
211 lines
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package org.pixeldroid.app.stories
import android.os.CountDownTimer
import android.text.Editable
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import dagger.hilt.android.lifecycle.HiltViewModel
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import org.pixeldroid.app.R
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.objects.CarouselUserContainer
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.objects.Story
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.api.objects.StoryCarousel
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.db.AppDatabase
import org.pixeldroid.app.utils.di.PixelfedAPIHolder
import java.time.Instant
import javax.inject.Inject
data class StoriesUiState(
val profilePicture: String? = null,
val username: String? = null,
val age: Instant? = null,
val currentImage: Int = 0,
val imageList: List<String> = emptyList(),
val durationList: List<Int> = emptyList(),
val paused: Boolean = false,
val errorMessage: Int? = null,
val snackBar: Int? = null,
val reply: String = ""
class StoriesViewModel @Inject constructor(state: SavedStateHandle,
db: AppDatabase,
private val apiHolder: PixelfedAPIHolder) : ViewModel() {
private val carousel: StoryCarousel? = state[StoriesActivity.STORY_CAROUSEL]
private val userId: String? = state[StoriesActivity.STORY_CAROUSEL_USER_ID]
private val selfCarousel: Array<Story>? = state[StoriesActivity.STORY_CAROUSEL_SELF]
private var currentAccount: CarouselUserContainer?
private val _uiState: MutableStateFlow<StoriesUiState>
val uiState: StateFlow<StoriesUiState>
val count = MutableLiveData<Float>()
private var timer: CountDownTimer? = null
init {
currentAccount =
if (selfCarousel != null) {
db.userDao().getActiveUser()?.let { CarouselUserContainer(it, selfCarousel.toList()) }
} else carousel?.nodes?.firstOrNull { it?.user?.id == userId }
_uiState = MutableStateFlow(newUiStateFromCurrentAccount())
uiState = _uiState
private fun setTimer(timerLength: Float) {
count.value = timerLength
timer = object: CountDownTimer((timerLength * 1000).toLong(), 50){
override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) {
count.value = millisUntilFinished.toFloat() / 1000
override fun onFinish() {
private fun newUiStateFromCurrentAccount(): StoriesUiState = StoriesUiState(
profilePicture = currentAccount?.user?.avatar,
age = currentAccount?.nodes?.getOrNull(0)?.created_at,
username = currentAccount?.user?.username, //TODO check if not username_acct, think about falling back on other option?
errorMessage = null,
currentImage = 0,
imageList = currentAccount?.nodes?.mapNotNull { it?.src } ?: emptyList(),
durationList = currentAccount?.nodes?.mapNotNull { it?.duration } ?: emptyList()
private fun goTo(index: Int){
if((0 until uiState.value.imageList.size).contains(index)) {
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentImage = index,
age = currentAccount?.nodes?.getOrNull(index)?.created_at,
paused = false
} else {
if(selfCarousel != null) return
val currentUserId = currentAccount?.user?.id
val currentAccountIndex = carousel?.nodes?.indexOfFirst { it?.user?.id == currentUserId } ?: return
currentAccount = when (index) {
uiState.value.imageList.size -> {
// Go to next user
if(currentAccountIndex + 1 >= carousel.nodes.size) return
carousel.nodes.getOrNull(currentAccountIndex + 1)
-1 -> {
// Go to previous user
if(currentAccountIndex <= 0) return
carousel.nodes.getOrNull(currentAccountIndex - 1)
else -> return // Do nothing, given index does not make sense
_uiState.update { newUiStateFromCurrentAccount() }
fun goToNext() {
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
val api = apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser()
val story = currentAccount?.nodes?.getOrNull(uiState.value.currentImage)
if (story?.seen == true){
//TODO update seen when marked successfully as seen?
story.id?.let { api.storySeen(it) }
} catch (exception: Exception){
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentUiState.copy(errorMessage = R.string.story_could_not_see)
goTo(uiState.value.currentImage + 1)
fun goToPrevious() = goTo(uiState.value.currentImage - 1)
private fun startTimerForCurrent(){
uiState.value.let {
it.durationList.getOrNull(it.currentImage)?.toLong()?.let { time ->
fun pause() {
} else {
count.value?.let { setTimer(it) }
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentUiState.copy(paused = !currentUiState.paused)
fun sendReply(text: Editable) {
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
val api = apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser()
currentStoryId()?.let { api.storyComment(it, text.toString()) }
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentUiState.copy(snackBar = R.string.sent_reply_story)
} catch (exception: Exception){
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentUiState.copy(errorMessage = R.string.story_reply_error)
private fun currentStoryId(): String? = currentAccount?.nodes?.getOrNull(uiState.value.currentImage)?.id
fun replyChanged(text: String) {
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentUiState.copy(reply = text)
fun dismissError() {
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentUiState.copy(errorMessage = null)
fun shownSnackbar() {
_uiState.update { currentUiState ->
currentUiState.copy(snackBar = null)
fun currentProfileId(): String? = currentAccount?.user?.id