mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 00:10:06 +01:00
* Add whereNotEmptyAndNotNull * Add GetRemoteOlderThanDays * Add GetRemoteOlderThanDays * Add PruneRemote to Manager interface * Start implementing PruneRemote * add new attachment + status to tests * fix up and test GetRemoteOlderThan * fix bad import * PruneRemote: return number pruned * add Cached column to mediaattachment * update + test pruneRemote * update mediaTest * use Cached column * upstep bun to latest version * embed structs in mediaAttachment * migrate mediaAttachment to new format * don't default cached to true * select only remote media * update db dependencies * step bun back to last working version * update pruneRemote to use Cached field * fix storage path of test attachments * add recache logic to manager * fix trimmed aspect ratio * test prune and recache * return errwithcode * tidy up different paths for emoji vs attachment * fix incorrect thumbnail type being stored * expose TransportController to media processor * implement tee-ing recached content * add thoughts of dog to test fedi attachments * test get remote files * add comment on PruneRemote * add postData cleanup to recache * test thumbnail fetching * add incredible diagram * go mod tidy * buffer pipes for recache streaming * test for client stops reading after 1kb * add media-remote-cache-days to config * add cron package * wrap logrus so it's available to cron * start and stop cron jobs gracefully
708 lines
29 KiB
708 lines
29 KiB
// Code generated by 'go generate' - DO NOT EDIT.
package libc // import "modernc.org/libc"
var CAPI = map[string]struct{}{
"AccessCheck": {},
"AddAccessDeniedAce": {},
"AddAce": {},
"AreFileApisANSI": {},
"BuildCommDCBW": {},
"CancelSynchronousIo": {},
"CharLowerW": {},
"ClearCommError": {},
"CloseHandle": {},
"CopyFileW": {},
"CreateDirectoryW": {},
"CreateEventA": {},
"CreateEventW": {},
"CreateFileA": {},
"CreateFileMappingA": {},
"CreateFileMappingW": {},
"CreateFileW": {},
"CreateHardLinkW": {},
"CreateMutexW": {},
"CreatePipe": {},
"CreateProcessA": {},
"CreateProcessW": {},
"CreateThread": {},
"CreateWindowExW": {},
"DdeAbandonTransaction": {},
"DdeAccessData": {},
"DdeClientTransaction": {},
"DdeConnect": {},
"DdeCreateDataHandle": {},
"DdeCreateStringHandleW": {},
"DdeDisconnect": {},
"DdeFreeDataHandle": {},
"DdeFreeStringHandle": {},
"DdeGetData": {},
"DdeGetLastError": {},
"DdeInitializeW": {},
"DdeNameService": {},
"DdeQueryStringW": {},
"DdeUnaccessData": {},
"DdeUninitialize": {},
"DebugBreak": {},
"DefWindowProcW": {},
"DeleteCriticalSection": {},
"DeleteFileA": {},
"DeleteFileW": {},
"DestroyWindow": {},
"DeviceIoControl": {},
"DispatchMessageW": {},
"DuplicateHandle": {},
"EnterCriticalSection": {},
"EnumWindows": {},
"EqualSid": {},
"EscapeCommFunction": {},
"ExitProcess": {},
"FindClose": {},
"FindFirstFileExW": {},
"FindFirstFileW": {},
"FindNextFileW": {},
"FlushFileBuffers": {},
"FlushViewOfFile": {},
"FormatMessageA": {},
"FormatMessageW": {},
"FreeLibrary": {},
"GetACP": {},
"GetAce": {},
"GetAclInformation": {},
"GetCommModemStatus": {},
"GetCommState": {},
"GetCommandLineW": {},
"GetComputerNameExW": {},
"GetComputerNameW": {},
"GetConsoleCP": {},
"GetConsoleMode": {},
"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo": {},
"GetCurrentDirectoryW": {},
"GetCurrentProcess": {},
"GetCurrentProcessId": {},
"GetCurrentThread": {},
"GetCurrentThreadId": {},
"GetDiskFreeSpaceA": {},
"GetDiskFreeSpaceW": {},
"GetEnvironmentVariableA": {},
"GetEnvironmentVariableW": {},
"GetExitCodeProcess": {},
"GetExitCodeThread": {},
"GetFileAttributesA": {},
"GetFileAttributesExW": {},
"GetFileAttributesW": {},
"GetFileInformationByHandle": {},
"GetFileSecurityA": {},
"GetFileSecurityW": {},
"GetFileSize": {},
"GetFileType": {},
"GetFullPathNameA": {},
"GetFullPathNameW": {},
"GetLastError": {},
"GetLengthSid": {},
"GetLogicalDriveStringsA": {},
"GetMessageW": {},
"GetModuleFileNameA": {},
"GetModuleFileNameW": {},
"GetModuleHandleA": {},
"GetModuleHandleW": {},
"GetNamedSecurityInfoW": {},
"GetOverlappedResult": {},
"GetPrivateProfileStringA": {},
"GetProcAddress": {},
"GetProcessHeap": {},
"GetProfilesDirectoryW": {},
"GetSecurityDescriptorDacl": {},
"GetSecurityDescriptorOwner": {},
"GetShortPathNameW": {},
"GetSidIdentifierAuthority": {},
"GetSidLengthRequired": {},
"GetSidSubAuthority": {},
"GetStdHandle": {},
"GetSystemInfo": {},
"GetSystemTime": {},
"GetSystemTimeAsFileTime": {},
"GetTempFileNameW": {},
"GetTempPathA": {},
"GetTempPathW": {},
"GetTickCount": {},
"GetTokenInformation": {},
"GetUserNameW": {},
"GetVersionExA": {},
"GetVersionExW": {},
"GetVolumeInformationA": {},
"GetVolumeInformationW": {},
"GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW": {},
"GetWindowLongPtrW": {},
"GetWindowsDirectoryA": {},
"GlobalAddAtomW": {},
"GlobalDeleteAtom": {},
"GlobalGetAtomNameW": {},
"HeapAlloc": {},
"HeapCompact": {},
"HeapCreate": {},
"HeapDestroy": {},
"HeapFree": {},
"HeapReAlloc": {},
"HeapSize": {},
"HeapValidate": {},
"ImpersonateSelf": {},
"InitializeAcl": {},
"InitializeCriticalSection": {},
"InitializeSid": {},
"IsDebuggerPresent": {},
"IsWindow": {},
"KillTimer": {},
"LeaveCriticalSection": {},
"LoadLibraryA": {},
"LoadLibraryExW": {},
"LoadLibraryW": {},
"LocalFree": {},
"LockFile": {},
"LockFileEx": {},
"MapViewOfFile": {},
"MessageBeep": {},
"MessageBoxW": {},
"MoveFileW": {},
"MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx": {},
"MultiByteToWideChar": {},
"NetApiBufferFree": {},
"NetGetDCName": {},
"NetUserGetInfo": {},
"OpenEventA": {},
"OpenProcessToken": {},
"OpenThreadToken": {},
"OutputDebugStringA": {},
"OutputDebugStringW": {},
"PeekConsoleInputW": {},
"PeekMessageW": {},
"PeekNamedPipe": {},
"PostMessageW": {},
"PostQuitMessage": {},
"PurgeComm": {},
"QueryPerformanceCounter": {},
"QueryPerformanceFrequency": {},
"RaiseException": {},
"ReadConsoleW": {},
"ReadFile": {},
"RegCloseKey": {},
"RegConnectRegistryW": {},
"RegCreateKeyExW": {},
"RegDeleteKeyW": {},
"RegDeleteValueW": {},
"RegEnumKeyExW": {},
"RegEnumValueW": {},
"RegOpenKeyExW": {},
"RegQueryValueExW": {},
"RegSetValueExW": {},
"RegisterClassExW": {},
"RegisterClassW": {},
"RemoveDirectoryW": {},
"ResetEvent": {},
"RevertToSelf": {},
"RtlGetVersion": {},
"SearchPathW": {},
"SendMessageTimeoutW": {},
"SendMessageW": {},
"SetCommState": {},
"SetCommTimeouts": {},
"SetConsoleCtrlHandler": {},
"SetConsoleMode": {},
"SetConsoleTextAttribute": {},
"SetCurrentDirectoryW": {},
"SetEndOfFile": {},
"SetErrorMode": {},
"SetEvent": {},
"SetFileAttributesW": {},
"SetFilePointer": {},
"SetFileTime": {},
"SetHandleInformation": {},
"SetNamedSecurityInfoA": {},
"SetThreadPriority": {},
"SetTimer": {},
"SetWindowLongPtrW": {},
"SetupComm": {},
"Sleep": {},
"SleepEx": {},
"SystemTimeToFileTime": {},
"TerminateThread": {},
"TranslateMessage": {},
"UnlockFile": {},
"UnlockFileEx": {},
"UnmapViewOfFile": {},
"UnregisterClassW": {},
"WSAAsyncSelect": {},
"WSAGetLastError": {},
"WSAStartup": {},
"WaitForInputIdle": {},
"WaitForSingleObject": {},
"WaitForSingleObjectEx": {},
"WideCharToMultiByte": {},
"WriteConsoleW": {},
"WriteFile": {},
"WspiapiFreeAddrInfo": {},
"WspiapiGetAddrInfo": {},
"WspiapiGetNameInfo": {},
"_IO_putc": {},
"_InterlockedCompareExchange": {},
"_InterlockedExchange": {},
"___errno_location": {},
"__acrt_iob_func": {},
"__assert_fail": {},
"__atomic_load_n": {},
"__atomic_store_n": {},
"__builtin___memcpy_chk": {},
"__builtin___memmove_chk": {},
"__builtin___memset_chk": {},
"__builtin___snprintf_chk": {},
"__builtin___sprintf_chk": {},
"__builtin___strcat_chk": {},
"__builtin___strcpy_chk": {},
"__builtin___strncpy_chk": {},
"__builtin___vsnprintf_chk": {},
"__builtin_abort": {},
"__builtin_abs": {},
"__builtin_add_overflow": {},
"__builtin_add_overflowInt64": {},
"__builtin_add_overflowUint32": {},
"__builtin_add_overflowUint64": {},
"__builtin_bswap16": {},
"__builtin_bswap32": {},
"__builtin_bswap64": {},
"__builtin_bzero": {},
"__builtin_clz": {},
"__builtin_clzl": {},
"__builtin_clzll": {},
"__builtin_constant_p_impl": {},
"__builtin_copysign": {},
"__builtin_copysignf": {},
"__builtin_copysignl": {},
"__builtin_exit": {},
"__builtin_expect": {},
"__builtin_fabs": {},
"__builtin_fabsf": {},
"__builtin_fabsl": {},
"__builtin_free": {},
"__builtin_getentropy": {},
"__builtin_huge_val": {},
"__builtin_huge_valf": {},
"__builtin_inf": {},
"__builtin_inff": {},
"__builtin_infl": {},
"__builtin_isnan": {},
"__builtin_isunordered": {},
"__builtin_malloc": {},
"__builtin_memcmp": {},
"__builtin_memcpy": {},
"__builtin_memset": {},
"__builtin_mmap": {},
"__builtin_mul_overflow": {},
"__builtin_mul_overflowInt64": {},
"__builtin_mul_overflowUint128": {},
"__builtin_mul_overflowUint64": {},
"__builtin_nan": {},
"__builtin_nanf": {},
"__builtin_nanl": {},
"__builtin_object_size": {},
"__builtin_popcount": {},
"__builtin_popcountl": {},
"__builtin_prefetch": {},
"__builtin_printf": {},
"__builtin_snprintf": {},
"__builtin_sprintf": {},
"__builtin_strchr": {},
"__builtin_strcmp": {},
"__builtin_strcpy": {},
"__builtin_strlen": {},
"__builtin_sub_overflow": {},
"__builtin_sub_overflowInt64": {},
"__builtin_trap": {},
"__builtin_unreachable": {},
"__ccgo_dmesg": {},
"__ccgo_getMutexType": {},
"__ccgo_in6addr_anyp": {},
"__ccgo_pthreadAttrGetDetachState": {},
"__ccgo_pthreadMutexattrGettype": {},
"__ccgo_sqlite3_log": {},
"__ctype_get_mb_cur_max": {},
"__env_rm_add": {},
"__errno_location": {},
"__imp__environ": {},
"__imp__wenviron": {},
"__isalnum_l": {},
"__isalpha_l": {},
"__isdigit_l": {},
"__islower_l": {},
"__isnan": {},
"__isnanf": {},
"__isnanl": {},
"__isoc99_sscanf": {},
"__isprint_l": {},
"__isspace_l": {},
"__isxdigit_l": {},
"__mingw_vfprintf": {},
"__mingw_vfscanf": {},
"__mingw_vfwprintf": {},
"__mingw_vfwscanf": {},
"__mingw_vprintf": {},
"__mingw_vsnprintf": {},
"__mingw_vsnwprintf": {},
"__mingw_vsprintf": {},
"__mingw_vsscanf": {},
"__mingw_vswscanf": {},
"__ms_vfscanf": {},
"__ms_vfwscanf": {},
"__ms_vscanf": {},
"__ms_vsnprintf": {},
"__ms_vsscanf": {},
"__ms_vswscanf": {},
"__ms_vwscanf": {},
"__putenv": {},
"__strchrnul": {},
"__sync_add_and_fetch_uint32": {},
"__sync_sub_and_fetch_uint32": {},
"_access": {},
"_assert": {},
"_beginthread": {},
"_beginthreadex": {},
"_byteswap_uint64": {},
"_byteswap_ulong": {},
"_chmod": {},
"_chsize": {},
"_commit": {},
"_controlfp": {},
"_copysign": {},
"_endthreadex": {},
"_errno": {},
"_exit": {},
"_fileno": {},
"_findclose": {},
"_findfirst32": {},
"_findfirst64i32": {},
"_findnext32": {},
"_findnext64i32": {},
"_fstat64": {},
"_fstati64": {},
"_ftime": {},
"_ftime64": {},
"_gmtime64": {},
"_imp___environ": {},
"_iob": {},
"_isatty": {},
"_localtime64": {},
"_longjmp": {},
"_mkdir": {},
"_mktime64": {},
"_msize": {},
"_obstack_begin": {},
"_obstack_newchunk": {},
"_pclose": {},
"_popen": {},
"_putchar": {},
"_set_abort_behavior": {},
"_setjmp": {},
"_setmode": {},
"_snprintf": {},
"_snwprintf": {},
"_stat64": {},
"_stati64": {},
"_strdup": {},
"_stricmp": {},
"_strnicmp": {},
"_unlink": {},
"_vsnwprintf": {},
"_wcsicmp": {},
"_wcsnicmp": {},
"_wgetenv": {},
"_wopen": {},
"_wputenv": {},
"_wtoi": {},
"_wunlink": {},
"abort": {},
"abs": {},
"accept": {},
"access": {},
"acos": {},
"acosh": {},
"alarm": {},
"asin": {},
"asinh": {},
"atan": {},
"atan2": {},
"atanh": {},
"atexit": {},
"atof": {},
"atoi": {},
"atol": {},
"backtrace": {},
"backtrace_symbols_fd": {},
"bind": {},
"bsearch": {},
"bzero": {},
"calloc": {},
"ceil": {},
"ceilf": {},
"cfsetispeed": {},
"cfsetospeed": {},
"chdir": {},
"chmod": {},
"clock_gettime": {},
"close": {},
"closedir": {},
"closesocket": {},
"confstr": {},
"connect": {},
"copysign": {},
"copysignf": {},
"cos": {},
"cosf": {},
"cosh": {},
"dlclose": {},
"dlerror": {},
"dlopen": {},
"dlsym": {},
"dup2": {},
"environ": {},
"execvp": {},
"exit": {},
"exp": {},
"fabs": {},
"fabsf": {},
"fabsl": {},
"fchmod": {},
"fclose": {},
"fcntl": {},
"fcntl64": {},
"fdopen": {},
"ferror": {},
"fflush": {},
"fgetc": {},
"fgets": {},
"fileno": {},
"floor": {},
"fmod": {},
"fopen": {},
"fopen64": {},
"fork": {},
"fprintf": {},
"fputc": {},
"fputs": {},
"fread": {},
"free": {},
"frexp": {},
"fscanf": {},
"fseek": {},
"fstat": {},
"fstat64": {},
"fsync": {},
"ftell": {},
"ftruncate": {},
"ftruncate64": {},
"fts64_close": {},
"fts64_open": {},
"fts64_read": {},
"fts_close": {},
"fts_read": {},
"fwrite": {},
"gai_strerror": {},
"gai_strerrorA": {},
"gai_strerrorW": {},
"getc": {},
"getcwd": {},
"getentropy": {},
"getenv": {},
"gethostname": {},
"getpeername": {},
"getpid": {},
"getpwuid": {},
"getrlimit": {},
"getrlimit64": {},
"getrusage": {},
"getservbyname": {},
"getsockname": {},
"getsockopt": {},
"gettimeofday": {},
"gmtime": {},
"gmtime_r": {},
"htonl": {},
"htons": {},
"hypot": {},
"inet_ntoa": {},
"ioctl": {},
"ioctlsocket": {},
"isalnum": {},
"isalpha": {},
"isascii": {},
"isatty": {},
"isdigit": {},
"islower": {},
"isnan": {},
"isnanf": {},
"isnanl": {},
"isprint": {},
"isspace": {},
"isxdigit": {},
"kill": {},
"ldexp": {},
"link": {},
"listen": {},
"localtime": {},
"localtime_r": {},
"log": {},
"log10": {},
"longjmp": {},
"lseek": {},
"lseek64": {},
"lstat": {},
"lstat64": {},
"lstrcmpiA": {},
"lstrlenW": {},
"malloc": {},
"mblen": {},
"mbstowcs": {},
"mbtowc": {},
"memchr": {},
"memcmp": {},
"memcpy": {},
"memmove": {},
"memset": {},
"mkdir": {},
"mkfifo": {},
"mknod": {},
"mkstemp64": {},
"mkstemps": {},
"mkstemps64": {},
"mktime": {},
"mmap": {},
"mmap64": {},
"modf": {},
"mremap": {},
"munmap": {},
"ntohs": {},
"obstack_free": {},
"obstack_vprintf": {},
"open": {},
"open64": {},
"opendir": {},
"openpty": {},
"pclose": {},
"perror": {},
"pipe": {},
"popen": {},
"pow": {},
"printf": {},
"pselect": {},
"putc": {},
"putchar": {},
"putenv": {},
"puts": {},
"qsort": {},
"raise": {},
"rand": {},
"random": {},
"read": {},
"readdir": {},
"readlink": {},
"readv": {},
"realloc": {},
"reallocarray": {},
"realpath": {},
"recv": {},
"rename": {},
"rewind": {},
"rindex": {},
"rint": {},
"rmdir": {},
"round": {},
"sched_yield": {},
"select": {},
"send": {},
"setbuf": {},
"setenv": {},
"setjmp": {},
"setlocale": {},
"setmode": {},
"setrlimit": {},
"setrlimit64": {},
"setsid": {},
"setsockopt": {},
"setvbuf": {},
"shutdown": {},
"sigaction": {},
"sin": {},
"sinf": {},
"sinh": {},
"sleep": {},
"snprintf": {},
"socket": {},
"sprintf": {},
"sqrt": {},
"sscanf": {},
"stat": {},
"stat64": {},
"stderr": {},
"stdin": {},
"stdout": {},
"strcasecmp": {},
"strcat": {},
"strchr": {},
"strcmp": {},
"strcpy": {},
"strcspn": {},
"strdup": {},
"strerror": {},
"strlen": {},
"strncmp": {},
"strncpy": {},
"strpbrk": {},
"strrchr": {},
"strstr": {},
"strtod": {},
"strtol": {},
"strtoul": {},
"symlink": {},
"sysconf": {},
"system": {},
"tan": {},
"tanh": {},
"tcgetattr": {},
"tcsendbreak": {},
"tcsetattr": {},
"time": {},
"timezone": {},
"tolower": {},
"toupper": {},
"trunc": {},
"tzset": {},
"umask": {},
"uname": {},
"ungetc": {},
"unlink": {},
"unsetenv": {},
"usleep": {},
"utime": {},
"utimes": {},
"vasprintf": {},
"vfprintf": {},
"vprintf": {},
"vsnprintf": {},
"vsprintf": {},
"waitpid": {},
"wcrtomb": {},
"wcschr": {},
"wcscmp": {},
"wcscpy": {},
"wcsicmp": {},
"wcslen": {},
"wcsncmp": {},
"wcsrtombs": {},
"wcstombs": {},
"wctomb": {},
"wcwidth": {},
"write": {},
"wsprintfA": {},
"wsprintfW": {},