
492 lines
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Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package db
import (
// postgresService satisfies the DB interface
type postgresService struct {
config *config.DBConfig
conn *pg.DB
log *logrus.Entry
cancel context.CancelFunc
federationDB pub.Database
// newPostgresService returns a postgresService derived from the provided config, which implements the go-fed DB interface.
// Under the hood, it uses to create and maintain a database connection.
func newPostgresService(ctx context.Context, c *config.Config, log *logrus.Entry) (DB, error) {
opts, err := derivePGOptions(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create postgres service: %s", err)
log.Debugf("using pg options: %+v", opts)
readyChan := make(chan interface{})
opts.OnConnect = func(ctx context.Context, c *pg.Conn) error {
return nil
// create a connection
pgCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
conn := pg.Connect(opts).WithContext(pgCtx)
// this will break the logfmt format we normally log in,
// since we can't choose where pg outputs to and it defaults to
// stdout. So use this option with care!
if log.Logger.GetLevel() >= logrus.TraceLevel {
// Print all queries.
Verbose: true,
// actually *begin* the connection so that we can tell if the db is there
// and listening, and also trigger the opts.OnConnect function passed in above
if err := conn.Ping(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("db connection error: %s", err)
// print out discovered postgres version
var version string
if _, err = conn.QueryOneContext(ctx, pg.Scan(&version), "SELECT version()"); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("db connection error: %s", err)
log.Infof("connected to postgres version: %s", version)
// make sure the opts.OnConnect function has been triggered
// and closed the ready channel
select {
case <-readyChan:
log.Infof("postgres connection ready")
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return nil, errors.New("db connection timeout")
// we can confidently return this useable postgres service now
return &postgresService{
config: c.DBConfig,
conn: conn,
log: log,
cancel: cancel,
federationDB: newPostgresFederation(conn),
}, nil
// derivePGOptions takes an application config and returns either a ready-to-use *pg.Options
// with sensible defaults, or an error if it's not satisfied by the provided config.
func derivePGOptions(c *config.Config) (*pg.Options, error) {
if strings.ToUpper(c.DBConfig.Type) != dbTypePostgres {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected db type of %s but got %s", dbTypePostgres, c.DBConfig.Type)
// validate port
if c.DBConfig.Port == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no port set")
// validate address
if c.DBConfig.Address == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no address set")
ipv4Regex := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$`)
hostnameRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}$`)
if !hostnameRegex.MatchString(c.DBConfig.Address) && !ipv4Regex.MatchString(c.DBConfig.Address) && c.DBConfig.Address != "localhost" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("address %s was neither an ipv4 address nor a valid hostname", c.DBConfig.Address)
// validate username
if c.DBConfig.User == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no user set")
// validate that there's a password
if c.DBConfig.Password == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no password set")
// validate database
if c.DBConfig.Database == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no database set")
// We can rely on the pg library we're using to set
// sensible defaults for everything we don't set here.
options := &pg.Options{
Addr: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", c.DBConfig.Address, c.DBConfig.Port),
User: c.DBConfig.User,
Password: c.DBConfig.Password,
Database: c.DBConfig.Database,
ApplicationName: c.ApplicationName,
return options, nil
func (ps *postgresService) Federation() pub.Database {
return ps.federationDB
func (ps *postgresService) CreateTable(i interface{}) error {
return ps.conn.Model(i).CreateTable(&orm.CreateTableOptions{
IfNotExists: true,
func (ps *postgresService) DropTable(i interface{}) error {
return ps.conn.Model(i).DropTable(&orm.DropTableOptions{
IfExists: true,
func (ps *postgresService) Stop(ctx context.Context) error {
ps.log.Info("closing db connection")
if err := ps.conn.Close(); err != nil {
// only cancel if there's a problem closing the db
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) IsHealthy(ctx context.Context) error {
return ps.conn.Ping(ctx)
func (ps *postgresService) CreateSchema(ctx context.Context) error {
models := []interface{}{
ps.log.Info("creating db schema")
for _, model := range models {
err := ps.conn.Model(model).CreateTable(&orm.CreateTableOptions{
IfNotExists: true,
if err != nil {
return err
ps.log.Info("db schema created")
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetByID(id string, i interface{}) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where("id = ?", id).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetWhere(key string, value interface{}, i interface{}) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", key), value).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetAll(i interface{}) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(i).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) Put(i interface{}) error {
_, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Insert(i)
return err
func (ps *postgresService) UpdateByID(id string, i interface{}) error {
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(i).OnConflict("(id) DO UPDATE").Insert(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) DeleteByID(id string, i interface{}) error {
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where("id = ?", id).Delete(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) DeleteWhere(key string, value interface{}, i interface{}) error {
if _, err := ps.conn.Model(i).Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", key), value).Delete(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetAccountByUserID(userID string, account *model.Account) error {
user := &model.User{
ID: userID,
if err := ps.conn.Model(user).Where("id = ?", userID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
if err := ps.conn.Model(account).Where("id = ?", user.AccountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetFollowingByAccountID(accountID string, following *[]model.Follow) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(following).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetFollowersByAccountID(accountID string, followers *[]model.Follow) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(followers).Where("target_account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetStatusesByAccountID(accountID string, statuses *[]model.Status) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(statuses).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetStatusesByTimeDescending(accountID string, statuses *[]model.Status, limit int) error {
q := ps.conn.Model(statuses).Order("created_at DESC")
if limit != 0 {
q = q.Limit(limit)
if accountID != "" {
q = q.Where("account_id = ?", accountID)
if err := q.Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) GetLastStatusForAccountID(accountID string, status *model.Status) error {
if err := ps.conn.Model(status).Order("created_at DESC").Limit(1).Where("account_id = ?", accountID).Select(); err != nil {
if err == pg.ErrNoRows {
return ErrNoEntries{}
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) IsUsernameAvailable(username string) error {
// if no error we fail because it means we found something
// if error but it's not pg.ErrNoRows then we fail
// if err is pg.ErrNoRows we're good, we found nothing so continue
if err := ps.conn.Model(&model.Account{}).Where("username = ?").Where("domain = ?", nil).Select(); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("username %s already in use", username)
} else if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
return err
return nil
func (ps *postgresService) IsEmailAvailable(email string) error {
// if no error we fail because it means we found something
// if error but it's not db.ErrorNoEntries then we fail
// if err is ErrNoEntries we're good, we found nothing so continue
if err := ps.conn.Model(&model.Account{}).Where("email = ?", email).WhereOr("unconfirmed_email = ?", email).Select(); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("email %s already in use", email)
} else if err != pg.ErrNoRows {
return err
return nil
// AccountToMastoSensitive takes an internal account model and transforms it into an account ready to be served through the API.
// The resulting account fits the specifications for the path /api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials, as described here:
// Note that it's *sensitive* because it's only meant to be exposed to the user
// that the account actually belongs to.
func (ps *postgresService) AccountToMastoSensitive(a *model.Account) (*mastotypes.Account, error) {
fields := []mastotypes.Field{}
for _, f := range a.Fields {
mField := mastotypes.Field{
Name: f.Name,
Value: f.Value,
if !f.VerifiedAt.IsZero() {
mField.VerifiedAt = f.VerifiedAt.Format(time.RFC3339)
fields = append(fields, mField)
fmt.Printf("fields: %+v", fields)
// count followers
followers := []model.Follow{}
if err := ps.GetFollowersByAccountID(a.ID, &followers); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNoEntries); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting followers: %s", err)
var followersCount int
if followers != nil {
followersCount = len(followers)
// count following
following := []model.Follow{}
if err := ps.GetFollowingByAccountID(a.ID, &following); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNoEntries); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting following: %s", err)
var followingCount int
if following != nil {
followingCount = len(following)
// count statuses
statuses := []model.Status{}
if err := ps.GetStatusesByAccountID(a.ID, &statuses); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNoEntries); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting last statuses: %s", err)
var statusesCount int
if statuses != nil {
statusesCount = len(statuses)
// check when the last status was
lastStatus := &model.Status{}
if err := ps.GetLastStatusForAccountID(a.ID, lastStatus); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(ErrNoEntries); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting last status: %s", err)
var lastStatusAt string
if lastStatus != nil {
lastStatusAt = lastStatus.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339)
return &mastotypes.Account{
ID: a.ID,
Username: a.Username,
Acct: a.Username, // equivalent to username for local users only, which sensitive always is
DisplayName: a.DisplayName,
Locked: a.Locked,
Bot: a.Bot,
CreatedAt: a.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339),
Note: a.Note,
Avatar: a.AvatarRemoteURL.String(),
AvatarStatic: a.AvatarRemoteURL.String(),
Header: a.HeaderRemoteURL.String(),
HeaderStatic: a.HeaderRemoteURL.String(),
FollowersCount: followersCount,
FollowingCount: followingCount,
StatusesCount: statusesCount,
LastStatusAt: lastStatusAt,
Source: nil,
Emojis: nil,
Fields: fields,
}, nil