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package sqlite3
import (
// Conn is a database connection handle.
// A Conn is not safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/sqlite3.html
type Conn struct {
interrupt context.Context
pending *Stmt
stmts []*Stmt
timer *time.Timer
busy func(context.Context, int) bool
log func(xErrorCode, string)
collation func(*Conn, string)
wal func(*Conn, string, int) error
trace func(TraceEvent, any, any) error
authorizer func(AuthorizerActionCode, string, string, string, string) AuthorizerReturnCode
update func(AuthorizerActionCode, string, string, int64)
commit func() bool
rollback func()
arena arena
handle uint32
// Open calls [OpenFlags] with [OPEN_READWRITE], [OPEN_CREATE] and [OPEN_URI].
func Open(filename string) (*Conn, error) {
return newConn(context.Background(), filename, OPEN_READWRITE|OPEN_CREATE|OPEN_URI)
// OpenContext is like [Open] but includes a context,
// which is used to interrupt the process of opening the connectiton.
func OpenContext(ctx context.Context, filename string) (*Conn, error) {
return newConn(ctx, filename, OPEN_READWRITE|OPEN_CREATE|OPEN_URI)
// OpenFlags opens an SQLite database file as specified by the filename argument.
// If none of the required flags are used, a combination of [OPEN_READWRITE] and [OPEN_CREATE] is used.
// If a URI filename is used, PRAGMA statements to execute can be specified using "_pragma":
// sqlite3.Open("file:demo.db?_pragma=busy_timeout(10000)")
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html
func OpenFlags(filename string, flags OpenFlag) (*Conn, error) {
return newConn(context.Background(), filename, flags)
type connKey struct{}
func newConn(ctx context.Context, filename string, flags OpenFlag) (res *Conn, _ error) {
err := ctx.Err()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &Conn{interrupt: ctx}
c.sqlite, err = instantiateSQLite()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if res == nil {
} else {
c.interrupt = context.Background()
c.ctx = context.WithValue(c.ctx, connKey{}, c)
c.arena = c.newArena(1024)
c.handle, err = c.openDB(filename, flags)
if err == nil {
err = initExtensions(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (c *Conn) openDB(filename string, flags OpenFlag) (uint32, error) {
defer c.arena.mark()()
connPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
namePtr := c.arena.string(filename)
r := c.call("sqlite3_open_v2", uint64(namePtr), uint64(connPtr), uint64(flags), 0)
handle := util.ReadUint32(c.mod, connPtr)
if err := c.sqlite.error(r, handle); err != nil {
return 0, err
c.call("sqlite3_progress_handler_go", uint64(handle), 100)
if flags|OPEN_URI != 0 && strings.HasPrefix(filename, "file:") {
var pragmas strings.Builder
if _, after, ok := strings.Cut(filename, "?"); ok {
query, _ := url.ParseQuery(after)
for _, p := range query["_pragma"] {
pragmas.WriteString(`PRAGMA `)
if pragmas.Len() != 0 {
pragmaPtr := c.arena.string(pragmas.String())
r := c.call("sqlite3_exec", uint64(handle), uint64(pragmaPtr), 0, 0, 0)
if err := c.sqlite.error(r, handle, pragmas.String()); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("sqlite3: invalid _pragma: %w", err)
return 0, err
return handle, nil
func (c *Conn) closeDB(handle uint32) {
r := c.call("sqlite3_close_v2", uint64(handle))
if err := c.sqlite.error(r, handle); err != nil {
// Close closes the database connection.
// If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared statements,
// open blob handles, and/or unfinished backup objects,
// Close will leave the database connection open and return [BUSY].
// It is safe to close a nil, zero or closed Conn.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/close.html
func (c *Conn) Close() error {
if c == nil || c.handle == 0 {
return nil
c.pending = nil
r := c.call("sqlite3_close", uint64(c.handle))
if err := c.error(r); err != nil {
return err
c.handle = 0
return c.close()
// Exec is a convenience function that allows an application to run
// multiple statements of SQL without having to use a lot of code.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/exec.html
func (c *Conn) Exec(sql string) error {
defer c.arena.mark()()
sqlPtr := c.arena.string(sql)
r := c.call("sqlite3_exec", uint64(c.handle), uint64(sqlPtr), 0, 0, 0)
return c.error(r, sql)
// Prepare calls [Conn.PrepareFlags] with no flags.
func (c *Conn) Prepare(sql string) (stmt *Stmt, tail string, err error) {
return c.PrepareFlags(sql, 0)
// PrepareFlags compiles the first SQL statement in sql;
// tail is left pointing to what remains uncompiled.
// If the input text contains no SQL (if the input is an empty string or a comment),
// both stmt and err will be nil.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/prepare.html
func (c *Conn) PrepareFlags(sql string, flags PrepareFlag) (stmt *Stmt, tail string, err error) {
if len(sql) > _MAX_SQL_LENGTH {
return nil, "", TOOBIG
defer c.arena.mark()()
stmtPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
tailPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
sqlPtr := c.arena.string(sql)
r := c.call("sqlite3_prepare_v3", uint64(c.handle),
uint64(sqlPtr), uint64(len(sql)+1), uint64(flags),
uint64(stmtPtr), uint64(tailPtr))
stmt = &Stmt{c: c}
stmt.handle = util.ReadUint32(c.mod, stmtPtr)
if sql := sql[util.ReadUint32(c.mod, tailPtr)-sqlPtr:]; sql != "" {
tail = sql
if err := c.error(r, sql); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if stmt.handle == 0 {
return nil, "", nil
c.stmts = append(c.stmts, stmt)
return stmt, tail, nil
// DBName returns the schema name for n-th database on the database connection.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/db_name.html
func (c *Conn) DBName(n int) string {
r := c.call("sqlite3_db_name", uint64(c.handle), uint64(n))
ptr := uint32(r)
if ptr == 0 {
return ""
return util.ReadString(c.mod, ptr, _MAX_NAME)
// Filename returns the filename for a database.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/db_filename.html
func (c *Conn) Filename(schema string) *vfs.Filename {
var ptr uint32
if schema != "" {
defer c.arena.mark()()
ptr = c.arena.string(schema)
r := c.call("sqlite3_db_filename", uint64(c.handle), uint64(ptr))
return vfs.GetFilename(c.ctx, c.mod, uint32(r), vfs.OPEN_MAIN_DB)
// ReadOnly determines if a database is read-only.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/db_readonly.html
func (c *Conn) ReadOnly(schema string) (ro bool, ok bool) {
var ptr uint32
if schema != "" {
defer c.arena.mark()()
ptr = c.arena.string(schema)
r := c.call("sqlite3_db_readonly", uint64(c.handle), uint64(ptr))
return int32(r) > 0, int32(r) < 0
// GetAutocommit tests the connection for auto-commit mode.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/get_autocommit.html
func (c *Conn) GetAutocommit() bool {
r := c.call("sqlite3_get_autocommit", uint64(c.handle))
return r != 0
// LastInsertRowID returns the rowid of the most recent successful INSERT
// on the database connection.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/last_insert_rowid.html
func (c *Conn) LastInsertRowID() int64 {
r := c.call("sqlite3_last_insert_rowid", uint64(c.handle))
return int64(r)
// SetLastInsertRowID allows the application to set the value returned by
// [Conn.LastInsertRowID].
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/set_last_insert_rowid.html
func (c *Conn) SetLastInsertRowID(id int64) {
c.call("sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid", uint64(c.handle), uint64(id))
// Changes returns the number of rows modified, inserted or deleted
// by the most recently completed INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement
// on the database connection.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/changes.html
func (c *Conn) Changes() int64 {
r := c.call("sqlite3_changes64", uint64(c.handle))
return int64(r)
// TotalChanges returns the number of rows modified, inserted or deleted
// by all INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements completed
// since the database connection was opened.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/total_changes.html
func (c *Conn) TotalChanges() int64 {
r := c.call("sqlite3_total_changes64", uint64(c.handle))
return int64(r)
// ReleaseMemory frees memory used by a database connection.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/db_release_memory.html
func (c *Conn) ReleaseMemory() error {
r := c.call("sqlite3_db_release_memory", uint64(c.handle))
return c.error(r)
// GetInterrupt gets the context set with [Conn.SetInterrupt].
func (c *Conn) GetInterrupt() context.Context {
return c.interrupt
// SetInterrupt interrupts a long-running query when a context is done.
// Subsequent uses of the connection will return [INTERRUPT]
// until the context is reset by another call to SetInterrupt.
// To associate a timeout with a connection:
// ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 100*time.Millisecond)
// conn.SetInterrupt(ctx)
// defer cancel()
// SetInterrupt returns the old context assigned to the connection.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/interrupt.html
func (c *Conn) SetInterrupt(ctx context.Context) (old context.Context) {
old = c.interrupt
c.interrupt = ctx
if ctx == old || ctx.Done() == old.Done() {
return old
// A busy SQL statement prevents SQLite from ignoring an interrupt
// that comes before any other statements are started.
if c.pending == nil {
defer c.arena.mark()()
stmtPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
loopPtr := c.arena.string(`WITH RECURSIVE c(x) AS (VALUES(0) UNION ALL SELECT x FROM c) SELECT x FROM c`)
c.call("sqlite3_prepare_v3", uint64(c.handle), uint64(loopPtr), math.MaxUint64,
uint64(PREPARE_PERSISTENT), uint64(stmtPtr), 0)
c.pending = &Stmt{c: c}
c.pending.handle = util.ReadUint32(c.mod, stmtPtr)
if old.Done() != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {
if ctx.Done() != nil {
return old
func (c *Conn) checkInterrupt(handle uint32) {
if c.interrupt.Err() != nil {
c.call("sqlite3_interrupt", uint64(handle))
func progressCallback(ctx context.Context, mod api.Module, _ uint32) (interrupt uint32) {
if c, ok := ctx.Value(connKey{}).(*Conn); ok && c.interrupt.Err() != nil {
interrupt = 1
return interrupt
// BusyTimeout sets a busy timeout.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/busy_timeout.html
func (c *Conn) BusyTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error {
ms := min((timeout+time.Millisecond-1)/time.Millisecond, math.MaxInt32)
r := c.call("sqlite3_busy_timeout", uint64(c.handle), uint64(ms))
return c.error(r)
func timeoutCallback(ctx context.Context, mod api.Module, count, tmout int32) (retry uint32) {
if c, ok := ctx.Value(connKey{}).(*Conn); ok && c.interrupt.Err() == nil {
const delays = "\x01\x02\x05\x0a\x0f\x14\x19\x19\x19\x32\x32\x64"
const totals = "\x00\x01\x03\x08\x12\x21\x35\x4e\x67\x80\xb2\xe4"
const ndelay = int32(len(delays) - 1)
var delay, prior int32
if count <= ndelay {
delay = int32(delays[count])
prior = int32(totals[count])
} else {
delay = int32(delays[ndelay])
prior = int32(totals[ndelay]) + delay*(count-ndelay)
if delay = min(delay, tmout-prior); delay > 0 {
delay := time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond
if c.interrupt.Done() == nil {
return 1
if c.timer == nil {
c.timer = time.NewTimer(delay)
} else {
select {
case <-c.interrupt.Done():
case <-c.timer.C:
return 1
return 0
// BusyHandler registers a callback to handle [BUSY] errors.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/busy_handler.html
func (c *Conn) BusyHandler(cb func(ctx context.Context, count int) (retry bool)) error {
var enable uint64
if cb != nil {
enable = 1
r := c.call("sqlite3_busy_handler_go", uint64(c.handle), enable)
if err := c.error(r); err != nil {
return err
c.busy = cb
return nil
func busyCallback(ctx context.Context, mod api.Module, pDB uint32, count int32) (retry uint32) {
if c, ok := ctx.Value(connKey{}).(*Conn); ok && c.handle == pDB && c.busy != nil {
interrupt := c.interrupt
if interrupt == nil {
interrupt = context.Background()
if interrupt.Err() == nil && c.busy(interrupt, int(count)) {
retry = 1
return retry
// Status retrieves runtime status information about a database connection.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/db_status.html
func (c *Conn) Status(op DBStatus, reset bool) (current, highwater int, err error) {
defer c.arena.mark()()
hiPtr := c.arena.new(intlen)
curPtr := c.arena.new(intlen)
var i uint64
if reset {
i = 1
r := c.call("sqlite3_db_status", uint64(c.handle),
uint64(op), uint64(curPtr), uint64(hiPtr), i)
if err = c.error(r); err == nil {
current = int(util.ReadUint32(c.mod, curPtr))
highwater = int(util.ReadUint32(c.mod, hiPtr))
// TableColumnMetadata extracts metadata about a column of a table.
// https://sqlite.org/c3ref/table_column_metadata.html
func (c *Conn) TableColumnMetadata(schema, table, column string) (declType, collSeq string, notNull, primaryKey, autoInc bool, err error) {
defer c.arena.mark()()
var schemaPtr, columnPtr uint32
declTypePtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
collSeqPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
notNullPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
autoIncPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
primaryKeyPtr := c.arena.new(ptrlen)
if schema != "" {
schemaPtr = c.arena.string(schema)
tablePtr := c.arena.string(table)
if column != "" {
columnPtr = c.arena.string(column)
r := c.call("sqlite3_table_column_metadata", uint64(c.handle),
uint64(schemaPtr), uint64(tablePtr), uint64(columnPtr),
uint64(declTypePtr), uint64(collSeqPtr),
uint64(notNullPtr), uint64(primaryKeyPtr), uint64(autoIncPtr))
if err = c.error(r); err == nil && column != "" {
declType = util.ReadString(c.mod, util.ReadUint32(c.mod, declTypePtr), _MAX_NAME)
collSeq = util.ReadString(c.mod, util.ReadUint32(c.mod, collSeqPtr), _MAX_NAME)
notNull = util.ReadUint32(c.mod, notNullPtr) != 0
autoInc = util.ReadUint32(c.mod, autoIncPtr) != 0
primaryKey = util.ReadUint32(c.mod, primaryKeyPtr) != 0
func (c *Conn) error(rc uint64, sql ...string) error {
return c.sqlite.error(rc, c.handle, sql...)
func (c *Conn) stmtsIter(yield func(*Stmt) bool) {
for _, s := range c.stmts {
if !yield(s) {