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# GtS CLI Tool
GoToSocial compiles to an executable binary.
The standard way of using this binary is to run a server with the `gotosocial server start` command.
However, this binary can also be used as an admin tool, and for debugging.
Here's the full output of `gotosocial --help`, without the big list of global config options.
GoToSocial - a fediverse social media server
For help, see: https://docs.gotosocial.org.
Code: https://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial
gotosocial [command]
Available Commands:
admin gotosocial admin-related tasks
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
debug gotosocial debug-related tasks
help Help about any command
server gotosocial server-related tasks
testrig gotosocial testrig-related tasks
Under `Available Commands`, you can see the standard `server` command. But there are also commands doing admin and testing etc, which will be explained in this document.
**Please note -- for all of these commands, you will still need to set the global options correctly so that the CLI tool knows how eg., how to connect to your database, which database to use, which host and account domain to use etc.**
You can set these options using environment variables, passing them as CLI flags (eg., `gotosocial [commands] --host example.org`), or by just pointing the CLI tool towards your config file (eg., `gotosocial --config-path ./config.yaml [commands]`).
## gotosocial admin
Contains `account`, `export`, `import`, and `media` subcommands.
### gotosocial admin account create
This command can be used to create a new account on your instance.
`gotosocial admin account create --help`:
create a new local account
gotosocial admin account create [flags]
--email string the email address of this account
-h, --help help for create
--password string the password to set for this account
--username string the username to create/delete/etc
gotosocial admin account create \
--username some_username \
--email someuser@example.org \
--password 'somelongandcomplicatedpassword' \
--config-path config.yaml
### gotosocial admin account confirm
This command can be used to confirm a user+account on your instance, allowing them to log in and use the account. Note that if the account was created using `admin account create` this is not necessary.
`gotosocial admin account confirm --help`:
confirm an existing local account manually, thereby skipping email confirmation
gotosocial admin account confirm [flags]
-h, --help help for confirm
--username string the username to create/delete/etc
gotosocial admin account confirm --username some_username --config-path config.yaml
### gotosocial admin account promote
This command can be used to promote a user to admin.
`gotosocial admin account promote --help`:
promote a local account to admin
gotosocial admin account promote [flags]
-h, --help help for promote
--username string the username to create/delete/etc
gotosocial admin account promote --username some_username --config-path config.yaml
### gotosocial admin account demote
This command can be used to demote a user from admin to normal user.
`gotosocial admin account demote --help`:
demote a local account from admin to normal user
gotosocial admin account demote [flags]
-h, --help help for demote
--username string the username to create/delete/etc
gotosocial admin account demote --username some_username --config-path config.yaml
### gotosocial admin account disable
This command can be used to disable an account on your instance: prevent it from signing in or doing anything, without deleting data.
`gotosocial admin account disable --help`:
prevent a local account from signing in or posting etc, but don't delete anything
gotosocial admin account disable [flags]
-h, --help help for disable
--username string the username to create/delete/etc
gotosocial admin account disable --username some_username --config-path config.yaml
### gotosocial admin account password
This command can be used to set a new password on the given local account.
`gotosocial admin account password --help`:
set a new password for the given local account
gotosocial admin account password [flags]
-h, --help help for password
--password string the password to set for this account
--username string the username to create/delete/etc
gotosocial admin account password --username some_username --password some_really_good_password --config-path config.yaml
### gotosocial admin export
This command can be used to export data from your GoToSocial instance into a file, for backup/storage.
The file format will be a series of newline-separated JSON objects.
`gotosocial admin export --help`:
export data from the database to file at the given path
gotosocial admin export [flags]
-h, --help help for export
--path string the path of the file to import from/export to
gotosocial admin export --path example.json --config-path config.yaml
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{"type":"account","id":"01F8MH1H7YV1Z7D2C8K2730QBF","createdAt":"2021-09-06T10:00:53.985643Z","username":"the_mighty_zork","locked":true,"language":"en","uri":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork","url":"http://localhost:8080/@the_mighty_zork","inboxURI":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox","outboxURI":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/outbox","followingUri":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/following","followersUri":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/followers","featuredCollectionUri":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/collections/featured","actorType":"Person","privateKey":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\niWhU4QrC/M4ELxYZinlNu3ThPWNQ/PMNteVWfdgOcV7uUWl0ViFp\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n","publicKey":"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBCgKCAQEApBmF8U+or+E0mgUMH3LE4uRIWzeV9rhYnvSMm9OpOsxwJiss5mEA\n/NtPHvQlq2UwrqXX89Wvu94K9EzZ4VyWYQGdxaiPpt17vRqUfsHUnXkY0pvCC9zt\n/aNlJtdt2xm+7PTC0YQd4+E1FX3aaoUPJL8MXzNlpJzaUtuwLZe1iBmFfatZFHpt\nEgc4nlf6TNLTzj3Yw1/7zIGVS8Vi7VquHc0Xo8dRiL2RxCGzLWnwL6GlrxY1tMhs\nUg467XeoiwegFCpcIhAhPFREKoTnCEksL/N0rpXl7m6CAy5uqBGs5mMXnXlqefr5\n8l0j2dU6zc60LCHH9TJC+roXsKJhy9sx/QIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n","publicKeyUri":"http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork#main-key"}
{"type":"account","id":"01F8MH5ZK5VRH73AKHQM6Y9VNX","createdAt":"2021-08-31T12:00:53.985646Z","username":"foss_satan","domain":"fossbros-anonymous.io","locked":true,"language":"en","uri":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan","url":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/@foss_satan","inboxURI":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan/inbox","outboxURI":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan/outbox","followingUri":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan/following","followersUri":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan/followers","featuredCollectionUri":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan/collections/featured","actorType":"Person","publicKey":"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBCgKCAQEA2OyVgkaIL9VohXKYTh319j4OouHRX/8QC7piXj71k7q5RDzEyvis\nVZBc5/C1/crCpxt895i0Ai2CiXQx+dISV7s/JBhAGl8s7TQ8jLlMuptrI0+sdkBC\nlu8pU0qQmoeXVnlquOzNmqGufUxIDtLXLZDN17qf/7vWA23q4d0tG5KQhGGGKiVM\n61Ufvr9MmgPBSpyUvYMAulFlz1264L49aGWeVgOz3qUQzqtxjrP0kaIbeyt56miP\nKr5AqkRgSsXci+FAo6suxR5gzo9NgleNkbZWF9MQyKlawukPwZUDSh396vtNQMee\n/4mto7mAXw8iio0IacrYO3F7iyewXnmI/QIDAQAB\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n","publicKeyUri":"http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan/main-key"}
{"type":"domainBlock","id":"01FF22EQM7X8E3RX1XGPN7S87D","createdAt":"2021-09-08T10:00:53.968971Z","domain":"replyguys.com","createdByAccountID":"01F8MH17FWEB39HZJ76B6VXSKF","privateComment":"i blocked this domain because they keep replying with pushy + unwarranted linux advice","publicComment":"reply-guying to tech posts","obfuscate":false}
### gotosocial admin import
This command can be used to import data from a file into your GoToSocial database.
If GoToSocial tables don't yet exist in the database, they will be created.
If any conflicts occur while importing (an already exists while attempting to import a specific account, for example), then the process will be aborted.
The file format should be a series of newline-separated JSON objects (see above).
`gotosocial admin import --help`:
import data from a file into the database
gotosocial admin import [flags]
-h, --help help for import
--path string the path of the file to import from/export to
gotosocial admin import --path example.json --config-path config.yaml
### gotosocial admin media list-attachments
[feature] Add media list command (#1943) * [feature] Add media list command This is an attempt to help alleviate #1776. Using admin media list --local the full path to each local media file will be printed, with a newline. The output of this should be feadable into backup tools in order to allow to backup local media too. Together with the database this should allow to fully recover from the loss of an instance. The list command also gets a --remote flag for symmetry. In the case of --remote we print the RemoteURL instead, the location the asset can be retrieved from. To get all media, you can run with --local and --remote. * [bugfix] Fix the test failures * [feature] Reimplement list media as top commands This changes the implementation of admin media list --<variant> to two separate top-level commands, list-local and list-remote. The implementation now iterates over over the database in batches of 200 in order to avoid loading all media metadata into memory. * [feature] Implement ListMedia with filter callback This does away with the somewhat odd iterator-like structure we had before and does away with most of the loop duplication in list-local and list-remote. Instead they call GetAllMediaPaths with a filter func to select the media they want. That's accumulated into a slice and eventually returned. * [bugfix] Simplify remote filter Since we don't append the empty string anywhere, the remote filter can be limited to returning RemoteURL, as that'll be an empty string for local media. * [docs] Add media list commands to CLI reference --------- Co-authored-by: tobi <31960611+tsmethurst@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-07-07 11:35:05 +02:00
Can be used to list the storage paths of local, remote, or all media attachments on your instance (including headers and avatars).
[feature] Add media list command (#1943) * [feature] Add media list command This is an attempt to help alleviate #1776. Using admin media list --local the full path to each local media file will be printed, with a newline. The output of this should be feadable into backup tools in order to allow to backup local media too. Together with the database this should allow to fully recover from the loss of an instance. The list command also gets a --remote flag for symmetry. In the case of --remote we print the RemoteURL instead, the location the asset can be retrieved from. To get all media, you can run with --local and --remote. * [bugfix] Fix the test failures * [feature] Reimplement list media as top commands This changes the implementation of admin media list --<variant> to two separate top-level commands, list-local and list-remote. The implementation now iterates over over the database in batches of 200 in order to avoid loading all media metadata into memory. * [feature] Implement ListMedia with filter callback This does away with the somewhat odd iterator-like structure we had before and does away with most of the loop duplication in list-local and list-remote. Instead they call GetAllMediaPaths with a filter func to select the media they want. That's accumulated into a slice and eventually returned. * [bugfix] Simplify remote filter Since we don't append the empty string anywhere, the remote filter can be limited to returning RemoteURL, as that'll be an empty string for local media. * [docs] Add media list commands to CLI reference --------- Co-authored-by: tobi <31960611+tsmethurst@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-07-07 11:35:05 +02:00
`local-only` and `remote-only` can be used as filters; they cannot both be set at once.
[feature] Add media list command (#1943) * [feature] Add media list command This is an attempt to help alleviate #1776. Using admin media list --local the full path to each local media file will be printed, with a newline. The output of this should be feadable into backup tools in order to allow to backup local media too. Together with the database this should allow to fully recover from the loss of an instance. The list command also gets a --remote flag for symmetry. In the case of --remote we print the RemoteURL instead, the location the asset can be retrieved from. To get all media, you can run with --local and --remote. * [bugfix] Fix the test failures * [feature] Reimplement list media as top commands This changes the implementation of admin media list --<variant> to two separate top-level commands, list-local and list-remote. The implementation now iterates over over the database in batches of 200 in order to avoid loading all media metadata into memory. * [feature] Implement ListMedia with filter callback This does away with the somewhat odd iterator-like structure we had before and does away with most of the loop duplication in list-local and list-remote. Instead they call GetAllMediaPaths with a filter func to select the media they want. That's accumulated into a slice and eventually returned. * [bugfix] Simplify remote filter Since we don't append the empty string anywhere, the remote filter can be limited to returning RemoteURL, as that'll be an empty string for local media. * [docs] Add media list commands to CLI reference --------- Co-authored-by: tobi <31960611+tsmethurst@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-07-07 11:35:05 +02:00
If neither `local-only` or `remote-only` are set, all media attachments on your instance will be listed.
[feature] Add media list command (#1943) * [feature] Add media list command This is an attempt to help alleviate #1776. Using admin media list --local the full path to each local media file will be printed, with a newline. The output of this should be feadable into backup tools in order to allow to backup local media too. Together with the database this should allow to fully recover from the loss of an instance. The list command also gets a --remote flag for symmetry. In the case of --remote we print the RemoteURL instead, the location the asset can be retrieved from. To get all media, you can run with --local and --remote. * [bugfix] Fix the test failures * [feature] Reimplement list media as top commands This changes the implementation of admin media list --<variant> to two separate top-level commands, list-local and list-remote. The implementation now iterates over over the database in batches of 200 in order to avoid loading all media metadata into memory. * [feature] Implement ListMedia with filter callback This does away with the somewhat odd iterator-like structure we had before and does away with most of the loop duplication in list-local and list-remote. Instead they call GetAllMediaPaths with a filter func to select the media they want. That's accumulated into a slice and eventually returned. * [bugfix] Simplify remote filter Since we don't append the empty string anywhere, the remote filter can be limited to returning RemoteURL, as that'll be an empty string for local media. * [docs] Add media list commands to CLI reference --------- Co-authored-by: tobi <31960611+tsmethurst@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-07-07 11:35:05 +02:00
You may want to run this with `GTS_LOG_LEVEL` set to `warn` or `error`, otherwise it will log a lot of info messages you probably don't need.
[feature] Add media list command (#1943) * [feature] Add media list command This is an attempt to help alleviate #1776. Using admin media list --local the full path to each local media file will be printed, with a newline. The output of this should be feadable into backup tools in order to allow to backup local media too. Together with the database this should allow to fully recover from the loss of an instance. The list command also gets a --remote flag for symmetry. In the case of --remote we print the RemoteURL instead, the location the asset can be retrieved from. To get all media, you can run with --local and --remote. * [bugfix] Fix the test failures * [feature] Reimplement list media as top commands This changes the implementation of admin media list --<variant> to two separate top-level commands, list-local and list-remote. The implementation now iterates over over the database in batches of 200 in order to avoid loading all media metadata into memory. * [feature] Implement ListMedia with filter callback This does away with the somewhat odd iterator-like structure we had before and does away with most of the loop duplication in list-local and list-remote. Instead they call GetAllMediaPaths with a filter func to select the media they want. That's accumulated into a slice and eventually returned. * [bugfix] Simplify remote filter Since we don't append the empty string anywhere, the remote filter can be limited to returning RemoteURL, as that'll be an empty string for local media. * [docs] Add media list commands to CLI reference --------- Co-authored-by: tobi <31960611+tsmethurst@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-07-07 11:35:05 +02:00
`gotosocial admin media list-attachments --help`:
list local, remote, or all attachments
gotosocial admin media list-attachments [flags]
-h, --help help for list-attachments
--local-only list only local attachments/emojis; if specified then remote-only cannot also be true
--remote-only list only remote attachments/emojis; if specified then local-only cannot also be true
Example output:
### gotosocial admin media list-emojis
Can be used to list the storage paths of local, remote, or all emojis on your instance.
`local-only` and `remote-only` can be used as filters; they cannot both be set at once.
If neither `local-only` or `remote-only` are set, all emojis on your instance will be listed.
You may want to run this with `GTS_LOG_LEVEL` set to `warn` or `error`, otherwise it will log a lot of info messages you probably don't need.
`gotosocial admin media list-emojis --help`:
list local, remote, or all emojis
gotosocial admin media list-emojis [flags]
-h, --help help for list-emojis
--local-only list only local attachments/emojis; if specified then remote-only cannot also be true
--remote-only list only remote attachments/emojis; if specified then local-only cannot also be true
Example output:
[feature] Add media list command (#1943) * [feature] Add media list command This is an attempt to help alleviate #1776. Using admin media list --local the full path to each local media file will be printed, with a newline. The output of this should be feadable into backup tools in order to allow to backup local media too. Together with the database this should allow to fully recover from the loss of an instance. The list command also gets a --remote flag for symmetry. In the case of --remote we print the RemoteURL instead, the location the asset can be retrieved from. To get all media, you can run with --local and --remote. * [bugfix] Fix the test failures * [feature] Reimplement list media as top commands This changes the implementation of admin media list --<variant> to two separate top-level commands, list-local and list-remote. The implementation now iterates over over the database in batches of 200 in order to avoid loading all media metadata into memory. * [feature] Implement ListMedia with filter callback This does away with the somewhat odd iterator-like structure we had before and does away with most of the loop duplication in list-local and list-remote. Instead they call GetAllMediaPaths with a filter func to select the media they want. That's accumulated into a slice and eventually returned. * [bugfix] Simplify remote filter Since we don't append the empty string anywhere, the remote filter can be limited to returning RemoteURL, as that'll be an empty string for local media. * [docs] Add media list commands to CLI reference --------- Co-authored-by: tobi <31960611+tsmethurst@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-07-07 11:35:05 +02:00
### gotosocial admin media prune orphaned
This command can be used to prune orphaned media from your GoToSocial.
Orphaned media is defined as media that is in storage under a key that matches the format used by GoToSocial, but which does not have a corresponding database entry. This is useful for excising files that may be remaining from a previous installation, or files that were placed in storage mistakenly.
**This command only works when GoToSocial is not running, since it acquires an exclusive lock on storage. Stop GoToSocial first before running this command!**
prune orphaned media from storage
gotosocial admin media prune orphaned [flags]
--dry-run perform a dry run and only log number of items eligible for pruning (default true)
-h, --help help for orphaned
By default, this command performs a dry run, which will log how many items can be pruned. To do it for real, add `--dry-run=false` to the command.
Example (dry run):
gotosocial admin media prune orphaned
Example (for real):
gotosocial admin media prune orphaned --dry-run=false
### gotosocial admin media prune remote
This command can be used to prune unused/stale remote media from your GoToSocial.
Stale media means avatars/headers/status attachments from remote instances that are older than `media-remote-cache-days`.
These items will be refetched later on demand, if necessary.
Unused media means avatars/headers/status attachments which are not currently in use by an account or status.
**This command only works when GoToSocial is not running, since it acquires an exclusive lock on storage. Stop GoToSocial first before running this command!**
prune unused/stale remote media from storage, older than given number of days
gotosocial admin media prune remote [flags]
--dry-run perform a dry run and only log number of items eligible for pruning (default true)
-h, --help help for remote
By default, this command performs a dry run, which will log how many items can be pruned. To do it for real, add `--dry-run=false` to the command.
Example (dry run):
gotosocial admin media prune remote
Example (for real):
gotosocial admin media prune remote --dry-run=false