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synced 2025-03-09 07:57:52 +01:00
* [chore] Remove years from all license headers Years or year ranges aren't required in license headers. Many projects have removed them in recent years and it avoids a bit of yearly toil. In many cases our copyright claim was also a bit dodgy since we added the 2021-2023 header to files created after 2021 but you can't claim copyright into the past that way. * [chore] Add license header check This ensures a license header is always added to any new file. This avoids maintainers/reviewers needing to remember to check for and ask for it in case a contribution doesn't include it. * [chore] Add missing license headers * [chore] Further updates to license header * Use the more common // indentend comment format * Remove the hack we had for the linter now that we use the // format * Add SPDX license identifier
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// GoToSocial
// Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package media
import (
var SupportedMIMETypes = []string{
var SupportedEmojiMIMETypes = []string{
// Manager provides an interface for managing media: parsing, storing, and retrieving media objects like photos, videos, and gifs.
type Manager interface {
// PreProcessMedia begins the process of decoding and storing the given data as an attachment.
// It will return a pointer to a ProcessingMedia struct upon which further actions can be performed, such as getting
// the finished media, thumbnail, attachment, etc.
// data should be a function that the media manager can call to return a reader containing the media data.
// postData will be called after data has been called; it can be used to clean up any remaining resources.
// The provided function can be nil, in which case it will not be executed.
// accountID should be the account that the media belongs to.
// ai is optional and can be nil. Any additional information about the attachment provided will be put in the database.
// Note: unlike ProcessMedia, this will NOT queue the media to be asynchronously processed.
PreProcessMedia(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, accountID string, ai *AdditionalMediaInfo) (*ProcessingMedia, error)
// PreProcessMediaRecache refetches, reprocesses, and recaches an existing attachment that has been uncached via pruneRemote.
// Note: unlike ProcessMedia, this will NOT queue the media to be asychronously processed.
PreProcessMediaRecache(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, attachmentID string) (*ProcessingMedia, error)
// ProcessMedia will call PreProcessMedia, followed by queuing the media to be processing in the media worker queue.
ProcessMedia(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, accountID string, ai *AdditionalMediaInfo) (*ProcessingMedia, error)
// PreProcessEmoji begins the process of decoding and storing the given data as an emoji.
// It will return a pointer to a ProcessingEmoji struct upon which further actions can be performed, such as getting
// the finished media, thumbnail, attachment, etc.
// data should be a function that the media manager can call to return a reader containing the emoji data.
// postData will be called after data has been called; it can be used to clean up any remaining resources.
// The provided function can be nil, in which case it will not be executed.
// shortcode should be the emoji shortcode without the ':'s around it.
// id is the database ID that should be used to store the emoji.
// uri is the ActivityPub URI/ID of the emoji.
// ai is optional and can be nil. Any additional information about the emoji provided will be put in the database.
// Note: unlike ProcessEmoji, this will NOT queue the emoji to be asynchronously processed.
PreProcessEmoji(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, shortcode string, id string, uri string, ai *AdditionalEmojiInfo, refresh bool) (*ProcessingEmoji, error)
// ProcessEmoji will call PreProcessEmoji, followed by queuing the emoji to be processing in the emoji worker queue.
ProcessEmoji(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, shortcode string, id string, uri string, ai *AdditionalEmojiInfo, refresh bool) (*ProcessingEmoji, error)
// PruneAll runs all of the below pruning/uncacheing functions, and then cleans up any resulting
// empty directories from the storage driver. It can be called as a shortcut for calling the below
// pruning functions one by one.
// If blocking is true, then any errors encountered during the prune will be combined + returned to
// the caller. If blocking is false, the prune is run in the background and errors are just logged
// instead.
PruneAll(ctx context.Context, mediaCacheRemoteDays int, blocking bool) error
// UncacheRemote uncaches all remote media attachments older than the given amount of days.
// In this context, uncacheing means deleting media files from storage and marking the attachment
// as cached=false in the database.
// If 'dry' is true, then only a dry run will be performed: nothing will actually be changed.
// The returned int is the amount of media that was/would be uncached by this function.
UncacheRemote(ctx context.Context, olderThanDays int, dry bool) (int, error)
// PruneUnusedRemote prunes unused/out of date headers and avatars cached on this instance.
// The returned int is the amount of media that was pruned by this function.
PruneUnusedRemote(ctx context.Context, dry bool) (int, error)
// PruneUnusedLocal prunes unused media attachments that were uploaded by
// a user on this instance, but never actually attached to a status, or attached but
// later detached.
// The returned int is the amount of media that was pruned by this function.
PruneUnusedLocal(ctx context.Context, dry bool) (int, error)
// PruneOrphaned prunes files that exist in storage but which do not have a corresponding
// entry in the database.
// If dry is true, then nothing will be changed, only the amount that *would* be removed
// is returned to the caller.
PruneOrphaned(ctx context.Context, dry bool) (int, error)
Useful when data loss has occurred.
// RefetchEmojis iterates through remote emojis (for the given domain, or all if domain is empty string).
// For each emoji, the manager will check whether both the full size and static images are present in storage.
// If not, the manager will refetch and reprocess full size and static images for the emoji.
// The provided DereferenceMedia function will be used when it's necessary to refetch something this way.
RefetchEmojis(ctx context.Context, domain string, dereferenceMedia DereferenceMedia) (int, error)
type manager struct {
state *state.State
// NewManager returns a media manager with the given db and underlying storage.
// A worker pool will also be initialized for the manager, to ensure that only
// a limited number of media will be processed in parallel. The numbers of workers
// is determined from the $GOMAXPROCS environment variable (usually no. CPU cores).
// See internal/concurrency.NewWorkerPool() documentation for further information.
func NewManager(state *state.State) Manager {
m := &manager{state: state}
return m
func (m *manager) PreProcessMedia(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, accountID string, ai *AdditionalMediaInfo) (*ProcessingMedia, error) {
id, err := id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
avatar := false
header := false
cached := false
now := time.Now()
// populate initial fields on the media attachment -- some of these will be overwritten as we proceed
attachment := >smodel.MediaAttachment{
ID: id,
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
StatusID: "",
URL: "", // we don't know yet because it depends on the uncalled DataFunc
RemoteURL: "",
Type: gtsmodel.FileTypeUnknown, // we don't know yet because it depends on the uncalled DataFunc
FileMeta: gtsmodel.FileMeta{},
AccountID: accountID,
Description: "",
ScheduledStatusID: "",
Blurhash: "",
Processing: gtsmodel.ProcessingStatusReceived,
File: gtsmodel.File{UpdatedAt: now},
Thumbnail: gtsmodel.Thumbnail{UpdatedAt: now},
Avatar: &avatar,
Header: &header,
Cached: &cached,
// check if we have additional info to add to the attachment,
// and overwrite some of the attachment fields if so
if ai != nil {
if ai.CreatedAt != nil {
attachment.CreatedAt = *ai.CreatedAt
if ai.StatusID != nil {
attachment.StatusID = *ai.StatusID
if ai.RemoteURL != nil {
attachment.RemoteURL = *ai.RemoteURL
if ai.Description != nil {
attachment.Description = *ai.Description
if ai.ScheduledStatusID != nil {
attachment.ScheduledStatusID = *ai.ScheduledStatusID
if ai.Blurhash != nil {
attachment.Blurhash = *ai.Blurhash
if ai.Avatar != nil {
attachment.Avatar = ai.Avatar
if ai.Header != nil {
attachment.Header = ai.Header
if ai.FocusX != nil {
attachment.FileMeta.Focus.X = *ai.FocusX
if ai.FocusY != nil {
attachment.FileMeta.Focus.Y = *ai.FocusY
processingMedia := &ProcessingMedia{
media: attachment,
dataFn: data,
postFn: postData,
mgr: m,
return processingMedia, nil
func (m *manager) PreProcessMediaRecache(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, attachmentID string) (*ProcessingMedia, error) {
// get the existing attachment from database.
attachment, err := m.state.DB.GetAttachmentByID(ctx, attachmentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
processingMedia := &ProcessingMedia{
media: attachment,
dataFn: data,
postFn: postData,
recache: true, // indicate it's a recache
mgr: m,
return processingMedia, nil
func (m *manager) ProcessMedia(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, accountID string, ai *AdditionalMediaInfo) (*ProcessingMedia, error) {
// Create a new processing media object for this media request.
media, err := m.PreProcessMedia(ctx, data, postData, accountID, ai)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Attempt to add this media processing item to the worker queue.
_ = m.state.Workers.Media.MustEnqueueCtx(ctx, media.Process)
return media, nil
func (m *manager) PreProcessEmoji(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, shortcode string, emojiID string, uri string, ai *AdditionalEmojiInfo, refresh bool) (*ProcessingEmoji, error) {
instanceAccount, err := m.state.DB.GetInstanceAccount(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("preProcessEmoji: error fetching this instance account from the db: %s", err)
var (
newPathID string
emoji *gtsmodel.Emoji
now = time.Now()
if refresh {
emoji, err = m.state.DB.GetEmojiByID(ctx, emojiID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("preProcessEmoji: error fetching emoji to refresh from the db: %s", err)
// if this is a refresh, we will end up with new images
// stored for this emoji, so we can use the postData function
// to perform clean up of the old images from storage
originalPostData := postData
originalImagePath := emoji.ImagePath
originalImageStaticPath := emoji.ImageStaticPath
postData = func(innerCtx context.Context) error {
// trigger the original postData function if it was provided
if originalPostData != nil {
if err := originalPostData(innerCtx); err != nil {
return err
l := log.WithContext(ctx).
WithField("shortcode@domain", emoji.Shortcode+"@"+emoji.Domain)
l.Debug("postData: cleaning up old emoji files for refreshed emoji")
if err := m.state.Storage.Delete(innerCtx, originalImagePath); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) {
l.Errorf("postData: error cleaning up old emoji image at %s for refreshed emoji: %s", originalImagePath, err)
if err := m.state.Storage.Delete(innerCtx, originalImageStaticPath); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) {
l.Errorf("postData: error cleaning up old emoji static image at %s for refreshed emoji: %s", originalImageStaticPath, err)
return nil
newPathID, err = id.NewRandomULID()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("preProcessEmoji: error generating alternateID for emoji refresh: %s", err)
// store + serve static image at new path ID
emoji.ImageStaticURL = uris.GenerateURIForAttachment(instanceAccount.ID, string(TypeEmoji), string(SizeStatic), newPathID, mimePng)
emoji.ImageStaticPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", instanceAccount.ID, TypeEmoji, SizeStatic, newPathID, mimePng)
emoji.Shortcode = shortcode
emoji.URI = uri
} else {
disabled := false
visibleInPicker := true
// populate initial fields on the emoji -- some of these will be overwritten as we proceed
emoji = >smodel.Emoji{
ID: emojiID,
CreatedAt: now,
Shortcode: shortcode,
Domain: "", // assume our own domain unless told otherwise
ImageRemoteURL: "",
ImageStaticRemoteURL: "",
ImageURL: "", // we don't know yet
ImageStaticURL: uris.GenerateURIForAttachment(instanceAccount.ID, string(TypeEmoji), string(SizeStatic), emojiID, mimePng), // all static emojis are encoded as png
ImagePath: "", // we don't know yet
ImageStaticPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", instanceAccount.ID, TypeEmoji, SizeStatic, emojiID, mimePng), // all static emojis are encoded as png
ImageContentType: "", // we don't know yet
ImageStaticContentType: mimeImagePng, // all static emojis are encoded as png
ImageFileSize: 0,
ImageStaticFileSize: 0,
Disabled: &disabled,
URI: uri,
VisibleInPicker: &visibleInPicker,
CategoryID: "",
emoji.ImageUpdatedAt = now
emoji.UpdatedAt = now
// check if we have additional info to add to the emoji,
// and overwrite some of the emoji fields if so
if ai != nil {
if ai.CreatedAt != nil {
emoji.CreatedAt = *ai.CreatedAt
if ai.Domain != nil {
emoji.Domain = *ai.Domain
if ai.ImageRemoteURL != nil {
emoji.ImageRemoteURL = *ai.ImageRemoteURL
if ai.ImageStaticRemoteURL != nil {
emoji.ImageStaticRemoteURL = *ai.ImageStaticRemoteURL
if ai.Disabled != nil {
emoji.Disabled = ai.Disabled
if ai.VisibleInPicker != nil {
emoji.VisibleInPicker = ai.VisibleInPicker
if ai.CategoryID != nil {
emoji.CategoryID = *ai.CategoryID
processingEmoji := &ProcessingEmoji{
instAccID: instanceAccount.ID,
emoji: emoji,
refresh: refresh,
newPathID: newPathID,
dataFn: data,
postFn: postData,
mgr: m,
return processingEmoji, nil
func (m *manager) ProcessEmoji(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, postData PostDataCallbackFunc, shortcode string, id string, uri string, ai *AdditionalEmojiInfo, refresh bool) (*ProcessingEmoji, error) {
// Create a new processing emoji object for this emoji request.
emoji, err := m.PreProcessEmoji(ctx, data, postData, shortcode, id, uri, ai, refresh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Attempt to add this emoji processing item to the worker queue.
_ = m.state.Workers.Media.MustEnqueueCtx(ctx, emoji.Process)
return emoji, nil
func scheduleCleanupJobs(m *manager) {
const day = time.Hour * 24
// Calculate closest midnight.
now := time.Now()
midnight := now.Round(day)
if midnight.Before(now) {
// since <= 11:59am rounds down.
midnight = midnight.Add(day)
// Get ctx associated with scheduler run state.
done := m.state.Workers.Scheduler.Done()
doneCtx := runners.CancelCtx(done)
// TODO: we'll need to do some thinking to make these
// jobs restartable if we want to implement reloads in
// the future that make call to Workers.Stop() -> Workers.Start().
// Schedule the PruneAll task to execute every day at midnight.
m.state.Workers.Scheduler.Schedule(sched.NewJob(func(now time.Time) {
err := m.PruneAll(doneCtx, config.GetMediaRemoteCacheDays(), true)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(nil, "error during prune: %v", err)
log.Infof(nil, "finished pruning all in %s", time.Since(now))
}).EveryAt(midnight, day))