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synced 2025-03-28 09:10:09 +01:00
[chore] Prefer JSON errors in API endpoints (#1766)
* Default to JSON over HTML for error handling * Change the default error display for web endpoints to html
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ func genericErrorHandler(c *gin.Context, instanceGet func(ctx context.Context) (
// the caller prefers to see an html page with the error rendered there. If not, or
// if something goes wrong during the function, it will recover and just try to serve
// an appropriate application/json content-type error.
func ErrorHandler(c *gin.Context, errWithCode gtserror.WithCode, instanceGet func(ctx context.Context) (*apimodel.InstanceV1, gtserror.WithCode)) {
// To override the default response type, specify `offers`.
func ErrorHandler(c *gin.Context, errWithCode gtserror.WithCode, instanceGet func(ctx context.Context) (*apimodel.InstanceV1, gtserror.WithCode), offers ...MIME) {
// set the error on the gin context so that it can be logged
// in the gin logger middleware (internal/router/logger.go)
c.Error(errWithCode) //nolint:errcheck
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ func ErrorHandler(c *gin.Context, errWithCode gtserror.WithCode, instanceGet fun
// or if we should just use a json. Normally we would want to
// check for a returned error, but if an error occurs here we
// can just fall back to default behavior (serve json error).
accept, _ := NegotiateAccept(c, HTMLOrJSONAcceptHeaders...)
accept, _ := NegotiateAccept(c, JSONOrHTMLAcceptHeaders...)
if errWithCode.Code() == http.StatusNotFound {
// use our special not found handler with useful status text
@ -107,6 +108,11 @@ func ErrorHandler(c *gin.Context, errWithCode gtserror.WithCode, instanceGet fun
// WebErrorHandler is like ErrorHandler, but will display HTML over JSON by default.
func WebErrorHandler(c *gin.Context, errWithCode gtserror.WithCode, instanceGet func(ctx context.Context) (*apimodel.InstanceV1, gtserror.WithCode)) {
ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet, TextHTML, AppJSON)
// OAuthErrorHandler is a lot like ErrorHandler, but it specifically returns errors
// that are compatible with https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-5.2,
// but serializing errWithCode.Error() in the 'error' field, and putting any help text
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ var WebfingerJSONAcceptHeaders = []MIME{
// HTMLOrJSONAcceptHeaders is a slice of offers that prefers TextHTML and will
// fall back to JSON if necessary. This is useful for error handling, since it can
// JSONOrHTMLAcceptHeaders is a slice of offers that prefers AppJSON and will
// fall back to HTML if necessary. This is useful for error handling, since it can
// be used to serve a nice HTML page if the caller accepts that, or just JSON if not.
var HTMLOrJSONAcceptHeaders = []MIME{
var JSONOrHTMLAcceptHeaders = []MIME{
// HTMLAcceptHeaders is a slice of offers that just contains text/html types.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const (
func (m *Module) aboutGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
instance, err := m.processor.InstanceGetV1(c.Request.Context())
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func (m *Module) baseHandler(c *gin.Context) {
instance, err := m.processor.InstanceGetV1(c.Request.Context())
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ func (m *Module) confirmEmailGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
// if there's no token in the query, just serve the 404 web handler
token := c.Query(tokenParam)
if token == "" {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotFound(errors.New(http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound))), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotFound(errors.New(http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound))), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
user, errWithCode := m.processor.User().EmailConfirm(ctx, token)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
instance, err := m.processor.InstanceGetV1(ctx)
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ const textCSSUTF8 = string(apiutil.TextCSS + "; charset=utf-8")
func (m *Module) customCSSGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
if !config.GetAccountsAllowCustomCSS() {
err := errors.New("accounts-allow-custom-css is not enabled on this instance")
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotFound(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotFound(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
if _, err := apiutil.NegotiateAccept(c, apiutil.TextCSS); err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotAcceptable(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotAcceptable(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ func (m *Module) customCSSGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
username := strings.ToLower(c.Param(usernameKey))
if username == "" {
err := errors.New("no account username specified")
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
customCSS, errWithCode := m.processor.Account().GetCustomCSSForUsername(c.Request.Context(), username)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -35,25 +35,25 @@ const (
func (m *Module) domainBlockListGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
authed, err := oauth.Authed(c, false, false, false, false)
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
if !config.GetInstanceExposeSuspendedWeb() && (authed.Account == nil || authed.User == nil) {
err := fmt.Errorf("this instance does not expose the list of suspended domains publicly")
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
instance, err := m.processor.InstanceGetV1(c.Request.Context())
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
domainBlocks, errWithCode := m.processor.InstancePeersGet(c.Request.Context(), true, false, false)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ func (m *Module) profileGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
authed, err := oauth.Authed(c, false, false, false, false)
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
username := strings.ToLower(c.Param(usernameKey))
if username == "" {
err := errors.New("no account username specified")
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
instance, err := m.processor.InstanceGetV1(ctx)
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func (m *Module) profileGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
account, errWithCode := m.processor.Account().GetLocalByUsername(ctx, authed.Account, username)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func (m *Module) profileGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
statusResp, errWithCode := m.processor.Account().WebStatusesGet(ctx, account.ID, maxStatusID)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func (m *Module) profileGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
if !paging {
pinnedResp, errWithCode = m.processor.Account().StatusesGet(ctx, authed.Account, account.ID, 0, false, false, "", "", true, false, false)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ func (m *Module) returnAPProfile(ctx context.Context, c *gin.Context, username s
user, errWithCode := m.processor.Fedi().UserGet(ctx, username, c.Request.URL)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
b, mErr := json.Marshal(user)
if mErr != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("could not marshal json: %s", mErr)
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (m *Module) rssFeedGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
ctx := c.Request.Context()
if _, err := apiutil.NegotiateAccept(c, apiutil.AppRSSXML); err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotAcceptable(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotAcceptable(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ func (m *Module) rssFeedGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
username := strings.ToLower(c.Param(usernameKey))
if username == "" {
err := errors.New("no account username specified")
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func (m *Module) rssFeedGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
getRssFeed, accountLastPostedPublic, errWithCode := m.processor.Account().GetRSSFeedForUsername(ctx, username)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ func (m *Module) rssFeedGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
// we either have no cache entry for this, or we have an expired cache entry; generate a new one
rssFeed, errWithCode = getRssFeed()
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
eTag, err := generateEtag(bytes.NewBufferString(rssFeed))
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func (m *Module) rssFeedGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
// we had a cache entry already so we didn't call to get the rss feed yet
rssFeed, errWithCode = getRssFeed()
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import (
func (m *Module) SettingsPanelHandler(c *gin.Context) {
instance, err := m.processor.InstanceGetV1(c.Request.Context())
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ func (m *Module) threadGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
authed, err := oauth.Authed(c, false, false, false, false)
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorUnauthorized(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func (m *Module) threadGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
username := strings.ToLower(c.Param(usernameKey))
if username == "" {
err := errors.New("no account username specified")
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ func (m *Module) threadGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
statusID := strings.ToUpper(c.Param(statusIDKey))
if statusID == "" {
err := errors.New("no status id specified")
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorBadRequest(err, err.Error()), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
instance, err := m.processor.InstanceGetV1(ctx)
if err != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1)
@ -72,19 +72,19 @@ func (m *Module) threadGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
// do this check to make sure the status is actually from a local account,
// we shouldn't render threads from statuses that don't belong to us!
if _, errWithCode := m.processor.Account().GetLocalByUsername(ctx, authed.Account, username); errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
status, errWithCode := m.processor.Status().Get(ctx, authed.Account, statusID)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
if !strings.EqualFold(username, status.Account.Username) {
err := gtserror.NewErrorNotFound(errors.New("path username not equal to status author username"))
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotFound(err), instanceGet)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorNotFound(err), instanceGet)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func (m *Module) threadGETHandler(c *gin.Context) {
context, errWithCode := m.processor.Status().ContextGet(ctx, authed.Account, statusID)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, instanceGet)
@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ func (m *Module) returnAPStatus(ctx context.Context, c *gin.Context, username st
status, errWithCode := m.processor.Fedi().StatusGet(ctx, username, statusID)
if errWithCode != nil {
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, errWithCode, m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
b, mErr := json.Marshal(status)
if mErr != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("could not marshal json: %s", mErr)
apiutil.ErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
apiutil.WebErrorHandler(c, gtserror.NewErrorInternalError(err), m.processor.InstanceGetV1) //nolint:contextcheck
Reference in New Issue
Block a user