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synced 2025-03-04 03:17:40 +01:00
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201 lines
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// +build go1.20
* Copyright 2021 ByteDance Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package loader
import (
// A FuncFlag holds bits about a function.
// This list must match the list in cmd/internal/objabi/funcid.go.
type funcFlag uint8
type _Func struct {
entryOff uint32 // start pc
nameoff int32 // function name
args int32 // in/out args size
deferreturn uint32 // offset of start of a deferreturn call instruction from entry, if any.
pcsp uint32
pcfile uint32
pcln uint32
npcdata uint32
cuOffset uint32 // runtime.cutab offset of this function's CU
funcID uint8 // set for certain special runtime functions
flag funcFlag
_ [1]byte // pad
nfuncdata uint8 // must be last
argptrs uint32
localptrs uint32
type _FuncTab struct {
entry uint32
funcoff uint32
type _PCHeader struct {
magic uint32 // 0xFFFFFFF0
pad1, pad2 uint8 // 0,0
minLC uint8 // min instruction size
ptrSize uint8 // size of a ptr in bytes
nfunc int // number of functions in the module
nfiles uint // number of entries in the file tab
textStart uintptr // base for function entry PC offsets in this module, equal to moduledata.text
funcnameOffset uintptr // offset to the funcnametab variable from pcHeader
cuOffset uintptr // offset to the cutab variable from pcHeader
filetabOffset uintptr // offset to the filetab variable from pcHeader
pctabOffset uintptr // offset to the pctab variable from pcHeader
pclnOffset uintptr // offset to the pclntab variable from pcHeader
type _BitVector struct {
n int32 // # of bits
bytedata *uint8
type _PtabEntry struct {
name int32
typ int32
type _TextSection struct {
vaddr uintptr // prelinked section vaddr
length uintptr // section length
baseaddr uintptr // relocated section address
type _ModuleData struct {
pcHeader *_PCHeader
funcnametab []byte
cutab []uint32
filetab []byte
pctab []byte
pclntable []byte
ftab []_FuncTab
findfunctab *_FindFuncBucket
minpc, maxpc uintptr
text, etext uintptr
noptrdata, enoptrdata uintptr
data, edata uintptr
bss, ebss uintptr
noptrbss, enoptrbss uintptr
end, gcdata, gcbss uintptr
types, etypes uintptr
rodata uintptr
gofunc uintptr
textsectmap []_TextSection
typelinks []int32
itablinks []unsafe.Pointer
ptab []_PtabEntry
pluginpath string
pkghashes []struct{}
modulename string
modulehashes []struct{}
hasmain uint8
gcdatamask, gcbssmask _BitVector
typemap map[int32]unsafe.Pointer
bad bool
next *_ModuleData
type _FindFuncBucket struct {
idx uint32
subbuckets [16]byte
func makePCtab(fp int) []byte {
return append([]byte{0}, encodeVariant((fp + 1) << 1)...)
func registerFunction(name string, pc uintptr, textSize uintptr, fp int, args int, size uintptr, argPtrs []bool, localPtrs []bool) {
mod := new(_ModuleData)
minpc := pc
maxpc := pc + size
findFuncTab := make([]_FindFuncBucket, textSize/4096 + 1)
modHeader := &_PCHeader {
magic : 0xfffffff0,
minLC : 1,
nfunc : 1,
ptrSize : 4 << (^uintptr(0) >> 63),
textStart: minpc,
// cache arg and local stackmap
argptrs, localptrs := cacheStackmap(argPtrs, localPtrs, mod)
base := argptrs
if argptrs > localptrs {
base = localptrs
/* function entry */
lnt := []_Func {{
entryOff : 0,
nameoff : 1,
args : int32(args),
pcsp : 1,
nfuncdata : 2,
argptrs: uint32(argptrs - base),
localptrs: uint32(localptrs - base),
nlnt := len(lnt)*int(unsafe.Sizeof(_Func{}))
plnt := unsafe.Pointer(&lnt[0])
/* function table */
ftab := []_FuncTab {
{entry : 0, funcoff : 16},
{entry : uint32(size)},
nftab := len(ftab)*int(unsafe.Sizeof(_FuncTab{}))
pftab := unsafe.Pointer(&ftab[0])
pclntab := make([]byte, 0, nftab + nlnt)
pclntab = append(pclntab, rt.BytesFrom(pftab, nftab, nftab)...)
pclntab = append(pclntab, rt.BytesFrom(plnt, nlnt, nlnt)...)
/* module data */
*mod = _ModuleData {
pcHeader : modHeader,
funcnametab : append(append([]byte{0}, name...), 0),
pctab : append(makePCtab(fp), encodeVariant(int(size))...),
pclntable : pclntab,
ftab : ftab,
text : minpc,
etext : pc + textSize,
findfunctab : &findFuncTab[0],
minpc : minpc,
maxpc : maxpc,
modulename : name,
gcdata: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyByte)),
gcbss: uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyByte)),
gofunc: base,
/* verify and register the new module */
} |