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package sprig
import (
ttemplate "text/template"
util ""
// FuncMap produces the function map.
// Use this to pass the functions into the template engine:
// tpl := template.New("foo").Funcs(sprig.FuncMap()))
func FuncMap() template.FuncMap {
return HtmlFuncMap()
// HermeticTxtFuncMap returns a 'text/template'.FuncMap with only repeatable functions.
func HermeticTxtFuncMap() ttemplate.FuncMap {
r := TxtFuncMap()
for _, name := range nonhermeticFunctions {
delete(r, name)
return r
// HermeticHtmlFuncMap returns an 'html/template'.Funcmap with only repeatable functions.
func HermeticHtmlFuncMap() template.FuncMap {
r := HtmlFuncMap()
for _, name := range nonhermeticFunctions {
delete(r, name)
return r
// TxtFuncMap returns a 'text/template'.FuncMap
func TxtFuncMap() ttemplate.FuncMap {
return ttemplate.FuncMap(GenericFuncMap())
// HtmlFuncMap returns an 'html/template'.Funcmap
func HtmlFuncMap() template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap(GenericFuncMap())
// GenericFuncMap returns a copy of the basic function map as a map[string]interface{}.
func GenericFuncMap() map[string]interface{} {
gfm := make(map[string]interface{}, len(genericMap))
for k, v := range genericMap {
gfm[k] = v
return gfm
// These functions are not guaranteed to evaluate to the same result for given input, because they
// refer to the environment or global state.
var nonhermeticFunctions = []string{
// Date functions
// Strings
// OS
// Network
var genericMap = map[string]interface{}{
"hello": func() string { return "Hello!" },
// Date functions
"ago": dateAgo,
"date": date,
"date_in_zone": dateInZone,
"date_modify": dateModify,
"dateInZone": dateInZone,
"dateModify": dateModify,
"duration": duration,
"durationRound": durationRound,
"htmlDate": htmlDate,
"htmlDateInZone": htmlDateInZone,
"must_date_modify": mustDateModify,
"mustDateModify": mustDateModify,
"mustToDate": mustToDate,
"now": time.Now,
"toDate": toDate,
"unixEpoch": unixEpoch,
// Strings
"abbrev": abbrev,
"abbrevboth": abbrevboth,
"trunc": trunc,
"trim": strings.TrimSpace,
"upper": strings.ToUpper,
"lower": strings.ToLower,
"title": strings.Title,
"untitle": untitle,
"substr": substring,
// Switch order so that "foo" | repeat 5
"repeat": func(count int, str string) string { return strings.Repeat(str, count) },
// Deprecated: Use trimAll.
"trimall": func(a, b string) string { return strings.Trim(b, a) },
// Switch order so that "$foo" | trimall "$"
"trimAll": func(a, b string) string { return strings.Trim(b, a) },
"trimSuffix": func(a, b string) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(b, a) },
"trimPrefix": func(a, b string) string { return strings.TrimPrefix(b, a) },
"nospace": util.DeleteWhiteSpace,
"initials": initials,
"randAlphaNum": randAlphaNumeric,
"randAlpha": randAlpha,
"randAscii": randAscii,
"randNumeric": randNumeric,
"swapcase": util.SwapCase,
"shuffle": xstrings.Shuffle,
"snakecase": xstrings.ToSnakeCase,
"camelcase": xstrings.ToCamelCase,
"kebabcase": xstrings.ToKebabCase,
"wrap": func(l int, s string) string { return util.Wrap(s, l) },
"wrapWith": func(l int, sep, str string) string { return util.WrapCustom(str, l, sep, true) },
// Switch order so that "foobar" | contains "foo"
"contains": func(substr string, str string) bool { return strings.Contains(str, substr) },
"hasPrefix": func(substr string, str string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(str, substr) },
"hasSuffix": func(substr string, str string) bool { return strings.HasSuffix(str, substr) },
"quote": quote,
"squote": squote,
"cat": cat,
"indent": indent,
"nindent": nindent,
"replace": replace,
"plural": plural,
"sha1sum": sha1sum,
"sha256sum": sha256sum,
"adler32sum": adler32sum,
"toString": strval,
// Wrap Atoi to stop errors.
"atoi": func(a string) int { i, _ := strconv.Atoi(a); return i },
"int64": toInt64,
"int": toInt,
"float64": toFloat64,
"seq": seq,
"toDecimal": toDecimal,
//"gt": func(a, b int) bool {return a > b},
//"gte": func(a, b int) bool {return a >= b},
//"lt": func(a, b int) bool {return a < b},
//"lte": func(a, b int) bool {return a <= b},
// split "/" foo/bar returns map[int]string{0: foo, 1: bar}
"split": split,
"splitList": func(sep, orig string) []string { return strings.Split(orig, sep) },
// splitn "/" foo/bar/fuu returns map[int]string{0: foo, 1: bar/fuu}
"splitn": splitn,
"toStrings": strslice,
"until": until,
"untilStep": untilStep,
// VERY basic arithmetic.
"add1": func(i interface{}) int64 { return toInt64(i) + 1 },
"add": func(i ...interface{}) int64 {
var a int64 = 0
for _, b := range i {
a += toInt64(b)
return a
"sub": func(a, b interface{}) int64 { return toInt64(a) - toInt64(b) },
"div": func(a, b interface{}) int64 { return toInt64(a) / toInt64(b) },
"mod": func(a, b interface{}) int64 { return toInt64(a) % toInt64(b) },
"mul": func(a interface{}, v ...interface{}) int64 {
val := toInt64(a)
for _, b := range v {
val = val * toInt64(b)
return val
"randInt": func(min, max int) int { return rand.Intn(max-min) + min },
"add1f": func(i interface{}) float64 {
return execDecimalOp(i, []interface{}{1}, func(d1, d2 decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { return d1.Add(d2) })
"addf": func(i ...interface{}) float64 {
a := interface{}(float64(0))
return execDecimalOp(a, i, func(d1, d2 decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { return d1.Add(d2) })
"subf": func(a interface{}, v ...interface{}) float64 {
return execDecimalOp(a, v, func(d1, d2 decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { return d1.Sub(d2) })
"divf": func(a interface{}, v ...interface{}) float64 {
return execDecimalOp(a, v, func(d1, d2 decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { return d1.Div(d2) })
"mulf": func(a interface{}, v ...interface{}) float64 {
return execDecimalOp(a, v, func(d1, d2 decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { return d1.Mul(d2) })
"biggest": max,
"max": max,
"min": min,
"maxf": maxf,
"minf": minf,
"ceil": ceil,
"floor": floor,
"round": round,
// string slices. Note that we reverse the order b/c that's better
// for template processing.
"join": join,
"sortAlpha": sortAlpha,
// Defaults
"default": dfault,
"empty": empty,
"coalesce": coalesce,
"all": all,
"any": any,
"compact": compact,
"mustCompact": mustCompact,
"fromJson": fromJson,
"toJson": toJson,
"toPrettyJson": toPrettyJson,
"toRawJson": toRawJson,
"mustFromJson": mustFromJson,
"mustToJson": mustToJson,
"mustToPrettyJson": mustToPrettyJson,
"mustToRawJson": mustToRawJson,
"ternary": ternary,
"deepCopy": deepCopy,
"mustDeepCopy": mustDeepCopy,
// Reflection
"typeOf": typeOf,
"typeIs": typeIs,
"typeIsLike": typeIsLike,
"kindOf": kindOf,
"kindIs": kindIs,
"deepEqual": reflect.DeepEqual,
// OS:
"env": os.Getenv,
"expandenv": os.ExpandEnv,
// Network:
"getHostByName": getHostByName,
// Paths:
"base": path.Base,
"dir": path.Dir,
"clean": path.Clean,
"ext": path.Ext,
"isAbs": path.IsAbs,
// Filepaths:
"osBase": filepath.Base,
"osClean": filepath.Clean,
"osDir": filepath.Dir,
"osExt": filepath.Ext,
"osIsAbs": filepath.IsAbs,
// Encoding:
"b64enc": base64encode,
"b64dec": base64decode,
"b32enc": base32encode,
"b32dec": base32decode,
// Data Structures:
"tuple": list, // FIXME: with the addition of append/prepend these are no longer immutable.
"list": list,
"dict": dict,
"get": get,
"set": set,
"unset": unset,
"hasKey": hasKey,
"pluck": pluck,
"keys": keys,
"pick": pick,
"omit": omit,
"merge": merge,
"mergeOverwrite": mergeOverwrite,
"mustMerge": mustMerge,
"mustMergeOverwrite": mustMergeOverwrite,
"values": values,
"append": push, "push": push,
"mustAppend": mustPush, "mustPush": mustPush,
"prepend": prepend,
"mustPrepend": mustPrepend,
"first": first,
"mustFirst": mustFirst,
"rest": rest,
"mustRest": mustRest,
"last": last,
"mustLast": mustLast,
"initial": initial,
"mustInitial": mustInitial,
"reverse": reverse,
"mustReverse": mustReverse,
"uniq": uniq,
"mustUniq": mustUniq,
"without": without,
"mustWithout": mustWithout,
"has": has,
"mustHas": mustHas,
"slice": slice,
"mustSlice": mustSlice,
"concat": concat,
"dig": dig,
"chunk": chunk,
"mustChunk": mustChunk,
// Crypto:
"bcrypt": bcrypt,
"htpasswd": htpasswd,
"genPrivateKey": generatePrivateKey,
"derivePassword": derivePassword,
"buildCustomCert": buildCustomCertificate,
"genCA": generateCertificateAuthority,
"genCAWithKey": generateCertificateAuthorityWithPEMKey,
"genSelfSignedCert": generateSelfSignedCertificate,
"genSelfSignedCertWithKey": generateSelfSignedCertificateWithPEMKey,
"genSignedCert": generateSignedCertificate,
"genSignedCertWithKey": generateSignedCertificateWithPEMKey,
"encryptAES": encryptAES,
"decryptAES": decryptAES,
"randBytes": randBytes,
// UUIDs:
"uuidv4": uuidv4,
// SemVer:
"semver": semver,
"semverCompare": semverCompare,
// Flow Control:
"fail": func(msg string) (string, error) { return "", errors.New(msg) },
// Regex
"regexMatch": regexMatch,
"mustRegexMatch": mustRegexMatch,
"regexFindAll": regexFindAll,
"mustRegexFindAll": mustRegexFindAll,
"regexFind": regexFind,
"mustRegexFind": mustRegexFind,
"regexReplaceAll": regexReplaceAll,
"mustRegexReplaceAll": mustRegexReplaceAll,
"regexReplaceAllLiteral": regexReplaceAllLiteral,
"mustRegexReplaceAllLiteral": mustRegexReplaceAllLiteral,
"regexSplit": regexSplit,
"mustRegexSplit": mustRegexSplit,
"regexQuoteMeta": regexQuoteMeta,
// URLs:
"urlParse": urlParse,
"urlJoin": urlJoin,