mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 16:37:44 +01:00
This allows for building GoToSocial with [SQLite transpiled to WASM](https://github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3) and accessed through [Wazero](https://wazero.io/).
844 lines
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844 lines
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package wazevo
import (
type (
// engine implements wasm.Engine.
engine struct {
wazeroVersion string
fileCache filecache.Cache
compiledModules map[wasm.ModuleID]*compiledModule
// sortedCompiledModules is a list of compiled modules sorted by the initial address of the executable.
sortedCompiledModules []*compiledModule
mux sync.RWMutex
// sharedFunctions is compiled functions shared by all modules.
sharedFunctions *sharedFunctions
// setFinalizer defaults to runtime.SetFinalizer, but overridable for tests.
setFinalizer func(obj interface{}, finalizer interface{})
// The followings are reused for compiling shared functions.
machine backend.Machine
be backend.Compiler
sharedFunctions struct {
// memoryGrowExecutable is a compiled trampoline executable for memory.grow builtin function.
memoryGrowExecutable []byte
// checkModuleExitCode is a compiled trampoline executable for checking module instance exit code. This
// is used when ensureTermination is true.
checkModuleExitCode []byte
// stackGrowExecutable is a compiled executable for growing stack builtin function.
stackGrowExecutable []byte
// tableGrowExecutable is a compiled trampoline executable for table.grow builtin function.
tableGrowExecutable []byte
// refFuncExecutable is a compiled trampoline executable for ref.func builtin function.
refFuncExecutable []byte
// memoryWait32Executable is a compiled trampoline executable for memory.wait32 builtin function
memoryWait32Executable []byte
// memoryWait64Executable is a compiled trampoline executable for memory.wait64 builtin function
memoryWait64Executable []byte
// memoryNotifyExecutable is a compiled trampoline executable for memory.notify builtin function
memoryNotifyExecutable []byte
listenerBeforeTrampolines map[*wasm.FunctionType][]byte
listenerAfterTrampolines map[*wasm.FunctionType][]byte
// compiledModule is a compiled variant of a wasm.Module and ready to be used for instantiation.
compiledModule struct {
// functionOffsets maps a local function index to the offset in the executable.
functionOffsets []int
parent *engine
module *wasm.Module
ensureTermination bool
listeners []experimental.FunctionListener
listenerBeforeTrampolines []*byte
listenerAfterTrampolines []*byte
// The followings are only available for non host modules.
offsets wazevoapi.ModuleContextOffsetData
sharedFunctions *sharedFunctions
sourceMap sourceMap
executables struct {
executable []byte
entryPreambles [][]byte
// sourceMap is a mapping from the offset of the executable to the offset of the original wasm binary.
type sourceMap struct {
// executableOffsets is a sorted list of offsets of the executable. This is index-correlated with wasmBinaryOffsets,
// in other words executableOffsets[i] is the offset of the executable which corresponds to the offset of a Wasm
// binary pointed by wasmBinaryOffsets[i].
executableOffsets []uintptr
// wasmBinaryOffsets is the counterpart of executableOffsets.
wasmBinaryOffsets []uint64
var _ wasm.Engine = (*engine)(nil)
// NewEngine returns the implementation of wasm.Engine.
func NewEngine(ctx context.Context, _ api.CoreFeatures, fc filecache.Cache) wasm.Engine {
machine := newMachine()
be := backend.NewCompiler(ctx, machine, ssa.NewBuilder())
e := &engine{
compiledModules: make(map[wasm.ModuleID]*compiledModule),
setFinalizer: runtime.SetFinalizer,
machine: machine,
be: be,
fileCache: fc,
wazeroVersion: version.GetWazeroVersion(),
return e
// CompileModule implements wasm.Engine.
func (e *engine) CompileModule(ctx context.Context, module *wasm.Module, listeners []experimental.FunctionListener, ensureTermination bool) (err error) {
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
defer wazevoapi.PerfMap.Unlock()
if _, ok, err := e.getCompiledModule(module, listeners, ensureTermination); ok { // cache hit!
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
if wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifierEnabled {
ctx = wazevoapi.NewDeterministicCompilationVerifierContext(ctx, len(module.CodeSection))
cm, err := e.compileModule(ctx, module, listeners, ensureTermination)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = e.addCompiledModule(module, cm); err != nil {
return err
if wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifierEnabled {
for i := 0; i < wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifyingIter; i++ {
_, err := e.compileModule(ctx, module, listeners, ensureTermination)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(listeners) > 0 {
cm.listeners = listeners
cm.listenerBeforeTrampolines = make([]*byte, len(module.TypeSection))
cm.listenerAfterTrampolines = make([]*byte, len(module.TypeSection))
for i := range module.TypeSection {
typ := &module.TypeSection[i]
before, after := e.getListenerTrampolineForType(typ)
cm.listenerBeforeTrampolines[i] = before
cm.listenerAfterTrampolines[i] = after
return nil
func (exec *executables) compileEntryPreambles(m *wasm.Module, machine backend.Machine, be backend.Compiler) {
exec.entryPreambles = make([][]byte, len(m.TypeSection))
for i := range m.TypeSection {
typ := &m.TypeSection[i]
sig := frontend.SignatureForWasmFunctionType(typ)
buf := machine.CompileEntryPreamble(&sig)
executable := mmapExecutable(buf)
exec.entryPreambles[i] = executable
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
uint64(len(executable)), fmt.Sprintf("entry_preamble::type=%s", typ.String()))
func (e *engine) compileModule(ctx context.Context, module *wasm.Module, listeners []experimental.FunctionListener, ensureTermination bool) (*compiledModule, error) {
withListener := len(listeners) > 0
cm := &compiledModule{
offsets: wazevoapi.NewModuleContextOffsetData(module, withListener), parent: e, module: module,
ensureTermination: ensureTermination,
executables: &executables{},
if module.IsHostModule {
return e.compileHostModule(ctx, module, listeners)
importedFns, localFns := int(module.ImportFunctionCount), len(module.FunctionSection)
if localFns == 0 {
return cm, nil
rels := make([]backend.RelocationInfo, 0)
refToBinaryOffset := make([]int, importedFns+localFns)
if wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifierEnabled {
// The compilation must be deterministic regardless of the order of functions being compiled.
needSourceInfo := module.DWARFLines != nil
// Creates new compiler instances which are reused for each function.
ssaBuilder := ssa.NewBuilder()
fe := frontend.NewFrontendCompiler(module, ssaBuilder, &cm.offsets, ensureTermination, withListener, needSourceInfo)
machine := newMachine()
be := backend.NewCompiler(ctx, machine, ssaBuilder)
cm.executables.compileEntryPreambles(module, machine, be)
totalSize := 0 // Total binary size of the executable.
cm.functionOffsets = make([]int, localFns)
bodies := make([][]byte, localFns)
// Trampoline relocation related variables.
trampolineInterval, callTrampolineIslandSize, err := machine.CallTrampolineIslandInfo(localFns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
needCallTrampoline := callTrampolineIslandSize > 0
var callTrampolineIslandOffsets []int // Holds the offsets of trampoline islands.
for i := range module.CodeSection {
if wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifierEnabled {
i = wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifierGetRandomizedLocalFunctionIndex(ctx, i)
fidx := wasm.Index(i + importedFns)
if wazevoapi.NeedFunctionNameInContext {
def := module.FunctionDefinition(fidx)
name := def.DebugName()
if len(def.ExportNames()) > 0 {
name = def.ExportNames()[0]
ctx = wazevoapi.SetCurrentFunctionName(ctx, i, fmt.Sprintf("[%d/%d]%s", i, len(module.CodeSection)-1, name))
needListener := len(listeners) > 0 && listeners[i] != nil
body, relsPerFunc, err := e.compileLocalWasmFunction(ctx, module, wasm.Index(i), fe, ssaBuilder, be, needListener)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("compile function %d/%d: %v", i, len(module.CodeSection)-1, err)
// Align 16-bytes boundary.
totalSize = (totalSize + 15) &^ 15
cm.functionOffsets[i] = totalSize
if needSourceInfo {
// At the beginning of the function, we add the offset of the function body so that
// we can resolve the source location of the call site of before listener call.
cm.sourceMap.executableOffsets = append(cm.sourceMap.executableOffsets, uintptr(totalSize))
cm.sourceMap.wasmBinaryOffsets = append(cm.sourceMap.wasmBinaryOffsets, module.CodeSection[i].BodyOffsetInCodeSection)
for _, info := range be.SourceOffsetInfo() {
cm.sourceMap.executableOffsets = append(cm.sourceMap.executableOffsets, uintptr(totalSize)+uintptr(info.ExecutableOffset))
cm.sourceMap.wasmBinaryOffsets = append(cm.sourceMap.wasmBinaryOffsets, uint64(info.SourceOffset))
fref := frontend.FunctionIndexToFuncRef(fidx)
refToBinaryOffset[fref] = totalSize
// At this point, relocation offsets are relative to the start of the function body,
// so we adjust it to the start of the executable.
for _, r := range relsPerFunc {
r.Offset += int64(totalSize)
rels = append(rels, r)
bodies[i] = body
totalSize += len(body)
if wazevoapi.PrintMachineCodeHexPerFunction {
fmt.Printf("[[[machine code for %s]]]\n%s\n\n", wazevoapi.GetCurrentFunctionName(ctx), hex.EncodeToString(body))
if needCallTrampoline {
// If the total size exceeds the trampoline interval, we need to add a trampoline island.
if totalSize/trampolineInterval > len(callTrampolineIslandOffsets) {
callTrampolineIslandOffsets = append(callTrampolineIslandOffsets, totalSize)
totalSize += callTrampolineIslandSize
// Allocate executable memory and then copy the generated machine code.
executable, err := platform.MmapCodeSegment(totalSize)
if err != nil {
cm.executable = executable
for i, b := range bodies {
offset := cm.functionOffsets[i]
copy(executable[offset:], b)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
wazevoapi.PerfMap.Flush(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&executable[0])), cm.functionOffsets)
if needSourceInfo {
for i := range cm.sourceMap.executableOffsets {
cm.sourceMap.executableOffsets[i] += uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cm.executable[0]))
// Resolve relocations for local function calls.
if len(rels) > 0 {
machine.ResolveRelocations(refToBinaryOffset, executable, rels, callTrampolineIslandOffsets)
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
// On arm64, we cannot give all of rwx at the same time, so we change it to exec.
if err = platform.MprotectRX(executable); err != nil {
return nil, err
cm.sharedFunctions = e.sharedFunctions
e.setFinalizer(cm.executables, executablesFinalizer)
return cm, nil
func (e *engine) compileLocalWasmFunction(
ctx context.Context,
module *wasm.Module,
localFunctionIndex wasm.Index,
fe *frontend.Compiler,
ssaBuilder ssa.Builder,
be backend.Compiler,
needListener bool,
) (body []byte, rels []backend.RelocationInfo, err error) {
typIndex := module.FunctionSection[localFunctionIndex]
typ := &module.TypeSection[typIndex]
codeSeg := &module.CodeSection[localFunctionIndex]
// Initializes both frontend and backend compilers.
fe.Init(localFunctionIndex, typIndex, typ, codeSeg.LocalTypes, codeSeg.Body, needListener, codeSeg.BodyOffsetInCodeSection)
// Lower Wasm to SSA.
if wazevoapi.PrintSSA && wazevoapi.PrintEnabledIndex(ctx) {
fmt.Printf("[[[SSA for %s]]]%s\n", wazevoapi.GetCurrentFunctionName(ctx), ssaBuilder.Format())
if wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifierEnabled {
wazevoapi.VerifyOrSetDeterministicCompilationContextValue(ctx, "SSA", ssaBuilder.Format())
// Run SSA-level optimization passes.
if wazevoapi.PrintOptimizedSSA && wazevoapi.PrintEnabledIndex(ctx) {
fmt.Printf("[[[Optimized SSA for %s]]]%s\n", wazevoapi.GetCurrentFunctionName(ctx), ssaBuilder.Format())
if wazevoapi.DeterministicCompilationVerifierEnabled {
wazevoapi.VerifyOrSetDeterministicCompilationContextValue(ctx, "Optimized SSA", ssaBuilder.Format())
// Now our ssaBuilder contains the necessary information to further lower them to
// machine code.
original, rels, err := be.Compile(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("ssa->machine code: %v", err)
// TODO: optimize as zero copy.
copied := make([]byte, len(original))
copy(copied, original)
return copied, rels, nil
func (e *engine) compileHostModule(ctx context.Context, module *wasm.Module, listeners []experimental.FunctionListener) (*compiledModule, error) {
machine := newMachine()
be := backend.NewCompiler(ctx, machine, ssa.NewBuilder())
num := len(module.CodeSection)
cm := &compiledModule{module: module, listeners: listeners, executables: &executables{}}
cm.functionOffsets = make([]int, num)
totalSize := 0 // Total binary size of the executable.
bodies := make([][]byte, num)
var sig ssa.Signature
for i := range module.CodeSection {
totalSize = (totalSize + 15) &^ 15
cm.functionOffsets[i] = totalSize
typIndex := module.FunctionSection[i]
typ := &module.TypeSection[typIndex]
// We can relax until the index fits together in ExitCode as we do in wazevoapi.ExitCodeCallGoModuleFunctionWithIndex.
// However, 1 << 16 should be large enough for a real use case.
const hostFunctionNumMaximum = 1 << 16
if i >= hostFunctionNumMaximum {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many host functions (maximum %d)", hostFunctionNumMaximum)
sig.ID = ssa.SignatureID(typIndex) // This is important since we reuse the `machine` which caches the ABI based on the SignatureID.
sig.Params = append(sig.Params[:0],
ssa.TypeI64, // First argument must be exec context.
ssa.TypeI64, // The second argument is the moduleContextOpaque of this host module.
for _, t := range typ.Params {
sig.Params = append(sig.Params, frontend.WasmTypeToSSAType(t))
sig.Results = sig.Results[:0]
for _, t := range typ.Results {
sig.Results = append(sig.Results, frontend.WasmTypeToSSAType(t))
c := &module.CodeSection[i]
if c.GoFunc == nil {
panic("BUG: GoFunc must be set for host module")
withListener := len(listeners) > 0 && listeners[i] != nil
var exitCode wazevoapi.ExitCode
fn := c.GoFunc
switch fn.(type) {
case api.GoModuleFunction:
exitCode = wazevoapi.ExitCodeCallGoModuleFunctionWithIndex(i, withListener)
case api.GoFunction:
exitCode = wazevoapi.ExitCodeCallGoFunctionWithIndex(i, withListener)
machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(exitCode, &sig, true)
if err := be.Finalize(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
body := be.Buf()
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
name := module.FunctionDefinition(wasm.Index(i)).DebugName()
fmt.Sprintf("trampoline:%s", name))
// TODO: optimize as zero copy.
copied := make([]byte, len(body))
copy(copied, body)
bodies[i] = copied
totalSize += len(body)
if totalSize == 0 {
// Empty module.
return cm, nil
// Allocate executable memory and then copy the generated machine code.
executable, err := platform.MmapCodeSegment(totalSize)
if err != nil {
cm.executable = executable
for i, b := range bodies {
offset := cm.functionOffsets[i]
copy(executable[offset:], b)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
wazevoapi.PerfMap.Flush(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&executable[0])), cm.functionOffsets)
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
// On arm64, we cannot give all of rwx at the same time, so we change it to exec.
if err = platform.MprotectRX(executable); err != nil {
return nil, err
e.setFinalizer(cm.executables, executablesFinalizer)
return cm, nil
// Close implements wasm.Engine.
func (e *engine) Close() (err error) {
defer e.mux.Unlock()
e.sortedCompiledModules = nil
e.compiledModules = nil
e.sharedFunctions = nil
return nil
// CompiledModuleCount implements wasm.Engine.
func (e *engine) CompiledModuleCount() uint32 {
defer e.mux.RUnlock()
return uint32(len(e.compiledModules))
// DeleteCompiledModule implements wasm.Engine.
func (e *engine) DeleteCompiledModule(m *wasm.Module) {
defer e.mux.Unlock()
cm, ok := e.compiledModules[m.ID]
if ok {
if len(cm.executable) > 0 {
delete(e.compiledModules, m.ID)
func (e *engine) addCompiledModuleToSortedList(cm *compiledModule) {
ptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cm.executable[0]))
index := sort.Search(len(e.sortedCompiledModules), func(i int) bool {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&e.sortedCompiledModules[i].executable[0])) >= ptr
e.sortedCompiledModules = append(e.sortedCompiledModules, nil)
copy(e.sortedCompiledModules[index+1:], e.sortedCompiledModules[index:])
e.sortedCompiledModules[index] = cm
func (e *engine) deleteCompiledModuleFromSortedList(cm *compiledModule) {
ptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cm.executable[0]))
index := sort.Search(len(e.sortedCompiledModules), func(i int) bool {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&e.sortedCompiledModules[i].executable[0])) >= ptr
if index >= len(e.sortedCompiledModules) {
copy(e.sortedCompiledModules[index:], e.sortedCompiledModules[index+1:])
e.sortedCompiledModules = e.sortedCompiledModules[:len(e.sortedCompiledModules)-1]
func (e *engine) compiledModuleOfAddr(addr uintptr) *compiledModule {
defer e.mux.RUnlock()
index := sort.Search(len(e.sortedCompiledModules), func(i int) bool {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&e.sortedCompiledModules[i].executable[0])) > addr
index -= 1
if index < 0 {
return nil
candidate := e.sortedCompiledModules[index]
if checkAddrInBytes(addr, candidate.executable) {
// If a module is already deleted, the found module may have been wrong.
return candidate
return nil
func checkAddrInBytes(addr uintptr, b []byte) bool {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) <= addr && addr <= uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&b[len(b)-1]))
// NewModuleEngine implements wasm.Engine.
func (e *engine) NewModuleEngine(m *wasm.Module, mi *wasm.ModuleInstance) (wasm.ModuleEngine, error) {
me := &moduleEngine{}
// Note: imported functions are resolved in moduleEngine.ResolveImportedFunction.
me.importedFunctions = make([]importedFunction, m.ImportFunctionCount)
compiled, ok := e.getCompiledModuleFromMemory(m)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("source module must be compiled before instantiation")
me.parent = compiled
me.module = mi
me.listeners = compiled.listeners
if m.IsHostModule {
me.opaque = buildHostModuleOpaque(m, compiled.listeners)
me.opaquePtr = &me.opaque[0]
} else {
if size := compiled.offsets.TotalSize; size != 0 {
opaque := newAlignedOpaque(size)
me.opaque = opaque
me.opaquePtr = &opaque[0]
return me, nil
func (e *engine) compileSharedFunctions() {
e.sharedFunctions = &sharedFunctions{
listenerBeforeTrampolines: make(map[*wasm.FunctionType][]byte),
listenerAfterTrampolines: make(map[*wasm.FunctionType][]byte),
src := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeGrowMemory, &ssa.Signature{
Params: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI64 /* exec context */, ssa.TypeI32},
Results: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI32},
}, false)
e.sharedFunctions.memoryGrowExecutable = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.memoryGrowExecutable
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "memory_grow_trampoline")
src := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeTableGrow, &ssa.Signature{
Params: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI64 /* exec context */, ssa.TypeI32 /* table index */, ssa.TypeI32 /* num */, ssa.TypeI64 /* ref */},
Results: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI32},
}, false)
e.sharedFunctions.tableGrowExecutable = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.tableGrowExecutable
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "table_grow_trampoline")
src := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeCheckModuleExitCode, &ssa.Signature{
Params: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI32 /* exec context */},
Results: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI32},
}, false)
e.sharedFunctions.checkModuleExitCode = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.checkModuleExitCode
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "check_module_exit_code_trampoline")
src := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeRefFunc, &ssa.Signature{
Params: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI64 /* exec context */, ssa.TypeI32 /* function index */},
Results: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI64}, // returns the function reference.
}, false)
e.sharedFunctions.refFuncExecutable = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.refFuncExecutable
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "ref_func_trampoline")
src := e.machine.CompileStackGrowCallSequence()
e.sharedFunctions.stackGrowExecutable = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.stackGrowExecutable
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "stack_grow_trampoline")
src := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeMemoryWait32, &ssa.Signature{
// exec context, timeout, expected, addr
Params: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI64, ssa.TypeI64, ssa.TypeI32, ssa.TypeI64},
// Returns the status.
Results: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI32},
}, false)
e.sharedFunctions.memoryWait32Executable = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.memoryWait32Executable
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "memory_wait32_trampoline")
src := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeMemoryWait64, &ssa.Signature{
// exec context, timeout, expected, addr
Params: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI64, ssa.TypeI64, ssa.TypeI64, ssa.TypeI64},
// Returns the status.
Results: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI32},
}, false)
e.sharedFunctions.memoryWait64Executable = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.memoryWait64Executable
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "memory_wait64_trampoline")
src := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeMemoryNotify, &ssa.Signature{
// exec context, count, addr
Params: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI64, ssa.TypeI32, ssa.TypeI64},
// Returns the number notified.
Results: []ssa.Type{ssa.TypeI32},
}, false)
e.sharedFunctions.memoryNotifyExecutable = mmapExecutable(src)
if wazevoapi.PerfMapEnabled {
exe := e.sharedFunctions.memoryNotifyExecutable
wazevoapi.PerfMap.AddEntry(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&exe[0])), uint64(len(exe)), "memory_notify_trampoline")
e.setFinalizer(e.sharedFunctions, sharedFunctionsFinalizer)
func sharedFunctionsFinalizer(sf *sharedFunctions) {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.memoryGrowExecutable); err != nil {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.checkModuleExitCode); err != nil {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.stackGrowExecutable); err != nil {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.tableGrowExecutable); err != nil {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.refFuncExecutable); err != nil {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.memoryWait32Executable); err != nil {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.memoryWait64Executable); err != nil {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(sf.memoryNotifyExecutable); err != nil {
for _, f := range sf.listenerBeforeTrampolines {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(f); err != nil {
for _, f := range sf.listenerAfterTrampolines {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(f); err != nil {
sf.memoryGrowExecutable = nil
sf.checkModuleExitCode = nil
sf.stackGrowExecutable = nil
sf.tableGrowExecutable = nil
sf.refFuncExecutable = nil
sf.memoryWait32Executable = nil
sf.memoryWait64Executable = nil
sf.memoryNotifyExecutable = nil
sf.listenerBeforeTrampolines = nil
sf.listenerAfterTrampolines = nil
func executablesFinalizer(exec *executables) {
if len(exec.executable) > 0 {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(exec.executable); err != nil {
exec.executable = nil
for _, f := range exec.entryPreambles {
if err := platform.MunmapCodeSegment(f); err != nil {
exec.entryPreambles = nil
func mmapExecutable(src []byte) []byte {
executable, err := platform.MmapCodeSegment(len(src))
if err != nil {
copy(executable, src)
if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
// On arm64, we cannot give all of rwx at the same time, so we change it to exec.
if err = platform.MprotectRX(executable); err != nil {
return executable
func (cm *compiledModule) functionIndexOf(addr uintptr) wasm.Index {
addr -= uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cm.executable[0]))
offset := cm.functionOffsets
index := sort.Search(len(offset), func(i int) bool {
return offset[i] > int(addr)
if index < 0 {
return wasm.Index(index)
func (e *engine) getListenerTrampolineForType(functionType *wasm.FunctionType) (before, after *byte) {
defer e.mux.Unlock()
beforeBuf, ok := e.sharedFunctions.listenerBeforeTrampolines[functionType]
afterBuf := e.sharedFunctions.listenerAfterTrampolines[functionType]
if ok {
return &beforeBuf[0], &afterBuf[0]
beforeSig, afterSig := frontend.SignatureForListener(functionType)
buf := e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeCallListenerBefore, beforeSig, false)
beforeBuf = mmapExecutable(buf)
buf = e.machine.CompileGoFunctionTrampoline(wazevoapi.ExitCodeCallListenerAfter, afterSig, false)
afterBuf = mmapExecutable(buf)
e.sharedFunctions.listenerBeforeTrampolines[functionType] = beforeBuf
e.sharedFunctions.listenerAfterTrampolines[functionType] = afterBuf
return &beforeBuf[0], &afterBuf[0]
func (cm *compiledModule) getSourceOffset(pc uintptr) uint64 {
offsets := cm.sourceMap.executableOffsets
if len(offsets) == 0 {
return 0
index := sort.Search(len(offsets), func(i int) bool {
return offsets[i] >= pc
if index < 0 {
return 0
return cm.sourceMap.wasmBinaryOffsets[index]