kim c06e6fb656
[performance] update go-structr and go-mutexes with memory usage improvements (#2909)
* update go-structr and go-mutexes with memory usage improvements

* bump to go-structr v0.8.4
2024-05-13 08:05:46 +00:00

360 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright 2023 Dolthub, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package swiss
import (
const (
maxLoadFactor = float32(maxAvgGroupLoad) / float32(groupSize)
// Map is an open-addressing hash map
// based on Abseil's flat_hash_map.
type Map[K comparable, V any] struct {
ctrl []metadata
groups []group[K, V]
hash maphash.Hasher[K]
resident uint32
dead uint32
limit uint32
// metadata is the h2 metadata array for a group.
// find operations first probe the controls bytes
// to filter candidates before matching keys
type metadata [groupSize]int8
// group is a group of 16 key-value pairs
type group[K comparable, V any] struct {
keys [groupSize]K
values [groupSize]V
const (
h1Mask uint64 = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ff80
h2Mask uint64 = 0x0000_0000_0000_007f
empty int8 = -128 // 0b1000_0000
tombstone int8 = -2 // 0b1111_1110
// h1 is a 57 bit hash prefix
type h1 uint64
// h2 is a 7 bit hash suffix
type h2 int8
// NewMap constructs a Map.
func NewMap[K comparable, V any](sz uint32) (m *Map[K, V]) {
groups := numGroups(sz)
m = &Map[K, V]{
ctrl: make([]metadata, groups),
groups: make([]group[K, V], groups),
hash: maphash.NewHasher[K](),
limit: groups * maxAvgGroupLoad,
for i := range m.ctrl {
m.ctrl[i] = newEmptyMetadata()
// Has returns true if |key| is present in |m|.
func (m *Map[K, V]) Has(key K) (ok bool) {
hi, lo := splitHash(m.hash.Hash(key))
g := probeStart(hi, len(m.groups))
for { // inlined find loop
matches := metaMatchH2(&m.ctrl[g], lo)
for matches != 0 {
s := nextMatch(&matches)
if key == m.groups[g].keys[s] {
ok = true
// |key| is not in group |g|,
// stop probing if we see an empty slot
matches = metaMatchEmpty(&m.ctrl[g])
if matches != 0 {
ok = false
g += 1 // linear probing
if g >= uint32(len(m.groups)) {
g = 0
// Get returns the |value| mapped by |key| if one exists.
func (m *Map[K, V]) Get(key K) (value V, ok bool) {
hi, lo := splitHash(m.hash.Hash(key))
g := probeStart(hi, len(m.groups))
for { // inlined find loop
matches := metaMatchH2(&m.ctrl[g], lo)
for matches != 0 {
s := nextMatch(&matches)
if key == m.groups[g].keys[s] {
value, ok = m.groups[g].values[s], true
// |key| is not in group |g|,
// stop probing if we see an empty slot
matches = metaMatchEmpty(&m.ctrl[g])
if matches != 0 {
ok = false
g += 1 // linear probing
if g >= uint32(len(m.groups)) {
g = 0
// Put attempts to insert |key| and |value|
func (m *Map[K, V]) Put(key K, value V) {
if m.resident >= m.limit {
hi, lo := splitHash(m.hash.Hash(key))
g := probeStart(hi, len(m.groups))
for { // inlined find loop
matches := metaMatchH2(&m.ctrl[g], lo)
for matches != 0 {
s := nextMatch(&matches)
if key == m.groups[g].keys[s] { // update
m.groups[g].keys[s] = key
m.groups[g].values[s] = value
// |key| is not in group |g|,
// stop probing if we see an empty slot
matches = metaMatchEmpty(&m.ctrl[g])
if matches != 0 { // insert
s := nextMatch(&matches)
m.groups[g].keys[s] = key
m.groups[g].values[s] = value
m.ctrl[g][s] = int8(lo)
g += 1 // linear probing
if g >= uint32(len(m.groups)) {
g = 0
// Delete attempts to remove |key|, returns true successful.
func (m *Map[K, V]) Delete(key K) (ok bool) {
hi, lo := splitHash(m.hash.Hash(key))
g := probeStart(hi, len(m.groups))
for {
matches := metaMatchH2(&m.ctrl[g], lo)
for matches != 0 {
s := nextMatch(&matches)
if key == m.groups[g].keys[s] {
ok = true
// optimization: if |m.ctrl[g]| contains any empty
// metadata bytes, we can physically delete |key|
// rather than placing a tombstone.
// The observation is that any probes into group |g|
// would already be terminated by the existing empty
// slot, and therefore reclaiming slot |s| will not
// cause premature termination of probes into |g|.
if metaMatchEmpty(&m.ctrl[g]) != 0 {
m.ctrl[g][s] = empty
} else {
m.ctrl[g][s] = tombstone
var k K
var v V
m.groups[g].keys[s] = k
m.groups[g].values[s] = v
// |key| is not in group |g|,
// stop probing if we see an empty slot
matches = metaMatchEmpty(&m.ctrl[g])
if matches != 0 { // |key| absent
ok = false
g += 1 // linear probing
if g >= uint32(len(m.groups)) {
g = 0
// Iter iterates the elements of the Map, passing them to the callback.
// It guarantees that any key in the Map will be visited only once, and
// for un-mutated Maps, every key will be visited once. If the Map is
// Mutated during iteration, mutations will be reflected on return from
// Iter, but the set of keys visited by Iter is non-deterministic.
func (m *Map[K, V]) Iter(cb func(k K, v V) (stop bool)) {
// take a consistent view of the table in case
// we rehash during iteration
ctrl, groups := m.ctrl, m.groups
// pick a random starting group
g := randIntN(len(groups))
for n := 0; n < len(groups); n++ {
for s, c := range ctrl[g] {
if c == empty || c == tombstone {
k, v := groups[g].keys[s], groups[g].values[s]
if stop := cb(k, v); stop {
if g >= uint32(len(groups)) {
g = 0
// Clear removes all elements from the Map.
func (m *Map[K, V]) Clear() {
for i, c := range m.ctrl {
for j := range c {
m.ctrl[i][j] = empty
var k K
var v V
for i := range m.groups {
g := &m.groups[i]
for i := range g.keys {
g.keys[i] = k
g.values[i] = v
m.resident, m.dead = 0, 0
// Count returns the number of elements in the Map.
func (m *Map[K, V]) Count() int {
return int(m.resident - m.dead)
// Capacity returns the number of additional elements
// the can be added to the Map before resizing.
func (m *Map[K, V]) Capacity() int {
return int(m.limit - m.resident)
// find returns the location of |key| if present, or its insertion location if absent.
// for performance, find is manually inlined into public methods.
func (m *Map[K, V]) find(key K, hi h1, lo h2) (g, s uint32, ok bool) {
g = probeStart(hi, len(m.groups))
for {
matches := metaMatchH2(&m.ctrl[g], lo)
for matches != 0 {
s = nextMatch(&matches)
if key == m.groups[g].keys[s] {
return g, s, true
// |key| is not in group |g|,
// stop probing if we see an empty slot
matches = metaMatchEmpty(&m.ctrl[g])
if matches != 0 {
s = nextMatch(&matches)
return g, s, false
g += 1 // linear probing
if g >= uint32(len(m.groups)) {
g = 0
func (m *Map[K, V]) nextSize() (n uint32) {
n = uint32(len(m.groups)) * 2
if m.dead >= (m.resident / 2) {
n = uint32(len(m.groups))
func (m *Map[K, V]) rehash(n uint32) {
groups, ctrl := m.groups, m.ctrl
m.groups = make([]group[K, V], n)
m.ctrl = make([]metadata, n)
for i := range m.ctrl {
m.ctrl[i] = newEmptyMetadata()
m.hash = maphash.NewSeed(m.hash)
m.limit = n * maxAvgGroupLoad
m.resident, m.dead = 0, 0
for g := range ctrl {
for s := range ctrl[g] {
c := ctrl[g][s]
if c == empty || c == tombstone {
m.Put(groups[g].keys[s], groups[g].values[s])
func (m *Map[K, V]) loadFactor() float32 {
slots := float32(len(m.groups) * groupSize)
return float32(m.resident-m.dead) / slots
// numGroups returns the minimum number of groups needed to store |n| elems.
func numGroups(n uint32) (groups uint32) {
groups = (n + maxAvgGroupLoad - 1) / maxAvgGroupLoad
if groups == 0 {
groups = 1
func newEmptyMetadata() (meta metadata) {
for i := range meta {
meta[i] = empty
func splitHash(h uint64) (h1, h2) {
return h1((h & h1Mask) >> 7), h2(h & h2Mask)
func probeStart(hi h1, groups int) uint32 {
return fastModN(uint32(hi), uint32(groups))
func fastModN(x, n uint32) uint32 {
return uint32((uint64(x) * uint64(n)) >> 32)
// randIntN returns a random number in the interval [0, n).
func randIntN(n int) uint32 {
return fastModN(fastrand(), uint32(n))