
66 lines
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package org.pixeldroid.app.posts.feeds.uncachedFeeds.accountLists
import androidx.paging.PagingSource
import androidx.paging.PagingState
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.PixelfedAPI
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.objects.Account
import retrofit2.HttpException
class FollowersPagingSource(
private val api: PixelfedAPI,
private val accountId: String,
private val following: Boolean
) : PagingSource<String, Account>() {
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<String>): LoadResult<String, Account> {
val position = params.key
return try {
val response =
// Pixelfed and Mastodon don't implement this in the same fashion. Pixelfed uses
// Laravel's paging mechanism, while Mastodon uses the Link header for pagination.
// No need to know which is which, they should ignore the non-relevant argument
if(following) {
account_id = accountId,
max_id = position,
limit = params.loadSize,
page = position
} else {
account_id = accountId,
max_id = position,
limit = params.loadSize,
page = position
val accounts = if(response.isSuccessful){
} else {
throw HttpException(response)
val nextPosition: String = response.headers()["Link"]
// Header is of the form:
// Link: <https://mastodon.social/api/v1/accounts/1/followers?limit=2&max_id=7628164>; rel="next", <https://mastodon.social/api/v1/accounts/1/followers?limit=2&since_id=7628165>; rel="prev"
// So we want the first max_id value. In case there are arguments after
// the max_id in the URL, we make sure to stop at the first '?'
?.substringAfter("max_id=", "")
?.substringBefore('?', "")
?.substringBefore('>', "")
?: // No Link header, so we just increment the position value (Pixelfed case)
(position?.toBigIntegerOrNull() ?: 1.toBigInteger()).inc().toString()
data = accounts,
prevKey = null,
nextKey = if (accounts.isEmpty() || nextPosition.isEmpty() || nextPosition == position) null else nextPosition
} catch (exception: Exception) {
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<String, Account>): String? = null