
345 lines
12 KiB

package org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api
import com.google.gson.*
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable
import okhttp3.ConnectionSpec
import okhttp3.Interceptor
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.objects.*
import okhttp3.MultipartBody
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.objects.Tag
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.db.AppDatabase
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.db.entities.UserDatabaseEntity
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.di.PixelfedAPIHolder
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.di.TokenAuthenticator
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.typeAdapterInstantDeserializer
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.typeAdapterInstantSerializer
import retrofit2.Response
import retrofit2.Retrofit
import retrofit2.adapter.rxjava3.RxJava3CallAdapterFactory
import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory
import retrofit2.http.*
import retrofit2.http.Field
import java.time.Instant
Implements the Pixelfed API
However, since this is mostly based on the Mastodon API, the documentation there
will be more useful: https://docs.joinmastodon.org/
interface PixelfedAPI {
companion object {
val headerInterceptor = Interceptor { chain ->
val requestBuilder = chain.request().newBuilder()
.addHeader("User-Agent", "PixelDroid")
fun createFromUrl(baseUrl: String): PixelfedAPI {
return Retrofit.Builder()
// Only do secure-ish TLS connections (no HTTP or very old SSL/TLS)
private val gSonInstance: Gson = GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(Instant::class.java, typeAdapterInstantDeserializer)
.registerTypeAdapter(Instant::class.java, typeAdapterInstantSerializer)
fun apiForUser(
user: UserDatabaseEntity,
db: AppDatabase,
pixelfedAPIHolder: PixelfedAPIHolder
): PixelfedAPI =
// Only do secure-ish TLS connections (no HTTP or very old SSL/TLS)
.authenticator(TokenAuthenticator(user, db, pixelfedAPIHolder))
.addInterceptor {
it.request().newBuilder().run {
header("Accept", "application/json")
header("Authorization", "Bearer ${user.accessToken}")
suspend fun registerApplication(
@Field("client_name") client_name: String,
@Field("redirect_uris") redirect_uris: String,
@Field("scopes") scopes: String? = null,
@Field("website") website: String? = null
): Application
suspend fun obtainToken(
@Field("client_id") client_id: String,
@Field("client_secret") client_secret: String,
@Field("redirect_uri") redirect_uri: String? = null,
@Field("scope") scope: String? = "read",
@Field("code") code: String? = null,
@Field("grant_type") grant_type: String? = null,
@Field("refresh_token") refresh_token: String? = null
): Token
// get instance configuration
suspend fun instance() : Instance
* Instance info from the Nodeinfo .well_known (https://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/protocol.html) endpoint
suspend fun wellKnownNodeInfo() : NodeInfoJRD
* Instance info from [NodeInfo] (https://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/schema.html) endpoint
suspend fun nodeInfoSchema(
@Url nodeInfo_schema_url: String
) : NodeInfo
suspend fun follow(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
@Field("reblogs") reblogs : Boolean = true
) : Relationship
suspend fun unfollow(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
) : Relationship
suspend fun likePost(
@Path("id") statusId: String
) : Status
suspend fun unlikePost(
@Path("id") statusId: String
) : Status
//Used in our case to post a comment or a status
suspend fun postStatus(
@Field("status") statusText : String,
@Field("in_reply_to_id") in_reply_to_id : String? = null,
@Field("media_ids[]") media_ids : List<String> = emptyList(),
@Field("poll[options][]") poll_options : List<String>? = null,
@Field("poll[expires_in]") poll_expires : List<String>? = null,
@Field("poll[multiple]") poll_multiple : List<String>? = null,
@Field("poll[hide_totals]") poll_hideTotals : List<String>? = null,
@Field("sensitive") sensitive : Boolean? = null,
@Field("spoiler_text") spoiler_text : String? = null,
@Field("visibility") visibility : String = "public",
@Field("scheduled_at") scheduled_at : String? = null,
@Field("language") language : String? = null
) : Status
suspend fun deleteStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
suspend fun reblogStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
@Field("visibility") visibility: String? = null
) : Status
suspend fun undoReblogStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
) : Status
suspend fun bookmarks(
@Query("limit") limit: Number? = null,
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null,
@Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null
) : List<Status>
suspend fun bookmarkStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
) : Status
suspend fun undoBookmarkStatus(
@Path("id") statusId: String
) : Status
//Used in our case to retrieve comments for a given status
suspend fun statusComments(
@Path("id") statusId: String,
) : Context
suspend fun timelinePublic(
@Query("local") local: Boolean? = null,
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null,
@Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: String? = null
): List<Status>
suspend fun timelineHome(
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null,
@Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: String? = null,
@Query("local") local: Boolean? = null
): List<Status>
suspend fun hashtag(
@Path("hashtag") hashtag: String? = null,
@Query("local") local: Boolean? = null,
@Query("only_media") only_media: Boolean? = null,
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null,
@Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: Int? = null,
): List<Status>
suspend fun search(
@Query("account_id") account_id: String? = null,
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null,
@Query("type") type: Results.SearchType? = null,
@Query("exclude_unreviewed") exclude_unreviewed: Boolean? = null,
@Query("q") q: String,
@Query("resolve") resolve: Boolean? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: String? = null,
@Query("offset") offset: String? = null,
@Query("following") following: Boolean? = null
): Results
suspend fun notifications(
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null,
@Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: String? = null,
@Query("exclude_types") exclude_types: List<String>? = null,
@Query("account_id") account_id: Boolean? = null
): List<Notification>
suspend fun verifyCredentials(
//The authorization header needs to be of the form "Bearer <token>"
@Header("Authorization") authorization: String? = null
): Account
suspend fun accountPosts(
@Path("id") account_id: String,
@Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null,
@Query("max_id") max_id: String?,
@Query("limit") limit: Int
) : List<Status>
suspend fun checkRelationships(
@Query("id[]") account_ids : List<String>
) : List<Relationship>
suspend fun followers(
@Path("id") account_id: String,
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: Number? = null,
@Query("page") page: String? = null
) : Response<List<Account>>
suspend fun following(
@Path("id") account_id: String,
@Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null,
@Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null,
@Query("limit") limit: Number? = 40,
@Query("page") page: String? = null
) : Response<List<Account>>
suspend fun getAccount(
@Path("id") accountId : String
): Account
suspend fun getStatus(
@Path("id") accountId : String
): Status
fun mediaUpload(
@Part description: MultipartBody.Part? = null,
@Part file: MultipartBody.Part
): Observable<Attachment>
// get discover
suspend fun discover() : DiscoverPosts
suspend fun popularAccounts() : List<Account>
suspend fun trendingPosts(
@Query("range") range: String
) : List<Status>
suspend fun trendingHashtags() : List<Tag>
suspend fun report(
@Field("account_id") account_id: String,
@Field("status_ids") status_ids: List<Status>,
@Field("comment") comment: String,
@Field("forward") forward: Boolean = true
) : Report