Update dependencies (#333)

This commit is contained in:
tobi 2021-11-27 15:26:58 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent ce22e03f9d
commit 182b4eea73
No known key found for this signature in database
848 changed files with 377869 additions and 107280 deletions

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@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ module github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial
go 1.17
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github.com/ReneKroon/ttlcache v1.7.0
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github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 v3.0.0
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modernc.org/ccgo/v3 v3.12.66/go.mod h1:jUuxlCFZTUZLMV08s7B1ekHX5+LIAurKTTaugUr/EhQ=
modernc.org/ccgo/v3 v3.12.67/go.mod h1:Bll3KwKvGROizP2Xj17GEGOTrlvB1XcVaBrC90ORO84=
modernc.org/ccgo/v3 v3.12.73 h1:AMk4wEpzWjpODXohKvvnlwLob4Xk8tq3we6CwYh88mA=
modernc.org/ccgo/v3 v3.12.73/go.mod h1:hngkB+nUUqzOf3iqsM48Gf1FZhY599qzVg1iX+BT3cQ=
modernc.org/httpfs v1.0.6 h1:AAgIpFZRXuYnkjftxTAZwMIiwEqAfk8aVB2/oA6nAeM=
modernc.org/httpfs v1.0.6/go.mod h1:7dosgurJGp0sPaRanU53W4xZYKh14wfzX420oZADeHM=
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modernc.org/libc v1.9.11/go.mod h1:NyF3tsA5ArIjJ83XB0JlqhjTabTCHm9aX4XMPHyQn0Q=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.0/go.mod h1:2lOfPmj7cz+g1MrPNmX65QCzVxgNq2C5o0jdLY2gAYg=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.2/go.mod h1:ioIyrl3ETkugDO3SGZ+6EOKvlP3zSOycUETe4XM4n8M=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.3 h1:q//spBhqp23lC/if8/o8hlyET57P8mCZqrqftzT2WmY=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.3/go.mod h1:k3HDCP95A6U111Q5TmG3nAyUcp3kR5YFZTeDS9v8vSU=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.5/go.mod h1:k3HDCP95A6U111Q5TmG3nAyUcp3kR5YFZTeDS9v8vSU=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.6/go.mod h1:ddqmzR6p5i4jIGK1d/EiSw97LBcE3dK24QEwCFvgNgE=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.11/go.mod h1:lXEp9QOOk4qAYOtL3BmMve99S5Owz7Qyowzvg6LiZso=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.16/go.mod h1:+DJquzYi+DMRUtWI1YNxrlQO6TcA5+dRRiq8HWBWRC8=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.24/go.mod h1:FOSzE0UwookyT1TtCJrRkvsOrX2k38HoInhw+cSCUGk=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.27/go.mod h1:zmWm6kcFXt/jpzeCgfvUNswM0qke8qVwxqZrnddlDiE=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.28/go.mod h1:Ii4V0fTFcbq3qrv3CNn+OGHAvzqMBvC7dBNyC4vHZlg=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.31/go.mod h1:FpBncUkEAtopRNJj8aRo29qUiyx5AvAlAxzlx9GNaVM=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.34/go.mod h1:+Tzc4hnb1iaX/SKAutJmfzES6awxfU1BPvrrJO0pYLg=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.39/go.mod h1:mV8lJMo2S5A31uD0k1cMu7vrJbSA3J3waQJxpV4iqx8=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.42/go.mod h1:yzrLDU+sSjLE+D4bIhS7q1L5UwXDOw99PLSX0BlZvSQ=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.44/go.mod h1:KFq33jsma7F5WXiYelU8quMJasCCTnHK0mkri4yPHgA=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.45/go.mod h1:Y192orvfVQQYFzCNsn+Xt0Hxt4DiO4USpLNXBlXg/tM=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.47/go.mod h1:tPkE4PzCTW27E6AIKIR5IwHAQKCAtudEIeAV1/SiyBg=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.49/go.mod h1:9JrJuK5WTtoTWIFQ7QjX2Mb/bagYdZdscI3xrvHbXjE=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.51/go.mod h1:R9I8u9TS+meaWLdbfQhq2kFknTW0O3aw3kEMqDDxMaM=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.53/go.mod h1:5ip5vWYPAoMulkQ5XlSJTy12Sz5U6blOQiYasilVPsU=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.54/go.mod h1:S/FVnskbzVUrjfBqlGFIPA5m7UwB3n9fojHhCNfSsnw=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.55/go.mod h1:j2A5YBRm6HjNkoSs/fzZrSxCuwWqcMYTDPLNx0URn3M=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.56/go.mod h1:pakHkg5JdMLt2OgRadpPOTnyRXm/uzu+Yyg/LSLdi18=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.58/go.mod h1:ns94Rxv0OWyoQrDqMFfWwka2BcaF6/61CqJRK9LP7S8=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.70/go.mod h1:DUOmMYe+IvKi9n6Mycyx3DbjfzSKrdr/0Vgt3j7P5gw=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.71/go.mod h1:DUOmMYe+IvKi9n6Mycyx3DbjfzSKrdr/0Vgt3j7P5gw=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.75/go.mod h1:dGRVugT6edz361wmD9gk6ax1AbDSe0x5vji0dGJiPT0=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.82/go.mod h1:NF+Ek1BOl2jeC7lw3a7Jj5PWyHPwWD4aq3wVKxqV1fI=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.83 h1:WmbgzryG15U1WViAd73q2WJGLLMczZCT0YJWjW6A8mo=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.83/go.mod h1:ePuYgoQLmvxdNT06RpGnaDKJmDNEkV7ZPKI2jnsvZoE=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.1.1/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.2.2/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.4.0/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
@ -909,16 +989,16 @@ modernc.org/memory v1.0.5 h1:XRch8trV7GgvTec2i7jc33YlUI0RKVDBvZ5eZ5m8y14=
modernc.org/memory v1.0.5/go.mod h1:B7OYswTRnfGg+4tDH1t1OeUNnsy2viGTdME4tzd+IjM=
modernc.org/opt v0.1.1 h1:/0RX92k9vwVeDXj+Xn23DKp2VJubL7k8qNffND6qn3A=
modernc.org/opt v0.1.1/go.mod h1:WdSiB5evDcignE70guQKxYUl14mgWtbClRi5wmkkTX0=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.13.0 h1:cwhUj0jTBgPjk/demWheV+T6xi6ifTfsGIFKFq0g3Ck=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.13.0/go.mod h1:2qO/6jZJrcQaxFUHxOwa6Q6WfiGSsiVj6GXX0Ker+Jg=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.14.1 h1:jthfQCbWKfbK/lvZSjFEpBk0QzIBN6pQbFdDqBMR490=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.14.1/go.mod h1:04Lqa+3PuAEUhAPAPWeDMljT4UYA31nb2DHTFG47L1g=
modernc.org/strutil v1.1.1 h1:xv+J1BXY3Opl2ALrBwyfEikFAj8pmqcpnfmuwUwcozs=
modernc.org/strutil v1.1.1/go.mod h1:DE+MQQ/hjKBZS2zNInV5hhcipt5rLPWkmpbGeW5mmdw=
modernc.org/tcl v1.5.9 h1:DZMfR+RDJRhcrmMEMTJgVIX+Wf5qhfVX0llI0rsc20w=
modernc.org/tcl v1.5.9/go.mod h1:bcwjvBJ2u0exY6K35eAmxXBBij5kXb1dHlAWmfhqThE=
modernc.org/tcl v1.8.13 h1:V0sTNBw0Re86PvXZxuCub3oO9WrSTqALgrwNZNvLFGw=
modernc.org/tcl v1.8.13/go.mod h1:V+q/Ef0IJaNUSECieLU4o+8IScapxnMyFV6i/7uQlAY=
modernc.org/token v1.0.0 h1:a0jaWiNMDhDUtqOj09wvjWWAqd3q7WpBulmL9H2egsk=
modernc.org/token v1.0.0/go.mod h1:UGzOrNV1mAFSEB63lOFHIpNRUVMvYTc6yu1SMY/XTDM=
modernc.org/z v1.1.2 h1:IjjzDsIFbl0wuF2KfwvdyUAJVwxD4iwZ6akLNiDoClM=
modernc.org/z v1.1.2/go.mod h1:sj9T1AGBG0dm6SCVzldPOHWrif6XBpooJtbttMn1+Js=
modernc.org/z v1.2.19 h1:BGyRFWhDVn5LFS5OcX4Yd/MlpRTOc7hOPTdcIpCiUao=
modernc.org/z v1.2.19/go.mod h1:+ZpP0pc4zz97eukOzW3xagV/lS82IpPN9NGG5pNF9vY=
mvdan.cc/xurls/v2 v2.3.0 h1:59Olnbt67UKpxF1EwVBopJvkSUBmgtb468E4GVWIZ1I=
mvdan.cc/xurls/v2 v2.3.0/go.mod h1:AjuTy7gEiUArFMjgBBDU4SMxlfUYsRokpJQgNWOt3e4=
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=

View File

@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ func (s *inMemStorage) Remove(key string) error {
return nil
func (s *inMemStorage) WalkKeys(opts *storage.WalkKeysOptions) error {
if opts == nil || opts.WalkFn == nil {
func (s *inMemStorage) WalkKeys(opts storage.WalkKeysOptions) error {
if opts.WalkFn == nil {
return errors.New("invalid walkfn")
for key := range s.storage {

View File

@ -7,17 +7,22 @@ import (
// global logfmt data formatter
var logfmt = logger.TextFormat{Strict: false}
// global logfmt data formatter.
var logfmt = logger.TextFormat{
Strict: logger.DefaultTextFormat.Strict,
MaxDepth: logger.DefaultTextFormat.MaxDepth,
Levels: nil,
TimeFormat: logger.DefaultTextFormat.TimeFormat,
// KV is a structure for setting key-value pairs in ErrorData
// KV is a structure for setting key-value pairs in ErrorData.
type KV struct {
Key string
Value interface{}
// ErrorData defines a way to set and access contextual error data.
// The default implementation of this is thread-safe
// The default implementation of this is thread-safe.
type ErrorData interface {
// Value will attempt to fetch value for given key in ErrorData
Value(string) (interface{}, bool)
@ -29,7 +34,7 @@ type ErrorData interface {
String() string
// NewData returns a new ErrorData implementation
// NewData returns a new ErrorData implementation.
func NewData() ErrorData {
return &errorData{
data: make(map[string]interface{}, 10),
@ -37,7 +42,7 @@ func NewData() ErrorData {
// errorData is our ErrorData implementation, this is essentially
// just a thread-safe string-interface map implementation
// just a thread-safe string-interface map implementation.
type errorData struct {
data map[string]interface{}
buf bytes.Buffer

View File

@ -105,6 +105,25 @@ func Data(err error) ErrorData {
return nil
// UnwrapAll fully unwraps an error stack to produce a string output.
func UnwrapAll(err error) string {
if err == nil {
return ""
// Start error output
out := err.Error()
err = Unwrap(err)
// Unwrap and append each
for err != nil {
out += ": " + err.Error()
err = Unwrap(err)
return out
// stringError is the simplest ErrorContext implementation
type stringError string

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var (
clockOnce = sync.Once{}
// startClock starts the global nowish clock
// startClock starts the global nowish clock.
func startClock() {
clockOnce.Do(func() {
clock.Start(time.Millisecond * 10)

View File

@ -10,78 +10,78 @@ var (
instanceOnce = sync.Once{}
// Default returns the default Logger instance
// Default returns the default Logger instance.
func Default() *Logger {
instanceOnce.Do(func() { instance = New(os.Stdout) })
return instance
// Debug prints the provided arguments with the debug prefix to the global Logger instance
// Debug prints the provided arguments with the debug prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Debug(a ...interface{}) {
// Debugf prints the provided format string and arguments with the debug prefix to the global Logger instance
// Debugf prints the provided format string and arguments with the debug prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Debugf(s string, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Debugf(s, a...)
// Info prints the provided arguments with the info prefix to the global Logger instance
// Info prints the provided arguments with the info prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Info(a ...interface{}) {
// Infof prints the provided format string and arguments with the info prefix to the global Logger instance
// Infof prints the provided format string and arguments with the info prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Infof(s string, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Infof(s, a...)
// Warn prints the provided arguments with the warn prefix to the global Logger instance
// Warn prints the provided arguments with the warn prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Warn(a ...interface{}) {
// Warnf prints the provided format string and arguments with the warn prefix to the global Logger instance
// Warnf prints the provided format string and arguments with the warn prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Warnf(s string, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Warnf(s, a...)
// Error prints the provided arguments with the error prefix to the global Logger instance
// Error prints the provided arguments with the error prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Error(a ...interface{}) {
// Errorf prints the provided format string and arguments with the error prefix to the global Logger instance
// Errorf prints the provided format string and arguments with the error prefix to the global Logger instance.
func Errorf(s string, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Errorf(s, a...)
// Fatal prints the provided arguments with the fatal prefix to the global Logger instance before exiting the program with os.Exit(1)
// Fatal prints the provided arguments with the fatal prefix to the global Logger instance before exiting the program with os.Exit(1).
func Fatal(a ...interface{}) {
// Fatalf prints the provided format string and arguments with the fatal prefix to the global Logger instance before exiting the program with os.Exit(1)
// Fatalf prints the provided format string and arguments with the fatal prefix to the global Logger instance before exiting the program with os.Exit(1).
func Fatalf(s string, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Fatalf(s, a...)
// Log prints the provided arguments with the supplied log level to the global Logger instance
// Log prints the provided arguments with the supplied log level to the global Logger instance.
func Log(lvl LEVEL, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Log(lvl, a...)
// Logf prints the provided format string and arguments with the supplied log level to the global Logger instance
// Logf prints the provided format string and arguments with the supplied log level to the global Logger instance.
func Logf(lvl LEVEL, s string, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Logf(lvl, s, a...)
// Print simply prints provided arguments to the global Logger instance
// Print simply prints provided arguments to the global Logger instance.
func Print(a ...interface{}) {
// Printf simply prints provided the provided format string and arguments to the global Logger instance
// Printf simply prints provided the provided format string and arguments to the global Logger instance.
func Printf(s string, a ...interface{}) {
Default().Printf(s, a...)

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
// Entry defines an entry in the log
// Entry defines an entry in the log, it is NOT safe for concurrent use
type Entry struct {
ctx context.Context
@ -187,13 +187,34 @@ func (e *Entry) Fields(fields map[string]interface{}) *Entry {
return e
// Msg appends the formatted final message to the log and calls .Send()
// Value appends the given value to the log entry formatted as a value, without a key.
func (e *Entry) Value(value interface{}) *Entry {
e.log.Format.AppendValue(e.buf, value)
e.buf.WriteByte(' ')
return e
// Values appends the given values to the log entry formatted as values, without a key.
func (e *Entry) Values(values ...interface{}) *Entry {
e.log.Format.AppendValues(e.buf, values)
e.buf.WriteByte(' ')
return e
// Args appends the given args formatted using the log formatter (usually faster than printf) without any key-value / value formatting.
func (e *Entry) Args(a ...interface{}) *Entry {
e.log.Format.AppendArgs(e.buf, a)
e.buf.WriteByte(' ')
return e
// Msg appends the fmt.Sprint() formatted final message to the log and calls .Send()
func (e *Entry) Msg(a ...interface{}) {
e.log.Format.AppendMsg(e.buf, a...)
// Msgf appends the formatted final message to the log and calls .Send()
// Msgf appends the fmt.Sprintf() formatted final message to the log and calls .Send()
func (e *Entry) Msgf(s string, a ...interface{}) {
e.log.Format.AppendMsgf(e.buf, s, a...)
@ -210,7 +231,7 @@ func (e *Entry) Send() {
// Final new line
// Ensure a final new line
if e.buf.B[e.buf.Len()-1] != '\n' {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
package logger
import (
@ -14,627 +11,78 @@ var _ LogFormat = &TextFormat{}
// LogFormat defines a method of formatting log entries
type LogFormat interface {
// AppendLevel appends given log level to the log buffer
AppendLevel(buf *bytes.Buffer, lvl LEVEL)
// AppendTimestamp appends given time format string to the log buffer
AppendTimestamp(buf *bytes.Buffer, fmtNow string)
// AppendField appends given key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value interface{})
// AppendFields appends given key-values pairs to the log buffer
AppendFields(buf *bytes.Buffer, fields map[string]interface{})
// AppendValue appends given interface formatted as value to the log buffer
AppendValue(buf *bytes.Buffer, value interface{})
// AppendValues appends given interfaces formatted as values to the log buffer
AppendValues(buf *bytes.Buffer, slice []interface{})
// AppendArgs appends given interfaces raw to the log buffer
AppendArgs(buf *bytes.Buffer, args []interface{})
// AppendByteField appends given byte value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendByteField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value byte)
// AppendBytesField appends given byte slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendBytesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []byte)
// AppendStringField appends given string value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendStringField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value string)
// AppendStringsField appends given string slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendStringsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []string)
// AppendBoolField appends given bool value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendBoolField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value bool)
// AppendBoolsField appends given bool slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendBoolsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []bool)
// AppendIntField appends given int value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendIntField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value int)
// AppendIntsField appends given int slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendIntsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []int)
// AppendUintField appends given uint value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendUintField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value uint)
// AppendUintsField appends given uint slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendUintsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []uint)
// AppendFloatField appends given float value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendFloatField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value float64)
// AppendFloatsField appends given float slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendFloatsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []float64)
// AppendTimeField appends given time value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendTimeField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Time)
// AppendTimesField appends given time slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendTimesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Time)
// AppendDurationField appends given duration value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendDurationField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Duration)
// AppendDurationsField appends given duration slice value as key-value pair to the log buffer
AppendDurationsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Duration)
// AppendMsg appends given msg as key-value pair to the log buffer using fmt.Sprint(...) formatting
AppendMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer, a ...interface{})
// AppendMsgf appends given msg format string as key-value pair to the log buffer using fmt.Sprintf(...) formatting
AppendMsgf(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string, a ...interface{})
// TextFormat is the default LogFormat implementation, with very similar formatting to logfmt
type TextFormat struct {
// Strict defines whether to use strict key-value pair formatting,
// i.e. should the level, timestamp and msg be formatted as key-value pairs
// or simply be printed as-is
Strict bool
// Levels defines the map of log LEVELs to level strings this LogFormat will use
Levels Levels
// NewLogFmt returns a newly set LogFmt object, with DefaultLevels() set
func NewLogFmt(strict bool) *TextFormat {
return &TextFormat{
Strict: strict,
Levels: DefaultLevels(),
// appendReflectValue will safely append a reflected value
func appendReflectValue(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value, isKey bool) {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
appendSliceType(buf, v)
case reflect.Map:
appendMapType(buf, v)
case reflect.Struct:
appendStructType(buf, v)
case reflect.Ptr:
if v.IsNil() {
} else {
appendIface(buf, v.Elem().Interface(), isKey)
// Just print reflect string
appendString(buf, v.String())
// appendKey should only be used in the case of directly setting key-value pairs,
// not in the case of appendMapType, appendStructType
func appendKey(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string) {
if len(key) > 0 {
// Only write key if here
appendStringUnquoted(buf, key)
// appendSlice performs provided fn and writes square brackets [] around it
func appendSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, fn func()) {
// appendMap performs provided fn and writes curly braces {} around it
func appendMap(buf *bytes.Buffer, fn func()) {
// appendStruct performs provided fn and writes curly braces {} around it
func appendStruct(buf *bytes.Buffer, fn func()) {
// appendNil writes a nil value placeholder to buf
func appendNil(buf *bytes.Buffer) {
// appendByte writes a single byte to buf
func appendByte(buf *bytes.Buffer, b byte) {
// appendBytes writes a quoted byte slice to buf
func appendBytes(buf *bytes.Buffer, b []byte) {
// appendBytesUnquoted writes a byte slice to buf as-is
func appendBytesUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, b []byte) {
// appendString writes a quoted string to buf
func appendString(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string) {
// appendStringUnquoted writes a string as-is to buf
func appendStringUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string) {
// appendStringSlice writes a slice of strings to buf
func appendStringSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, s []string) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
for _, s := range s {
appendString(buf, s)
if len(s) > 0 {
// appendBool writes a formatted bool to buf
func appendBool(buf *bytes.Buffer, b bool) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendBool(buf.B, b)
// appendBool writes a slice of formatted bools to buf
func appendBoolSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, b []bool) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, b := range b {
appendBool(buf, b)
// Drop last comma
if len(b) > 0 {
// appendInt writes a formatted int to buf
func appendInt(buf *bytes.Buffer, i int64) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendInt(buf.B, i, 10)
// appendIntSlice writes a slice of formatted int to buf
func appendIntSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, i []int) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, i := range i {
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
// Drop last comma
if len(i) > 0 {
// appendUint writes a formatted uint to buf
func appendUint(buf *bytes.Buffer, u uint64) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendUint(buf.B, u, 10)
// appendUintSlice writes a slice of formatted uint to buf
func appendUintSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, u []uint) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, u := range u {
appendUint(buf, uint64(u))
// Drop last comma
if len(u) > 0 {
// appendFloat writes a formatted float to buf
func appendFloat(buf *bytes.Buffer, f float64) {
buf.B = strconv.AppendFloat(buf.B, f, 'G', -1, 64)
// appendFloatSlice writes a slice formatted floats to buf
func appendFloatSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, f []float64) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, f := range f {
appendFloat(buf, f)
// Drop last comma
if len(f) > 0 {
// appendTime writes a formatted, quoted time string to buf
func appendTime(buf *bytes.Buffer, t time.Time) {
buf.B = t.AppendFormat(buf.B, time.RFC1123)
// appendTimeUnquoted writes a formatted time string to buf as-is
func appendTimeUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, t time.Time) {
buf.B = t.AppendFormat(buf.B, time.RFC1123)
// appendTimeSlice writes a slice of formatted time strings to buf
func appendTimeSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, t []time.Time) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, t := range t {
appendTime(buf, t)
// Drop last comma
if len(t) > 0 {
// appendDuration writes a formatted, quoted duration string to buf
func appendDuration(buf *bytes.Buffer, d time.Duration) {
appendString(buf, d.String())
// appendDurationUnquoted writes a formatted duration string to buf as-is
func appendDurationUnquoted(buf *bytes.Buffer, d time.Duration) {
appendStringUnquoted(buf, d.String())
// appendDurationSlice writes a slice of formatted, quoted duration strings to buf
func appendDurationSlice(buf *bytes.Buffer, d []time.Duration) {
appendSlice(buf, func() {
// Write elements
for _, d := range d {
appendString(buf, d.String())
// Drop last comma
if len(d) > 0 {
// appendIface parses and writes a formatted interface value to buf
func appendIface(buf *bytes.Buffer, i interface{}, isKey bool) {
switch i := i.(type) {
case nil:
case byte:
appendByte(buf, i)
case []byte:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendBytesUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendBytes(buf, i)
case string:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendStringUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendString(buf, i)
case []string:
appendStringSlice(buf, i)
case int:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int8:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int16:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int32:
appendInt(buf, int64(i))
case int64:
appendInt(buf, i)
case []int:
appendIntSlice(buf, i)
case uint:
appendUint(buf, uint64(i))
case uint16:
appendUint(buf, uint64(i))
case uint32:
appendUint(buf, uint64(i))
case uint64:
appendUint(buf, i)
case []uint:
appendUintSlice(buf, i)
case float32:
appendFloat(buf, float64(i))
case float64:
appendFloat(buf, i)
case []float64:
appendFloatSlice(buf, i)
case bool:
appendBool(buf, i)
case []bool:
appendBoolSlice(buf, i)
case time.Time:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendTimeUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendTime(buf, i)
case *time.Time:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendTimeUnquoted(buf, *i)
} else {
appendTime(buf, *i)
case []time.Time:
appendTimeSlice(buf, i)
case time.Duration:
if isKey {
// Keys dont get quoted
appendDurationUnquoted(buf, i)
} else {
appendDuration(buf, i)
case []time.Duration:
appendDurationSlice(buf, i)
case map[string]interface{}:
appendIfaceMap(buf, i)
case error:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendStringUnquoted(buf, i.Error())
} else {
appendString(buf, i.Error())
case fmt.Stringer:
if isKey {
// Keys don't get quoted
appendStringUnquoted(buf, i.String())
} else {
appendString(buf, i.String())
// If we reached here, we need reflection.
appendReflectValue(buf, reflect.ValueOf(i), isKey)
// appendIfaceMap writes a map of key-value pairs (as a set of fields) to buf
func appendIfaceMap(buf *bytes.Buffer, v map[string]interface{}) {
appendMap(buf, func() {
// Write map pairs!
for key, value := range v {
appendStringUnquoted(buf, key)
appendIface(buf, value, false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(v) > 0 {
// appendSliceType writes a slice of unknown type (parsed by reflection) to buf
func appendSliceType(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value) {
n := v.Len()
appendSlice(buf, func() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
appendIface(buf, v.Index(i).Interface(), false)
// Drop last comma
if n > 0 {
// appendMapType writes a map of unknown types (parsed by reflection) to buf
func appendMapType(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value) {
// Get a map iterator
r := v.MapRange()
n := v.Len()
// Now begin creating the map!
appendMap(buf, func() {
// Iterate pairs
for r.Next() {
appendIface(buf, r.Key().Interface(), true)
appendIface(buf, r.Value().Interface(), false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if n > 0 {
// appendStructType writes a struct (as a set of key-value fields) to buf
func appendStructType(buf *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value) {
// Get value type & no. fields
t := v.Type()
n := v.NumField()
w := 0
// Iter and write struct fields
appendStruct(buf, func() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
vfield := v.Field(i)
// Check for unexported fields
if !vfield.CanInterface() {
// Append the struct member as field key-value
appendStringUnquoted(buf, t.Field(i).Name)
appendIface(buf, vfield.Interface(), false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Iter written count
// Drop last space
if w > 0 {
func (f *TextFormat) AppendLevel(buf *bytes.Buffer, lvl LEVEL) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, append level key
// Write level string
func (f *TextFormat) AppendTimestamp(buf *bytes.Buffer, now string) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
appendStringUnquoted(buf, `time`)
appendString(buf, now)
// Write time as-is
appendStringUnquoted(buf, now)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value interface{}) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIface(buf, value, false)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendFields(buf *bytes.Buffer, fields map[string]interface{}) {
// Append individual fields
for key, value := range fields {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIface(buf, value, false)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(fields) > 0 {
func (f *TextFormat) AppendByteField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value byte) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendByte(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendBytesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []byte) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBytes(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendStringField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value string) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendString(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendStringsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []string) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendStringSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendBoolField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value bool) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBool(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendBoolsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []bool) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBoolSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendIntField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value int) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendInt(buf, int64(value))
func (f *TextFormat) AppendIntsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []int) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIntSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendUintField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value uint) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendUint(buf, uint64(value))
func (f *TextFormat) AppendUintsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []uint) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendUintSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendFloatField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value float64) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendFloat(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendFloatsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []float64) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendFloatSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendTimeField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Time) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendTime(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendTimesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Time) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendTimeSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendDurationField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Duration) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendDuration(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendDurationsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Duration) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendDurationSlice(buf, value)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer, a ...interface{}) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
fmt.Fprint(buf, a...)
// Write message as-is
fmt.Fprint(buf, a...)
func (f *TextFormat) AppendMsgf(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string, a ...interface{}) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
fmt.Fprintf(buf, s, a...)
// Write message as-is
fmt.Fprintf(buf, s, a...)

vendor/codeberg.org/gruf/go-logger/format_text.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
package logger
import (
stdfmt "fmt"
// DefaultTextFormat is the default TextFormat instance
var DefaultTextFormat = TextFormat{
Strict: false,
MaxDepth: 5,
Levels: DefaultLevels(),
TimeFormat: time.RFC1123,
// TextFormat is the default LogFormat implementation, with very similar formatting to logfmt
type TextFormat struct {
// Strict defines whether to use strict key-value pair formatting, i.e. should the level
// timestamp and msg be formatted as key-value pairs (with forced quoting for msg)
Strict bool
// MaxDepth specifies the max depth of fields the formatter will iterate
MaxDepth uint8
// Levels defines the map of log LEVELs to level strings
Levels Levels
// TimeFormat specifies the time formatting to use
TimeFormat string
// fmt returns a new format instance based on receiver TextFormat and given buffer
func (f TextFormat) fmt(buf *bytes.Buffer) format {
return format{
isKey: false,
depth: 0,
txt: f,
buf: buf,
func (f TextFormat) AppendLevel(buf *bytes.Buffer, lvl LEVEL) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, append level key
// Write level string
func (f TextFormat) AppendTimestamp(buf *bytes.Buffer, now string) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
appendString(f.fmt(buf), now)
// Write time as-is
func (f TextFormat) AppendField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value interface{}) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIfaceOrRValue(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendFields(buf *bytes.Buffer, fields map[string]interface{}) {
fmt := f.fmt(buf)
// Append individual fields
for key, value := range fields {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIfaceOrRValue(fmt, value)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(fields) > 0 {
func (f TextFormat) AppendValue(buf *bytes.Buffer, value interface{}) {
appendIfaceOrRValue(f.fmt(buf).IsKey(true), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendValues(buf *bytes.Buffer, values []interface{}) {
// Prepare formatter
fmt := f.fmt(buf).IsKey(true)
// Append each of the values
for _, value := range values {
appendIfaceOrRValue(fmt, value)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(values) > 0 {
func (f TextFormat) AppendArgs(buf *bytes.Buffer, args []interface{}) {
// Prepare formatter
fmt := f.fmt(buf).IsKey(true).IsRaw(true)
// Append each of the values
for _, arg := range args {
appendIfaceOrRValue(fmt, arg)
buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(args) > 0 {
func (f TextFormat) AppendByteField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value byte) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendByte(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendBytesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []byte) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBytes(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendStringField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value string) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendString(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendStringsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []string) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendStringSlice(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendBoolField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value bool) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBool(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendBoolsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []bool) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendBoolSlice(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendIntField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value int) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendInt(f.fmt(buf), int64(value))
func (f TextFormat) AppendIntsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []int) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendIntSlice(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendUintField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value uint) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendUint(f.fmt(buf), uint64(value))
func (f TextFormat) AppendUintsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []uint) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendUintSlice(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendFloatField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value float64) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendFloat(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendFloatsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []float64) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendFloatSlice(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendTimeField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Time) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendTime(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendTimesField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Time) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendTimeSlice(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendDurationField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value time.Duration) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendDuration(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendDurationsField(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string, value []time.Duration) {
appendKey(buf, key)
appendDurationSlice(f.fmt(buf), value)
func (f TextFormat) AppendMsg(buf *bytes.Buffer, a ...interface{}) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
buf.B = strconv.AppendQuote(buf.B, stdfmt.Sprint(a...))
// Write message as-is
stdfmt.Fprint(buf, a...)
func (f TextFormat) AppendMsgf(buf *bytes.Buffer, s string, a ...interface{}) {
if f.Strict {
// Strict format, use key and quote
buf.B = strconv.AppendQuote(buf.B, stdfmt.Sprintf(s, a...))
// Write message as-is
stdfmt.Fprintf(buf, s, a...)
// format is the object passed among the append___ formatting functions
type format struct {
raw bool
isKey bool
depth uint8
txt TextFormat
buf *bytes.Buffer
// IsKey returns format instance with key set to value
func (f format) IsKey(is bool) format {
return format{
raw: f.raw,
isKey: is,
depth: f.depth,
txt: f.txt,
buf: f.buf,
// IsRaw returns format instance with raw set to value
func (f format) IsRaw(is bool) format {
return format{
raw: is,
isKey: f.isKey,
depth: f.depth,
txt: f.txt,
buf: f.buf,
// IncrDepth returns format instance with depth incremented
func (f format) IncrDepth() format {
return format{
raw: f.raw,
isKey: f.isKey,
depth: f.depth + 1,
txt: f.txt,
buf: f.buf,
// appendByte writes a single byte to buf
func appendByte(fmt format, b byte) {
// appendBytes writes a quoted byte slice to buf
func appendBytes(fmt format, b []byte) {
if !fmt.isKey && b == nil {
// Values CAN be nil formatted
appendNilType(fmt, `[]byte`)
} else {
appendString(fmt, bytes.BytesToString(b))
// appendString writes an escaped, double-quoted string to buf
func appendString(fmt format, s string) {
if !fmt.raw {
// Only handle quoting if NOT raw
if !strconv.CanBackquote(s) || !fmt.isKey {
// All non-keys and multiline keys get quoted + escaped
fmt.buf.B = strconv.AppendQuote(fmt.buf.B, s)
} else if containsSpaceOrTab(s) {
// Key containing spaces/tabs, quote this
// Safe to leave unquoted
// appendStringSlice writes a slice of strings to buf
func appendStringSlice(fmt format, s []string) {
// Check for nil slice
if s == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]string`)
// Prepare formatter
fmt = fmt.IsKey(false)
// Write elements
for _, s := range s {
appendString(fmt, s)
// Drop last comma
if len(s) > 0 {
// appendBool writes a formatted bool to buf
func appendBool(fmt format, b bool) {
fmt.buf.B = strconv.AppendBool(fmt.buf.B, b)
// appendBool writes a slice of formatted bools to buf
func appendBoolSlice(fmt format, b []bool) {
// Check for nil slice
if b == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]bool`)
// Write elements
for _, b := range b {
appendBool(fmt, b)
// Drop last comma
if len(b) > 0 {
// appendInt writes a formatted int to buf
func appendInt(fmt format, i int64) {
fmt.buf.B = strconv.AppendInt(fmt.buf.B, i, 10)
// appendIntSlice writes a slice of formatted int to buf
func appendIntSlice(fmt format, i []int) {
// Check for nil slice
if i == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]int`)
// Write elements
for _, i := range i {
appendInt(fmt, int64(i))
// Drop last comma
if len(i) > 0 {
// appendUint writes a formatted uint to buf
func appendUint(fmt format, u uint64) {
fmt.buf.B = strconv.AppendUint(fmt.buf.B, u, 10)
// appendUintSlice writes a slice of formatted uint to buf
func appendUintSlice(fmt format, u []uint) {
// Check for nil slice
if u == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]uint`)
// Write elements
for _, u := range u {
appendUint(fmt, uint64(u))
// Drop last comma
if len(u) > 0 {
// appendFloat writes a formatted float to buf
func appendFloat(fmt format, f float64) {
fmt.buf.B = strconv.AppendFloat(fmt.buf.B, f, 'G', -1, 64)
// appendFloatSlice writes a slice formatted floats to buf
func appendFloatSlice(fmt format, f []float64) {
// Check for nil slice
if f == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]float64`)
// Write elements
for _, f := range f {
appendFloat(fmt, f)
// Drop last comma
if len(f) > 0 {
// appendTime writes a formatted, quoted time string to buf
func appendTime(fmt format, t time.Time) {
appendString(fmt.IsKey(true), t.Format(fmt.txt.TimeFormat))
// appendTimeSlice writes a slice of formatted time strings to buf
func appendTimeSlice(fmt format, t []time.Time) {
// Check for nil slice
if t == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]time.Time`)
// Prepare formatter
fmt = fmt.IsKey(true)
// Write elements
for _, t := range t {
appendString(fmt, t.Format(fmt.txt.TimeFormat))
// Drop last comma
if len(t) > 0 {
// appendDuration writes a formatted, quoted duration string to buf
func appendDuration(fmt format, d time.Duration) {
appendString(fmt.IsKey(true), d.String())
// appendDurationSlice writes a slice of formatted, quoted duration strings to buf
func appendDurationSlice(fmt format, d []time.Duration) {
// Check for nil slice
if d == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]time.Duration`)
// Prepare formatter
fmt = fmt.IsKey(true)
// Write elements
for _, d := range d {
appendString(fmt, d.String())
// Drop last comma
if len(d) > 0 {
// appendComplex writes a formatted complex128 to buf
func appendComplex(fmt format, c complex128) {
appendFloat(fmt, real(c))
appendFloat(fmt, imag(c))
// appendComplexSlice writes a slice of formatted complex128s to buf
func appendComplexSlice(fmt format, c []complex128) {
// Check for nil slice
if c == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `[]complex128`)
// Write elements
for _, c := range c {
appendComplex(fmt, c)
// Drop last comma
if len(c) > 0 {
// notNil will safely check if 'v' is nil without dealing with weird Go interface nil bullshit.
func notNil(i interface{}) bool {
// cast to get fat pointer
e := *(*struct {
typeOf unsafe.Pointer // ignored
valueOf unsafe.Pointer
// check if value part is nil
return (e.valueOf != nil)
// appendNilType will append a formatted nil of type 't'
func appendNilType(fmt format, t string) {
// appendNilValue will append a formatted nil of type fetched from value 'v'
func appendNilRValue(fmt format, v reflect.Value) {
appendNilType(fmt, v.Type().String())
// appendIfaceOrReflectValue will attempt to append as interface, falling back to reflection
func appendIfaceOrRValue(fmt format, i interface{}) {
// Check we haven't hit max
if fmt.depth >= fmt.txt.MaxDepth {
// Incr the depth
fmt = fmt.IncrDepth()
// Attempt to append interface, fallback to reflect
if !appendIface(fmt, i) {
appendRValue(fmt, reflect.ValueOf(i))
// appendReflectValueOrIface will attempt to interface the reflect.Value, falling back to using this directly
func appendRValueOrIface(fmt format, v reflect.Value) {
// Check we haven't hit max
if fmt.depth >= fmt.txt.MaxDepth {
// Incr the depth
fmt = fmt.IncrDepth()
// Attempt to interface reflect value, fallback to handling value itself
if !v.CanInterface() || !appendIface(fmt, v.Interface()) {
appendRValue(fmt, v)
// appendIface parses and writes a formatted interface value to buf
func appendIface(fmt format, i interface{}) bool {
switch i := i.(type) {
case nil:
case byte:
appendByte(fmt, i)
case []byte:
appendBytes(fmt, i)
case string:
appendString(fmt, i)
case []string:
appendStringSlice(fmt, i)
case int:
appendInt(fmt, int64(i))
case int8:
appendInt(fmt, int64(i))
case int16:
appendInt(fmt, int64(i))
case int32:
appendInt(fmt, int64(i))
case int64:
appendInt(fmt, i)
case []int:
appendIntSlice(fmt, i)
case uint:
appendUint(fmt, uint64(i))
case uint16:
appendUint(fmt, uint64(i))
case uint32:
appendUint(fmt, uint64(i))
case uint64:
appendUint(fmt, i)
case []uint:
appendUintSlice(fmt, i)
case float32:
appendFloat(fmt, float64(i))
case float64:
appendFloat(fmt, i)
case []float64:
appendFloatSlice(fmt, i)
case bool:
appendBool(fmt, i)
case []bool:
appendBoolSlice(fmt, i)
case time.Time:
appendTime(fmt, i)
case []time.Time:
appendTimeSlice(fmt, i)
case time.Duration:
appendDuration(fmt, i)
case []time.Duration:
appendDurationSlice(fmt, i)
case complex64:
appendComplex(fmt, complex128(i))
case complex128:
appendComplex(fmt, i)
case []complex128:
appendComplexSlice(fmt, i)
case map[string]interface{}:
appendIfaceMap(fmt, i)
case error:
if notNil(i) /* use safer nil check */ {
appendString(fmt, i.Error())
} else {
appendNilType(fmt, reflect.TypeOf(i).String())
case stdfmt.Stringer:
if notNil(i) /* use safer nil check */ {
appendString(fmt, i.String())
} else {
appendNilType(fmt, reflect.TypeOf(i).String())
return false // could not handle
return true
// appendReflectValue will safely append a reflected value
func appendRValue(fmt format, v reflect.Value) {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
appendFloat(fmt, v.Float())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
appendInt(fmt, v.Int())
case reflect.Uint8:
appendByte(fmt, uint8(v.Uint()))
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
appendUint(fmt, v.Uint())
case reflect.Bool:
appendBool(fmt, v.Bool())
case reflect.Array:
appendArrayType(fmt, v)
case reflect.Slice:
appendSliceType(fmt, v)
case reflect.Map:
appendMapType(fmt, v)
case reflect.Struct:
appendStructType(fmt, v)
case reflect.Ptr:
if v.IsNil() {
appendNilRValue(fmt, v)
} else {
appendRValue(fmt, v.Elem())
case reflect.UnsafePointer:
if u := v.Pointer(); u != 0 {
fmt.buf.B = strconv.AppendUint(fmt.buf.B, uint64(u), 16)
} else {
case reflect.Uintptr:
if u := v.Uint(); u != 0 {
fmt.buf.B = strconv.AppendUint(fmt.buf.B, u, 16)
} else {
case reflect.String:
appendString(fmt, v.String())
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
appendComplex(fmt, v.Complex())
case reflect.Func, reflect.Chan, reflect.Interface:
if v.IsNil() {
appendNilRValue(fmt, v)
} else {
// appendIfaceMap writes a map of key-value pairs (as a set of fields) to buf
func appendIfaceMap(fmt format, v map[string]interface{}) {
// Catch nil map
if v == nil {
appendNilType(fmt, `map[string]interface{}`)
// Prepare formatters
fmtKey := fmt.IsKey(true)
fmtVal := fmt.IsKey(false)
// Write map pairs!
for key, value := range v {
appendString(fmtKey, key)
appendIfaceOrRValue(fmtVal, value)
fmt.buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if len(v) > 0 {
// appendArrayType writes an array of unknown type (parsed by reflection) to buf, unlike appendSliceType does NOT catch nil slice
func appendArrayType(fmt format, v reflect.Value) {
// get no. elements
n := v.Len()
// Prepare formatter
fmt = fmt.IsKey(false)
// Write values
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
appendRValueOrIface(fmt, v.Index(i))
// Drop last comma
if n > 0 {
// appendSliceType writes a slice of unknown type (parsed by reflection) to buf
func appendSliceType(fmt format, v reflect.Value) {
if v.IsNil() {
appendNilRValue(fmt, v)
} else {
appendArrayType(fmt, v)
// appendMapType writes a map of unknown types (parsed by reflection) to buf
func appendMapType(fmt format, v reflect.Value) {
// Catch nil map
if v.IsNil() {
appendNilRValue(fmt, v)
// Get a map iterator
r := v.MapRange()
n := v.Len()
// Prepare formatters
fmtKey := fmt.IsKey(true)
fmtVal := fmt.IsKey(false)
// Iterate pairs
for r.Next() {
appendRValueOrIface(fmtKey, r.Key())
appendRValueOrIface(fmtVal, r.Value())
fmt.buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if n > 0 {
// appendStructType writes a struct (as a set of key-value fields) to buf
func appendStructType(fmt format, v reflect.Value) {
// Get value type & no. fields
t := v.Type()
n := v.NumField()
w := 0
// Prepare formatters
fmtKey := fmt.IsKey(true)
fmtVal := fmt.IsKey(false)
// Iterate fields
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
vfield := v.Field(i)
if !vfield.CanInterface() {
// This is an unexported field
appendRValue(fmtVal, vfield)
} else {
// This is an exported field!
appendString(fmtKey, t.Field(i).Name)
appendRValueOrIface(fmtVal, vfield)
// Iter written count
fmt.buf.WriteByte(' ')
// Drop last space
if w > 0 {
// appendKey should only be used in the case of directly setting key-value pairs,
// not in the case of appendMapType, appendStructType
func appendKey(buf *bytes.Buffer, key string) {
if len(key) > 0 {
if containsSpaceOrTab(key) {
// Key containing spaces/tabs, quote this
} else {
// Key is safe to leave unquoted
// Write final '='
// containsSpaceOrTab checks if "s" contains space or tabs
func containsSpaceOrTab(s string) bool {
for _, r := range s {
if r == ' ' || r == '\t' {
return true
return false

View File

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ type Levels map[LEVEL]string
// DefaultLevels returns the default set of log levels
func DefaultLevels() Levels {
return Levels{
DEBUG: "debug",
INFO: "info",
WARN: "warn",
ERROR: "error",
FATAL: "fatal",

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ type Logger struct {
// New returns a new Logger instance with defaults
func New(out io.Writer) *Logger {
return NewWith(0 /* all */, true, NewLogFmt(false), 512, out)
return NewWith(0 /* all */, true, DefaultTextFormat, 512, out)
// NewWith returns a new Logger instance with supplied configuration

vendor/codeberg.org/gruf/go-logger/writer.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package logger
import (
// AddSafety wraps an io.Writer to provide mutex locking protection
func AddSafety(w io.Writer) io.Writer {
if w == nil {
w = ioutil.Discard
} else if sw, ok := w.(*safeWriter); ok {
return sw
return &safeWriter{wr: w}
// safeWriter wraps an io.Writer to provide mutex locking on write
type safeWriter struct {
wr io.Writer
mu sync.Mutex
func (w *safeWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
return w.wr.Write(b)

View File

@ -1,661 +1,9 @@
Version 3, 19 November 2007
MIT License
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Copyright (c) 2021 gruf
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure
cooperation with the community in the case of network server software.
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights
with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer
you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
and/or modify the software.
A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that
improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they
receive widespread use, become available for other developers to
incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and
encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of
software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about.
The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and
letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its
source code to the public.
The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to
ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available
to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to
provide the source code of the modified version running there to the
users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on
a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source
code of the modified version.
An older license, called the Affero General Public License and
published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is
a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has
released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under
this license.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the
Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users
interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version
supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding
Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source
from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary
means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source
shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3
of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the
following paragraph.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version
3 of the GNU General Public License.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions
will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer
network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to
get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its
interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive
of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different
solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the
specific requirements.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ func (st *KVStore) Iterator(matchFn func(string) bool) (*KVIterator, error) {
// Walk keys in the storage
err := st.storage.WalkKeys(&storage.WalkKeysOptions{WalkFn: walkFn})
err := st.storage.WalkKeys(storage.WalkKeysOptions{WalkFn: walkFn})
if err != nil {
return nil, err

View File

@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ func (st *BlockStorage) Remove(key string) error {
// WalkKeys implements Storage.WalkKeys()
func (st *BlockStorage) WalkKeys(opts *WalkKeysOptions) error {
func (st *BlockStorage) WalkKeys(opts WalkKeysOptions) error {
// Acquire path builder
pb := util.GetPathBuilder()
defer util.PutPathBuilder(pb)

View File

@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func (st *DiskStorage) Remove(key string) error {
// WalkKeys implements Storage.WalkKeys()
func (st *DiskStorage) WalkKeys(opts *WalkKeysOptions) error {
func (st *DiskStorage) WalkKeys(opts WalkKeysOptions) error {
// Acquire path builder
pb := util.GetPathBuilder()
defer util.PutPathBuilder(pb)

vendor/codeberg.org/gruf/go-store/storage/memory.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
package storage
import (
// MemoryStorage is a storage implementation that simply stores key-value
// pairs in a Go map in-memory. The map is protected by a mutex.
type MemoryStorage struct {
fs map[string][]byte
mu sync.Mutex
// OpenMemory opens a new MemoryStorage instance with internal map of 'size'.
func OpenMemory(size int) *MemoryStorage {
return &MemoryStorage{
fs: make(map[string][]byte, size),
mu: sync.Mutex{},
// Clean implements Storage.Clean().
func (st *MemoryStorage) Clean() error {
return nil
// ReadBytes implements Storage.ReadBytes().
func (st *MemoryStorage) ReadBytes(key string) ([]byte, error) {
// Safely check store
b, ok := st.fs[key]
// Return early if not exist
if !ok {
return nil, ErrNotFound
// Create return copy
return bytes.Copy(b), nil
// ReadStream implements Storage.ReadStream().
func (st *MemoryStorage) ReadStream(key string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
// Safely check store
b, ok := st.fs[key]
// Return early if not exist
if !ok {
return nil, ErrNotFound
// Create io.ReadCloser from 'b' copy
b = bytes.Copy(b)
r := bytes.NewReader(b)
return util.NopReadCloser(r), nil
// WriteBytes implements Storage.WriteBytes().
func (st *MemoryStorage) WriteBytes(key string, b []byte) error {
// Safely check store
_, ok := st.fs[key]
// Check for already exist
if ok {
return ErrAlreadyExists
// Write + unlock
st.fs[key] = bytes.Copy(b)
return nil
// WriteStream implements Storage.WriteStream().
func (st *MemoryStorage) WriteStream(key string, r io.Reader) error {
// Read all from reader
b, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return err
// Write to storage
return st.WriteBytes(key, b)
// Stat implements Storage.Stat().
func (st *MemoryStorage) Stat(key string) (bool, error) {
_, ok := st.fs[key]
return ok, nil
// Remove implements Storage.Remove().
func (st *MemoryStorage) Remove(key string) error {
// Safely check store
_, ok := st.fs[key]
// Check in store
if !ok {
return ErrNotFound
// Delete + unlock
delete(st.fs, key)
return nil
// WalkKeys implements Storage.WalkKeys().
func (st *MemoryStorage) WalkKeys(opts WalkKeysOptions) error {
// Safely walk storage keys
for key := range st.fs {
return nil

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type Storage interface {
Remove(key string) error
// WalkKeys walks the keys in the storage
WalkKeys(opts *WalkKeysOptions) error
WalkKeys(opts WalkKeysOptions) error
// WalkKeysOptions defines how to walk the keys in a storage implementation

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ import (
// exposed for providers that don't support discovery or to prevent round trips to the
// discovery URL.
// The returned KeySet is a long lived verifier that caches keys based on cache-control
// headers. Reuse a common remote key set instead of creating new ones as needed.
// The returned KeySet is a long lived verifier that caches keys based on any
// keys change. Reuse a common remote key set instead of creating new ones as needed.
func NewRemoteKeySet(ctx context.Context, jwksURL string) *RemoteKeySet {
return newRemoteKeySet(ctx, jwksURL, time.Now)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ type RemoteKeySet struct {
now func() time.Time
// guard all other fields
mu sync.Mutex
mu sync.RWMutex
// inflight suppresses parallel execution of updateKeys and allows
// multiple goroutines to wait for its result.
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ func (r *RemoteKeySet) verify(ctx context.Context, jws *jose.JSONWebSignature) (
func (r *RemoteKeySet) keysFromCache() (keys []jose.JSONWebKey) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.cachedKeys

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import (
jose "gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2"
const (
@ -40,6 +39,10 @@ var (
errInvalidAtHash = errors.New("access token hash does not match value in ID token")
type contextKey int
var issuerURLKey contextKey
// ClientContext returns a new Context that carries the provided HTTP client.
// This method sets the same context key used by the golang.org/x/oauth2 package,
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ func ClientContext(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) context.Context {
// cloneContext copies a context's bag-of-values into a new context that isn't
// associated with its cancelation. This is used to initialize remote keys sets
// associated with its cancellation. This is used to initialize remote keys sets
// which run in the background and aren't associated with the initial context.
func cloneContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
cp := context.Background()
@ -66,6 +69,25 @@ func cloneContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return cp
// InsecureIssuerURLContext allows discovery to work when the issuer_url reported
// by upstream is mismatched with the discovery URL. This is meant for integration
// with off-spec providers such as Azure.
// discoveryBaseURL := "https://login.microsoftonline.com/organizations/v2.0"
// issuerURL := "https://login.microsoftonline.com/my-tenantid/v2.0"
// ctx := oidc.InsecureIssuerURLContext(parentContext, issuerURL)
// // Provider will be discovered with the discoveryBaseURL, but use issuerURL
// // for future issuer validation.
// provider, err := oidc.NewProvider(ctx, discoveryBaseURL)
// This is insecure because validating the correct issuer is critical for multi-tenant
// proivders. Any overrides here MUST be carefully reviewed.
func InsecureIssuerURLContext(ctx context.Context, issuerURL string) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, issuerURLKey, issuerURL)
func doRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
client := http.DefaultClient
if c, ok := ctx.Value(oauth2.HTTPClient).(*http.Client); ok {
@ -88,11 +110,6 @@ type Provider struct {
remoteKeySet KeySet
type cachedKeys struct {
keys []jose.JSONWebKey
expiry time.Time
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
@ -148,7 +165,11 @@ func NewProvider(ctx context.Context, issuer string) (*Provider, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: failed to decode provider discovery object: %v", err)
if p.Issuer != issuer {
issuerURL, skipIssuerValidation := ctx.Value(issuerURLKey).(string)
if !skipIssuerValidation {
issuerURL = issuer
if p.Issuer != issuerURL && !skipIssuerValidation {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oidc: issuer did not match the issuer returned by provider, expected %q got %q", issuer, p.Issuer)
var algs []string
@ -158,7 +179,7 @@ func NewProvider(ctx context.Context, issuer string) (*Provider, error) {
return &Provider{
issuer: p.Issuer,
issuer: issuerURL,
authURL: p.AuthURL,
tokenURL: p.TokenURL,
userInfoURL: p.UserInfoURL,
@ -398,9 +419,9 @@ type stringAsBool bool
func (sb *stringAsBool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
switch string(b) {
case "true", `"true"`:
*sb = stringAsBool(true)
*sb = true
case "false", `"false"`:
*sb = stringAsBool(false)
*sb = false
return errors.New("invalid value for boolean")
@ -419,7 +440,7 @@ func (a *audience) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &auds); err != nil {
return err
*a = audience(auds)
*a = auds
return nil

View File

@ -171,20 +171,6 @@ func resolveDistributedClaim(ctx context.Context, verifier *IDTokenVerifier, src
return token.claims, nil
func parseClaim(raw []byte, name string, v interface{}) error {
var parsed map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &parsed); err != nil {
return err
val, ok := parsed[name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("claim doesn't exist: %s", name)
return json.Unmarshal([]byte(val), v)
// Verify parses a raw ID Token, verifies it's been signed by the provider, performs
// any additional checks depending on the Config, and returns the payload.

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
language: go
sudo: false
fast_finish: true
- go: 1.10.x
- go: 1.11.x
env: GO111MODULE=on
- go: 1.12.x
env: GO111MODULE=on
- go: 1.13.x
- go: master
env: GO111MODULE=on
depth: 10
- redis
- memcached
- mongodb
- go get github.com/campoy/embedmd
- if [[ "${GO111MODULE}" = "on" ]]; then go mod download; else go get -t -v .; fi
- if [[ "${GO111MODULE}" = "on" ]]; then export PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${GOROOT}/bin:${PATH}"; fi
- embedmd -d *.md
- go test -v -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.out ./...
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
- https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/acc2c57482e94b44f557
on_success: change
on_failure: always
on_start: false

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# sessions
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gin-contrib/sessions.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/gin-contrib/sessions)
[![Run CI Lint](https://github.com/gin-contrib/sessions/actions/workflows/lint.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gin-contrib/sessions/actions/workflows/lint.yml)
[![Run Testing](https://github.com/gin-contrib/sessions/actions/workflows/testing.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gin-contrib/sessions/actions/workflows/testing.yml)
[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/gin-contrib/sessions)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/gin-contrib/sessions)
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ Gin middleware for session management with multi-backend support:
- [memcached](#memcached)
- [MongoDB](#mongodb)
- [memstore](#memstore)
- [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
## Usage
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ Gin middleware for session management with multi-backend support:
Download and install it:
$ go get github.com/gin-contrib/sessions
go get github.com/gin-contrib/sessions
Import it in your code:
@ -102,11 +104,10 @@ func main() {
## Backend examples
## Backend Examples
### cookie-based
[embedmd]:# (example/cookie/main.go go)
package main
@ -141,7 +142,6 @@ func main() {
### Redis
[embedmd]:# (example/redis/main.go go)
package main
@ -178,7 +178,6 @@ func main() {
#### ASCII Protocol
[embedmd]:# (example/memcached/ascii.go go)
package main
@ -214,7 +213,6 @@ func main() {
#### Binary protocol (with optional SASL authentication)
[embedmd]:# (example/memcached/binary.go go)
package main
@ -251,7 +249,6 @@ func main() {
### MongoDB
[embedmd]:# (example/mongo/main.go go)
package main
@ -293,7 +290,6 @@ func main() {
### memstore
[embedmd]:# (example/memstore/main.go go)
package main
@ -326,4 +322,46 @@ func main() {
### PostgreSQL
package main
import (
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database")
if err != nil {
// handle err
store, err := postgres.NewStore(db, []byte("secret"))
if err != nil {
// handle err
r.Use(sessions.Sessions("mysession", store))
r.GET("/incr", func(c *gin.Context) {
session := sessions.Default(c)
var count int
v := session.Get("count")
if v == nil {
count = 0
} else {
count = v.(int)
session.Set("count", count)
c.JSON(200, gin.H{"count": count})

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ type Store interface {
// Wraps thinly gorilla-session methods.
// Session stores the values and optional configuration for a session.
type Session interface {
// ID of the session, generated by stores. It should not be used for user data.
ID() string
// Get returns the session value associated to the given key.
Get(key interface{}) interface{}
// Set sets the session value associated to the given key.
@ -74,6 +76,10 @@ type session struct {
writer http.ResponseWriter
func (s *session) ID() string {
return s.Session().ID
func (s *session) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
return s.Session().Values[key]

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
timeout: 5m
- gofmt
- misspell
- revive
- linters:
- structcheck
- unused
text: "`data` is unused"
- linters:
- staticcheck
text: "SA1019:"
- linters:
- revive
text: "var-naming:"
- linters:
- revive
text: "exported:"

vendor/github.com/gin-gonic/gin/.travis.yml generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
language: go
fast_finish: true
- go: 1.13.x
- go: 1.13.x
- TESTTAGS=nomsgpack
- go: 1.14.x
- go: 1.14.x
- TESTTAGS=nomsgpack
- go: 1.15.x
- go: 1.15.x
- TESTTAGS=nomsgpack
- go: master
depth: 10
- if [[ "${GO111MODULE}" = "on" ]]; then mkdir "${HOME}/go"; export GOPATH="${HOME}/go"; fi
- if [[ "${GO111MODULE}" = "on" ]]; then go mod download; fi
- if [[ "${GO111MODULE}" = "on" ]]; then export PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${GOROOT}/bin:${PATH}"; fi
- if [[ "${GO111MODULE}" = "on" ]]; then make tools; fi
go_import_path: github.com/gin-gonic/gin
- make vet
- make fmt-check
- make misspell-check
- make test
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
- https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/7f95bf605c4d356372f4
on_success: change # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_start: false # default: false

View File

@ -1,5 +1,35 @@
# Gin ChangeLog
## Gin v1.7.7
* Fixed X-Forwarded-For unsafe handling of CVE-2020-28483 [#2844](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2844), closed issue [#2862](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2862).
* Tree: updated the code logic for `latestNode` [#2897](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2897), closed issue [#2894](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2894) [#2878](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2878).
* Tree: fixed the misplacement of adding slashes [#2847](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2847), closed issue [#2843](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2843).
* Tree: fixed tsr with mixed static and wildcard paths [#2924](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2924), closed issue [#2918](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2918).
* TrustedProxies: make it backward-compatible [#2887](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2887), closed issue [#2819](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2819).
* TrustedPlatform: provide custom options for another CDN services [#2906](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2906).
### DOCS
* NoMethod: added usage annotation ([#2832](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/2832#issuecomment-929954463)).
## Gin v1.7.6
* bump new release to fix v1.7.5 release error by using v1.7.4 codes.
## Gin v1.7.4
* bump new release to fix checksum mismatch
## Gin v1.7.3

View File

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@
- With pull requests:
- Open your pull request against `master`
- Your pull request should have no more than two commits, if not you should squash them.
- It should pass all tests in the available continuous integration systems such as GitHub Actions.
- It should pass all tests in the available continuous integration systems such as TravisCI.
- You should add/modify tests to cover your proposed code changes.
- If your pull request contains a new feature, please document it on the README.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
GO ?= go
GOFMT ?= gofmt "-s"
GO_VERSION=$(shell $(GO) version | cut -c 14- | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f2)
PACKAGES ?= $(shell $(GO) list ./...)
VETPACKAGES ?= $(shell $(GO) list ./... | grep -v /examples/)
GOFILES := $(shell find . -name "*.go")
@ -68,10 +67,5 @@ misspell:
.PHONY: tools
@if [ $(GO_VERSION) -gt 15 ]; then \
$(GO) install golang.org/x/lint/golint@latest; \
$(GO) install github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell@latest; \
elif [ $(GO_VERSION) -lt 16 ]; then \
$(GO) install golang.org/x/lint/golint; \
$(GO) install github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell; \
go install golang.org/x/lint/golint; \
go install github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<img align="right" width="159px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gin-gonic/logo/master/color.png">
[![Build Status](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/workflows/Run%20Tests/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/actions?query=branch%3Amaster)
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/gin-gonic/gin.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/gin-gonic/gin)
[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/gin-gonic/gin)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/gin-gonic/gin)
@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ Gin is a web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a martini-like API wi
- [Quick start](#quick-start)
- [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
- [Gin v1. stable](#gin-v1-stable)
- [Build with jsoniter/go-json](#build-with-json-replacement)
- [Build without `MsgPack` rendering feature](#build-without-msgpack-rendering-feature)
- [Build with jsoniter](#build-with-jsoniter)
- [API Examples](#api-examples)
- [Using GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE and OPTIONS](#using-get-post-put-patch-delete-and-options)
- [Parameters in path](#parameters-in-path)
@ -78,6 +77,7 @@ Gin is a web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a martini-like API wi
- [http2 server push](#http2-server-push)
- [Define format for the log of routes](#define-format-for-the-log-of-routes)
- [Set and get a cookie](#set-and-get-a-cookie)
- [Don't trust all proxies](#don't-trust-all-proxies)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Users](#users)
@ -183,28 +183,13 @@ Gin uses a custom version of [HttpRouter](https://github.com/julienschmidt/httpr
- [x] Battle tested.
- [x] API frozen, new releases will not break your code.
## Build with json replacement
## Build with [jsoniter](https://github.com/json-iterator/go)
Gin uses `encoding/json` as default json package but you can change it by build from other tags.
Gin uses `encoding/json` as default json package but you can change to [jsoniter](https://github.com/json-iterator/go) by build from other tags.
$ go build -tags=jsoniter .
$ go build -tags=go_json .
## Build without `MsgPack` rendering feature
Gin enables `MsgPack` rendering feature by default. But you can disable this feature by specifying `nomsgpack` build tag.
$ go build -tags=nomsgpack .
This is useful to reduce the binary size of executable files. See the [detail information](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/1852).
## API Examples
@ -256,15 +241,14 @@ func main() {
// For each matched request Context will hold the route definition
router.POST("/user/:name/*action", func(c *gin.Context) {
b := c.FullPath() == "/user/:name/*action" // true
c.String(http.StatusOK, "%t", b)
c.FullPath() == "/user/:name/*action" // true
// This handler will add a new router for /user/groups.
// Exact routes are resolved before param routes, regardless of the order they were defined.
// Routes starting with /user/groups are never interpreted as /user/:name/... routes
router.GET("/user/groups", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.String(http.StatusOK, "The available groups are [...]")
c.String(http.StatusOK, "The available groups are [...]", name)
@ -703,7 +687,7 @@ func main() {
// Example for binding XML (
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
// <root>
// <user>manu</user>
// <user>user</user>
// <password>123</password>
// </root>)
router.POST("/loginXML", func(c *gin.Context) {
@ -942,7 +926,7 @@ func main() {
route.GET("/:name/:id", func(c *gin.Context) {
var person Person
if err := c.ShouldBindUri(&person); err != nil {
c.JSON(400, gin.H{"msg": err.Error()})
c.JSON(400, gin.H{"msg": err})
c.JSON(200, gin.H{"name": person.Name, "uuid": person.ID})
@ -2022,61 +2006,6 @@ enough to call binding at once.
can be called by `c.ShouldBind()` multiple times without any damage to
performance (See [#1341](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/1341)).
### Bind form-data request with custom struct and custom tag
const (
customerTag = "url"
defaultMemory = 32 << 20
type customerBinding struct {}
func (customerBinding) Name() string {
return "form"
func (customerBinding) Bind(req *http.Request, obj interface{}) error {
if err := req.ParseForm(); err != nil {
return err
if err := req.ParseMultipartForm(defaultMemory); err != nil {
if err != http.ErrNotMultipart {
return err
if err := binding.MapFormWithTag(obj, req.Form, customerTag); err != nil {
return err
return validate(obj)
func validate(obj interface{}) error {
if binding.Validator == nil {
return nil
return binding.Validator.ValidateStruct(obj)
// Now we can do this!!!
// FormA is a external type that we can't modify it's tag
type FormA struct {
FieldA string `url:"field_a"`
func ListHandler(s *Service) func(ctx *gin.Context) {
return func(ctx *gin.Context) {
var urlBinding = customerBinding{}
var opt FormA
err := ctx.MustBindWith(&opt, urlBinding)
if err != nil {
### http2 server push
http.Pusher is supported only **go1.8+**. See the [golang blog](https://blog.golang.org/h2push) for detail information.
@ -2202,11 +2131,17 @@ Gin lets you specify which headers to hold the real client IP (if any),
as well as specifying which proxies (or direct clients) you trust to
specify one of these headers.
The `TrustedProxies` slice on your `gin.Engine` specifes network addresses or
network CIDRs from where clients which their request headers related to client
Use function `SetTrustedProxies()` on your `gin.Engine` to specify network addresses
or network CIDRs from where clients which their request headers related to client
IP can be trusted. They can be IPv4 addresses, IPv4 CIDRs, IPv6 addresses or
**Attention:** Gin trust all proxies by default if you don't specify a trusted
proxy using the function above, **this is NOT safe**. At the same time, if you don't
use any proxy, you can disable this feature by using `Engine.SetTrustedProxies(nil)`,
then `Context.ClientIP()` will return the remote address directly to avoid some
unnecessary computation.
import (
@ -2217,7 +2152,7 @@ import (
func main() {
router := gin.Default()
router.TrustedProxies = []string{""}
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
// If the client is, use the X-Forwarded-For
@ -2230,6 +2165,34 @@ func main() {
**Notice:** If you are using a CDN service, you can set the `Engine.TrustedPlatform`
to skip TrustedProxies check, it has a higher priority than TrustedProxies.
Look at the example below:
import (
func main() {
router := gin.Default()
// Use predefined header gin.PlatformXXX
router.TrustedPlatform = gin.PlatformGoogleAppEngine
// Or set your own trusted request header for another trusted proxy service
// Don't set it to any suspect request header, it's unsafe
router.TrustedPlatform = "X-CDN-IP"
router.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
// If you set TrustedPlatform, ClientIP() will resolve the
// corresponding header and return IP directly
fmt.Printf("ClientIP: %s\n", c.ClientIP())
## Testing
The `net/http/httptest` package is preferable way for HTTP testing.
@ -2287,4 +2250,3 @@ Awesome project lists using [Gin](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin) web framewor
* [picfit](https://github.com/thoas/picfit): An image resizing server written in Go.
* [brigade](https://github.com/brigadecore/brigade): Event-based Scripting for Kubernetes.
* [dkron](https://github.com/distribworks/dkron): Distributed, fault tolerant job scheduling system.

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ type BindingUri interface {
// StructValidator is the minimal interface which needs to be implemented in
// order for it to be used as the validator engine for ensuring the correctness
// of the request. Gin provides a default implementation for this using
// https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v10.6.1.
// https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v8.18.2.
type StructValidator interface {
// ValidateStruct can receive any kind of type and it should never panic, even if the configuration is not right.
// If the received type is a slice|array, the validation should be performed travel on every element.
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ type StructValidator interface {
// Validator is the default validator which implements the StructValidator
// interface. It uses https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v10.6.1
// interface. It uses https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v8.18.2
// under the hood.
var Validator StructValidator = &defaultValidator{}

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type BindingUri interface {
// StructValidator is the minimal interface which needs to be implemented in
// order for it to be used as the validator engine for ensuring the correctness
// of the request. Gin provides a default implementation for this using
// https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v10.6.1.
// https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v8.18.2.
type StructValidator interface {
// ValidateStruct can receive any kind of type and it should never panic, even if the configuration is not right.
// If the received type is not a struct, any validation should be skipped and nil must be returned.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ type StructValidator interface {
// Validator is the default validator which implements the StructValidator
// interface. It uses https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v10.6.1
// interface. It uses https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/v8.18.2
// under the hood.
var Validator StructValidator = &defaultValidator{}

View File

@ -20,27 +20,15 @@ type defaultValidator struct {
type sliceValidateError []error
// Error concatenates all error elements in sliceValidateError into a single string separated by \n.
func (err sliceValidateError) Error() string {
n := len(err)
switch n {
case 0:
return ""
var b strings.Builder
if err[0] != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "[%d]: %s", 0, err[0].Error())
var errMsgs []string
for i, e := range err {
if e == nil {
if n > 1 {
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
if err[i] != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "[%d]: %s", i, err[i].Error())
return b.String()
errMsgs = append(errMsgs, fmt.Sprintf("[%d]: %s", i, e.Error()))
return strings.Join(errMsgs, "\n")
var _ StructValidator = &defaultValidator{}
@ -83,7 +71,7 @@ func (v *defaultValidator) validateStruct(obj interface{}) error {
// Engine returns the underlying validator engine which powers the default
// Validator instance. This is useful if you want to register custom validations
// or struct level validations. See validator GoDoc for more info -
// https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-playground/validator/v10
// https://godoc.org/gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v8
func (v *defaultValidator) Engine() interface{} {
return v.validate

View File

@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ func (formBinding) Bind(req *http.Request, obj interface{}) error {
if err := req.ParseForm(); err != nil {
return err
if err := req.ParseMultipartForm(defaultMemory); err != nil && err != http.ErrNotMultipart {
if err := req.ParseMultipartForm(defaultMemory); err != nil {
if err != http.ErrNotMultipart {
return err
if err := mapForm(obj, req.Form); err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -16,17 +16,9 @@ import (
var (
errUnknownType = errors.New("unknown type")
var errUnknownType = errors.New("unknown type")
// ErrConvertMapStringSlice can not covert to map[string][]string
ErrConvertMapStringSlice = errors.New("can not convert to map slices of strings")
// ErrConvertToMapString can not convert to map[string]string
ErrConvertToMapString = errors.New("can not convert to map of strings")
func mapURI(ptr interface{}, m map[string][]string) error {
func mapUri(ptr interface{}, m map[string][]string) error {
return mapFormByTag(ptr, m, "uri")
@ -34,10 +26,6 @@ func mapForm(ptr interface{}, form map[string][]string) error {
return mapFormByTag(ptr, form, "form")
func MapFormWithTag(ptr interface{}, form map[string][]string, tag string) error {
return mapFormByTag(ptr, form, tag)
var emptyField = reflect.StructField{}
func mapFormByTag(ptr interface{}, form map[string][]string, tag string) error {
@ -83,7 +71,7 @@ func mapping(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, setter setter, tag
return false, nil
vKind := value.Kind()
var vKind = value.Kind()
if vKind == reflect.Ptr {
var isNew bool
@ -121,7 +109,7 @@ func mapping(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, setter setter, tag
if sf.PkgPath != "" && !sf.Anonymous { // unexported
ok, err := mapping(value.Field(i), sf, setter, tag)
ok, err := mapping(value.Field(i), tValue.Field(i), setter, tag)
if err != nil {
return false, err
@ -210,7 +198,7 @@ func setWithProperType(val string, value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructFiel
case reflect.Int64:
switch value.Interface().(type) {
case time.Duration:
return setTimeDuration(val, value)
return setTimeDuration(val, value, field)
return setIntField(val, 64, value)
case reflect.Uint:
@ -310,6 +298,7 @@ func setTimeField(val string, structField reflect.StructField, value reflect.Val
t := time.Unix(tv/int64(d), tv%int64(d))
return nil
if val == "" {
@ -359,7 +348,7 @@ func setSlice(vals []string, value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField) err
return nil
func setTimeDuration(val string, value reflect.Value) error {
func setTimeDuration(val string, value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField) error {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(val)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -382,7 +371,7 @@ func setFormMap(ptr interface{}, form map[string][]string) error {
if el.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
ptrMap, ok := ptr.(map[string][]string)
if !ok {
return ErrConvertMapStringSlice
return errors.New("cannot convert to map slices of strings")
for k, v := range form {
ptrMap[k] = v
@ -393,7 +382,7 @@ func setFormMap(ptr interface{}, form map[string][]string) error {
ptrMap, ok := ptr.(map[string]string)
if !ok {
return ErrConvertToMapString
return errors.New("cannot convert to map of strings")
for k, v := range form {
ptrMap[k] = v[len(v)-1] // pick last

View File

@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ type headerSource map[string][]string
var _ setter = headerSource(nil)
func (hs headerSource) TrySet(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, tagValue string, opt setOptions) (bool, error) {
func (hs headerSource) TrySet(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, tagValue string, opt setOptions) (isSetted bool, err error) {
return setByForm(value, field, hs, textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey(tagValue), opt)

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package binding
import (
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (jsonBinding) Name() string {
func (jsonBinding) Bind(req *http.Request, obj interface{}) error {
if req == nil || req.Body == nil {
return errors.New("invalid request")
return fmt.Errorf("invalid request")
return decodeJSON(req.Body, obj)

View File

@ -15,16 +15,8 @@ type multipartRequest http.Request
var _ setter = (*multipartRequest)(nil)
var (
// ErrMultiFileHeader multipart.FileHeader invalid
ErrMultiFileHeader = errors.New("unsupported field type for multipart.FileHeader")
// ErrMultiFileHeaderLenInvalid array for []*multipart.FileHeader len invalid
ErrMultiFileHeaderLenInvalid = errors.New("unsupported len of array for []*multipart.FileHeader")
// TrySet tries to set a value by the multipart request with the binding a form file
func (r *multipartRequest) TrySet(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, key string, opt setOptions) (bool, error) {
func (r *multipartRequest) TrySet(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, key string, opt setOptions) (isSetted bool, err error) {
if files := r.MultipartForm.File[key]; len(files) != 0 {
return setByMultipartFormFile(value, field, files)
@ -57,12 +49,12 @@ func setByMultipartFormFile(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, file
case reflect.Array:
return setArrayOfMultipartFormFiles(value, field, files)
return false, ErrMultiFileHeader
return false, errors.New("unsupported field type for multipart.FileHeader")
func setArrayOfMultipartFormFiles(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, files []*multipart.FileHeader) (isSetted bool, err error) {
if value.Len() != len(files) {
return false, ErrMultiFileHeaderLenInvalid
return false, errors.New("unsupported len of array for []*multipart.FileHeader")
for i := range files {
setted, err := setByMultipartFormFile(value.Index(i), field, files[i:i+1])

View File

@ -5,11 +5,10 @@
package binding
import (
type protobufBinding struct{}
@ -27,11 +26,7 @@ func (b protobufBinding) Bind(req *http.Request, obj interface{}) error {
func (protobufBinding) BindBody(body []byte, obj interface{}) error {
msg, ok := obj.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return errors.New("obj is not ProtoMessage")
if err := proto.Unmarshal(body, msg); err != nil {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(body, obj.(proto.Message)); err != nil {
return err
// Here it's same to return validate(obj), but util now we can't add

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ func (uriBinding) Name() string {
func (uriBinding) BindUri(m map[string][]string, obj interface{}) error {
if err := mapURI(obj, m); err != nil {
if err := mapUri(obj, m); err != nil {
return err
return validate(obj)

View File

@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ const (
// BodyBytesKey indicates a default body bytes key.
const BodyBytesKey = "_gin-gonic/gin/bodybyteskey"
// abortIndex represents a typical value used in abort functions.
const abortIndex int8 = math.MaxInt8 >> 1
const abortIndex int8 = math.MaxInt8 / 2
// Context is the most important part of gin. It allows us to pass variables between middleware,
// manage the flow, validate the JSON of a request and render a JSON response for example.
@ -57,6 +56,7 @@ type Context struct {
engine *Engine
params *Params
skippedNodes *[]skippedNode
// This mutex protect Keys map
mu sync.RWMutex
@ -88,17 +88,18 @@ type Context struct {
func (c *Context) reset() {
c.Writer = &c.writermem
c.Params = c.Params[:0]
c.Params = c.Params[0:0]
c.handlers = nil
c.index = -1
c.fullPath = ""
c.Keys = nil
c.Errors = c.Errors[:0]
c.Errors = c.Errors[0:0]
c.Accepted = nil
c.queryCache = nil
c.formCache = nil
*c.params = (*c.params)[:0]
*c.skippedNodes = (*c.skippedNodes)[:0]
// Copy returns a copy of the current context that can be safely used outside the request's scope.
@ -383,15 +384,6 @@ func (c *Context) Param(key string) string {
return c.Params.ByName(key)
// AddParam adds param to context and
// replaces path param key with given value for e2e testing purposes
// Example Route: "/user/:id"
// AddParam("id", 1)
// Result: "/user/1"
func (c *Context) AddParam(key, value string) {
c.Params = append(c.Params, Param{Key: key, Value: value})
// Query returns the keyed url query value if it exists,
// otherwise it returns an empty string `("")`.
// It is shortcut for `c.Request.URL.Query().Get(key)`
@ -400,9 +392,9 @@ func (c *Context) AddParam(key, value string) {
// c.Query("name") == "Manu"
// c.Query("value") == ""
// c.Query("wtf") == ""
func (c *Context) Query(key string) (value string) {
value, _ = c.GetQuery(key)
func (c *Context) Query(key string) string {
value, _ := c.GetQuery(key)
return value
// DefaultQuery returns the keyed url query value if it exists,
@ -436,9 +428,9 @@ func (c *Context) GetQuery(key string) (string, bool) {
// QueryArray returns a slice of strings for a given query key.
// The length of the slice depends on the number of params with the given key.
func (c *Context) QueryArray(key string) (values []string) {
values, _ = c.GetQueryArray(key)
func (c *Context) QueryArray(key string) []string {
values, _ := c.GetQueryArray(key)
return values
func (c *Context) initQueryCache() {
@ -453,16 +445,18 @@ func (c *Context) initQueryCache() {
// GetQueryArray returns a slice of strings for a given query key, plus
// a boolean value whether at least one value exists for the given key.
func (c *Context) GetQueryArray(key string) (values []string, ok bool) {
func (c *Context) GetQueryArray(key string) ([]string, bool) {
values, ok = c.queryCache[key]
if values, ok := c.queryCache[key]; ok && len(values) > 0 {
return values, true
return []string{}, false
// QueryMap returns a map for a given query key.
func (c *Context) QueryMap(key string) (dicts map[string]string) {
dicts, _ = c.GetQueryMap(key)
func (c *Context) QueryMap(key string) map[string]string {
dicts, _ := c.GetQueryMap(key)
return dicts
// GetQueryMap returns a map for a given query key, plus a boolean value
@ -474,9 +468,9 @@ func (c *Context) GetQueryMap(key string) (map[string]string, bool) {
// PostForm returns the specified key from a POST urlencoded form or multipart form
// when it exists, otherwise it returns an empty string `("")`.
func (c *Context) PostForm(key string) (value string) {
value, _ = c.GetPostForm(key)
func (c *Context) PostForm(key string) string {
value, _ := c.GetPostForm(key)
return value
// DefaultPostForm returns the specified key from a POST urlencoded form or multipart form
@ -505,9 +499,9 @@ func (c *Context) GetPostForm(key string) (string, bool) {
// PostFormArray returns a slice of strings for a given form key.
// The length of the slice depends on the number of params with the given key.
func (c *Context) PostFormArray(key string) (values []string) {
values, _ = c.GetPostFormArray(key)
func (c *Context) PostFormArray(key string) []string {
values, _ := c.GetPostFormArray(key)
return values
func (c *Context) initFormCache() {
@ -525,16 +519,18 @@ func (c *Context) initFormCache() {
// GetPostFormArray returns a slice of strings for a given form key, plus
// a boolean value whether at least one value exists for the given key.
func (c *Context) GetPostFormArray(key string) (values []string, ok bool) {
func (c *Context) GetPostFormArray(key string) ([]string, bool) {
values, ok = c.formCache[key]
if values := c.formCache[key]; len(values) > 0 {
return values, true
return []string{}, false
// PostFormMap returns a map for a given form key.
func (c *Context) PostFormMap(key string) (dicts map[string]string) {
dicts, _ = c.GetPostFormMap(key)
func (c *Context) PostFormMap(key string) map[string]string {
dicts, _ := c.GetPostFormMap(key)
return dicts
// GetPostFormMap returns a map for a given form key, plus a boolean value
@ -732,20 +728,16 @@ func (c *Context) ShouldBindBodyWith(obj interface{}, bb binding.BindingBody) (e
return bb.BindBody(body, obj)
// ClientIP implements a best effort algorithm to return the real client IP.
// ClientIP implements one best effort algorithm to return the real client IP.
// It called c.RemoteIP() under the hood, to check if the remote IP is a trusted proxy or not.
// If it's it will then try to parse the headers defined in Engine.RemoteIPHeaders (defaulting to [X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-Ip]).
// If the headers are nots syntactically valid OR the remote IP does not correspong to a trusted proxy,
// If it is it will then try to parse the headers defined in Engine.RemoteIPHeaders (defaulting to [X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-Ip]).
// If the headers are not syntactically valid OR the remote IP does not correspond to a trusted proxy,
// the remote IP (coming form Request.RemoteAddr) is returned.
func (c *Context) ClientIP() string {
// Check if we're running on a trusted platform
switch c.engine.TrustedPlatform {
case PlatformGoogleAppEngine:
if addr := c.requestHeader("X-Appengine-Remote-Addr"); addr != "" {
return addr
case PlatformCloudflare:
if addr := c.requestHeader("CF-Connecting-IP"); addr != "" {
// Check if we're running on a trusted platform, continue running backwards if error
if c.engine.TrustedPlatform != "" {
// Developers can define their own header of Trusted Platform or use predefined constants
if addr := c.requestHeader(c.engine.TrustedPlatform); addr != "" {
return addr
@ -765,7 +757,7 @@ func (c *Context) ClientIP() string {
if trusted && c.engine.ForwardedByClientIP && c.engine.RemoteIPHeaders != nil {
for _, headerName := range c.engine.RemoteIPHeaders {
ip, valid := validateHeader(c.requestHeader(headerName))
ip, valid := c.engine.validateHeader(c.requestHeader(headerName))
if valid {
return ip
@ -774,10 +766,21 @@ func (c *Context) ClientIP() string {
return remoteIP.String()
func (e *Engine) isTrustedProxy(ip net.IP) bool {
if e.trustedCIDRs != nil {
for _, cidr := range e.trustedCIDRs {
if cidr.Contains(ip) {
return true
return false
// RemoteIP parses the IP from Request.RemoteAddr, normalizes and returns the IP (without the port).
// It also checks if the remoteIP is a trusted proxy or not.
// In order to perform this validation, it will see if the IP is contained within at least one of the CIDR blocks
// defined in Engine.TrustedProxies
// defined by Engine.SetTrustedProxies()
func (c *Context) RemoteIP() (net.IP, bool) {
ip, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(strings.TrimSpace(c.Request.RemoteAddr))
if err != nil {
@ -788,35 +791,25 @@ func (c *Context) RemoteIP() (net.IP, bool) {
return nil, false
if c.engine.trustedCIDRs != nil {
for _, cidr := range c.engine.trustedCIDRs {
if cidr.Contains(remoteIP) {
return remoteIP, true
return remoteIP, c.engine.isTrustedProxy(remoteIP)
return remoteIP, false
func validateHeader(header string) (clientIP string, valid bool) {
func (e *Engine) validateHeader(header string) (clientIP string, valid bool) {
if header == "" {
return "", false
items := strings.Split(header, ",")
for i, ipStr := range items {
ipStr = strings.TrimSpace(ipStr)
for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ipStr := strings.TrimSpace(items[i])
ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr)
if ip == nil {
return "", false
// We need to return the first IP in the list, but,
// we should not early return since we need to validate that
// the rest of the header is syntactically valid
if i == 0 {
clientIP = ipStr
valid = true
// X-Forwarded-For is appended by proxy
// Check IPs in reverse order and stop when find untrusted proxy
if (i == 0) || (!e.isTrustedProxy(ip)) {
return ipStr, true
@ -1166,29 +1159,23 @@ func (c *Context) SetAccepted(formats ...string) {
// Deadline returns that there is no deadline (ok==false) when c.Request has no Context.
// Deadline always returns that there is no deadline (ok==false),
// maybe you want to use Request.Context().Deadline() instead.
func (c *Context) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
if c.Request == nil || c.Request.Context() == nil {
return c.Request.Context().Deadline()
// Done returns nil (chan which will wait forever) when c.Request has no Context.
// Done always returns nil (chan which will wait forever),
// if you want to abort your work when the connection was closed
// you should use Request.Context().Done() instead.
func (c *Context) Done() <-chan struct{} {
if c.Request == nil || c.Request.Context() == nil {
return nil
return c.Request.Context().Done()
// Err returns nil when c.Request has no Context.
// Err always returns nil, maybe you want to use Request.Context().Err() instead.
func (c *Context) Err() error {
if c.Request == nil || c.Request.Context() == nil {
return nil
return c.Request.Context().Err()
// Value returns the value associated with this context for key, or nil
// if no value is associated with key. Successive calls to Value with
@ -1198,12 +1185,8 @@ func (c *Context) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
return c.Request
if keyAsString, ok := key.(string); ok {
if val, exists := c.Get(keyAsString); exists {
val, _ := c.Get(keyAsString)
return val
if c.Request == nil || c.Request.Context() == nil {
return nil
return c.Request.Context().Value(key)

View File

@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ at initialization. ie. before any route is registered or the router is listening
func debugPrintError(err error) {
if err != nil && IsDebugging() {
if err != nil {
if IsDebugging() {
fmt.Fprintf(DefaultErrorWriter, "[GIN-debug] [ERROR] %v\n", err)

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type neuteredReaddirFile struct {
// Dir returns a http.FileSystem that can be used by http.FileServer(). It is used internally
// Dir returns a http.Filesystem that can be used by http.FileServer(). It is used internally
// in router.Static().
// if listDirectory == true, then it works the same as http.Dir() otherwise it returns
// a filesystem that prevents http.FileServer() to list the directory files.

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ var (
var defaultPlatform string
var defaultTrustedCIDRs = []*net.IPNet{{IP: net.IP{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, Mask: net.IPMask{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}} //
// HandlerFunc defines the handler used by gin middleware as return value.
type HandlerFunc func(*Context)
@ -56,10 +59,10 @@ type RoutesInfo []RouteInfo
const (
// When running on Google App Engine. Trust X-Appengine-Remote-Addr
// for determining the client's IP
PlatformGoogleAppEngine = "google-app-engine"
PlatformGoogleAppEngine = "X-Appengine-Remote-Addr"
// When using Cloudflare's CDN. Trust CF-Connecting-IP for determining
// the client's IP
PlatformCloudflare = "cloudflare"
PlatformCloudflare = "CF-Connecting-IP"
// Engine is the framework's instance, it contains the muxer, middleware and configuration settings.
@ -119,15 +122,9 @@ type Engine struct {
// List of headers used to obtain the client IP when
// `(*gin.Engine).ForwardedByClientIP` is `true` and
// `(*gin.Context).Request.RemoteAddr` is matched by at least one of the
// network origins of `(*gin.Engine).TrustedProxies`.
// network origins of list defined by `(*gin.Engine).SetTrustedProxies()`.
RemoteIPHeaders []string
// List of network origins (IPv4 addresses, IPv4 CIDRs, IPv6 addresses or
// IPv6 CIDRs) from which to trust request's headers that contain
// alternative client IP when `(*gin.Engine).ForwardedByClientIP` is
// `true`.
TrustedProxies []string
// If set to a constant of value gin.Platform*, trusts the headers set by
// that platform, for example to determine the client IP
TrustedPlatform string
@ -147,6 +144,8 @@ type Engine struct {
pool sync.Pool
trees methodTrees
maxParams uint16
maxSections uint16
trustedProxies []string
trustedCIDRs []*net.IPNet
@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ func New() *Engine {
HandleMethodNotAllowed: false,
ForwardedByClientIP: true,
RemoteIPHeaders: []string{"X-Forwarded-For", "X-Real-IP"},
TrustedProxies: []string{""},
TrustedPlatform: defaultPlatform,
UseRawPath: false,
RemoveExtraSlash: false,
@ -183,6 +181,8 @@ func New() *Engine {
trees: make(methodTrees, 0, 9),
delims: render.Delims{Left: "{{", Right: "}}"},
secureJSONPrefix: "while(1);",
trustedProxies: []string{""},
trustedCIDRs: defaultTrustedCIDRs,
engine.RouterGroup.engine = engine
engine.pool.New = func() interface{} {
@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ func Default() *Engine {
func (engine *Engine) allocateContext() *Context {
v := make(Params, 0, engine.maxParams)
return &Context{engine: engine, params: &v}
skippedNodes := make([]skippedNode, 0, engine.maxSections)
return &Context{engine: engine, params: &v, skippedNodes: &skippedNodes}
// Delims sets template left and right delims and returns a Engine instance.
@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ func (engine *Engine) NoRoute(handlers ...HandlerFunc) {
// NoMethod sets the handlers called when... TODO.
// NoMethod sets the handlers called when Engine.HandleMethodNotAllowed = true.
func (engine *Engine) NoMethod(handlers ...HandlerFunc) {
engine.noMethod = handlers
@ -307,6 +308,10 @@ func (engine *Engine) addRoute(method, path string, handlers HandlersChain) {
if paramsCount := countParams(path); paramsCount > engine.maxParams {
engine.maxParams = paramsCount
if sectionsCount := countSections(path); sectionsCount > engine.maxSections {
engine.maxSections = sectionsCount
// Routes returns a slice of registered routes, including some useful information, such as:
@ -341,9 +346,9 @@ func iterate(path, method string, routes RoutesInfo, root *node) RoutesInfo {
func (engine *Engine) Run(addr ...string) (err error) {
defer func() { debugPrintError(err) }()
err = engine.parseTrustedProxies()
if err != nil {
return err
if engine.isUnsafeTrustedProxies() {
debugPrint("[WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.\n" +
"Please check https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gin-gonic/gin#readme-don-t-trust-all-proxies for details.")
address := resolveAddress(addr)
@ -353,12 +358,12 @@ func (engine *Engine) Run(addr ...string) (err error) {
func (engine *Engine) prepareTrustedCIDRs() ([]*net.IPNet, error) {
if engine.TrustedProxies == nil {
if engine.trustedProxies == nil {
return nil, nil
cidr := make([]*net.IPNet, 0, len(engine.TrustedProxies))
for _, trustedProxy := range engine.TrustedProxies {
cidr := make([]*net.IPNet, 0, len(engine.trustedProxies))
for _, trustedProxy := range engine.trustedProxies {
if !strings.Contains(trustedProxy, "/") {
ip := parseIP(trustedProxy)
if ip == nil {
@ -381,13 +386,25 @@ func (engine *Engine) prepareTrustedCIDRs() ([]*net.IPNet, error) {
return cidr, nil
// SetTrustedProxies set Engine.TrustedProxies
// SetTrustedProxies set a list of network origins (IPv4 addresses,
// IPv4 CIDRs, IPv6 addresses or IPv6 CIDRs) from which to trust
// request's headers that contain alternative client IP when
// `(*gin.Engine).ForwardedByClientIP` is `true`. `TrustedProxies`
// feature is enabled by default, and it also trusts all proxies
// by default. If you want to disable this feature, use
// Engine.SetTrustedProxies(nil), then Context.ClientIP() will
// return the remote address directly.
func (engine *Engine) SetTrustedProxies(trustedProxies []string) error {
engine.TrustedProxies = trustedProxies
engine.trustedProxies = trustedProxies
return engine.parseTrustedProxies()
// parseTrustedProxies parse Engine.TrustedProxies to Engine.trustedCIDRs
// isUnsafeTrustedProxies compares Engine.trustedCIDRs and defaultTrustedCIDRs, it's not safe if equal (returns true)
func (engine *Engine) isUnsafeTrustedProxies() bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(engine.trustedCIDRs, defaultTrustedCIDRs)
// parseTrustedProxies parse Engine.trustedProxies to Engine.trustedCIDRs
func (engine *Engine) parseTrustedProxies() error {
trustedCIDRs, err := engine.prepareTrustedCIDRs()
engine.trustedCIDRs = trustedCIDRs
@ -415,9 +432,9 @@ func (engine *Engine) RunTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile string) (err error) {
debugPrint("Listening and serving HTTPS on %s\n", addr)
defer func() { debugPrintError(err) }()
err = engine.parseTrustedProxies()
if err != nil {
return err
if engine.isUnsafeTrustedProxies() {
debugPrint("[WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.\n" +
"Please check https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gin-gonic/gin#readme-don-t-trust-all-proxies for details.")
err = http.ListenAndServeTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile, engine)
@ -431,9 +448,9 @@ func (engine *Engine) RunUnix(file string) (err error) {
debugPrint("Listening and serving HTTP on unix:/%s", file)
defer func() { debugPrintError(err) }()
err = engine.parseTrustedProxies()
if err != nil {
return err
if engine.isUnsafeTrustedProxies() {
debugPrint("[WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.\n" +
"Please check https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gin-gonic/gin#readme-don-t-trust-all-proxies for details.")
listener, err := net.Listen("unix", file)
@ -454,9 +471,9 @@ func (engine *Engine) RunFd(fd int) (err error) {
debugPrint("Listening and serving HTTP on fd@%d", fd)
defer func() { debugPrintError(err) }()
err = engine.parseTrustedProxies()
if err != nil {
return err
if engine.isUnsafeTrustedProxies() {
debugPrint("[WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.\n" +
"Please check https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gin-gonic/gin#readme-don-t-trust-all-proxies for details.")
f := os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), fmt.Sprintf("fd@%d", fd))
@ -475,9 +492,9 @@ func (engine *Engine) RunListener(listener net.Listener) (err error) {
debugPrint("Listening and serving HTTP on listener what's bind with address@%s", listener.Addr())
defer func() { debugPrintError(err) }()
err = engine.parseTrustedProxies()
if err != nil {
return err
if engine.isUnsafeTrustedProxies() {
debugPrint("[WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.\n" +
"Please check https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gin-gonic/gin#readme-don-t-trust-all-proxies for details.")
err = http.Serve(listener, engine)
@ -528,7 +545,7 @@ func (engine *Engine) handleHTTPRequest(c *Context) {
root := t[i].root
// Find route in tree
value := root.getValue(rPath, c.params, unescape)
value := root.getValue(rPath, c.params, c.skippedNodes, unescape)
if value.params != nil {
c.Params = *value.params
@ -539,7 +556,7 @@ func (engine *Engine) handleHTTPRequest(c *Context) {
if httpMethod != http.MethodConnect && rPath != "/" {
if httpMethod != "CONNECT" && rPath != "/" {
if value.tsr && engine.RedirectTrailingSlash {
@ -556,7 +573,7 @@ func (engine *Engine) handleHTTPRequest(c *Context) {
if tree.method == httpMethod {
if value := tree.root.getValue(rPath, nil, unescape); value.handlers != nil {
if value := tree.root.getValue(rPath, nil, c.skippedNodes, unescape); value.handlers != nil {
c.handlers = engine.allNoMethod
serveError(c, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, default405Body)

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017 Bo-Yi Wu. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go_json
// +build go_json
package json
import json "github.com/goccy/go-json"
var (
// Marshal is exported by gin/json package.
Marshal = json.Marshal
// Unmarshal is exported by gin/json package.
Unmarshal = json.Unmarshal
// MarshalIndent is exported by gin/json package.
MarshalIndent = json.MarshalIndent
// NewDecoder is exported by gin/json package.
NewDecoder = json.NewDecoder
// NewEncoder is exported by gin/json package.
NewEncoder = json.NewEncoder

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !jsoniter && !go_json
// +build !jsoniter,!go_json
//go:build !jsoniter
// +build !jsoniter
package json

View File

@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ var defaultLogFormatter = func(param LogFormatterParams) string {
if param.Latency > time.Minute {
param.Latency = param.Latency.Truncate(time.Second)
// Truncate in a golang < 1.8 safe way
param.Latency = param.Latency - param.Latency%time.Second
return fmt.Sprintf("[GIN] %v |%s %3d %s| %13v | %15s |%s %-7s %s %#v\n%s",
param.TimeStamp.Format("2006/01/02 - 15:04:05"),

View File

@ -41,10 +41,8 @@ var DefaultWriter io.Writer = os.Stdout
// DefaultErrorWriter is the default io.Writer used by Gin to debug errors
var DefaultErrorWriter io.Writer = os.Stderr
var (
ginMode = debugCode
modeName = DebugMode
var ginMode = debugCode
var modeName = DebugMode
func init() {
mode := os.Getenv(EnvGinMode)

View File

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func function(pc uintptr) []byte {
return name
// timeFormat returns a customized time string for logger.
func timeFormat(t time.Time) string {
return t.Format("2006/01/02 - 15:04:05")
timeString := t.Format("2006/01/02 - 15:04:05")
return timeString

View File

@ -46,11 +46,9 @@ type PureJSON struct {
Data interface{}
var (
jsonContentType = []string{"application/json; charset=utf-8"}
jsonpContentType = []string{"application/javascript; charset=utf-8"}
jsonASCIIContentType = []string{"application/json"}
var jsonContentType = []string{"application/json; charset=utf-8"}
var jsonpContentType = []string{"application/javascript; charset=utf-8"}
var jsonAsciiContentType = []string{"application/json"}
// Render (JSON) writes data with custom ContentType.
func (r JSON) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) (err error) {
@ -102,7 +100,8 @@ func (r SecureJSON) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
// if the jsonBytes is array values
if bytes.HasPrefix(jsonBytes, bytesconv.StringToBytes("[")) && bytes.HasSuffix(jsonBytes,
bytesconv.StringToBytes("]")) {
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(r.Prefix)); err != nil {
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(r.Prefix))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -129,19 +128,20 @@ func (r JsonpJSON) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) (err error) {
callback := template.JSEscapeString(r.Callback)
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(callback)); err != nil {
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(callback))
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes("(")); err != nil {
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes("("))
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err = w.Write(ret); err != nil {
_, err = w.Write(ret)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(");")); err != nil {
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(");"))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ func (r AsciiJSON) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) (err error) {
// WriteContentType (AsciiJSON) writes JSON ContentType.
func (r AsciiJSON) WriteContentType(w http.ResponseWriter) {
writeContentType(w, jsonASCIIContentType)
writeContentType(w, jsonAsciiContentType)
// Render (PureJSON) writes custom ContentType and encodes the given interface object.

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import (
// Check interface implemented here to support go build tag nomsgpack.
// See: https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/pull/1852/
var (
_ Render = MsgPack{}

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package render
import (
// ProtoBuf contains the given interface object.

View File

@ -11,11 +11,6 @@ import (
var (
// reg match english letters for http method name
regEnLetter = regexp.MustCompile("^[A-Z]+$")
// IRouter defines all router handle interface includes single and group router.
type IRouter interface {
@ -92,7 +87,7 @@ func (group *RouterGroup) handle(httpMethod, relativePath string, handlers Handl
// frequently used, non-standardized or custom methods (e.g. for internal
// communication with a proxy).
func (group *RouterGroup) Handle(httpMethod, relativePath string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes {
if matched := regEnLetter.MatchString(httpMethod); !matched {
if matches, err := regexp.MatchString("^[A-Z]+$", httpMethod); !matches || err != nil {
panic("http method " + httpMethod + " is not valid")
return group.handle(httpMethod, relativePath, handlers)
@ -214,7 +209,9 @@ func (group *RouterGroup) createStaticHandler(relativePath string, fs http.FileS
func (group *RouterGroup) combineHandlers(handlers HandlersChain) HandlersChain {
finalSize := len(group.Handlers) + len(handlers)
assert1(finalSize < int(abortIndex), "too many handlers")
if finalSize >= int(abortIndex) {
panic("too many handlers")
mergedHandlers := make(HandlersChain, finalSize)
copy(mergedHandlers, group.Handlers)
copy(mergedHandlers[len(group.Handlers):], handlers)

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
var (
strColon = []byte(":")
strStar = []byte("*")
strSlash = []byte("/")
// Param is a single URL parameter, consisting of a key and a value.
@ -30,8 +31,8 @@ type Param struct {
// It is therefore safe to read values by the index.
type Params []Param
// Get returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name and a boolean true.
// If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned and a boolean false .
// Get returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name.
// If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned.
func (ps Params) Get(name string) (string, bool) {
for _, entry := range ps {
if entry.Key == name {
@ -98,10 +99,16 @@ func countParams(path string) uint16 {
return n
func countSections(path string) uint16 {
s := bytesconv.StringToBytes(path)
return uint16(bytes.Count(s, strSlash))
type nodeType uint8
const (
root nodeType = iota + 1
static nodeType = iota // default
@ -393,16 +400,19 @@ type nodeValue struct {
fullPath string
type skippedNode struct {
path string
node *node
paramsCount int16
// Returns the handle registered with the given path (key). The values of
// wildcards are saved to a map.
// If no handle can be found, a TSR (trailing slash redirect) recommendation is
// made if a handle exists with an extra (without the) trailing slash for the
// given path.
func (n *node) getValue(path string, params *Params, unescape bool) (value nodeValue) {
var (
skippedPath string
latestNode = n // Caching the latest node
func (n *node) getValue(path string, params *Params, skippedNodes *[]skippedNode, unescape bool) (value nodeValue) {
var globalParamsCount int16
walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
for {
@ -417,8 +427,11 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
if c == idxc {
// strings.HasPrefix(n.children[len(n.children)-1].path, ":") == n.wildChild
if n.wildChild {
skippedPath = prefix + path
latestNode = &node{
index := len(*skippedNodes)
*skippedNodes = (*skippedNodes)[:index+1]
(*skippedNodes)[index] = skippedNode{
path: prefix + path,
node: &node{
path: n.path,
wildChild: n.wildChild,
nType: n.nType,
@ -426,6 +439,8 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
children: n.children,
handlers: n.handlers,
fullPath: n.fullPath,
paramsCount: globalParamsCount,
@ -433,15 +448,26 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
continue walk
if !n.wildChild {
// If the path at the end of the loop is not equal to '/' and the current node has no child nodes
// the current node needs to be equal to the latest matching node
matched := path != "/" && !n.wildChild
if matched {
n = latestNode
// the current node needs to roll back to last vaild skippedNode
if path != "/" {
for l := len(*skippedNodes); l > 0; {
skippedNode := (*skippedNodes)[l-1]
*skippedNodes = (*skippedNodes)[:l-1]
if strings.HasSuffix(skippedNode.path, path) {
path = skippedNode.path
n = skippedNode.node
if value.params != nil {
*value.params = (*value.params)[:skippedNode.paramsCount]
globalParamsCount = skippedNode.paramsCount
continue walk
// If there is no wildcard pattern, recommend a redirection
if !n.wildChild {
// Nothing found.
// We can recommend to redirect to the same URL without a
// trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path.
@ -451,18 +477,12 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
// Handle wildcard child, which is always at the end of the array
n = n.children[len(n.children)-1]
switch n.nType {
case param:
// fix truncate the parameter
// tree_test.go line: 204
if matched {
path = prefix + path
// The saved path is used after the prefix route is intercepted by matching
if n.indices == "/" {
path = skippedPath[1:]
// Find param end (either '/' or path end)
end := 0
@ -548,9 +568,22 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
if path == prefix {
// If the current path does not equal '/' and the node does not have a registered handle and the most recently matched node has a child node
// the current node needs to be equal to the latest matching node
if latestNode.wildChild && n.handlers == nil && path != "/" {
n = latestNode.children[len(latestNode.children)-1]
// the current node needs to roll back to last vaild skippedNode
if n.handlers == nil && path != "/" {
for l := len(*skippedNodes); l > 0; {
skippedNode := (*skippedNodes)[l-1]
*skippedNodes = (*skippedNodes)[:l-1]
if strings.HasSuffix(skippedNode.path, path) {
path = skippedNode.path
n = skippedNode.node
if value.params != nil {
*value.params = (*value.params)[:skippedNode.paramsCount]
globalParamsCount = skippedNode.paramsCount
continue walk
// n = latestNode.children[len(latestNode.children)-1]
// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
// Check if this node has a handle registered.
@ -581,25 +614,29 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
if path != "/" && len(skippedPath) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(skippedPath, path) {
path = skippedPath
// Reduce the number of cycles
n, latestNode = latestNode, n
// skippedPath cannot execute
// example:
// * /:cc/cc
// call /a/cc expectations:match/200 Actual:match/200
// call /a/dd expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// call /addr/dd/aa expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// skippedPath: It can only be executed if the secondary route is not found
skippedPath = ""
continue walk
// Nothing found. We can recommend to redirect to the same URL with an
// extra trailing slash if a leaf exists for that path
value.tsr = path == "/" ||
(len(prefix) == len(path)+1 && n.handlers != nil)
(len(prefix) == len(path)+1 && prefix[len(path)] == '/' &&
path == prefix[:len(prefix)-1] && n.handlers != nil)
// roll back to last valid skippedNode
if !value.tsr && path != "/" {
for l := len(*skippedNodes); l > 0; {
skippedNode := (*skippedNodes)[l-1]
*skippedNodes = (*skippedNodes)[:l-1]
if strings.HasSuffix(skippedNode.path, path) {
path = skippedNode.path
n = skippedNode.node
if value.params != nil {
*value.params = (*value.params)[:skippedNode.paramsCount]
globalParamsCount = skippedNode.paramsCount
continue walk

View File

@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
package gin
// Version is the current gin framework's version.
const Version = "v1.7.3"
const Version = "v1.7.7"

View File

@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ go:
- "1.10.x"
- "1.13.x"
- "1.14.x"
- "1.16.x"

View File

@ -78,3 +78,4 @@ This package is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.MIT for details.
>. errors.AsError(errors.Wrap(err)).ErrorStack()
> ```
* v1.4.0 *BREAKING* v1.4.0 reverted all changes from v1.3.0 and is identical to v1.2.0
* v1.4.1 no code change, but now without an unnecessary cover.out file.

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
mode: set
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:27.51,30.25 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:33.2,38.8 3 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:30.25,32.3 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:43.47,44.31 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:47.2,47.48 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:44.31,46.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:52.42,56.16 3 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:60.2,60.60 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:56.16,58.3 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:64.55,67.16 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:71.2,72.61 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:76.2,76.66 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:67.16,69.3 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:72.61,74.3 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:79.56,91.63 3 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:95.2,95.53 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:100.2,101.18 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:91.63,94.3 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/stackframe.go:95.53,98.3 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:70.32,73.23 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:80.2,85.3 3 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:74.2,75.10 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:76.2,77.28 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:92.43,95.23 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:104.2,109.3 3 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:96.2,97.11 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:98.2,99.10 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:100.2,101.28 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:115.39,117.19 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:121.2,121.29 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:125.2,125.43 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:129.2,129.14 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:117.19,119.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:121.29,123.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:125.43,127.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:135.53,137.2 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:140.34,142.2 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:146.34,149.42 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:153.2,153.20 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:149.42,151.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:158.39,160.2 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:164.46,165.23 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:173.2,173.19 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:165.23,168.32 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:168.32,170.4 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:177.37,178.42 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:181.2,181.41 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/error.go:178.42,180.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:10.39,12.2 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:16.46,24.34 5 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:70.2,70.43 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:73.2,73.55 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:24.34,27.23 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:27.23,28.42 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:28.42,31.5 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:31.6,33.5 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:35.5,35.29 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:35.29,36.86 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:36.86,38.5 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:40.5,40.32 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:40.32,41.18 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:45.4,46.46 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:51.4,53.23 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:57.4,58.18 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:62.4,63.17 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:41.18,43.10 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:46.46,49.5 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:53.23,55.5 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:58.18,60.5 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:63.17,65.10 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:70.43,72.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:80.85,82.29 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:85.2,85.15 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:88.2,90.63 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:94.2,94.53 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:99.2,101.36 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:105.2,106.15 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:109.2,112.49 3 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:116.2,117.16 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:121.2,126.8 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:82.29,84.3 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:85.15,87.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:90.63,93.3 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:94.53,97.3 2 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:101.36,103.3 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:106.15,108.3 1 0
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:112.49,114.3 1 1
github.com/go-errors/errors/parse_panic.go:117.16,119.3 1 0

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
require_ci_to_pass: yes
precision: 2
round: down
range: "70...100"
target: 70%
threshold: 2%
patch: off
changes: no
conditional: yes
loop: yes
method: no
macro: no
layout: "header,diff"
behavior: default
require_changes: no
- internal/encoder/vm_color
- internal/encoder/vm_color_indent

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- encode_optype.go
- ".*_test\\.go$"
enable-all: true
- shadow
enable-all: true
- dogsled
- dupl
- exhaustive
- exhaustivestruct
- errorlint
- forbidigo
- funlen
- gci
- gochecknoglobals
- gochecknoinits
- gocognit
- gocritic
- gocyclo
- godot
- godox
- goerr113
- gofumpt
- gomnd
- gosec
- ifshort
- lll
- makezero
- nakedret
- nestif
- nlreturn
- paralleltest
- testpackage
- thelper
- wrapcheck
- interfacer
- lll
- nakedret
- nestif
- nlreturn
- testpackage
- wsl
# not needed
- path: /*.go
text: "ST1003: should not use underscores in package names"
- stylecheck
- path: /*.go
text: "don't use an underscore in package name"
- golint
- path: rtype.go
- golint
- stylecheck
- path: error.go
- staticcheck
# Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 50.
max-issues-per-linter: 0
# Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 3.
max-same-issues: 0

View File

@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
# v0.7.8 - 2021/09/01
* Fix mapassign_faststr for indirect struct type ( #283 )
* Fix encoding of not empty interface type ( #284 )
* Fix encoding of empty struct interface type ( #286 )
# v0.7.7 - 2021/08/25
* Fix invalid utf8 on stream decoder ( #279 )
* Fix buffer length bug on string stream decoder ( #280 )
Thank you @orisano !!
# v0.7.6 - 2021/08/13
* Fix nil slice assignment ( #276 )
* Improve error message ( #277 )
# v0.7.5 - 2021/08/12
* Fix encoding of embedded struct with tags ( #265 )
* Fix encoding of embedded struct that isn't first field ( #272 )
* Fix decoding of binary type with escaped char ( #273 )
# v0.7.4 - 2021/07/06
* Fix encoding of indirect layout structure ( #264 )
# v0.7.3 - 2021/06/29
* Fix encoding of pointer type in empty interface ( #262 )
# v0.7.2 - 2021/06/26
### Fix decoder
* Add decoder for func type to fix decoding of nil function value ( #257 )
* Fix stream decoding of []byte type ( #258 )
### Performance
* Improve decoding performance of map[string]interface{} type ( use `mapassign_faststr` ) ( #256 )
* Improve encoding performance of empty interface type ( remove recursive calling of `vm.Run` ) ( #259 )
### Benchmark
* Add bytedance/sonic as benchmark target ( #254 )
# v0.7.1 - 2021/06/18
### Fix decoder
* Fix error when unmarshal empty array ( #253 )
# v0.7.0 - 2021/06/12
### Support context for MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON ( #248 )
* json.MarshalContext(context.Context, interface{}, ...json.EncodeOption) ([]byte, error)
* json.NewEncoder(io.Writer).EncodeContext(context.Context, interface{}, ...json.EncodeOption) error
* json.UnmarshalContext(context.Context, []byte, interface{}, ...json.DecodeOption) error
* json.NewDecoder(io.Reader).DecodeContext(context.Context, interface{}) error
type MarshalerContext interface {
MarshalJSON(context.Context) ([]byte, error)
type UnmarshalerContext interface {
UnmarshalJSON(context.Context, []byte) error
### Add DecodeFieldPriorityFirstWin option ( #242 )
In the default behavior, go-json, like encoding/json, will reflect the result of the last evaluation when a field with the same name exists. I've added new options to allow you to change this behavior. `json.DecodeFieldPriorityFirstWin` option reflects the result of the first evaluation if a field with the same name exists. This behavior has a performance advantage as it allows the subsequent strings to be skipped if all fields have been evaluated.
### Fix encoder
* Fix indent number contains recursive type ( #249 )
* Fix encoding of using empty interface as map key ( #244 )
### Fix decoder
* Fix decoding fields containing escaped characters ( #237 )
### Refactor
* Move some tests to subdirectory ( #243 )
* Refactor package layout for decoder ( #238 )
# v0.6.1 - 2021/06/02
### Fix encoder
* Fix value of totalLength for encoding ( #236 )
# v0.6.0 - 2021/06/01
### Support Colorize option for encoding (#233)
b, err := json.MarshalWithOption(v, json.Colorize(json.DefaultColorScheme))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(string(b)) // print colored json
### Refactor
* Fix opcode layout - Adjust memory layout of the opcode to 128 bytes in a 64-bit environment ( #230 )
* Refactor encode option ( #231 )
* Refactor escape string ( #232 )
# v0.5.1 - 2021/5/20
### Optimization
* Add type addrShift to enable bigger encoder/decoder cache ( #213 )
### Fix decoder
* Keep original reference of slice element ( #229 )
### Refactor
* Refactor Debug mode for encoding ( #226 )
* Generate VM sources for encoding ( #227 )
* Refactor validator for null/true/false for decoding ( #221 )
# v0.5.0 - 2021/5/9
### Supports using omitempty and string tags at the same time ( #216 )
### Fix decoder
* Fix stream decoder for unicode char ( #215 )
* Fix decoding of slice element ( #219 )
* Fix calculating of buffer length for stream decoder ( #220 )
### Refactor
* replace skipWhiteSpace goto by loop ( #212 )
# v0.4.14 - 2021/5/4
### Benchmark
* Add valyala/fastjson to benchmark ( #193 )
* Add benchmark task for CI ( #211 )
### Fix decoder
* Fix decoding of slice with unmarshal json type ( #198 )
* Fix decoding of null value for interface type that does not implement Unmarshaler ( #205 )
* Fix decoding of null value to []byte by json.Unmarshal ( #206 )
* Fix decoding of backslash char at the end of string ( #207 )
* Fix stream decoder for null/true/false value ( #208 )
* Fix stream decoder for slow reader ( #211 )
### Performance
* If cap of slice is enough, reuse slice data for compatibility with encoding/json ( #200 )
# v0.4.13 - 2021/4/20
### Fix json.Compact and json.Indent
* Support validation the input buffer for json.Compact and json.Indent ( #189 )
* Optimize json.Compact and json.Indent ( improve memory footprint ) ( #190 )
# v0.4.12 - 2021/4/15
### Fix encoder
* Fix unnecessary indent for empty slice type ( #181 )
* Fix encoding of omitempty feature for the slice or interface type ( #183 )
* Fix encoding custom types zero values with omitempty when marshaller exists ( #187 )
### Fix decoder
* Fix decoder for invalid top level value ( #184 )
* Fix decoder for invalid number value ( #185 )
# v0.4.11 - 2021/4/3
* Improve decoder performance for interface type
# v0.4.10 - 2021/4/2
### Fix encoder
* Fixed a bug when encoding slice and map containing recursive structures
* Fixed a logic to determine if indirect reference
# v0.4.9 - 2021/3/29
### Add debug mode
If you use `json.MarshalWithOption(v, json.Debug())` and `panic` occurred in `go-json`, produces debug information to console.
### Support a new feature to compatible with encoding/json
- invalid UTF-8 is coerced to valid UTF-8 ( without performance down )
### Fix encoder
- Fixed handling of MarshalJSON of function type
### Fix decoding of slice of pointer type
If there is a pointer value, go-json will use it. (This behavior is necessary to achieve the ability to prioritize pre-filled values). However, since slices are reused internally, there was a bug that referred to the previous pointer value. Therefore, it is not necessary to refer to the pointer value in advance for the slice element, so we explicitly initialize slice element by `nil`.
# v0.4.8 - 2021/3/21
### Reduce memory usage at compile time
* go-json have used about 2GB of memory at compile time, but now it can compile with about less than 550MB.
### Fix any encoder's bug
* Add many test cases for encoder
* Fix composite type ( slice/array/map )
* Fix pointer types
* Fix encoding of MarshalJSON or MarshalText or json.Number type
### Refactor encoder
* Change package layout for reducing memory usage at compile
* Remove anonymous and only operation
* Remove root property from encodeCompileContext and opcode
### Fix CI
* Add Go 1.16
* Remove Go 1.13
* Fix `make cover` task
### Number/Delim/Token/RawMessage use the types defined in encoding/json by type alias
# v0.4.7 - 2021/02/22
### Fix decoder
* Fix decoding of deep recursive structure
* Fix decoding of embedded unexported pointer field
* Fix invalid test case
* Fix decoding of invalid value
* Fix decoding of prefilled value
* Fix not being able to return UnmarshalTypeError when it should be returned
* Fix decoding of null value
* Fix decoding of type of null string
* Use pre allocated pointer if exists it at decoding
### Reduce memory usage at compile
* Integrate int/int8/int16/int32/int64 and uint/uint8/uint16/uint32/uint64 operation to reduce memory usage at compile
### Remove unnecessary optype

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Masaaki Goshima
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
PKG := github.com/goccy/go-json
BIN_DIR := $(CURDIR)/bin
PKGS := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v internal/cmd|grep -v test)
COVER_PKGS := $(foreach pkg,$(PKGS),$(subst $(PKG),.,$(pkg)))
COMMA := ,
@mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR)
.PHONY: cover
go test -coverpkg=$(COVERPKG_OPT) -coverprofile=cover.out ./...
.PHONY: cover-html
cover-html: cover
go tool cover -html=cover.out
.PHONY: lint
lint: golangci-lint
golangci-lint run
golangci-lint: | $(BIN_DIR)
@{ \
set -e; \
GOLANGCI_LINT_TMP_DIR=$$(mktemp -d); \
go mod init tmp; \
GOBIN=$(BIN_DIR) go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.36.0; \
.PHONY: generate
go generate ./internal/...

View File

@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
# go-json
Fast JSON encoder/decoder compatible with encoding/json for Go
<img width="400px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/209884/92572337-42b42900-f2bf-11ea-973a-c74a359553a5.png"></img>
# Roadmap
* version ( expected release date )
* v0.7.0
| while maintaining compatibility with encoding/json, we will add convenient APIs
* v1.0.0
We are accepting requests for features that will be implemented between v0.7.0 and v.1.0.0.
If you have the API you need, please submit your issue [here](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/issues).
For example, I'm thinking of supporting `context.Context` of `json.Marshaler` and decoding using JSON Path.
# Features
- Drop-in replacement of `encoding/json`
- Fast ( See [Benchmark section](https://github.com/goccy/go-json#benchmarks) )
- Flexible customization with options
- Coloring the encoded string
- Can propagate context.Context to `MarshalJSON` or `UnmarshalJSON`
# Installation
go get github.com/goccy/go-json
# How to use
Replace import statement from `encoding/json` to `github.com/goccy/go-json`
-import "encoding/json"
+import "github.com/goccy/go-json"
# JSON library comparison
| name | encoder | decoder | compatible with `encoding/json` |
| :----: | :------: | :-----: | :-----------------------------: |
| encoding/json | yes | yes | N/A |
| [json-iterator/go](https://github.com/json-iterator/go) | yes | yes | partial |
| [easyjson](https://github.com/mailru/easyjson) | yes | yes | no |
| [gojay](https://github.com/francoispqt/gojay) | yes | yes | no |
| [segmentio/encoding/json](https://github.com/segmentio/encoding/tree/master/json) | yes | yes | partial |
| [jettison](https://github.com/wI2L/jettison) | yes | no | no |
| [simdjson-go](https://github.com/minio/simdjson-go) | no | yes | no |
| goccy/go-json | yes | yes | yes |
- `json-iterator/go` isn't compatible with `encoding/json` in many ways (e.g. https://github.com/json-iterator/go/issues/229 ), but it hasn't been supported for a long time.
- `segmentio/encoding/json` is well supported for encoders, but some are not supported for decoder APIs such as `Token` ( streaming decode )
## Other libraries
- [jingo](https://github.com/bet365/jingo)
I tried the benchmark but it didn't work.
Also, it seems to panic when it receives an unexpected value because there is no error handling...
- [ffjson](https://github.com/pquerna/ffjson)
Benchmarking gave very slow results.
It seems that it is assumed that the user will use the buffer pool properly.
Also, development seems to have already stopped
# Benchmarks
$ cd benchmarks
$ go test -bench .
## Encode
<img width="700px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/209884/107126758-0845cb00-68f5-11eb-8db7-086fcf9bcfaa.png"></img>
<img width="700px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/209884/107126757-07ad3480-68f5-11eb-87aa-858cc5eacfcb.png"></img>
## Decode
<img width="700" alt="" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/209884/107979944-bd1d6d80-7002-11eb-944b-9d17b6674e3f.png">
<img width="700" alt="" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/209884/107979931-b989e680-7002-11eb-87a0-66fc22d90dd4.png">
<img width="700" alt="" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/209884/107979940-bc84d700-7002-11eb-9647-869bbc25c9d9.png">
# Fuzzing
[go-json-fuzz](https://github.com/goccy/go-json-fuzz) is the repository for fuzzing tests.
If you run the test in this repository and find a bug, please commit to corpus to go-json-fuzz and report the issue to [go-json](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/issues).
# How it works
`go-json` is very fast in both encoding and decoding compared to other libraries.
It's easier to implement by using automatic code generation for performance or by using a dedicated interface, but `go-json` dares to stick to compatibility with `encoding/json` and is the simple interface. Despite this, we are developing with the aim of being the fastest library.
Here, we explain the various speed-up techniques implemented by `go-json`.
## Basic technique
The techniques listed here are the ones used by most of the libraries listed above.
### Buffer reuse
Since the only value required for the result of `json.Marshal(interface{}) ([]byte, error)` is `[]byte`, the only value that must be allocated during encoding is the return value `[]byte` .
Also, as the number of allocations increases, the performance will be affected, so the number of allocations should be kept as low as possible when creating `[]byte`.
Therefore, there is a technique to reduce the number of times a new buffer must be allocated by reusing the buffer used for the previous encoding by using `sync.Pool`.
Finally, you allocate a buffer that is as long as the resulting buffer and copy the contents into it, you only need to allocate the buffer once in theory.
type buffer struct {
data []byte
var bufPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &buffer{data: make([]byte, 0, 1024)}
buf := bufPool.Get().(*buffer)
data := encode(buf.data) // reuse buf.data
newBuf := make([]byte, len(data))
copy(newBuf, buf)
buf.data = data
### Elimination of reflection
As you know, the reflection operation is very slow.
Therefore, using the fact that the address position where the type information is stored is fixed for each binary ( we call this `typeptr` ),
we can use the address in the type information to call a pre-built optimized process.
For example, you can get the address to the type information from `interface{}` as follows and you can use that information to call a process that does not have reflection.
To process without reflection, pass a pointer (`unsafe.Pointer`) to the value is stored.
type emptyInterface struct {
typ unsafe.Pointer
ptr unsafe.Pointer
var typeToEncoder = map[uintptr]func(unsafe.Pointer)([]byte, error){}
func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
iface := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)
typeptr := uintptr(iface.typ)
if enc, exists := typeToEncoder[typeptr]; exists {
return enc(iface.ptr)
※ In reality, `typeToEncoder` can be referenced by multiple goroutines, so exclusive control is required.
## Unique speed-up technique
## Encoder
### Do not escape arguments of `Marshal`
`json.Marshal` and `json.Unmarshal` receive `interface{}` value and they perform type determination dynamically to process.
In normal case, you need to use the `reflect` library to determine the type dynamically, but since `reflect.Type` is defined as `interface`, when you call the method of `reflect.Type`, The reflect's argument is escaped.
Therefore, the arguments for `Marshal` and `Unmarshal` are always escape to the heap.
However, `go-json` can use the feature of `reflect.Type` while avoiding escaping.
`reflect.Type` is defined as `interface`, but in reality `reflect.Type` is implemented only by the structure `rtype` defined in the `reflect` package.
For this reason, to date `reflect.Type` is the same as `*reflect.rtype`.
Therefore, by directly handling `*reflect.rtype`, which is an implementation of `reflect.Type`, it is possible to avoid escaping because it changes from `interface` to using `struct`.
The technique for working with `*reflect.rtype` directly from `go-json` is implemented at [rtype.go](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/blob/master/internal/runtime/rtype.go)
Also, the same technique is cut out as a library ( https://github.com/goccy/go-reflect )
Initially this feature was the default behavior of `go-json`.
But after careful testing, I found that I passed a large value to `json.Marshal()` and if the argument could not be assigned to the stack, it could not be properly escaped to the heap (a bug in the Go compiler).
Therefore, this feature will be provided as an **optional** until this issue is resolved.
To use it, add `NoEscape` like `MarshalNoEscape()`
### Encoding using opcode sequence
I explained that you can use `typeptr` to call a pre-built process from type information.
In other libraries, this dedicated process is processed by making it an function calling like anonymous function, but function calls are inherently slow processes and should be avoided as much as possible.
Therefore, `go-json` adopted the Instruction-based execution processing system, which is also used to implement virtual machines for programming language.
If it is the first type to encode, create the opcode ( instruction ) sequence required for encoding.
From the second time onward, use `typeptr` to get the cached pre-built opcode sequence and encode it based on it. An example of the opcode sequence is shown below.
X int `json:"x"`
Y string `json:"y"`
}{X: 1, Y: "hello"})
When encoding a structure like the one above, create a sequence of opcodes like this:
- opStructFieldHead ( `{` )
- opStructFieldInt ( `"x": 1,` )
- opStructFieldString ( `"y": "hello"` )
- opStructEnd ( `}` )
- opEnd
※ When processing each operation, write the letters on the right.
In addition, each opcode is managed by the following structure (
Pseudo code ).
type opType int
const (
opStructFieldHead opType = iota
type opcode struct {
op opType
key []byte
next *opcode
The process of encoding using the opcode sequence is roughly implemented as follows.
func encode(code *opcode, b []byte, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch code.op {
case opStructFieldHead:
b = append(b, '{')
code = code.next
case opStructFieldInt:
b = append(b, code.key...)
b = appendInt((*int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+code.offset)))
code = code.next
case opStructFieldString:
b = append(b, code.key...)
b = appendString((*string)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+code.offset)))
code = code.next
case opStructEnd:
b = append(b, '}')
code = code.next
case opEnd:
goto END
return b, nil
In this way, the huge `switch-case` is used to encode by manipulating the linked list opcodes to avoid unnecessary function calls.
### Opcode sequence optimization
One of the advantages of encoding using the opcode sequence is the ease of optimization.
The opcode sequence mentioned above is actually converted into the following optimized operations and used.
- opStructFieldHeadInt ( `{"x": 1,` )
- opStructEndString ( `"y": "hello"}` )
- opEnd
It has been reduced from 5 opcodes to 3 opcodes !
Reducing the number of opcodees means reducing the number of branches with `switch-case`.
In other words, the closer the number of operations is to 1, the faster the processing can be performed.
In `go-json`, optimization to reduce the number of opcodes itself like the above and it speeds up by preparing opcodes with optimized paths.
### Change recursive call from CALL to JMP
Recursive processing is required during encoding if the type is defined recursively as follows:
type T struct {
X int
U *U
type U struct {
T *T
b, err := json.Marshal(&T{
X: 1,
U: &U{
T: &T{
X: 2,
fmt.Println(string(b)) // {"X":1,"U":{"T":{"X":2,"U":null}}}
In `go-json`, recursive processing is processed by the operation type of ` opStructFieldRecursive`.
In this operation, after acquiring the opcode sequence used for recursive processing, the function is **not** called recursively as it is, but the necessary values are saved by itself and implemented by moving to the next operation.
The technique of implementing recursive processing with the `JMP` operation while avoiding the `CALL` operation is a famous technique for implementing a high-speed virtual machine.
For more details, please refer to [the article](https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/1599563768-081104c850) ( but Japanese only ).
### Dispatch by typeptr from map to slice
When retrieving the data cached from the type information by `typeptr`, we usually use map.
Map requires exclusive control, so use `sync.Map` for a naive implementation.
However, this is slow, so it's a good idea to use the `atomic` package for exclusive control as implemented by `segmentio/encoding/json` ( https://github.com/segmentio/encoding/blob/master/json/codec.go#L41-L55 ).
This implementation slows down the set instead of speeding up the get, but it works well because of the nature of the library, it encodes much more for the same type.
However, as a result of profiling, I noticed that `runtime.mapaccess2` accounts for a significant percentage of the execution time. So I thought if I could change the lookup from map to slice.
There is an API named `typelinks` defined in the `runtime` package that the `reflect` package uses internally.
This allows you to get all the type information defined in the binary at runtime.
The fact that all type information can be acquired means that by constructing slices in advance with the acquired total number of type information, it is possible to look up with the value of `typeptr` without worrying about out-of-range access.
However, if there is too much type information, it will use a lot of memory, so by default we will only use this optimization if the slice size fits within **2Mib** .
If this approach is not available, it will fall back to the `atomic` based process described above.
If you want to know more, please refer to the implementation [here](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/blob/master/internal/runtime/type.go#L36-L100)
## Decoder
### Dispatch by typeptr from map to slice
Like the encoder, the decoder also uses typeptr to call the dedicated process.
### Faster termination character inspection using NUL character
In order to decode, you have to traverse the input buffer character by position.
At that time, if you check whether the buffer has reached the end, it will be very slow.
`buf` : `[]byte` type variable. holds the string passed to the decoder
`cursor` : `int64` type variable. holds the current read position
buflen := len(buf)
for ; cursor < buflen; cursor++ { // compare cursor and buflen at all times, it is so slow.
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
Therefore, by adding the `NUL` (`\000`) character to the end of the read buffer as shown below, it is possible to check the termination character at the same time as other characters.
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '\000':
return nil
### Use Boundary Check Elimination
Due to the `NUL` character optimization, the Go compiler does a boundary check every time, even though `buf[cursor]` does not cause out-of-range access.
Therefore, `go-json` eliminates boundary check by fetching characters for hotspot by pointer operation. For example, the following code.
func char(ptr unsafe.Pointer, offset int64) byte {
return *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + uintptr(offset)))
p := (*sliceHeader)(&unsafe.Pointer(buf)).data
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '\000':
return nil
### Checking the existence of fields of struct using Bitmaps
I found by the profiling result, in the struct decode, lookup process for field was taking a long time.
For example, consider decoding a string like `{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}` into the following structure:
type T struct {
A int `json:"a"`
B int `json:"b"`
C int `json:"c"`
At this time, it was found that it takes a lot of time to acquire the decoding process corresponding to the field from the field name as shown below during the decoding process.
fieldName := decodeKey(buf, cursor) // "a" or "b" or "c"
decoder, exists := fieldToDecoderMap[fieldName] // so slow
if exists {
decoder(buf, cursor)
} else {
skipValue(buf, cursor)
To improve this process, `json-iterator/go` is optimized so that it can be branched by switch-case when the number of fields in the structure is 10 or less (switch-case is faster than map). However, there is a risk of hash collision because the value hashed by the FNV algorithm is used for conditional branching. Also, `gojay` processes this part at high speed by letting the library user yourself write `switch-case`.
`go-json` considers and implements a new approach that is different from these. I call this **bitmap field optimization**.
The range of values per character can be represented by `[256]byte`. Also, if the number of fields in the structure is 8 or less, `int8` type can represent the state of each field.
In other words, it has the following structure.
- Base ( 8bit ): `00000000`
- Key "a": `00000001` ( assign key "a" to the first bit )
- Key "b": `00000010` ( assign key "b" to the second bit )
- Key "c": `00000100` ( assign key "c" to the third bit )
Bitmap structure is the following
| key index(0) |
0 | 00000000 |
1 | 00000000 |
~~ | |
97 (a) | 00000001 |
98 (b) | 00000010 |
99 (c) | 00000100 |
~~ | |
255 | 00000000 |
You can think of this as a Bitmap with a height of `256` and a width of the maximum string length in the field name.
In other words, it can be represented by the following type .
When decoding a field character, check whether the corresponding character exists by referring to the pre-built bitmap like the following.
var curBit int8 = math.MaxInt8 // 11111111
c := char(buf, cursor)
bit := bitmap[keyIdx][c]
curBit &= bit
if curBit == 0 {
// not found field
If `curBit` is not `0` until the end of the field string, then the string is
You may have hit one of the fields.
But the possibility is that if the decoded string is shorter than the field string, you will get a false hit.
- input: `{"a":1}`
type T struct {
X int `json:"abc"`
※ Since `a` is shorter than `abc`, it can decode to the end of the field character without `curBit` being 0.
Rest assured. In this case, it doesn't matter because you can tell if you hit by comparing the string length of `a` with the string length of `abc`.
Finally, calculate the position of the bit where `1` is set and get the corresponding value, and you're done.
Using this technique, field lookups are possible with only bitwise operations and access to slices.
`go-json` uses a similar technique for fields with 9 or more and 16 or less fields. At this time, Bitmap is constructed as `[maxKeyLen][256]int16` type.
Currently, this optimization is not performed when the maximum length of the field name is long (specifically, 64 bytes or more) in addition to the limitation of the number of fields from the viewpoint of saving memory usage.
### Others
I have done a lot of other optimizations. I will find time to write about them. If you have any questions about what's written here or other optimizations, please visit the `#go-json` channel on `gophers.slack.com` .
## Reference
Regarding the story of go-json, there are the following articles in Japanese only.
- https://speakerdeck.com/goccy/zui-su-falsejsonraiburariwoqiu-mete
- https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/1599563768-081104c850/
# Looking for Sponsors
I'm looking for sponsors this library. This library is being developed as a personal project in my spare time. If you want a quick response or problem resolution when using this library in your project, please register as a [sponsor](https://github.com/sponsors/goccy). I will cooperate as much as possible. Of course, this library is developed as an MIT license, so you can use it freely for free.
# License

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
type (
ColorFormat = encoder.ColorFormat
ColorScheme = encoder.ColorScheme
const escape = "\x1b"
type colorAttr int
const (
fgBlackColor colorAttr = iota + 30
const (
fgHiBlackColor colorAttr = iota + 90
func createColorFormat(attr colorAttr) ColorFormat {
return ColorFormat{
Header: wrapColor(attr),
Footer: resetColor(),
func wrapColor(attr colorAttr) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%dm", escape, attr)
func resetColor() string {
return wrapColor(colorAttr(0))
var (
DefaultColorScheme = &ColorScheme{
Int: createColorFormat(fgHiMagentaColor),
Uint: createColorFormat(fgHiMagentaColor),
Float: createColorFormat(fgHiMagentaColor),
Bool: createColorFormat(fgHiYellowColor),
String: createColorFormat(fgHiGreenColor),
Binary: createColorFormat(fgHiRedColor),
ObjectKey: createColorFormat(fgHiCyanColor),
Null: createColorFormat(fgBlueColor),

View File

@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
type Decoder struct {
s *decoder.Stream
const (
nul = '\000'
type emptyInterface struct {
typ *runtime.Type
ptr unsafe.Pointer
func unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
src := make([]byte, len(data)+1) // append nul byte to the end
copy(src, data)
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
if err := validateType(header.typ, uintptr(header.ptr)); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx := decoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Buf = src
ctx.Option.Flags = 0
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
cursor, err := dec.Decode(ctx, 0, 0, header.ptr)
if err != nil {
return err
return validateEndBuf(src, cursor)
func unmarshalContext(ctx context.Context, data []byte, v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
src := make([]byte, len(data)+1) // append nul byte to the end
copy(src, data)
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
if err := validateType(header.typ, uintptr(header.ptr)); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
if err != nil {
return err
rctx := decoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
rctx.Buf = src
rctx.Option.Flags = 0
rctx.Option.Flags |= decoder.ContextOption
rctx.Option.Context = ctx
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
cursor, err := dec.Decode(rctx, 0, 0, header.ptr)
if err != nil {
return err
return validateEndBuf(src, cursor)
func unmarshalNoEscape(data []byte, v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
src := make([]byte, len(data)+1) // append nul byte to the end
copy(src, data)
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
if err := validateType(header.typ, uintptr(header.ptr)); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx := decoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Buf = src
ctx.Option.Flags = 0
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
cursor, err := dec.Decode(ctx, 0, 0, noescape(header.ptr))
if err != nil {
return err
return validateEndBuf(src, cursor)
func validateEndBuf(src []byte, cursor int64) error {
for {
switch src[cursor] {
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
case nul:
return nil
return errors.ErrSyntax(
fmt.Sprintf("invalid character '%c' after top-level value", src[cursor]),
func noescape(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
x := uintptr(p)
return unsafe.Pointer(x ^ 0)
func validateType(typ *runtime.Type, p uintptr) error {
if typ == nil || typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || p == 0 {
return &InvalidUnmarshalError{Type: runtime.RType2Type(typ)}
return nil
// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r.
// The decoder introduces its own buffering and may
// read data from r beyond the JSON values requested.
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
s := decoder.NewStream(r)
return &Decoder{
s: s,
// Buffered returns a reader of the data remaining in the Decoder's
// buffer. The reader is valid until the next call to Decode.
func (d *Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader {
return d.s.Buffered()
// Decode reads the next JSON-encoded value from its
// input and stores it in the value pointed to by v.
// See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about
// the conversion of JSON into a Go value.
func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
return d.DecodeWithOption(v)
// DecodeContext reads the next JSON-encoded value from its
// input and stores it in the value pointed to by v with context.Context.
func (d *Decoder) DecodeContext(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) error {
d.s.Option.Flags |= decoder.ContextOption
d.s.Option.Context = ctx
return d.DecodeWithOption(v)
func (d *Decoder) DecodeWithOption(v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
typ := header.typ
ptr := uintptr(header.ptr)
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
// noescape trick for header.typ ( reflect.*rtype )
copiedType := *(**runtime.Type)(unsafe.Pointer(&typeptr))
if err := validateType(copiedType, ptr); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(typ)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := d.s.PrepareForDecode(); err != nil {
return err
s := d.s
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
if err := dec.DecodeStream(s, 0, header.ptr); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *Decoder) More() bool {
return d.s.More()
func (d *Decoder) Token() (Token, error) {
return d.s.Token()
// DisallowUnknownFields causes the Decoder to return an error when the destination
// is a struct and the input contains object keys which do not match any
// non-ignored, exported fields in the destination.
func (d *Decoder) DisallowUnknownFields() {
d.s.DisallowUnknownFields = true
func (d *Decoder) InputOffset() int64 {
return d.s.TotalOffset()
// UseNumber causes the Decoder to unmarshal a number into an interface{} as a
// Number instead of as a float64.
func (d *Decoder) UseNumber() {
d.s.UseNumber = true

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
version: '2'
image: golang:1.16
- '.:/go/src/go-json'
memory: 620M
working_dir: /go/src/go-json
command: |
sh -c "go test -c . && ls go-json.test"

View File

@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
// An Encoder writes JSON values to an output stream.
type Encoder struct {
w io.Writer
enabledIndent bool
enabledHTMLEscape bool
prefix string
indentStr string
// NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.
func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
return &Encoder{w: w, enabledHTMLEscape: true}
// Encode writes the JSON encoding of v to the stream, followed by a newline character.
// See the documentation for Marshal for details about the conversion of Go values to JSON.
func (e *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
return e.EncodeWithOption(v)
// EncodeWithOption call Encode with EncodeOption.
func (e *Encoder) EncodeWithOption(v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) error {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
err := e.encodeWithOption(ctx, v, optFuncs...)
return err
// EncodeContext call Encode with context.Context and EncodeOption.
func (e *Encoder) EncodeContext(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) error {
rctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
rctx.Option.Flag = 0
rctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.ContextOption
rctx.Option.Context = ctx
err := e.encodeWithOption(rctx, v, optFuncs...)
return err
func (e *Encoder) encodeWithOption(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) error {
if e.enabledHTMLEscape {
ctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.HTMLEscapeOption
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
var (
buf []byte
err error
if e.enabledIndent {
buf, err = encodeIndent(ctx, v, e.prefix, e.indentStr)
} else {
buf, err = encode(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return err
if e.enabledIndent {
buf = buf[:len(buf)-2]
} else {
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
buf = append(buf, '\n')
if _, err := e.w.Write(buf); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SetEscapeHTML specifies whether problematic HTML characters should be escaped inside JSON quoted strings.
// The default behavior is to escape &, <, and > to \u0026, \u003c, and \u003e to avoid certain safety problems that can arise when embedding JSON in HTML.
// In non-HTML settings where the escaping interferes with the readability of the output, SetEscapeHTML(false) disables this behavior.
func (e *Encoder) SetEscapeHTML(on bool) {
e.enabledHTMLEscape = on
// SetIndent instructs the encoder to format each subsequent encoded value as if indented by the package-level function Indent(dst, src, prefix, indent).
// Calling SetIndent("", "") disables indentation.
func (e *Encoder) SetIndent(prefix, indent string) {
if prefix == "" && indent == "" {
e.enabledIndent = false
e.prefix = prefix
e.indentStr = indent
e.enabledIndent = true
func marshalContext(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) ([]byte, error) {
rctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
rctx.Option.Flag = 0
rctx.Option.Flag = encoder.HTMLEscapeOption | encoder.ContextOption
rctx.Option.Context = ctx
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
buf, err := encode(rctx, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// this line exists to escape call of `runtime.makeslicecopy` .
// if use `make([]byte, len(buf)-1)` and `copy(copied, buf)`,
// dst buffer size and src buffer size are differrent.
// in this case, compiler uses `runtime.makeslicecopy`, but it is slow.
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
copied := make([]byte, len(buf))
copy(copied, buf)
return copied, nil
func marshal(v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) ([]byte, error) {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
ctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.HTMLEscapeOption
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
buf, err := encode(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// this line exists to escape call of `runtime.makeslicecopy` .
// if use `make([]byte, len(buf)-1)` and `copy(copied, buf)`,
// dst buffer size and src buffer size are differrent.
// in this case, compiler uses `runtime.makeslicecopy`, but it is slow.
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
copied := make([]byte, len(buf))
copy(copied, buf)
return copied, nil
func marshalNoEscape(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
ctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.HTMLEscapeOption
buf, err := encodeNoEscape(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// this line exists to escape call of `runtime.makeslicecopy` .
// if use `make([]byte, len(buf)-1)` and `copy(copied, buf)`,
// dst buffer size and src buffer size are differrent.
// in this case, compiler uses `runtime.makeslicecopy`, but it is slow.
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
copied := make([]byte, len(buf))
copy(copied, buf)
return copied, nil
func marshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) ([]byte, error) {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
ctx.Option.Flag |= (encoder.HTMLEscapeOption | encoder.IndentOption)
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
buf, err := encodeIndent(ctx, v, prefix, indent)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf = buf[:len(buf)-2]
copied := make([]byte, len(buf))
copy(copied, buf)
return copied, nil
func encode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
b := ctx.Buf[:0]
if v == nil {
b = encoder.AppendNull(ctx, b)
b = encoder.AppendComma(ctx, b)
return b, nil
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
typ := header.typ
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
codeSet, err := encoder.CompileToGetCodeSet(typeptr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := uintptr(header.ptr)
ctx.Init(p, codeSet.CodeLength)
ctx.KeepRefs = append(ctx.KeepRefs, header.ptr)
buf, err := encodeRunCode(ctx, b, codeSet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.Buf = buf
return buf, nil
func encodeNoEscape(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
b := ctx.Buf[:0]
if v == nil {
b = encoder.AppendNull(ctx, b)
b = encoder.AppendComma(ctx, b)
return b, nil
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
typ := header.typ
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
codeSet, err := encoder.CompileToGetCodeSet(typeptr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := uintptr(header.ptr)
ctx.Init(p, codeSet.CodeLength)
buf, err := encodeRunCode(ctx, b, codeSet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.Buf = buf
return buf, nil
func encodeIndent(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
b := ctx.Buf[:0]
if v == nil {
b = encoder.AppendNull(ctx, b)
b = encoder.AppendCommaIndent(ctx, b)
return b, nil
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
typ := header.typ
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
codeSet, err := encoder.CompileToGetCodeSet(typeptr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := uintptr(header.ptr)
ctx.Init(p, codeSet.CodeLength)
buf, err := encodeRunIndentCode(ctx, b, codeSet, prefix, indent)
ctx.KeepRefs = append(ctx.KeepRefs, header.ptr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.Buf = buf
return buf, nil
func encodeRunCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet) ([]byte, error) {
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.DebugOption) != 0 {
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
return vm.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)
return vm.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)
func encodeRunIndentCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
ctx.Prefix = []byte(prefix)
ctx.IndentStr = []byte(indent)
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.DebugOption) != 0 {
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color_indent.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
return vm_indent.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color_indent.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)
return vm_indent.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
// Before Go 1.2, an InvalidUTF8Error was returned by Marshal when
// attempting to encode a string value with invalid UTF-8 sequences.
// As of Go 1.2, Marshal instead coerces the string to valid UTF-8 by
// replacing invalid bytes with the Unicode replacement rune U+FFFD.
// Deprecated: No longer used; kept for compatibility.
type InvalidUTF8Error = errors.InvalidUTF8Error
// An InvalidUnmarshalError describes an invalid argument passed to Unmarshal.
// (The argument to Unmarshal must be a non-nil pointer.)
type InvalidUnmarshalError = errors.InvalidUnmarshalError
// A MarshalerError represents an error from calling a MarshalJSON or MarshalText method.
type MarshalerError = errors.MarshalerError
// A SyntaxError is a description of a JSON syntax error.
type SyntaxError = errors.SyntaxError
// An UnmarshalFieldError describes a JSON object key that
// led to an unexported (and therefore unwritable) struct field.
// Deprecated: No longer used; kept for compatibility.
type UnmarshalFieldError = errors.UnmarshalFieldError
// An UnmarshalTypeError describes a JSON value that was
// not appropriate for a value of a specific Go type.
type UnmarshalTypeError = errors.UnmarshalTypeError
// An UnsupportedTypeError is returned by Marshal when attempting
// to encode an unsupported value type.
type UnsupportedTypeError = errors.UnsupportedTypeError
type UnsupportedValueError = errors.UnsupportedValueError

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type anonymousFieldDecoder struct {
structType *runtime.Type
offset uintptr
dec Decoder
func newAnonymousFieldDecoder(structType *runtime.Type, offset uintptr, dec Decoder) *anonymousFieldDecoder {
return &anonymousFieldDecoder{
structType: structType,
offset: offset,
dec: dec,
func (d *anonymousFieldDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe_New(d.structType)
p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
return d.dec.DecodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+d.offset))
func (d *anonymousFieldDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe_New(d.structType)
p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
return d.dec.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+d.offset))

View File

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type arrayDecoder struct {
elemType *runtime.Type
size uintptr
valueDecoder Decoder
alen int
structName string
fieldName string
zeroValue unsafe.Pointer
func newArrayDecoder(dec Decoder, elemType *runtime.Type, alen int, structName, fieldName string) *arrayDecoder {
zeroValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe_New(elemType))
return &arrayDecoder{
valueDecoder: dec,
elemType: elemType,
size: elemType.Size(),
alen: alen,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
zeroValue: zeroValue,
func (d *arrayDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case '[':
idx := 0
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == ']' {
for idx < d.alen {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)) = d.zeroValue
return nil
for {
if idx < d.alen {
if err := d.valueDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+uintptr(idx)*d.size)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
switch s.skipWhiteSpace() {
case ']':
for idx < d.alen {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)) = d.zeroValue
return nil
case ',':
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
goto ERROR
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
goto ERROR
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array", s.totalOffset())
func (d *arrayDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
case '[':
idx := 0
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == ']' {
for idx < d.alen {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)) = d.zeroValue
return cursor, nil
for {
if idx < d.alen {
c, err := d.valueDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+uintptr(idx)*d.size))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
} else {
c, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case ']':
for idx < d.alen {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)) = d.zeroValue
return cursor, nil
case ',':
return 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor], "array", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array", cursor)

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type boolDecoder struct {
structName string
fieldName string
func newBoolDecoder(structName, fieldName string) *boolDecoder {
return &boolDecoder{structName: structName, fieldName: fieldName}
func (d *boolDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
for {
switch c {
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
**(**bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = true
return nil
case 'f':
if err := falseBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
**(**bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = false
return nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
c = s.char()
goto ERROR
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("bool", s.totalOffset())
func (d *boolDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case 't':
if err := validateTrue(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = true
return cursor, nil
case 'f':
if err := validateFalse(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 5
**(**bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = false
return cursor, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("bool", cursor)

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type bytesDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
sliceDecoder Decoder
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
structName string
fieldName string
func byteUnmarshalerSliceDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName string, fieldName string) Decoder {
var unmarshalDecoder Decoder
switch {
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalJSONType):
unmarshalDecoder = newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName)
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
unmarshalDecoder = newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName)
if unmarshalDecoder == nil {
return nil
return newSliceDecoder(unmarshalDecoder, typ, 1, structName, fieldName)
func newBytesDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName string, fieldName string) *bytesDecoder {
return &bytesDecoder{
typ: typ,
sliceDecoder: byteUnmarshalerSliceDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName),
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *bytesDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamBinary(s, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
return nil
decodedLen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(bytes))
buf := make([]byte, decodedLen)
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(buf, bytes)
if err != nil {
return err
*(*[]byte)(p) = buf[:n]
return nil
func (d *bytesDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeBinary(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
return c, nil
cursor = c
decodedLen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(bytes))
b := make([]byte, decodedLen)
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(b, bytes)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
*(*[]byte)(p) = b[:n]
return cursor, nil
func (d *bytesDecoder) decodeStreamBinary(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
if c == '[' {
if d.sliceDecoder == nil {
return nil, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
err := d.sliceDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, p)
return nil, err
return d.stringDecoder.decodeStreamByte(s)
func (d *bytesDecoder) decodeBinary(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == '[' {
if d.sliceDecoder == nil {
return nil, 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: cursor,
c, err := d.sliceDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return nil, c, nil
return d.stringDecoder.decodeByte(buf, cursor)

View File

@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
var (
jsonNumberType = reflect.TypeOf(json.Number(""))
typeAddr *runtime.TypeAddr
cachedDecoderMap unsafe.Pointer // map[uintptr]decoder
cachedDecoder []Decoder
func init() {
typeAddr = runtime.AnalyzeTypeAddr()
if typeAddr == nil {
typeAddr = &runtime.TypeAddr{}
cachedDecoder = make([]Decoder, typeAddr.AddrRange>>typeAddr.AddrShift)
func loadDecoderMap() map[uintptr]Decoder {
p := atomic.LoadPointer(&cachedDecoderMap)
return *(*map[uintptr]Decoder)(unsafe.Pointer(&p))
func storeDecoder(typ uintptr, dec Decoder, m map[uintptr]Decoder) {
newDecoderMap := make(map[uintptr]Decoder, len(m)+1)
newDecoderMap[typ] = dec
for k, v := range m {
newDecoderMap[k] = v
atomic.StorePointer(&cachedDecoderMap, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&newDecoderMap)))
func compileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr uintptr, typ *runtime.Type) (Decoder, error) {
decoderMap := loadDecoderMap()
if dec, exists := decoderMap[typeptr]; exists {
return dec, nil
dec, err := compileHead(typ, map[uintptr]Decoder{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
storeDecoder(typeptr, dec, decoderMap)
return dec, nil
func compileHead(typ *runtime.Type, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
switch {
case implementsUnmarshalJSONType(runtime.PtrTo(typ)):
return newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), "", ""), nil
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), "", ""), nil
return compile(typ.Elem(), "", "", structTypeToDecoder)
func compile(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
switch {
case implementsUnmarshalJSONType(runtime.PtrTo(typ)):
return newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
return compilePtr(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Struct:
return compileStruct(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Slice:
elem := typ.Elem()
if elem.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
return compileBytes(elem, structName, fieldName)
return compileSlice(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Array:
return compileArray(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Map:
return compileMap(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Interface:
return compileInterface(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uintptr:
return compileUint(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int:
return compileInt(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int8:
return compileInt8(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int16:
return compileInt16(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int32:
return compileInt32(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int64:
return compileInt64(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint:
return compileUint(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint8:
return compileUint8(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint16:
return compileUint16(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint32:
return compileUint32(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint64:
return compileUint64(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.String:
return compileString(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Bool:
return compileBool(structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Float32:
return compileFloat32(structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Float64:
return compileFloat64(structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Func:
return compileFunc(typ, structName, fieldName)
return nil, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(typ),
Offset: 0,
Struct: structName,
Field: fieldName,
func isStringTagSupportedType(typ *runtime.Type) bool {
switch {
case implementsUnmarshalJSONType(runtime.PtrTo(typ)):
return false
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return false
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
return false
case reflect.Slice:
return false
case reflect.Array:
return false
case reflect.Struct:
return false
case reflect.Interface:
return false
return true
func compileMapKey(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
if runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType) {
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
dec, err := compile(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
switch t := dec.(type) {
case *stringDecoder, *interfaceDecoder:
return dec, nil
case *boolDecoder, *intDecoder, *uintDecoder, *numberDecoder:
return newWrappedStringDecoder(typ, dec, structName, fieldName), nil
case *ptrDecoder:
dec = t.dec
goto ERROR
return nil, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(typ),
Offset: 0,
Struct: structName,
Field: fieldName,
func compilePtr(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
dec, err := compile(typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newPtrDecoder(dec, typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName), nil
func compileInt(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int)(p) = int(v)
}), nil
func compileInt8(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int8)(p) = int8(v)
}), nil
func compileInt16(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int16)(p) = int16(v)
}), nil
func compileInt32(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int32)(p) = int32(v)
}), nil
func compileInt64(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int64)(p) = v
}), nil
func compileUint(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint)(p) = uint(v)
}), nil
func compileUint8(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint8)(p) = uint8(v)
}), nil
func compileUint16(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint16)(p) = uint16(v)
}), nil
func compileUint32(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint32)(p) = uint32(v)
}), nil
func compileUint64(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint64)(p) = v
}), nil
func compileFloat32(structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*float32)(p) = float32(v)
}), nil
func compileFloat64(structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*float64)(p) = v
}), nil
func compileString(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
if typ == runtime.Type2RType(jsonNumberType) {
return newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v json.Number) {
*(*json.Number)(p) = v
}), nil
return newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName), nil
func compileBool(structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newBoolDecoder(structName, fieldName), nil
func compileBytes(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newBytesDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName), nil
func compileSlice(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
elem := typ.Elem()
decoder, err := compile(elem, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newSliceDecoder(decoder, elem, elem.Size(), structName, fieldName), nil
func compileArray(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
elem := typ.Elem()
decoder, err := compile(elem, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newArrayDecoder(decoder, elem, typ.Len(), structName, fieldName), nil
func compileMap(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
keyDec, err := compileMapKey(typ.Key(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valueDec, err := compile(typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newMapDecoder(typ, typ.Key(), keyDec, typ.Elem(), valueDec, structName, fieldName), nil
func compileInterface(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newInterfaceDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName), nil
func compileFunc(typ *runtime.Type, strutName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newFuncDecoder(typ, strutName, fieldName), nil
func removeConflictFields(fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet, conflictedMap map[string]struct{}, dec *structDecoder, field reflect.StructField) {
for k, v := range dec.fieldMap {
if _, exists := conflictedMap[k]; exists {
// already conflicted key
set, exists := fieldMap[k]
if !exists {
fieldSet := &structFieldSet{
dec: v.dec,
offset: field.Offset + v.offset,
isTaggedKey: v.isTaggedKey,
key: k,
keyLen: int64(len(k)),
fieldMap[k] = fieldSet
lower := strings.ToLower(k)
if _, exists := fieldMap[lower]; !exists {
fieldMap[lower] = fieldSet
if set.isTaggedKey {
if v.isTaggedKey {
// conflict tag key
delete(fieldMap, k)
delete(fieldMap, strings.ToLower(k))
conflictedMap[k] = struct{}{}
conflictedMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = struct{}{}
} else {
if v.isTaggedKey {
fieldSet := &structFieldSet{
dec: v.dec,
offset: field.Offset + v.offset,
isTaggedKey: v.isTaggedKey,
key: k,
keyLen: int64(len(k)),
fieldMap[k] = fieldSet
lower := strings.ToLower(k)
if _, exists := fieldMap[lower]; !exists {
fieldMap[lower] = fieldSet
} else {
// conflict tag key
delete(fieldMap, k)
delete(fieldMap, strings.ToLower(k))
conflictedMap[k] = struct{}{}
conflictedMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = struct{}{}
func compileStruct(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
fieldNum := typ.NumField()
conflictedMap := map[string]struct{}{}
fieldMap := map[string]*structFieldSet{}
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
if dec, exists := structTypeToDecoder[typeptr]; exists {
return dec, nil
structDec := newStructDecoder(structName, fieldName, fieldMap)
structTypeToDecoder[typeptr] = structDec
structName = typ.Name()
for i := 0; i < fieldNum; i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
if runtime.IsIgnoredStructField(field) {
isUnexportedField := unicode.IsLower([]rune(field.Name)[0])
tag := runtime.StructTagFromField(field)
dec, err := compile(runtime.Type2RType(field.Type), structName, field.Name, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if field.Anonymous && !tag.IsTaggedKey {
if stDec, ok := dec.(*structDecoder); ok {
if runtime.Type2RType(field.Type) == typ {
// recursive definition
removeConflictFields(fieldMap, conflictedMap, stDec, field)
} else if pdec, ok := dec.(*ptrDecoder); ok {
contentDec := pdec.contentDecoder()
if pdec.typ == typ {
// recursive definition
var fieldSetErr error
if isUnexportedField {
fieldSetErr = fmt.Errorf(
"json: cannot set embedded pointer to unexported struct: %v",
if dec, ok := contentDec.(*structDecoder); ok {
for k, v := range dec.fieldMap {
if _, exists := conflictedMap[k]; exists {
// already conflicted key
set, exists := fieldMap[k]
if !exists {
fieldSet := &structFieldSet{
dec: newAnonymousFieldDecoder(pdec.typ, v.offset, v.dec),
offset: field.Offset,
isTaggedKey: v.isTaggedKey,
key: k,
keyLen: int64(len(k)),
err: fieldSetErr,
fieldMap[k] = fieldSet
lower := strings.ToLower(k)
if _, exists := fieldMap[lower]; !exists {
fieldMap[lower] = fieldSet
if set.isTaggedKey {
if v.isTaggedKey {
// conflict tag key
delete(fieldMap, k)
delete(fieldMap, strings.ToLower(k))
conflictedMap[k] = struct{}{}
conflictedMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = struct{}{}
} else {
if v.isTaggedKey {
fieldSet := &structFieldSet{
dec: newAnonymousFieldDecoder(pdec.typ, v.offset, v.dec),
offset: field.Offset,
isTaggedKey: v.isTaggedKey,
key: k,
keyLen: int64(len(k)),
err: fieldSetErr,
fieldMap[k] = fieldSet
lower := strings.ToLower(k)
if _, exists := fieldMap[lower]; !exists {
fieldMap[lower] = fieldSet
} else {
// conflict tag key
delete(fieldMap, k)
delete(fieldMap, strings.ToLower(k))
conflictedMap[k] = struct{}{}
conflictedMap[strings.ToLower(k)] = struct{}{}
} else {
if tag.IsString && isStringTagSupportedType(runtime.Type2RType(field.Type)) {
dec = newWrappedStringDecoder(runtime.Type2RType(field.Type), dec, structName, field.Name)
var key string
if tag.Key != "" {
key = tag.Key
} else {
key = field.Name
fieldSet := &structFieldSet{
dec: dec,
offset: field.Offset,
isTaggedKey: tag.IsTaggedKey,
key: key,
keyLen: int64(len(key)),
fieldMap[key] = fieldSet
lower := strings.ToLower(key)
if _, exists := fieldMap[lower]; !exists {
fieldMap[lower] = fieldSet
delete(structTypeToDecoder, typeptr)
return structDec, nil
func implementsUnmarshalJSONType(typ *runtime.Type) bool {
return typ.Implements(unmarshalJSONType) || typ.Implements(unmarshalJSONContextType)

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
// +build !race
package decoder
import (
func CompileToGetDecoder(typ *runtime.Type) (Decoder, error) {
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
if typeptr > typeAddr.MaxTypeAddr {
return compileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr, typ)
index := (typeptr - typeAddr.BaseTypeAddr) >> typeAddr.AddrShift
if dec := cachedDecoder[index]; dec != nil {
return dec, nil
dec, err := compileHead(typ, map[uintptr]Decoder{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cachedDecoder[index] = dec
return dec, nil

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// +build race
package decoder
import (
var decMu sync.RWMutex
func CompileToGetDecoder(typ *runtime.Type) (Decoder, error) {
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
if typeptr > typeAddr.MaxTypeAddr {
return compileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr, typ)
index := (typeptr - typeAddr.BaseTypeAddr) >> typeAddr.AddrShift
if dec := cachedDecoder[index]; dec != nil {
return dec, nil
dec, err := compileHead(typ, map[uintptr]Decoder{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cachedDecoder[index] = dec
return dec, nil

View File

@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type RuntimeContext struct {
Buf []byte
Option *Option
var (
runtimeContextPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &RuntimeContext{
Option: &Option{},
func TakeRuntimeContext() *RuntimeContext {
return runtimeContextPool.Get().(*RuntimeContext)
func ReleaseRuntimeContext(ctx *RuntimeContext) {
var (
isWhiteSpace = [256]bool{}
func init() {
isWhiteSpace[' '] = true
isWhiteSpace['\n'] = true
isWhiteSpace['\t'] = true
isWhiteSpace['\r'] = true
func char(ptr unsafe.Pointer, offset int64) byte {
return *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(ptr) + uintptr(offset)))
func skipWhiteSpace(buf []byte, cursor int64) int64 {
for isWhiteSpace[buf[cursor]] {
return cursor
func skipObject(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
braceCount := 1
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case '{':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case '}':
if braceCount == 0 {
return cursor + 1, nil
case '[':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case ']':
case '"':
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case '\\':
if buf[cursor] == nul {
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
case nul:
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("object of object", cursor)
func skipArray(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
bracketCount := 1
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case '[':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case ']':
if bracketCount == 0 {
return cursor + 1, nil
case '{':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case '}':
case '"':
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case '\\':
if buf[cursor] == nul {
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
case nul:
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array of object", cursor)
func skipValue(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
case '{':
return skipObject(buf, cursor+1, depth+1)
case '[':
return skipArray(buf, cursor+1, depth+1)
case '"':
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case '\\':
if buf[cursor] == nul {
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
return cursor + 1, nil
case nul:
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
for {
if floatTable[buf[cursor]] {
return cursor, nil
case 't':
if err := validateTrue(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
case 'f':
if err := validateFalse(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 5
return cursor, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
return cursor, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("null", cursor)
func validateTrue(buf []byte, cursor int64) error {
if cursor+3 >= int64(len(buf)) {
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("true", cursor)
if buf[cursor+1] != 'r' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "true", cursor)
if buf[cursor+2] != 'u' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "true", cursor)
if buf[cursor+3] != 'e' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "true", cursor)
return nil
func validateFalse(buf []byte, cursor int64) error {
if cursor+4 >= int64(len(buf)) {
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+1] != 'a' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+2] != 'l' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+3] != 's' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+4] != 'e' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+4], "false", cursor)
return nil
func validateNull(buf []byte, cursor int64) error {
if cursor+3 >= int64(len(buf)) {
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("null", cursor)
if buf[cursor+1] != 'u' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "null", cursor)
if buf[cursor+2] != 'l' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "null", cursor)
if buf[cursor+3] != 'l' {
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "null", cursor)
return nil

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type floatDecoder struct {
op func(unsafe.Pointer, float64)
structName string
fieldName string
func newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, float64)) *floatDecoder {
return &floatDecoder{op: op, structName: structName, fieldName: fieldName}
var (
floatTable = [256]bool{
'0': true,
'1': true,
'2': true,
'3': true,
'4': true,
'5': true,
'6': true,
'7': true,
'8': true,
'9': true,
'.': true,
'e': true,
'E': true,
'+': true,
'-': true,
validEndNumberChar = [256]bool{
nul: true,
' ': true,
'\t': true,
'\r': true,
'\n': true,
',': true,
':': true,
'}': true,
']': true,
func floatBytes(s *Stream) []byte {
start := s.cursor
for {
if floatTable[s.char()] {
} else if s.char() == nul {
if s.read() {
s.cursor-- // for retry current character
return s.buf[start:s.cursor]
func (d *floatDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return floatBytes(s), nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
goto ERROR
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", s.totalOffset())
func (d *floatDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := cursor
for floatTable[buf[cursor]] {
num := buf[start:cursor]
return num, cursor, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", cursor)
func (d *floatDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
return nil
str := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
if err != nil {
return errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), s.totalOffset())
d.op(p, f64)
return nil
func (d *floatDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
return c, nil
cursor = c
if !validEndNumberChar[buf[cursor]] {
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", cursor)
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), cursor)
d.op(p, f64)
return cursor, nil

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type funcDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
func newFuncDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *funcDecoder {
fnDecoder := &funcDecoder{typ, structName, fieldName}
return fnDecoder
func (d *funcDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
if len(src) > 0 {
switch src[0] {
case '"':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "string",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '[':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "array",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '{':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return nil
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err == nil {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case 'f':
if err := falseBytes(s); err == nil {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
return errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.buf[s.cursor], s.totalOffset())
func (d *funcDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
if len(src) > 0 {
switch src[0] {
case '"':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "string",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '[':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "array",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '{':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case 'n':
if bytes.Equal(src, nullbytes) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return end, nil
case 't':
if err := validateTrue(buf, start); err == nil {
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case 'f':
if err := validateFalse(buf, start); err == nil {
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
return cursor, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(buf[cursor], cursor)

View File

@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type intDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
kind reflect.Kind
op func(unsafe.Pointer, int64)
structName string
fieldName string
func newIntDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, int64)) *intDecoder {
return &intDecoder{
typ: typ,
kind: typ.Kind(),
op: op,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *intDecoder) typeError(buf []byte, offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: fmt.Sprintf("number %s", string(buf)),
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Struct: d.structName,
Field: d.fieldName,
Offset: offset,
var (
pow10i64 = [...]int64{
1e00, 1e01, 1e02, 1e03, 1e04, 1e05, 1e06, 1e07, 1e08, 1e09,
1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18,
pow10i64Len = len(pow10i64)
func (d *intDecoder) parseInt(b []byte) (int64, error) {
isNegative := false
if b[0] == '-' {
b = b[1:]
isNegative = true
maxDigit := len(b)
if maxDigit > pow10i64Len {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid length of number")
sum := int64(0)
for i := 0; i < maxDigit; i++ {
c := int64(b[i]) - 48
digitValue := pow10i64[maxDigit-i-1]
sum += c * digitValue
if isNegative {
return -1 * sum, nil
return sum, nil
var (
numTable = [256]bool{
'0': true,
'1': true,
'2': true,
'3': true,
'4': true,
'5': true,
'6': true,
'7': true,
'8': true,
'9': true,
var (
numZeroBuf = []byte{'0'}
func (d *intDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '-':
start := s.cursor
for {
if numTable[s.char()] {
} else if s.char() == nul {
if s.read() {
s.cursor-- // for retry current character
num := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
if len(num) < 2 {
goto ERROR
return num, nil
case '0':
return numZeroBuf, nil
case '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := s.cursor
for {
if numTable[s.char()] {
} else if s.char() == nul {
if s.read() {
s.cursor-- // for retry current character
num := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
return num, nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
return nil, d.typeError([]byte{s.char()}, s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("number(integer)", s.totalOffset())
func (d *intDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '0':
return numZeroBuf, cursor, nil
case '-', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := cursor
for numTable[char(b, cursor)] {
num := buf[start:cursor]
return num, cursor, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
return nil, 0, d.typeError([]byte{char(b, cursor)}, cursor)
func (d *intDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
return nil
i64, err := d.parseInt(bytes)
if err != nil {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
switch d.kind {
case reflect.Int8:
if i64 <= -1*(1<<7) || (1<<7) <= i64 {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
case reflect.Int16:
if i64 <= -1*(1<<15) || (1<<15) <= i64 {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
case reflect.Int32:
if i64 <= -1*(1<<31) || (1<<31) <= i64 {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
d.op(p, i64)
return nil
func (d *intDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
return c, nil
cursor = c
i64, err := d.parseInt(bytes)
if err != nil {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
switch d.kind {
case reflect.Int8:
if i64 <= -1*(1<<7) || (1<<7) <= i64 {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
case reflect.Int16:
if i64 <= -1*(1<<15) || (1<<15) <= i64 {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
case reflect.Int32:
if i64 <= -1*(1<<31) || (1<<31) <= i64 {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
d.op(p, i64)
return cursor, nil

View File

@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type interfaceDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
sliceDecoder *sliceDecoder
mapDecoder *mapDecoder
floatDecoder *floatDecoder
numberDecoder *numberDecoder
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
func newEmptyInterfaceDecoder(structName, fieldName string) *interfaceDecoder {
ifaceDecoder := &interfaceDecoder{
typ: emptyInterfaceType,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
floatDecoder: newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
numberDecoder: newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v json.Number) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
ifaceDecoder.sliceDecoder = newSliceDecoder(
structName, fieldName,
ifaceDecoder.mapDecoder = newMapDecoder(
return ifaceDecoder
func newInterfaceDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *interfaceDecoder {
emptyIfaceDecoder := newEmptyInterfaceDecoder(structName, fieldName)
stringDecoder := newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName)
return &interfaceDecoder{
typ: typ,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
sliceDecoder: newSliceDecoder(
structName, fieldName,
mapDecoder: newMapDecoder(
floatDecoder: newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
numberDecoder: newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v json.Number) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
stringDecoder: stringDecoder,
func (d *interfaceDecoder) numDecoder(s *Stream) Decoder {
if s.UseNumber {
return d.numberDecoder
return d.floatDecoder
var (
emptyInterfaceType = runtime.Type2RType(reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem())
interfaceMapType = runtime.Type2RType(
stringType = runtime.Type2RType(
func decodeStreamUnmarshaler(s *Stream, depth int64, unmarshaler json.Unmarshaler) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(dst); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func decodeStreamUnmarshalerContext(s *Stream, depth int64, unmarshaler unmarshalerContext) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(s.Option.Context, dst); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func decodeUnmarshaler(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler json.Unmarshaler) (int64, error) {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(dst); err != nil {
return 0, err
return end, nil
func decodeUnmarshalerContext(ctx *RuntimeContext, buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler unmarshalerContext) (int64, error) {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(ctx.Option.Context, dst); err != nil {
return 0, err
return end, nil
func decodeStreamTextUnmarshaler(s *Stream, depth int64, unmarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
if bytes.Equal(src, nullbytes) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return nil
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalText(dst); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func decodeTextUnmarshaler(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
if bytes.Equal(src, nullbytes) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return end, nil
if s, ok := unquoteBytes(src); ok {
src = s
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalText(src); err != nil {
return 0, err
return end, nil
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
for {
switch c {
case '{':
var v map[string]interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
if err := d.mapDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ptr); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = v
return nil
case '[':
var v []interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
if err := d.sliceDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ptr); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = v
return nil
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return d.numDecoder(s).DecodeStream(s, depth, p)
case '"':
start := s.cursor
for {
switch s.char() {
case '\\':
if _, err := decodeEscapeString(s, nil); err != nil {
return err
case '"':
literal := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
*(*interface{})(p) = string(literal)
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = true
return nil
case 'f':
if err := falseBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = false
return nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = nil
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
c = s.char()
return errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(c, s.totalOffset())
type emptyInterface struct {
typ *runtime.Type
ptr unsafe.Pointer
func (d *interfaceDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
runtimeInterfaceValue := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
rv := reflect.ValueOf(runtimeInterfaceValue)
if rv.NumMethod() > 0 && rv.CanInterface() {
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(unmarshalerContext); ok {
return decodeStreamUnmarshalerContext(s, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(json.Unmarshaler); ok {
return decodeStreamUnmarshaler(s, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return decodeStreamTextUnmarshaler(s, depth, u, p)
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == 'n' {
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = nil
return nil
return d.errUnmarshalType(rv.Type(), s.totalOffset())
iface := rv.Interface()
ifaceHeader := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&iface))
typ := ifaceHeader.typ
if ifaceHeader.ptr == nil || d.typ == typ || typ == nil {
// concrete type is empty interface
return d.decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s, depth, p)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && typ.Elem() == d.typ || typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return d.decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s, depth, p)
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == 'n' {
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = nil
return nil
decoder, err := CompileToGetDecoder(typ)
if err != nil {
return err
return decoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ifaceHeader.ptr)
func (d *interfaceDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typ reflect.Type, offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: typ.String(),
Type: typ,
Offset: offset,
Struct: d.structName,
Field: d.fieldName,
func (d *interfaceDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
runtimeInterfaceValue := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
rv := reflect.ValueOf(runtimeInterfaceValue)
if rv.NumMethod() > 0 && rv.CanInterface() {
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(unmarshalerContext); ok {
return decodeUnmarshalerContext(ctx, buf, cursor, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(json.Unmarshaler); ok {
return decodeUnmarshaler(buf, cursor, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return decodeTextUnmarshaler(buf, cursor, depth, u, p)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == 'n' {
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
return 0, d.errUnmarshalType(rv.Type(), cursor)
iface := rv.Interface()
ifaceHeader := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&iface))
typ := ifaceHeader.typ
if ifaceHeader.ptr == nil || d.typ == typ || typ == nil {
// concrete type is empty interface
return d.decodeEmptyInterface(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && typ.Elem() == d.typ || typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return d.decodeEmptyInterface(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == 'n' {
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
decoder, err := CompileToGetDecoder(typ)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return decoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ifaceHeader.ptr)
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeEmptyInterface(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case '{':
var v map[string]interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
cursor, err := d.mapDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = v
return cursor, nil
case '[':
var v []interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
cursor, err := d.sliceDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = v
return cursor, nil
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return d.floatDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
case '"':
var v string
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
cursor, err := d.stringDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = v
return cursor, nil
case 't':
if err := validateTrue(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = true
return cursor, nil
case 'f':
if err := validateFalse(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 5
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = false
return cursor, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
return cursor, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(buf[cursor], cursor)

View File

@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type mapDecoder struct {
mapType *runtime.Type
keyType *runtime.Type
valueType *runtime.Type
canUseAssignFaststrType bool
keyDecoder Decoder
valueDecoder Decoder
structName string
fieldName string
func newMapDecoder(mapType *runtime.Type, keyType *runtime.Type, keyDec Decoder, valueType *runtime.Type, valueDec Decoder, structName, fieldName string) *mapDecoder {
return &mapDecoder{
mapType: mapType,
keyDecoder: keyDec,
keyType: keyType,
canUseAssignFaststrType: canUseAssignFaststrType(keyType, valueType),
valueType: valueType,
valueDecoder: valueDec,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
const (
mapMaxElemSize = 128
// See detail: https://github.com/goccy/go-json/pull/283
func canUseAssignFaststrType(key *runtime.Type, value *runtime.Type) bool {
indirectElem := value.Size() > mapMaxElemSize
if indirectElem {
return false
return key.Kind() == reflect.String
//go:linkname makemap reflect.makemap
func makemap(*runtime.Type, int) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname mapassign_faststr runtime.mapassign_faststr
func mapassign_faststr(t *runtime.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, s string) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname mapassign reflect.mapassign
func mapassign(t *runtime.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, k, v unsafe.Pointer)
func (d *mapDecoder) mapassign(t *runtime.Type, m, k, v unsafe.Pointer) {
if d.canUseAssignFaststrType {
mapV := mapassign_faststr(t, m, *(*string)(k))
typedmemmove(d.valueType, mapV, v)
} else {
mapassign(t, m, k, v)
func (d *mapDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
switch s.skipWhiteSpace() {
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return nil
case '{':
return errors.ErrExpected("{ character for map value", s.totalOffset())
mapValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if mapValue == nil {
mapValue = makemap(d.mapType, 0)
if s.buf[s.cursor+1] == '}' {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = mapValue
s.cursor += 2
return nil
for {
k := unsafe_New(d.keyType)
if err := d.keyDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, k); err != nil {
return err
if !s.equalChar(':') {
return errors.ErrExpected("colon after object key", s.totalOffset())
v := unsafe_New(d.valueType)
if err := d.valueDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, v); err != nil {
return err
d.mapassign(d.mapType, mapValue, k, v)
if s.equalChar('}') {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return nil
if !s.equalChar(',') {
return errors.ErrExpected("comma after object value", s.totalOffset())
func (d *mapDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
buflen := int64(len(buf))
if buflen < 2 {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("{} for map", cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
case '{':
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("{ character for map value", cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
mapValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if mapValue == nil {
mapValue = makemap(d.mapType, 0)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return cursor, nil
for {
k := unsafe_New(d.keyType)
keyCursor, err := d.keyDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, k)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, keyCursor)
if buf[cursor] != ':' {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("colon after object key", cursor)
v := unsafe_New(d.valueType)
valueCursor, err := d.valueDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
d.mapassign(d.mapType, mapValue, k, v)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, valueCursor)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return cursor, nil
if buf[cursor] != ',' {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("comma after object value", cursor)

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type numberDecoder struct {
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
op func(unsafe.Pointer, json.Number)
structName string
fieldName string
func newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, json.Number)) *numberDecoder {
return &numberDecoder{
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
op: op,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *numberDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes)), 64); err != nil {
return errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), s.totalOffset())
d.op(p, json.Number(string(bytes)))
return nil
func (d *numberDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes)), 64); err != nil {
return 0, errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), c)
cursor = c
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
d.op(p, json.Number(s))
return cursor, nil
func (d *numberDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
start := s.cursor
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return floatBytes(s), nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case '"':
return d.stringDecoder.decodeStreamByte(s)
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
goto ERROR
if s.cursor == start {
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.char(), s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("json.Number", s.totalOffset())
func (d *numberDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := cursor
for floatTable[buf[cursor]] {
num := buf[start:cursor]
return num, cursor, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
case '"':
return d.stringDecoder.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("json.Number", cursor)

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import "context"
type OptionFlags uint8
const (
FirstWinOption OptionFlags = 1 << iota
type Option struct {
Flags OptionFlags
Context context.Context

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type ptrDecoder struct {
dec Decoder
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
func newPtrDecoder(dec Decoder, typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *ptrDecoder {
return &ptrDecoder{
dec: dec,
typ: typ,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *ptrDecoder) contentDecoder() Decoder {
dec, ok := d.dec.(*ptrDecoder)
if !ok {
return d.dec
return dec.contentDecoder()
//go:linkname unsafe_New reflect.unsafe_New
func unsafe_New(*runtime.Type) unsafe.Pointer
func (d *ptrDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == nul {
if s.char() == 'n' {
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return nil
var newptr unsafe.Pointer
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
newptr = unsafe_New(d.typ)
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = newptr
} else {
newptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if err := d.dec.DecodeStream(s, depth, newptr); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *ptrDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == 'n' {
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
if p != nil {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
var newptr unsafe.Pointer
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
newptr = unsafe_New(d.typ)
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = newptr
} else {
newptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
c, err := d.dec.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, newptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
return cursor, nil

View File

@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
var (
sliceType = runtime.Type2RType(
nilSlice = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceHeader{})
type sliceDecoder struct {
elemType *runtime.Type
isElemPointerType bool
valueDecoder Decoder
size uintptr
arrayPool sync.Pool
structName string
fieldName string
// If use reflect.SliceHeader, data type is uintptr.
// In this case, Go compiler cannot trace reference created by newArray().
// So, define using unsafe.Pointer as data type
type sliceHeader struct {
data unsafe.Pointer
len int
cap int
const (
defaultSliceCapacity = 2
func newSliceDecoder(dec Decoder, elemType *runtime.Type, size uintptr, structName, fieldName string) *sliceDecoder {
return &sliceDecoder{
valueDecoder: dec,
elemType: elemType,
isElemPointerType: elemType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || elemType.Kind() == reflect.Map,
size: size,
arrayPool: sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &sliceHeader{
data: newArray(elemType, defaultSliceCapacity),
len: 0,
cap: defaultSliceCapacity,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *sliceDecoder) newSlice(src *sliceHeader) *sliceHeader {
slice := d.arrayPool.Get().(*sliceHeader)
if src.len > 0 {
// copy original elem
if slice.cap < src.cap {
data := newArray(d.elemType, src.cap)
slice = &sliceHeader{data: data, len: src.len, cap: src.cap}
} else {
slice.len = src.len
copySlice(d.elemType, *slice, *src)
} else {
slice.len = 0
return slice
func (d *sliceDecoder) releaseSlice(p *sliceHeader) {
//go:linkname copySlice reflect.typedslicecopy
func copySlice(elemType *runtime.Type, dst, src sliceHeader) int
//go:linkname newArray reflect.unsafe_NewArray
func newArray(*runtime.Type, int) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname typedmemmove reflect.typedmemmove
func typedmemmove(t *runtime.Type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer)
func (d *sliceDecoder) errNumber(offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: reflect.SliceOf(runtime.RType2Type(d.elemType)),
Struct: d.structName,
Field: d.fieldName,
Offset: offset,
func (d *sliceDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
typedmemmove(sliceType, p, nilSlice)
return nil
case '[':
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == ']' {
dst := (*sliceHeader)(p)
if dst.data == nil {
dst.data = newArray(d.elemType, 0)
} else {
dst.len = 0
return nil
idx := 0
slice := d.newSlice((*sliceHeader)(p))
srcLen := slice.len
capacity := slice.cap
data := slice.data
for {
if capacity <= idx {
src := sliceHeader{data: data, len: idx, cap: capacity}
capacity *= 2
data = newArray(d.elemType, capacity)
dst := sliceHeader{data: data, len: idx, cap: capacity}
copySlice(d.elemType, dst, src)
ep := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(data) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)
// if srcLen is greater than idx, keep the original reference
if srcLen <= idx {
if d.isElemPointerType {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&ep)) = nil // initialize elem pointer
} else {
// assign new element to the slice
typedmemmove(d.elemType, ep, unsafe_New(d.elemType))
if err := d.valueDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ep); err != nil {
return err
switch s.char() {
case ']':
slice.cap = capacity
slice.len = idx + 1
slice.data = data
dst := (*sliceHeader)(p)
dst.len = idx + 1
if dst.len > dst.cap {
dst.data = newArray(d.elemType, dst.len)
dst.cap = dst.len
copySlice(d.elemType, *dst, *slice)
return nil
case ',':
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto RETRY
slice.cap = capacity
slice.data = data
goto ERROR
slice.cap = capacity
slice.data = data
goto ERROR
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return d.errNumber(s.totalOffset())
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
goto ERROR
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("slice", s.totalOffset())
func (d *sliceDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
typedmemmove(sliceType, p, nilSlice)
return cursor, nil
case '[':
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == ']' {
dst := (*sliceHeader)(p)
if dst.data == nil {
dst.data = newArray(d.elemType, 0)
} else {
dst.len = 0
return cursor, nil
idx := 0
slice := d.newSlice((*sliceHeader)(p))
srcLen := slice.len
capacity := slice.cap
data := slice.data
for {
if capacity <= idx {
src := sliceHeader{data: data, len: idx, cap: capacity}
capacity *= 2
data = newArray(d.elemType, capacity)
dst := sliceHeader{data: data, len: idx, cap: capacity}
copySlice(d.elemType, dst, src)
ep := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(data) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)
// if srcLen is greater than idx, keep the original reference
if srcLen <= idx {
if d.isElemPointerType {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&ep)) = nil // initialize elem pointer
} else {
// assign new element to the slice
typedmemmove(d.elemType, ep, unsafe_New(d.elemType))
c, err := d.valueDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ep)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case ']':
slice.cap = capacity
slice.len = idx + 1
slice.data = data
dst := (*sliceHeader)(p)
dst.len = idx + 1
if dst.len > dst.cap {
dst.data = newArray(d.elemType, dst.len)
dst.cap = dst.len
copySlice(d.elemType, *dst, *slice)
return cursor, nil
case ',':
slice.cap = capacity
slice.data = data
return 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor], "slice", cursor)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return 0, d.errNumber(cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("slice", cursor)

View File

@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
const (
initBufSize = 512
type Stream struct {
buf []byte
bufSize int64
length int64
r io.Reader
offset int64
cursor int64
filledBuffer bool
allRead bool
UseNumber bool
DisallowUnknownFields bool
Option *Option
func NewStream(r io.Reader) *Stream {
return &Stream{
r: r,
bufSize: initBufSize,
buf: make([]byte, initBufSize),
Option: &Option{},
func (s *Stream) TotalOffset() int64 {
return s.totalOffset()
func (s *Stream) Buffered() io.Reader {
buflen := int64(len(s.buf))
for i := s.cursor; i < buflen; i++ {
if s.buf[i] == nul {
return bytes.NewReader(s.buf[s.cursor:i])
return bytes.NewReader(s.buf[s.cursor:])
func (s *Stream) PrepareForDecode() error {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
case ',', ':':
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
return io.EOF
return nil
func (s *Stream) totalOffset() int64 {
return s.offset + s.cursor
func (s *Stream) char() byte {
return s.buf[s.cursor]
func (s *Stream) equalChar(c byte) bool {
cur := s.buf[s.cursor]
if cur == nul {
cur = s.buf[s.cursor]
return cur == c
func (s *Stream) stat() ([]byte, int64, unsafe.Pointer) {
return s.buf, s.cursor, (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf)).data
func (s *Stream) bufptr() unsafe.Pointer {
return (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf)).data
func (s *Stream) statForRetry() ([]byte, int64, unsafe.Pointer) {
s.cursor-- // for retry ( because caller progress cursor position in each loop )
return s.buf, s.cursor, (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf)).data
func (s *Stream) Reset() {
s.bufSize = initBufSize
func (s *Stream) More() bool {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '}', ']':
return false
case nul:
if s.read() {
return false
return true
func (s *Stream) Token() (interface{}, error) {
for {
c := s.char()
switch c {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '{', '[', ']', '}':
return json.Delim(c), nil
case ',', ':':
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
bytes := floatBytes(s)
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return f64, nil
case '"':
bytes, err := stringBytes(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return string(bytes), nil
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return true, nil
case 'f':
if err := falseBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return false, nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto END
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "token", s.totalOffset())
return nil, io.EOF
func (s *Stream) reset() {
s.offset += s.cursor
s.buf = s.buf[s.cursor:]
s.length -= s.cursor
s.cursor = 0
func (s *Stream) readBuf() []byte {
if s.filledBuffer {
s.bufSize *= 2
remainBuf := s.buf
s.buf = make([]byte, s.bufSize)
copy(s.buf, remainBuf)
remainLen := s.length - s.cursor
remainNotNulCharNum := int64(0)
for i := int64(0); i < remainLen; i++ {
if s.buf[s.cursor+i] == nul {
s.length = s.cursor + remainNotNulCharNum
return s.buf[s.cursor+remainNotNulCharNum:]
func (s *Stream) read() bool {
if s.allRead {
return false
buf := s.readBuf()
last := len(buf) - 1
buf[last] = nul
n, err := s.r.Read(buf[:last])
s.length += int64(n)
if n == last {
s.filledBuffer = true
} else {
s.filledBuffer = false
if err == io.EOF {
s.allRead = true
} else if err != nil {
return false
return true
func (s *Stream) skipWhiteSpace() byte {
p := s.bufptr()
c := char(p, s.cursor)
switch c {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
goto LOOP
case nul:
if s.read() {
p = s.bufptr()
goto LOOP
return c
func (s *Stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
braceCount := 1
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '{':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case '}':
if braceCount == 0 {
s.cursor = cursor + 1
return nil
case '[':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case ']':
case '"':
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '\\':
if char(p, cursor) == nul {
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("object of object", cursor)
func (s *Stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
bracketCount := 1
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '[':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case ']':
if bracketCount == 0 {
s.cursor = cursor + 1
return nil
case '{':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case '}':
case '"':
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '\\':
if char(p, cursor) == nul {
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array of object", cursor)
func (s *Stream) skipValue(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of object", s.totalOffset())
case '{':
s.cursor = cursor + 1
return s.skipObject(depth + 1)
case '[':
s.cursor = cursor + 1
return s.skipArray(depth + 1)
case '"':
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '\\':
if char(p, cursor) == nul {
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of string", s.totalOffset())
case '"':
s.cursor = cursor + 1
return nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of string", s.totalOffset())
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
for {
c := char(p, cursor)
if floatTable[c] {
} else if c == nul {
if s.read() {
s.cursor-- // for retry current character
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
s.cursor = cursor
return nil
case 't':
s.cursor = cursor
if err := trueBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case 'f':
s.cursor = cursor
if err := falseBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case 'n':
s.cursor = cursor
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func nullBytes(s *Stream) error {
// current cursor's character is 'n'
if s.char() != 'u' {
if err := retryReadNull(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != 'l' {
if err := retryReadNull(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != 'l' {
if err := retryReadNull(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func retryReadNull(s *Stream) error {
if s.char() == nul && s.read() {
return nil
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "null", s.totalOffset())
func trueBytes(s *Stream) error {
// current cursor's character is 't'
if s.char() != 'r' {
if err := retryReadTrue(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != 'u' {
if err := retryReadTrue(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != 'e' {
if err := retryReadTrue(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func retryReadTrue(s *Stream) error {
if s.char() == nul && s.read() {
return nil
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "bool(true)", s.totalOffset())
func falseBytes(s *Stream) error {
// current cursor's character is 'f'
if s.char() != 'a' {
if err := retryReadFalse(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != 'l' {
if err := retryReadFalse(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != 's' {
if err := retryReadFalse(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != 'e' {
if err := retryReadFalse(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func retryReadFalse(s *Stream) error {
if s.char() == nul && s.read() {
return nil
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "bool(false)", s.totalOffset())

View File

@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type stringDecoder struct {
structName string
fieldName string
func newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName string) *stringDecoder {
return &stringDecoder{
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *stringDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typeName string, offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: typeName,
Type: reflect.TypeOf(""),
Offset: offset,
Struct: d.structName,
Field: d.fieldName,
func (d *stringDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
return nil
**(**string)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
return nil
func (d *stringDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
return c, nil
cursor = c
**(**string)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
return cursor, nil
var (
hexToInt = [256]int{
'0': 0,
'1': 1,
'2': 2,
'3': 3,
'4': 4,
'5': 5,
'6': 6,
'7': 7,
'8': 8,
'9': 9,
'A': 10,
'B': 11,
'C': 12,
'D': 13,
'E': 14,
'F': 15,
'a': 10,
'b': 11,
'c': 12,
'd': 13,
'e': 14,
'f': 15,
func unicodeToRune(code []byte) rune {
var r rune
for i := 0; i < len(code); i++ {
r = r*16 + rune(hexToInt[code[i]])
return r
func decodeUnicodeRune(s *Stream, p unsafe.Pointer) (rune, int64, unsafe.Pointer, error) {
const defaultOffset = 5
const surrogateOffset = 11
if s.cursor+defaultOffset >= s.length {
if !s.read() {
return rune(0), 0, nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped string", s.totalOffset())
p = s.bufptr()
r := unicodeToRune(s.buf[s.cursor+1 : s.cursor+defaultOffset])
if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
if s.cursor+surrogateOffset >= s.length {
p = s.bufptr()
if s.cursor+surrogateOffset >= s.length || s.buf[s.cursor+defaultOffset] != '\\' || s.buf[s.cursor+defaultOffset+1] != 'u' {
return unicode.ReplacementChar, defaultOffset, p, nil
r2 := unicodeToRune(s.buf[s.cursor+defaultOffset+2 : s.cursor+surrogateOffset])
if r := utf16.DecodeRune(r, r2); r != unicode.ReplacementChar {
return r, surrogateOffset, p, nil
return r, defaultOffset, p, nil
func decodeUnicode(s *Stream, p unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
const backSlashAndULen = 2 // length of \u
r, offset, pp, err := decodeUnicodeRune(s, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
unicode := []byte(string(r))
unicodeLen := int64(len(unicode))
s.buf = append(append(s.buf[:s.cursor-1], unicode...), s.buf[s.cursor+offset:]...)
unicodeOrgLen := offset - 1
s.length = s.length - (backSlashAndULen + (unicodeOrgLen - unicodeLen))
s.cursor = s.cursor - backSlashAndULen + unicodeLen
return pp, nil
func decodeEscapeString(s *Stream, p unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
switch s.buf[s.cursor] {
case '"':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '"'
case '\\':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '\\'
case '/':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '/'
case 'b':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '\b'
case 'f':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '\f'
case 'n':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '\n'
case 'r':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '\r'
case 't':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '\t'
case 'u':
return decodeUnicode(s, p)
case nul:
if !s.read() {
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped string", s.totalOffset())
goto RETRY
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
s.buf = append(s.buf[:s.cursor-1], s.buf[s.cursor:]...)
p = s.bufptr()
return p, nil
var (
runeErrBytes = []byte(string(utf8.RuneError))
runeErrBytesLen = int64(len(runeErrBytes))
func stringBytes(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
cursor++ // skip double quote char
start := cursor
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '\\':
s.cursor = cursor
pp, err := decodeEscapeString(s, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p = pp
cursor = s.cursor
case '"':
literal := s.buf[start:cursor]
s.cursor = cursor
return literal, nil
// 0x00 is nul, 0x5c is '\\', 0x22 is '"' .
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, // 0x00-0x0F
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, // 0x10-0x1F
0x20, 0x21 /*0x22,*/, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, // 0x20-0x2F
0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F, // 0x30-0x3F
0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F, // 0x40-0x4F
0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x5B /*0x5C,*/, 0x5D, 0x5E, 0x5F, // 0x50-0x5F
0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F, // 0x60-0x6F
0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7B, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F: // 0x70-0x7F
// character is ASCII. skip to next char
0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8A, 0x8B, 0x8C, 0x8D, 0x8E, 0x8F, // 0x80-0x8F
0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9A, 0x9B, 0x9C, 0x9D, 0x9E, 0x9F, // 0x90-0x9F
0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA5, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0xA8, 0xA9, 0xAA, 0xAB, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0xAE, 0xAF, // 0xA0-0xAF
0xB0, 0xB1, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0xB4, 0xB5, 0xB6, 0xB7, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0xBA, 0xBB, 0xBC, 0xBD, 0xBE, 0xBF, // 0xB0-0xBF
0xC0, 0xC1, // 0xC0-0xC1
0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF: // 0xF5-0xFE
// character is invalid
s.buf = append(append(append([]byte{}, s.buf[:cursor]...), runeErrBytes...), s.buf[cursor+1:]...)
_, _, p = s.stat()
cursor += runeErrBytesLen
s.length += runeErrBytesLen
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
goto ERROR
case 0xEF:
// RuneError is {0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD}
if s.buf[cursor+1] == 0xBF && s.buf[cursor+2] == 0xBD {
// found RuneError: skip
cursor += 2
// multi bytes character
if !utf8.FullRune(s.buf[cursor : len(s.buf)-1]) {
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
goto ERROR
r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s.buf[cursor:])
if r == utf8.RuneError {
s.buf = append(append(append([]byte{}, s.buf[:cursor]...), runeErrBytes...), s.buf[cursor+1:]...)
cursor += runeErrBytesLen
s.length += runeErrBytesLen
_, _, p = s.stat()
} else {
cursor += int64(size)
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
func (d *stringDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '[':
return nil, d.errUnmarshalType("array", s.totalOffset())
case '{':
return nil, d.errUnmarshalType("object", s.totalOffset())
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return nil, d.errUnmarshalType("number", s.totalOffset())
case '"':
return stringBytes(s)
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.char(), s.totalOffset())
func (d *stringDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '[':
return nil, 0, d.errUnmarshalType("array", cursor)
case '{':
return nil, 0, d.errUnmarshalType("object", cursor)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return nil, 0, d.errUnmarshalType("number", cursor)
case '"':
start := cursor
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case '\\':
switch char(b, cursor) {
case '"':
buf[cursor] = '"'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case '\\':
buf[cursor] = '\\'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case '/':
buf[cursor] = '/'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case 'b':
buf[cursor] = '\b'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case 'f':
buf[cursor] = '\f'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case 'n':
buf[cursor] = '\n'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case 'r':
buf[cursor] = '\r'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case 't':
buf[cursor] = '\t'
buf = append(buf[:cursor-1], buf[cursor:]...)
case 'u':
buflen := int64(len(buf))
if cursor+5 >= buflen {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("escaped string", cursor)
code := unicodeToRune(buf[cursor+1 : cursor+5])
unicode := []byte(string(code))
buf = append(append(buf[:cursor-1], unicode...), buf[cursor+5:]...)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("escaped string", cursor)
case '"':
literal := buf[start:cursor]
return literal, cursor, nil
case nul:
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
return nil, 0, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(buf[cursor], cursor)

View File

@ -1,819 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type structFieldSet struct {
dec Decoder
offset uintptr
isTaggedKey bool
fieldIdx int
key string
keyLen int64
err error
type structDecoder struct {
fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet
fieldUniqueNameNum int
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
structName string
fieldName string
isTriedOptimize bool
keyBitmapUint8 [][256]uint8
keyBitmapUint16 [][256]uint16
sortedFieldSets []*structFieldSet
keyDecoder func(*structDecoder, []byte, int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error)
keyStreamDecoder func(*structDecoder, *Stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error)
var (
largeToSmallTable [256]byte
func init() {
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
c := i
if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
c += 'a' - 'A'
largeToSmallTable[i] = byte(c)
func newStructDecoder(structName, fieldName string, fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet) *structDecoder {
return &structDecoder{
fieldMap: fieldMap,
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
keyDecoder: decodeKey,
keyStreamDecoder: decodeKeyStream,
const (
allowOptimizeMaxKeyLen = 64
allowOptimizeMaxFieldLen = 16
func (d *structDecoder) tryOptimize() {
fieldUniqueNameMap := map[string]int{}
fieldIdx := -1
for k, v := range d.fieldMap {
lower := strings.ToLower(k)
idx, exists := fieldUniqueNameMap[lower]
if exists {
v.fieldIdx = idx
} else {
v.fieldIdx = fieldIdx
fieldUniqueNameMap[lower] = fieldIdx
d.fieldUniqueNameNum = len(fieldUniqueNameMap)
if d.isTriedOptimize {
fieldMap := map[string]*structFieldSet{}
conflicted := map[string]struct{}{}
for k, v := range d.fieldMap {
key := strings.ToLower(k)
if key != k {
// already exists same key (e.g. Hello and HELLO has same lower case key
if _, exists := conflicted[key]; exists {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
conflicted[key] = struct{}{}
if field, exists := fieldMap[key]; exists {
if field != v {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
fieldMap[key] = v
if len(fieldMap) > allowOptimizeMaxFieldLen {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
var maxKeyLen int
sortedKeys := []string{}
for key := range fieldMap {
keyLen := len(key)
if keyLen > allowOptimizeMaxKeyLen {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
if maxKeyLen < keyLen {
maxKeyLen = keyLen
sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, key)
// By allocating one extra capacity than `maxKeyLen`,
// it is possible to avoid the process of comparing the index of the key with the length of the bitmap each time.
bitmapLen := maxKeyLen + 1
if len(sortedKeys) <= 8 {
keyBitmap := make([][256]uint8, bitmapLen)
for i, key := range sortedKeys {
for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {
c := key[j]
keyBitmap[j][c] |= (1 << uint(i))
d.sortedFieldSets = append(d.sortedFieldSets, fieldMap[key])
d.keyBitmapUint8 = keyBitmap
d.keyDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint8
d.keyStreamDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint8Stream
} else {
keyBitmap := make([][256]uint16, bitmapLen)
for i, key := range sortedKeys {
for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {
c := key[j]
keyBitmap[j][c] |= (1 << uint(i))
d.sortedFieldSets = append(d.sortedFieldSets, fieldMap[key])
d.keyBitmapUint16 = keyBitmap
d.keyDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint16
d.keyStreamDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint16Stream
// decode from '\uXXXX'
func decodeKeyCharByUnicodeRune(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64) {
const defaultOffset = 4
const surrogateOffset = 6
r := unicodeToRune(buf[cursor : cursor+defaultOffset])
if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
cursor += defaultOffset
if cursor+surrogateOffset >= int64(len(buf)) || buf[cursor] != '\\' || buf[cursor+1] != 'u' {
return []byte(string(unicode.ReplacementChar)), cursor + defaultOffset - 1
cursor += 2
r2 := unicodeToRune(buf[cursor : cursor+defaultOffset])
if r := utf16.DecodeRune(r, r2); r != unicode.ReplacementChar {
return []byte(string(r)), cursor + defaultOffset - 1
return []byte(string(r)), cursor + defaultOffset - 1
func decodeKeyCharByEscapedChar(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64) {
c := buf[cursor]
switch c {
case '"':
return []byte{'"'}, cursor
case '\\':
return []byte{'\\'}, cursor
case '/':
return []byte{'/'}, cursor
case 'b':
return []byte{'\b'}, cursor
case 'f':
return []byte{'\f'}, cursor
case 'n':
return []byte{'\n'}, cursor
case 'r':
return []byte{'\r'}, cursor
case 't':
return []byte{'\t'}, cursor
case 'u':
return decodeKeyCharByUnicodeRune(buf, cursor)
return nil, cursor
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint8(d *structDecoder, buf []byte, cursor int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error) {
var (
curBit uint8 = math.MaxUint8
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '"':
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
return cursor, nil, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint8
start := cursor
for {
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros8(curBit)
field := d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return cursor, nil, nil
return cursor, field, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
case '\\':
chars, nextCursor := decodeKeyCharByEscapedChar(buf, cursor)
for _, c := range chars {
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
return decodeKeyNotFound(b, cursor)
cursor = nextCursor
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
return decodeKeyNotFound(b, cursor)
return cursor, nil, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(char(b, cursor), cursor)
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint16(d *structDecoder, buf []byte, cursor int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error) {
var (
curBit uint16 = math.MaxUint16
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '"':
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
return cursor, nil, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint16
start := cursor
for {
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros16(curBit)
field := d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return cursor, nil, nil
return cursor, field, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
case '\\':
chars, nextCursor := decodeKeyCharByEscapedChar(buf, cursor)
for _, c := range chars {
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
return decodeKeyNotFound(b, cursor)
cursor = nextCursor
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
return decodeKeyNotFound(b, cursor)
return cursor, nil, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(char(b, cursor), cursor)
func decodeKeyNotFound(b unsafe.Pointer, cursor int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error) {
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case '"':
return cursor, nil, nil
case '\\':
if char(b, cursor) == nul {
return 0, nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
case nul:
return 0, nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
func decodeKey(d *structDecoder, buf []byte, cursor int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error) {
key, c, err := d.stringDecoder.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
cursor = c
k := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&key))
field, exists := d.fieldMap[k]
if !exists {
return cursor, nil, nil
return cursor, field, nil
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint8Stream(d *structDecoder, s *Stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error) {
var (
curBit uint8 = math.MaxUint8
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(char(p, cursor), s.totalOffset())
case '"':
start := cursor
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '"':
s.cursor = cursor
return nil, "", nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint8
for {
c := char(p, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros8(curBit)
field := d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
s.cursor = cursor
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return nil, field.key, nil
return field, field.key, nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
case '\\':
s.cursor = cursor + 1 // skip '\' char
chars, err := decodeKeyCharByEscapeCharStream(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
cursor = s.cursor
for _, c := range chars {
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
s.cursor = cursor
return decodeKeyNotFoundStream(s, start)
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
s.cursor = cursor
return decodeKeyNotFoundStream(s, start)
return nil, "", errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(char(p, cursor), s.totalOffset())
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint16Stream(d *structDecoder, s *Stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error) {
var (
curBit uint16 = math.MaxUint16
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(char(p, cursor), s.totalOffset())
case '"':
start := cursor
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '"':
s.cursor = cursor
return nil, "", nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint16
for {
c := char(p, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros16(curBit)
field := d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
s.cursor = cursor
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return nil, field.key, nil
return field, field.key, nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
case '\\':
s.cursor = cursor + 1 // skip '\' char
chars, err := decodeKeyCharByEscapeCharStream(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
cursor = s.cursor
for _, c := range chars {
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
s.cursor = cursor
return decodeKeyNotFoundStream(s, start)
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
s.cursor = cursor
return decodeKeyNotFoundStream(s, start)
return nil, "", errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(char(p, cursor), s.totalOffset())
// decode from '\uXXXX'
func decodeKeyCharByUnicodeRuneStream(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
const defaultOffset = 4
const surrogateOffset = 6
if s.cursor+defaultOffset >= s.length {
if !s.read() {
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped unicode char", s.totalOffset())
r := unicodeToRune(s.buf[s.cursor : s.cursor+defaultOffset])
if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
s.cursor += defaultOffset
if s.cursor+surrogateOffset >= s.length {
if s.cursor+surrogateOffset >= s.length || s.buf[s.cursor] != '\\' || s.buf[s.cursor+1] != 'u' {
s.cursor += defaultOffset - 1
return []byte(string(unicode.ReplacementChar)), nil
r2 := unicodeToRune(s.buf[s.cursor+defaultOffset+2 : s.cursor+surrogateOffset])
if r := utf16.DecodeRune(r, r2); r != unicode.ReplacementChar {
s.cursor += defaultOffset - 1
return []byte(string(r)), nil
s.cursor += defaultOffset - 1
return []byte(string(r)), nil
func decodeKeyCharByEscapeCharStream(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
c := s.buf[s.cursor]
switch c {
case '"':
return []byte{'"'}, nil
case '\\':
return []byte{'\\'}, nil
case '/':
return []byte{'/'}, nil
case 'b':
return []byte{'\b'}, nil
case 'f':
return []byte{'\f'}, nil
case 'n':
return []byte{'\n'}, nil
case 'r':
return []byte{'\r'}, nil
case 't':
return []byte{'\t'}, nil
case 'u':
return decodeKeyCharByUnicodeRuneStream(s)
case nul:
if !s.read() {
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped char", s.totalOffset())
goto RETRY
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("struct field", s.totalOffset())
func decodeKeyNotFoundStream(s *Stream, start int64) (*structFieldSet, string, error) {
buf, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '"':
b := buf[start:cursor]
key := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
s.cursor = cursor
return nil, key, nil
case '\\':
if char(p, cursor) == nul {
s.cursor = cursor
if !s.read() {
return nil, "", errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
buf, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if !s.read() {
return nil, "", errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
buf, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
func decodeKeyStream(d *structDecoder, s *Stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error) {
key, err := d.stringDecoder.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
k := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&key))
return d.fieldMap[k], k, nil
func (d *structDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
switch c {
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if s.char() != '{' {
return errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.char(), s.totalOffset())
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == '}' {
return nil
var (
seenFields map[int]struct{}
seenFieldNum int
firstWin := (s.Option.Flags & FirstWinOption) != 0
if firstWin {
seenFields = make(map[int]struct{}, d.fieldUniqueNameNum)
for {
field, key, err := d.keyStreamDecoder(d, s)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.skipWhiteSpace() != ':' {
return errors.ErrExpected("colon after object key", s.totalOffset())
if field != nil {
if field.err != nil {
return field.err
if firstWin {
if _, exists := seenFields[field.fieldIdx]; exists {
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := field.dec.DecodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+field.offset)); err != nil {
return err
if d.fieldUniqueNameNum <= seenFieldNum {
return s.skipObject(depth)
seenFields[field.fieldIdx] = struct{}{}
} else {
if err := field.dec.DecodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+field.offset)); err != nil {
return err
} else if s.DisallowUnknownFields {
return fmt.Errorf("json: unknown field %q", key)
} else {
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
if c == '}' {
return nil
if c != ',' {
return errors.ErrExpected("comma after object element", s.totalOffset())
func (d *structDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
buflen := int64(len(buf))
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
switch char(b, cursor) {
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
case '{':
return 0, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(char(b, cursor), cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
return cursor, nil
var (
seenFields map[int]struct{}
seenFieldNum int
firstWin := (ctx.Option.Flags & FirstWinOption) != 0
if firstWin {
seenFields = make(map[int]struct{}, d.fieldUniqueNameNum)
for {
c, field, err := d.keyDecoder(d, buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, c)
if char(b, cursor) != ':' {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("colon after object key", cursor)
if cursor >= buflen {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("object value after colon", cursor)
if field != nil {
if field.err != nil {
return 0, field.err
if firstWin {
if _, exists := seenFields[field.fieldIdx]; exists {
c, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
} else {
c, err := field.dec.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+field.offset))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
if d.fieldUniqueNameNum <= seenFieldNum {
return skipObject(buf, cursor, depth)
seenFields[field.fieldIdx] = struct{}{}
} else {
c, err := field.dec.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+field.offset))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
} else {
c, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if char(b, cursor) == '}' {
return cursor, nil
if char(b, cursor) != ',' {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("comma after object element", cursor)

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type Decoder interface {
Decode(*RuntimeContext, int64, int64, unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error)
DecodeStream(*Stream, int64, unsafe.Pointer) error
const (
nul = '\000'
maxDecodeNestingDepth = 10000
type unmarshalerContext interface {
UnmarshalJSON(context.Context, []byte) error
var (
unmarshalJSONType = reflect.TypeOf((*json.Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
unmarshalJSONContextType = reflect.TypeOf((*unmarshalerContext)(nil)).Elem()
unmarshalTextType = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()

View File

@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type uintDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
kind reflect.Kind
op func(unsafe.Pointer, uint64)
structName string
fieldName string
func newUintDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, uint64)) *uintDecoder {
return &uintDecoder{
typ: typ,
kind: typ.Kind(),
op: op,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *uintDecoder) typeError(buf []byte, offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: fmt.Sprintf("number %s", string(buf)),
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: offset,
var (
pow10u64 = [...]uint64{
1e00, 1e01, 1e02, 1e03, 1e04, 1e05, 1e06, 1e07, 1e08, 1e09,
1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
pow10u64Len = len(pow10u64)
func (d *uintDecoder) parseUint(b []byte) (uint64, error) {
maxDigit := len(b)
if maxDigit > pow10u64Len {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid length of number")
sum := uint64(0)
for i := 0; i < maxDigit; i++ {
c := uint64(b[i]) - 48
digitValue := pow10u64[maxDigit-i-1]
sum += c * digitValue
return sum, nil
func (d *uintDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '0':
return numZeroBuf, nil
case '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := s.cursor
for {
if numTable[s.char()] {
} else if s.char() == nul {
if s.read() {
s.cursor-- // for retry current character
num := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
return num, nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
return nil, d.typeError([]byte{s.char()}, s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("number(unsigned integer)", s.totalOffset())
func (d *uintDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '0':
return numZeroBuf, cursor, nil
case '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := cursor
for numTable[buf[cursor]] {
num := buf[start:cursor]
return num, cursor, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
return nil, 0, d.typeError([]byte{buf[cursor]}, cursor)
func (d *uintDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
return nil
u64, err := d.parseUint(bytes)
if err != nil {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
switch d.kind {
case reflect.Uint8:
if (1 << 8) <= u64 {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
case reflect.Uint16:
if (1 << 16) <= u64 {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
case reflect.Uint32:
if (1 << 32) <= u64 {
return d.typeError(bytes, s.totalOffset())
d.op(p, u64)
return nil
func (d *uintDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
return c, nil
cursor = c
u64, err := d.parseUint(bytes)
if err != nil {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
switch d.kind {
case reflect.Uint8:
if (1 << 8) <= u64 {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
case reflect.Uint16:
if (1 << 16) <= u64 {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
case reflect.Uint32:
if (1 << 32) <= u64 {
return 0, d.typeError(bytes, cursor)
d.op(p, u64)
return cursor, nil

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type unmarshalJSONDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
func newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *unmarshalJSONDecoder {
return &unmarshalJSONDecoder{
typ: typ,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *unmarshalJSONDecoder) annotateError(cursor int64, err error) {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *errors.UnmarshalTypeError:
e.Struct = d.structName
e.Field = d.fieldName
case *errors.SyntaxError:
e.Offset = cursor
func (d *unmarshalJSONDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
v := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
if (s.Option.Flags & ContextOption) != 0 {
if err := v.(unmarshalerContext).UnmarshalJSON(s.Option.Context, dst); err != nil {
d.annotateError(s.cursor, err)
return err
} else {
if err := v.(json.Unmarshaler).UnmarshalJSON(dst); err != nil {
d.annotateError(s.cursor, err)
return err
return nil
func (d *unmarshalJSONDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
v := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
if (ctx.Option.Flags & ContextOption) != 0 {
if err := v.(unmarshalerContext).UnmarshalJSON(ctx.Option.Context, dst); err != nil {
d.annotateError(cursor, err)
return 0, err
} else {
if err := v.(json.Unmarshaler).UnmarshalJSON(dst); err != nil {
d.annotateError(cursor, err)
return 0, err
return end, nil

View File

@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type unmarshalTextDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
func newUnmarshalTextDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *unmarshalTextDecoder {
return &unmarshalTextDecoder{
typ: typ,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *unmarshalTextDecoder) annotateError(cursor int64, err error) {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *errors.UnmarshalTypeError:
e.Struct = d.structName
e.Field = d.fieldName
case *errors.SyntaxError:
e.Offset = cursor
var (
nullbytes = []byte(`null`)
func (d *unmarshalTextDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
if len(src) > 0 {
switch src[0] {
case '[':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "array",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '{':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case 'n':
if bytes.Equal(src, nullbytes) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return nil
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if b, ok := unquoteBytes(dst); ok {
dst = b
v := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
if err := v.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText(dst); err != nil {
d.annotateError(s.cursor, err)
return err
return nil
func (d *unmarshalTextDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
if len(src) > 0 {
switch src[0] {
case '[':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "array",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '{':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case 'n':
if bytes.Equal(src, nullbytes) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return end, nil
if s, ok := unquoteBytes(src); ok {
src = s
v := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)),
if err := v.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText(src); err != nil {
d.annotateError(cursor, err)
return 0, err
return end, nil
func unquoteBytes(s []byte) (t []byte, ok bool) {
length := len(s)
if length < 2 || s[0] != '"' || s[length-1] != '"' {
s = s[1 : length-1]
length -= 2
// Check for unusual characters. If there are none,
// then no unquoting is needed, so return a slice of the
// original bytes.
r := 0
for r < length {
c := s[r]
if c == '\\' || c == '"' || c < ' ' {
if c < utf8.RuneSelf {
rr, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s[r:])
if rr == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
r += size
if r == length {
return s, true
b := make([]byte, length+2*utf8.UTFMax)
w := copy(b, s[0:r])
for r < length {
// Out of room? Can only happen if s is full of
// malformed UTF-8 and we're replacing each
// byte with RuneError.
if w >= len(b)-2*utf8.UTFMax {
nb := make([]byte, (len(b)+utf8.UTFMax)*2)
copy(nb, b[0:w])
b = nb
switch c := s[r]; {
case c == '\\':
if r >= length {
switch s[r] {
case '"', '\\', '/', '\'':
b[w] = s[r]
case 'b':
b[w] = '\b'
case 'f':
b[w] = '\f'
case 'n':
b[w] = '\n'
case 'r':
b[w] = '\r'
case 't':
b[w] = '\t'
case 'u':
rr := getu4(s[r:])
if rr < 0 {
r += 6
if utf16.IsSurrogate(rr) {
rr1 := getu4(s[r:])
if dec := utf16.DecodeRune(rr, rr1); dec != unicode.ReplacementChar {
// A valid pair; consume.
r += 6
w += utf8.EncodeRune(b[w:], dec)
// Invalid surrogate; fall back to replacement rune.
rr = unicode.ReplacementChar
w += utf8.EncodeRune(b[w:], rr)
// Quote, control characters are invalid.
case c == '"', c < ' ':
case c < utf8.RuneSelf:
b[w] = c
// Coerce to well-formed UTF-8.
rr, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s[r:])
r += size
w += utf8.EncodeRune(b[w:], rr)
return b[0:w], true
func getu4(s []byte) rune {
if len(s) < 6 || s[0] != '\\' || s[1] != 'u' {
return -1
var r rune
for _, c := range s[2:6] {
switch {
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
c = c - '0'
case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
c = c - 'a' + 10
case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
c = c - 'A' + 10
return -1
r = r*16 + rune(c)
return r

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package decoder
import (
type wrappedStringDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
dec Decoder
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
structName string
fieldName string
isPtrType bool
func newWrappedStringDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, dec Decoder, structName, fieldName string) *wrappedStringDecoder {
return &wrappedStringDecoder{
typ: typ,
dec: dec,
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
isPtrType: typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr,
func (d *wrappedStringDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.stringDecoder.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
if d.isPtrType {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return nil
b := make([]byte, len(bytes)+1)
copy(b, bytes)
if _, err := d.dec.Decode(&RuntimeContext{Buf: b}, 0, depth, p); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *wrappedStringDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.stringDecoder.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
if d.isPtrType {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return c, nil
bytes = append(bytes, nul)
oldBuf := ctx.Buf
ctx.Buf = bytes
if _, err := d.dec.Decode(ctx, 0, depth, p); err != nil {
return 0, err
ctx.Buf = oldBuf
return c, nil

View File

@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
package encoder
import (
var (
isWhiteSpace = [256]bool{
' ': true,
'\n': true,
'\t': true,
'\r': true,
isHTMLEscapeChar = [256]bool{
'<': true,
'>': true,
'&': true,
nul = byte('\000')
func Compact(buf *bytes.Buffer, src []byte, escape bool) error {
if len(src) == 0 {
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("", 0)
dst := buf.Bytes()
ctx := TakeRuntimeContext()
ctxBuf := ctx.Buf[:0]
ctxBuf = append(append(ctxBuf, src...), nul)
ctx.Buf = ctxBuf
if err := compactAndWrite(buf, dst, ctxBuf, escape); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func compactAndWrite(buf *bytes.Buffer, dst []byte, src []byte, escape bool) error {
dst, err := compact(dst, src, escape)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := buf.Write(dst); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func compact(dst, src []byte, escape bool) ([]byte, error) {
buf, cursor, err := compactValue(dst, src, 0, escape)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := validateEndBuf(src, cursor); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf, nil
func validateEndBuf(src []byte, cursor int64) error {
for {
switch src[cursor] {
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
case nul:
return nil
return errors.ErrSyntax(
fmt.Sprintf("invalid character '%c' after top-level value", src[cursor]),
func skipWhiteSpace(buf []byte, cursor int64) int64 {
if isWhiteSpace[buf[cursor]] {
goto LOOP
return cursor
func compactValue(dst, src []byte, cursor int64, escape bool) ([]byte, int64, error) {
for {
switch src[cursor] {
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
case '{':
return compactObject(dst, src, cursor, escape)
case '}':
return nil, 0, errors.ErrSyntax("unexpected character '}'", cursor)
case '[':
return compactArray(dst, src, cursor, escape)
case ']':
return nil, 0, errors.ErrSyntax("unexpected character ']'", cursor)
case '"':
return compactString(dst, src, cursor, escape)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return compactNumber(dst, src, cursor)
case 't':
return compactTrue(dst, src, cursor)
case 'f':
return compactFalse(dst, src, cursor)
case 'n':
return compactNull(dst, src, cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrSyntax(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected character '%c'", src[cursor]), cursor)
func compactObject(dst, src []byte, cursor int64, escape bool) ([]byte, int64, error) {
if src[cursor] == '{' {
dst = append(dst, '{')
} else {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrExpected("expected { character for object value", cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(src, cursor+1)
if src[cursor] == '}' {
dst = append(dst, '}')
return dst, cursor + 1, nil
var err error
for {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(src, cursor)
dst, cursor, err = compactString(dst, src, cursor, escape)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(src, cursor)
if src[cursor] != ':' {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrExpected("colon after object key", cursor)
dst = append(dst, ':')
dst, cursor, err = compactValue(dst, src, cursor+1, escape)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(src, cursor)
switch src[cursor] {
case '}':
dst = append(dst, '}')
return dst, cursor, nil
case ',':
dst = append(dst, ',')
return nil, 0, errors.ErrExpected("comma after object value", cursor)
func compactArray(dst, src []byte, cursor int64, escape bool) ([]byte, int64, error) {
if src[cursor] == '[' {
dst = append(dst, '[')
} else {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrExpected("expected [ character for array value", cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(src, cursor+1)
if src[cursor] == ']' {
dst = append(dst, ']')
return dst, cursor + 1, nil
var err error
for {
dst, cursor, err = compactValue(dst, src, cursor, escape)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(src, cursor)
switch src[cursor] {
case ']':
dst = append(dst, ']')
return dst, cursor, nil
case ',':
dst = append(dst, ',')
return nil, 0, errors.ErrExpected("comma after array value", cursor)
func compactString(dst, src []byte, cursor int64, escape bool) ([]byte, int64, error) {
if src[cursor] != '"' {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(src[cursor], "string", cursor)
start := cursor
for {
c := src[cursor]
if escape {
if isHTMLEscapeChar[c] {
dst = append(dst, src[start:cursor]...)
dst = append(dst, `\u00`...)
dst = append(dst, hex[c>>4], hex[c&0xF])
start = cursor + 1
} else if c == 0xE2 && cursor+2 < int64(len(src)) && src[cursor+1] == 0x80 && src[cursor+2]&^1 == 0xA8 {
dst = append(dst, src[start:cursor]...)
dst = append(dst, `\u202`...)
dst = append(dst, hex[src[cursor+2]&0xF])
cursor += 2
start = cursor + 3
switch c {
case '\\':
if src[cursor] == nul {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", int64(len(src)))
case '"':
return append(dst, src[start:cursor]...), cursor, nil
case nul:
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", int64(len(src)))
func compactNumber(dst, src []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
start := cursor
for {
if floatTable[src[cursor]] {
num := src[start:cursor]
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&num)), 64); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
dst = append(dst, num...)
return dst, cursor, nil
func compactTrue(dst, src []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
if cursor+3 >= int64(len(src)) {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("true", cursor)
if !bytes.Equal(src[cursor:cursor+4], []byte(`true`)) {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(src[cursor], "true", cursor)
dst = append(dst, "true"...)
cursor += 4
return dst, cursor, nil
func compactFalse(dst, src []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
if cursor+4 >= int64(len(src)) {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("false", cursor)
if !bytes.Equal(src[cursor:cursor+5], []byte(`false`)) {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(src[cursor], "false", cursor)
dst = append(dst, "false"...)
cursor += 5
return dst, cursor, nil
func compactNull(dst, src []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
if cursor+3 >= int64(len(src)) {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("null", cursor)
if !bytes.Equal(src[cursor:cursor+4], []byte(`null`)) {
return nil, 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(src[cursor], "null", cursor)
dst = append(dst, "null"...)
cursor += 4
return dst, cursor, nil

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// +build !race
package encoder
import (
func CompileToGetCodeSet(typeptr uintptr) (*OpcodeSet, error) {
if typeptr > typeAddr.MaxTypeAddr {
return compileToGetCodeSetSlowPath(typeptr)
index := (typeptr - typeAddr.BaseTypeAddr) >> typeAddr.AddrShift
if codeSet := cachedOpcodeSets[index]; codeSet != nil {
return codeSet, nil
// noescape trick for header.typ ( reflect.*rtype )
copiedType := *(**runtime.Type)(unsafe.Pointer(&typeptr))
noescapeKeyCode, err := compileHead(&compileContext{
typ: copiedType,
structTypeToCompiledCode: map[uintptr]*CompiledCode{},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
escapeKeyCode, err := compileHead(&compileContext{
typ: copiedType,
structTypeToCompiledCode: map[uintptr]*CompiledCode{},
escapeKey: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
noescapeKeyCode = copyOpcode(noescapeKeyCode)
escapeKeyCode = copyOpcode(escapeKeyCode)
interfaceNoescapeKeyCode := copyToInterfaceOpcode(noescapeKeyCode)
interfaceEscapeKeyCode := copyToInterfaceOpcode(escapeKeyCode)
codeLength := noescapeKeyCode.TotalLength()
codeSet := &OpcodeSet{
Type: copiedType,
NoescapeKeyCode: noescapeKeyCode,
EscapeKeyCode: escapeKeyCode,
InterfaceNoescapeKeyCode: interfaceNoescapeKeyCode,
InterfaceEscapeKeyCode: interfaceEscapeKeyCode,
CodeLength: codeLength,
EndCode: ToEndCode(interfaceNoescapeKeyCode),
cachedOpcodeSets[index] = codeSet
return codeSet, nil

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// +build race
package encoder
import (
var setsMu sync.RWMutex
func CompileToGetCodeSet(typeptr uintptr) (*OpcodeSet, error) {
if typeptr > typeAddr.MaxTypeAddr {
return compileToGetCodeSetSlowPath(typeptr)
index := (typeptr - typeAddr.BaseTypeAddr) >> typeAddr.AddrShift
if codeSet := cachedOpcodeSets[index]; codeSet != nil {
return codeSet, nil
// noescape trick for header.typ ( reflect.*rtype )
copiedType := *(**runtime.Type)(unsafe.Pointer(&typeptr))
noescapeKeyCode, err := compileHead(&compileContext{
typ: copiedType,
structTypeToCompiledCode: map[uintptr]*CompiledCode{},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
escapeKeyCode, err := compileHead(&compileContext{
typ: copiedType,
structTypeToCompiledCode: map[uintptr]*CompiledCode{},
escapeKey: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
noescapeKeyCode = copyOpcode(noescapeKeyCode)
escapeKeyCode = copyOpcode(escapeKeyCode)
interfaceNoescapeKeyCode := copyToInterfaceOpcode(noescapeKeyCode)
interfaceEscapeKeyCode := copyToInterfaceOpcode(escapeKeyCode)
codeLength := noescapeKeyCode.TotalLength()
codeSet := &OpcodeSet{
Type: copiedType,
NoescapeKeyCode: noescapeKeyCode,
EscapeKeyCode: escapeKeyCode,
InterfaceNoescapeKeyCode: interfaceNoescapeKeyCode,
InterfaceEscapeKeyCode: interfaceEscapeKeyCode,
CodeLength: codeLength,
EndCode: ToEndCode(interfaceNoescapeKeyCode),
cachedOpcodeSets[index] = codeSet
return codeSet, nil

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