
92 lines
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package org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.objects
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.validDomain
import java.io.Serializable
See https://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/schema.html and https://pixelfed.social/api/nodeinfo/2.0.json
A lot of attributes we don't need are omitted, if in the future they are needed we
can make new data classes for them.
data class NodeInfo (
val version: String?,
val software: Software?,
val protocols: List<String>?,
val openRegistrations: Boolean?,
val metadata: PixelfedMetadata?,
): Serializable {
* Check if this NodeInfo has the fields we need or if we also need to look into the
* /api/v1/instance endpoint
* This only checks for values that might be in the /api/v1/instance endpoint.
fun hasInstanceEndpointInfo(): Boolean {
return validDomain(metadata?.config?.site?.url)
&& !metadata?.config?.site?.name.isNullOrBlank()
&& metadata?.config?.uploader?.max_caption_length?.toIntOrNull() != null
data class Software(
val name: String?,
val version: String?
): Serializable
data class PixelfedMetadata(
val nodeName: String?,
val software: Software?,
val config: PixelfedConfig
): Serializable {
data class Software(
val homepage: String?,
val repo: String?
): Serializable
data class PixelfedConfig(
val open_registration: Boolean?,
val uploader: Uploader?,
val activitypub: ActivityPub?,
val features: Features?,
val site: Site?
): Serializable {
data class Uploader (
val max_photo_size: String?,
val max_caption_length: String?,
val album_limit: String?,
val image_quality: String?,
val optimize_image: Boolean?,
val optimize_video: Boolean?,
val media_types: String?,
val enforce_account_limit: Boolean?
): Serializable
data class ActivityPub(
val enabled: Boolean?,
val remote_follow: Boolean?
): Serializable
data class Features(
val mobile_apis: Boolean?,
val circles: Boolean?,
val stories: Boolean?,
val video: Boolean?
): Serializable
data class Site(
val name: String?,
val domain: String?,
val url: String?,
val description: String?
): Serializable
data class NodeInfoJRD(
val links: List<Link>
): Serializable {
data class Link(
val rel: String?,
val href: String?
): Serializable