111 lines
3.6 KiB
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# The development version of clang is distributed as the 'clang' binary,
# while stable/released versions have a version number attached.
# Pin the default clang to a stable version.
CLANG ?= clang-14
STRIP ?= llvm-strip-14
OBJCOPY ?= llvm-objcopy-14
CFLAGS := -O2 -g -Wall -Werror $(CFLAGS)
CI_KERNEL_URL ?= https://github.com/cilium/ci-kernels/raw/master/
# Obtain an absolute path to the directory of the Makefile.
# Assume the Makefile is in the root of the repository.
REPODIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
UIDGID := $(shell stat -c '%u:%g' ${REPODIR})
# Prefer podman if installed, otherwise use docker.
# Note: Setting the var at runtime will always override.
CONTAINER_ENGINE ?= $(if $(shell command -v podman), podman, docker)
CONTAINER_RUN_ARGS ?= $(if $(filter ${CONTAINER_ENGINE}, podman), --log-driver=none, --user "${UIDGID}")
IMAGE := $(shell cat ${REPODIR}/testdata/docker/IMAGE)
VERSION := $(shell cat ${REPODIR}/testdata/docker/VERSION)
# clang <8 doesn't tag relocs properly (STT_NOTYPE)
# clang 9 is the first version emitting BTF
testdata/loader-clang-7 \
testdata/loader-clang-9 \
testdata/loader-$(CLANG) \
testdata/btf_map_init \
testdata/invalid_map \
testdata/raw_tracepoint \
testdata/invalid_map_static \
testdata/invalid_btf_map_init \
testdata/strings \
testdata/freplace \
testdata/iproute2_map_compat \
testdata/map_spin_lock \
testdata/subprog_reloc \
testdata/fwd_decl \
btf/testdata/relocs \
btf/testdata/relocs_read \
.PHONY: all clean container-all container-shell generate
.DEFAULT_TARGET = container-all
# Build all ELF binaries using a containerized LLVM toolchain.
-v "${REPODIR}":/ebpf -w /ebpf --env MAKEFLAGS \
--env CFLAGS="-fdebug-prefix-map=/ebpf=." \
--env HOME="/tmp" \
$(MAKE) all
# (debug) Drop the user into a shell inside the container as root.
${CONTAINER_ENGINE} run --rm -ti \
-v "${REPODIR}":/ebpf -w /ebpf \
-$(RM) testdata/*.elf
-$(RM) btf/testdata/*.elf
find . -type f -name "*.c" | xargs clang-format -i
all: format $(addsuffix -el.elf,$(TARGETS)) $(addsuffix -eb.elf,$(TARGETS)) generate
ln -srf testdata/loader-$(CLANG)-el.elf testdata/loader-el.elf
ln -srf testdata/loader-$(CLANG)-eb.elf testdata/loader-eb.elf
# $BPF_CLANG is used in go:generate invocations.
generate: export BPF_CLANG := $(CLANG)
generate: export BPF_CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS)
go generate ./cmd/bpf2go/test
go generate ./internal/sys
cd examples/ && go generate ./...
testdata/loader-%-el.elf: testdata/loader.c
$* $(CFLAGS) -target bpfel -c $< -o $@
$(STRIP) -g $@
testdata/loader-%-eb.elf: testdata/loader.c
$* $(CFLAGS) -target bpfeb -c $< -o $@
$(STRIP) -g $@
%-el.elf: %.c
$(CLANG) $(CFLAGS) -target bpfel -c $< -o $@
$(STRIP) -g $@
%-eb.elf : %.c
$(CLANG) $(CFLAGS) -target bpfeb -c $< -o $@
$(STRIP) -g $@
.PHONY: generate-btf
generate-btf: KERNEL_VERSION?=5.18
$(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d))
curl -fL "$(CI_KERNEL_URL)/linux-$(KERNEL_VERSION).bz" -o "$(TMP)/bzImage"
./testdata/extract-vmlinux "$(TMP)/bzImage" > "$(TMP)/vmlinux"
$(OBJCOPY) --dump-section .BTF=/dev/stdout "$(TMP)/vmlinux" /dev/null | gzip > "btf/testdata/vmlinux.btf.gz"
curl -fL "$(CI_KERNEL_URL)/linux-$(KERNEL_VERSION)-selftests-bpf.tgz" -o "$(TMP)/selftests.tgz"
tar -xf "$(TMP)/selftests.tgz" --to-stdout tools/testing/selftests/bpf/bpf_testmod/bpf_testmod.ko | \
$(OBJCOPY) --dump-section .BTF="btf/testdata/btf_testmod.btf" - /dev/null
$(RM) -r "$(TMP)"