rw \
--rwdir=/run/input="${input}" \
--rwdir=/run/output="${output}" \
--rodir=/run/go-path="$(go env GOPATH)" \
--rwdir=/run/go-cache="$(go env GOCACHE)" \
--script-sh "PATH=\"$PATH\" $(realpath "$0") --in-vm /run/output" \
--qemu-opts -smp 2 # need at least two CPUs for some tests
if [[ ! -e "${output}/success" ]]; then
echo "Test failed on ${kernel_version}"
exit 1
echo "Test successful on ${kernel_version}"
if [[ -v COVERALLS_TOKEN ]]; then
goveralls -coverprofile="${output}/coverage.txt" -service=semaphore -repotoken "$COVERALLS_TOKEN"
$sudo rm -r "${input}"
$sudo rm -r "${output}"