
295 lines
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package com.h.pixeldroid.objects
import android.content.Context
import android.graphics.Typeface
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable
import android.text.Spanned
import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod
import android.util.Log
import android.view.View
import android.view.View.GONE
import android.view.View.VISIBLE
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import android.widget.TextView
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.core.text.toSpanned
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import androidx.viewpager2.adapter.FragmentStateAdapter
import com.bumptech.glide.RequestBuilder
import com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayoutMediator
import com.h.pixeldroid.ImageFragment
import com.h.pixeldroid.R
import com.h.pixeldroid.api.PixelfedAPI
import com.h.pixeldroid.fragments.feeds.PostViewHolder
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.HtmlUtils.Companion.parseHTMLText
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.ImageConverter
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.likePostCall
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.postComment
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.reblogPost
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.retrieveComments
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.toggleCommentInput
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.unLikePostCall
import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.undoReblogPost
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.post_fragment.view.*
import java.io.Serializable
Represents a status posted by an account.
data class Status(
//Base attributes
override val id: String,
val uri: String,
val created_at: String, //ISO 8601 Datetime (maybe can use a date type)
val account: Account,
val content: String, //HTML
val visibility: Visibility,
val sensitive: Boolean,
val spoiler_text: String,
val media_attachments: List<Attachment>?,
val application: Application,
//Rendering attributes
val mentions: List<Mention>,
val tags: List<Tag>,
val emojis: List<Emoji>,
//Informational attributes
val reblogs_count: Int,
val favourites_count: Int,
val replies_count: Int,
//Nullable attributes
val url: String?, //URL
val in_reply_to_id: String?,
val in_reply_to_account: String?,
val reblog: Status?,
val poll: Poll?,
val card: Card?,
val language: String?, //ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code
val text: String?,
//Authorized user attributes
val favourited: Boolean,
val reblogged: Boolean,
val muted: Boolean,
val bookmarked: Boolean,
val pinned: Boolean
) : Serializable, FeedContent()
companion object {
const val POST_TAG = "postTag"
const val POST_FRAG_TAG = "postFragTag"
fun getPostUrl() : String? = media_attachments?.getOrNull(0)?.url
fun getProfilePicUrl() : String? = account.avatar
fun getPostPreviewURL() : String? = media_attachments?.getOrNull(0)?.preview_url
* @brief returns the parsed version of the HTML description
private fun getDescription(api: PixelfedAPI, context: Context, credential: String) : Spanned {
val description = content
if(description.isEmpty()) {
return "No description".toSpanned()
return parseHTMLText(description, mentions, api, context, credential)
fun getUsername() : CharSequence {
var name = account.display_name
if (name.isEmpty()) {
name = account.username
return name
fun getNLikes() : CharSequence {
val nLikes = favourites_count
return "$nLikes Likes"
fun getNShares() : CharSequence {
val nShares = reblogs_count
return "$nShares Shares"
private fun setupPostPics(rootView: View, request: RequestBuilder<Drawable>, homeFragment: Fragment) {
//Check whether or not we need to activate the viewPager
if(media_attachments?.size == 1) {
rootView.postPicture.visibility = VISIBLE
rootView.postPager.visibility = GONE
rootView.postTabs.visibility = GONE
} else if(media_attachments?.size!! > 1) {
//Only show the viewPager and tabs
rootView.postPicture.visibility = GONE
rootView.postPager.visibility = VISIBLE
rootView.postTabs.visibility = VISIBLE
val tabs : ArrayList<ImageFragment> = ArrayList()
//Fill the tabs with each mediaAttachment
for(media in media_attachments) {
setupTabs(tabs, rootView, homeFragment)
private fun setupTabs(tabs: ArrayList<ImageFragment>, rootView: View, homeFragment: Fragment) {
//Attach the given tabs to the view pager
rootView.postPager.adapter = object : FragmentStateAdapter(homeFragment) {
override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment {
return tabs[position]
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return media_attachments?.size ?: 0
TabLayoutMediator(rootView.postTabs, rootView.postPager) { tab, _ ->
tab.icon = rootView.context.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_dot_blue_12dp)
fun setupPost(
rootView: View,
request: RequestBuilder<Drawable>,
homeFragment: Fragment
) {
//Setup username as a button that opens the profile
val username = rootView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.username)
username.text = this.getUsername()
username.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD)
username.setOnClickListener { account.openProfile(rootView.context) }
val usernameDesc = rootView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.usernameDesc)
usernameDesc.text = this.getUsername()
usernameDesc.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD)
val nlikes = rootView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.nlikes)
nlikes.text = this.getNLikes()
nlikes.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD)
val nshares = rootView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.nshares)
nshares.text = this.getNShares()
nshares.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD)
//Setup images
rootView.profilePic.setOnClickListener { account.openProfile(rootView.context) }
//Setup post pic only if there are media attachments
if(!media_attachments.isNullOrEmpty()) {
setupPostPics(rootView, request, homeFragment)
//Set comment initial visibility
rootView.findViewById<LinearLayout>(R.id.commentIn).visibility = View.GONE
fun setDescription(rootView: View, api : PixelfedAPI, credential: String) {
val desc = rootView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.description)
desc.text = this.getDescription(api, rootView.context, credential)
desc.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
fun activateReblogger(
holder : PostViewHolder,
api : PixelfedAPI,
credential: String,
isReblogged : Boolean
) {
//Set initial button state
holder.reblogger.isChecked = isReblogged
//Activate the button
holder.reblogger.setEventListener { _, buttonState ->
if (buttonState) {
Log.e("REBLOG", "Reblogged post")
// Button is active
reblogPost(holder, api, credential, this)
} else {
Log.e("REBLOG", "Undo Reblogged post")
// Button is inactive
undoReblogPost(holder, api, credential, this)
fun activateLiker(
holder : PostViewHolder,
api: PixelfedAPI,
credential: String,
isLiked: Boolean
) {
//Set initial state
holder.liker.isChecked = isLiked
//Activate the liker
holder.liker.setEventListener { _, buttonState ->
if (buttonState) {
// Button is active
likePostCall(holder, api, credential, this)
} else {
// Button is inactive
unLikePostCall(holder, api, credential, this)
fun showComments(
holder : PostViewHolder,
api: PixelfedAPI,
credential: String
) {
//Show all comments of a post
if (replies_count == 0) {
holder.viewComment.text = "No comments on this post..."
} else {
holder.viewComment.text = "View all $replies_count comments..."
holder.viewComment.setOnClickListener {
holder.viewComment.visibility = View.GONE
//Retrieve the comments
retrieveComments(holder, api, credential, this)
fun activateCommenter(
holder : PostViewHolder,
api: PixelfedAPI,
credential: String
) {
//Toggle comment button
//Activate commenter
holder.submitCmnt.setOnClickListener {
val textIn = holder.comment.text
//Open text input
if(textIn.isNullOrEmpty()) {
Toast.makeText(holder.context,"Comment must not be empty!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} else {
//Post the comment
postComment(holder, api, credential, this)
enum class Visibility : Serializable {
public, unlisted, private, direct