// // https://mczachurski.dev // Copyright © 2023 Marcin Czachurski and the repository contributors. // Licensed under the Apache License 2.0. // import Foundation import CoreData extension ApplicationSettings { @nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest { return NSFetchRequest(entityName: "ApplicationSettings") } @NSManaged public var currentAccount: String? @NSManaged public var theme: Int32 @NSManaged public var tintColor: Int32 @NSManaged public var avatarShape: Int32 @NSManaged public var activeIcon: String @NSManaged public var lastRefreshTokens: Date @NSManaged public var hapticTabSelectionEnabled: Bool @NSManaged public var hapticRefreshEnabled: Bool @NSManaged public var hapticButtonPressEnabled: Bool @NSManaged public var hapticAnimationEnabled: Bool @NSManaged public var hapticNotificationEnabled: Bool @NSManaged public var showSensitive: Bool @NSManaged public var showPhotoDescription: Bool @NSManaged public var menuPosition: Int32 @NSManaged public var showAvatarsOnTimeline: Bool @NSManaged public var showFavouritesOnTimeline: Bool @NSManaged public var showAltIconOnTimeline: Bool @NSManaged public var warnAboutMissingAlt: Bool @NSManaged public var showGridOnUserProfile: Bool @NSManaged public var showReboostedStatuses: Bool @NSManaged public var hideStatusesWithoutAlt: Bool @NSManaged public var customNavigationMenuItem1: Int32 @NSManaged public var customNavigationMenuItem2: Int32 @NSManaged public var customNavigationMenuItem3: Int32 } extension ApplicationSettings: Identifiable { }