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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package bsoncodec
import (
// Runtime check that the kind encoder and decoder caches can store any valid
// reflect.Kind constant.
func init() {
if s := reflect.Kind(len(kindEncoderCache{}.entries)).String(); s != "kind27" {
panic("The capacity of kindEncoderCache is too small.\n" +
"This is due to a new type being added to reflect.Kind.")
// statically assert array size
var _ = (kindEncoderCache{}).entries[reflect.UnsafePointer]
var _ = (kindDecoderCache{}).entries[reflect.UnsafePointer]
type typeEncoderCache struct {
cache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]ValueEncoder
func (c *typeEncoderCache) Store(rt reflect.Type, enc ValueEncoder) {
c.cache.Store(rt, enc)
func (c *typeEncoderCache) Load(rt reflect.Type) (ValueEncoder, bool) {
if v, _ := c.cache.Load(rt); v != nil {
return v.(ValueEncoder), true
return nil, false
func (c *typeEncoderCache) LoadOrStore(rt reflect.Type, enc ValueEncoder) ValueEncoder {
if v, loaded := c.cache.LoadOrStore(rt, enc); loaded {
enc = v.(ValueEncoder)
return enc
func (c *typeEncoderCache) Clone() *typeEncoderCache {
cc := new(typeEncoderCache)
c.cache.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
if k != nil && v != nil {
cc.cache.Store(k, v)
return true
return cc
type typeDecoderCache struct {
cache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]ValueDecoder
func (c *typeDecoderCache) Store(rt reflect.Type, dec ValueDecoder) {
c.cache.Store(rt, dec)
func (c *typeDecoderCache) Load(rt reflect.Type) (ValueDecoder, bool) {
if v, _ := c.cache.Load(rt); v != nil {
return v.(ValueDecoder), true
return nil, false
func (c *typeDecoderCache) LoadOrStore(rt reflect.Type, dec ValueDecoder) ValueDecoder {
if v, loaded := c.cache.LoadOrStore(rt, dec); loaded {
dec = v.(ValueDecoder)
return dec
func (c *typeDecoderCache) Clone() *typeDecoderCache {
cc := new(typeDecoderCache)
c.cache.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
if k != nil && v != nil {
cc.cache.Store(k, v)
return true
return cc
// atomic.Value requires that all calls to Store() have the same concrete type
// so we wrap the ValueEncoder with a kindEncoderCacheEntry to ensure the type
// is always the same (since different concrete types may implement the
// ValueEncoder interface).
type kindEncoderCacheEntry struct {
enc ValueEncoder
type kindEncoderCache struct {
entries [reflect.UnsafePointer + 1]atomic.Value // *kindEncoderCacheEntry
func (c *kindEncoderCache) Store(rt reflect.Kind, enc ValueEncoder) {
if enc != nil && rt < reflect.Kind(len(c.entries)) {
c.entries[rt].Store(&kindEncoderCacheEntry{enc: enc})
func (c *kindEncoderCache) Load(rt reflect.Kind) (ValueEncoder, bool) {
if rt < reflect.Kind(len(c.entries)) {
if ent, ok := c.entries[rt].Load().(*kindEncoderCacheEntry); ok {
return ent.enc, ent.enc != nil
return nil, false
func (c *kindEncoderCache) Clone() *kindEncoderCache {
cc := new(kindEncoderCache)
for i, v := range c.entries {
if val := v.Load(); val != nil {
return cc
// atomic.Value requires that all calls to Store() have the same concrete type
// so we wrap the ValueDecoder with a kindDecoderCacheEntry to ensure the type
// is always the same (since different concrete types may implement the
// ValueDecoder interface).
type kindDecoderCacheEntry struct {
dec ValueDecoder
type kindDecoderCache struct {
entries [reflect.UnsafePointer + 1]atomic.Value // *kindDecoderCacheEntry
func (c *kindDecoderCache) Store(rt reflect.Kind, dec ValueDecoder) {
if rt < reflect.Kind(len(c.entries)) {
c.entries[rt].Store(&kindDecoderCacheEntry{dec: dec})
func (c *kindDecoderCache) Load(rt reflect.Kind) (ValueDecoder, bool) {
if rt < reflect.Kind(len(c.entries)) {
if ent, ok := c.entries[rt].Load().(*kindDecoderCacheEntry); ok {
return ent.dec, ent.dec != nil
return nil, false
func (c *kindDecoderCache) Clone() *kindDecoderCache {
cc := new(kindDecoderCache)
for i, v := range c.entries {
if val := v.Load(); val != nil {
return cc