package import import android.content.ClipData import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Parcelable import android.provider.OpenableColumns import android.text.Editable import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast import import import import androidx.lifecycle.AndroidViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import import import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize import okhttp3.MultipartBody import import import import import import import import import import org.pixeldroid.media_editor.videoEdit.VideoEditActivity import retrofit2.HttpException import import import import import javax.inject.Inject import kotlin.collections.ArrayList import kotlin.collections.MutableList import kotlin.collections.MutableMap import kotlin.collections.arrayListOf import kotlin.collections.forEach import kotlin.collections.get import kotlin.collections.getOrNull import kotlin.collections.indexOfFirst import kotlin.collections.mutableListOf import kotlin.collections.mutableMapOf import import kotlin.collections.set import kotlin.collections.toMutableList import kotlin.math.ceil // Models the UI state for the PostCreationActivity data class PostCreationActivityUiState( val userMessage: String? = null, val addPhotoButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val editPhotoButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val removePhotoButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val maxEntries: Int?, val isCarousel: Boolean = true, val postCreationSendButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val newPostDescriptionText: String = "", val nsfw: Boolean = false, val chosenAccount: UserDatabaseEntity? = null, val uploadProgressBarVisible: Boolean = false, val uploadProgress: Int = 0, val uploadCompletedTextviewVisible: Boolean = false, val uploadErrorVisible: Boolean = false, val uploadErrorExplanationText: String = "", val uploadErrorExplanationVisible: Boolean = false, val storyCreation: Boolean, val storyDuration: Int = 10, val storyReplies: Boolean = true, val storyReactions: Boolean = true, ) @Parcelize data class PhotoData( var imageUri: Uri, var size: Long, var uploadId: String? = null, var progress: Int? = null, var imageDescription: String? = null, var video: Boolean, var videoEncodeProgress: Int? = null, var videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass: Boolean? = null, var videoEncodeComplete: Boolean? = null, var videoEncodeError: Boolean = false, ) : Parcelable class PostCreationViewModel( application: Application, clipdata: ClipData? = null, val instance: InstanceDatabaseEntity? = null, existingDescription: String? = null, existingNSFW: Boolean = false, storyCreation: Boolean = false, ) : AndroidViewModel(application) { private var storyPhotoDataBackup: MutableList? = null private val photoData: MutableLiveData> by lazy { MutableLiveData>().also { it.value = clipdata?.let { it1 -> addPossibleImages(it1, mutableListOf()) } } } @Inject lateinit var apiHolder: PixelfedAPIHolder private val _uiState: MutableStateFlow init { (application as PixelDroidApplication).getAppComponent().inject(this) val sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(application) val templateDescription = sharedPreferences.getString("prefill_description", "") ?: "" _uiState = MutableStateFlow(PostCreationActivityUiState( newPostDescriptionText = existingDescription ?: templateDescription, nsfw = existingNSFW, maxEntries = if(storyCreation) 1 else instance?.albumLimit, storyCreation = storyCreation )) } val uiState: StateFlow = _uiState // Map photoData indexes to FFmpeg Session IDs private val sessionMap: MutableMap = mutableMapOf() // Keep track of temporary files to delete them (avoids filling cache super fast with videos) private val tempFiles: java.util.ArrayList = java.util.ArrayList() fun userMessageShown() { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(userMessage = null) } } /** * Read-only public view on [photoData] */ fun getPhotoData(): LiveData> = photoData /** * Will add as many images as possible to [photoData], from the [clipData], and if * ([photoData].size + [clipData].itemCount) > uiState.value.maxEntries then it will only add as many images * as are legal (if any) and a dialog will be shown to the user alerting them of this fact. */ fun addPossibleImages(clipData: ClipData, previousList: MutableList? = photoData.value): MutableList { val dataToAdd: ArrayList = arrayListOf() var count = clipData.itemCount uiState.value.maxEntries?.let { if(count + (previousList?.size ?: 0) > it){ _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.total_exceeds_album_limit).format(it)) } count = count.coerceAtMost(it - (previousList?.size ?: 0)) } if (count + (previousList?.size ?: 0) >= it) { // Disable buttons to add more images _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(addPhotoButtonEnabled = false) } } for (i in 0 until count) { clipData.getItemAt(i).let { val sizeAndVideoPair: Pair = getSizeAndVideoValidate(it.uri, (previousList?.size ?: 0) + dataToAdd.size + 1) dataToAdd.add(PhotoData(imageUri = it.uri, size = sizeAndVideoPair.first, video = sizeAndVideoPair.second, imageDescription = it.text?.toString())) } } } return previousList?.plus(dataToAdd)?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf() } fun setImages(addPossibleImages: MutableList) { photoData.value = addPossibleImages } /** * Returns the size of the file of the Uri, and whether it is a video, * and opens a dialog in case it is too big or in case the file is unsupported. */ private fun getSizeAndVideoValidate(uri: Uri, editPosition: Int): Pair { val size: Long = if (uri.scheme =="content") { getApplication().contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null) ?.use { cursor -> /* Get the column indexes of the data in the Cursor, * move to the first row in the Cursor, get the data, * and display it. */ val sizeIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.SIZE) if(sizeIndex >= 0) { cursor.moveToFirst() cursor.getLong(sizeIndex) } else null } ?: 0 } else { uri.toFile().length() } val sizeInkBytes = ceil(size.toDouble() / 1000).toLong() val type = uri.getMimeType(getApplication().contentResolver) val isVideo = type.startsWith("video/") if (isVideo && !instance!!.videoEnabled) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.video_not_supported)) } } if ((!isVideo && sizeInkBytes > instance!!.maxPhotoSize) || (isVideo && sizeInkBytes > instance!!.maxVideoSize)) { //TODO Offer remedy for too big file: re-compress it val maxSize = if (isVideo) instance.maxVideoSize else instance.maxPhotoSize _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.size_exceeds_instance_limit, editPosition, sizeInkBytes, maxSize) ) } } return Pair(size, isVideo) } fun updateDescription(position: Int, description: String) { photoData.value?.getOrNull(position)?.imageDescription = description photoData.value = photoData.value } fun removeAt(currentPosition: Int) { photoData.value?.removeAt(currentPosition) _uiState.update { it.copy( addPhotoButtonEnabled = (photoData.value?.size ?: 0) < (uiState.value.maxEntries ?: 0), ) } photoData.value = photoData.value } fun modifyAt(position: Int, data: Intent): Unit? { val result: PhotoData = photoData.value?.getOrNull(position)?.run { if (video) { val modified: Boolean = data.getBooleanExtra(VideoEditActivity.MODIFIED, false) if(modified){ val videoEncodingArguments: VideoEditActivity.VideoEditArguments? = data.getSerializableExtra(VideoEditActivity.VIDEO_ARGUMENTS_TAG) as? VideoEditActivity.VideoEditArguments sessionMap[imageUri]?.let { VideoEditActivity.cancelEncoding(it) } videoEncodingArguments?.let { videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass = it.videoStabilize > 0.01f videoEncodeProgress = 0 videoEncodeComplete = false VideoEditActivity.startEncoding(imageUri, null, it, context = getApplication(), registerNewFFmpegSession = ::registerNewFFmpegSession, trackTempFile = ::trackTempFile, videoEncodeProgress = ::videoEncodeProgress ) } } } else { imageUri = data.getStringExtra(org.pixeldroid.media_editor.photoEdit.PhotoEditActivity.PICTURE_URI)!!.toUri() val (imageSize, imageVideo) = getSizeAndVideoValidate(imageUri, position) size = imageSize video = imageVideo } progress = null uploadId = null this } ?: return null result.let { photoData.value?.set(position, it) photoData.value = photoData.value } return Unit } /** * @param originalUri the Uri of the file you sent to be edited * @param progress percentage of (this pass of) encoding that is done * @param firstPass Whether this is the first pass (currently for analysis of video stabilization) or the second (and last) pass. * @param outputVideoPath when not null, it means the encoding is done and the result is saved in this file * @param error is true when there has been an error during encoding. */ private fun videoEncodeProgress(originalUri: Uri, progress: Int, firstPass: Boolean, outputVideoPath: Uri?, error: Boolean){ photoData.value?.indexOfFirst { it.imageUri == originalUri }?.let { position -> if (outputVideoPath != null) { // If outputVideoPath is not null, it means the video is done and we can change Uris val (size, _) = getSizeAndVideoValidate(outputVideoPath, position) photoData.value?.set(position, photoData.value!![position].copy( imageUri = outputVideoPath, videoEncodeProgress = progress, videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass = firstPass, videoEncodeComplete = true, videoEncodeError = error, size = size, ) ) } else { photoData.value?.set(position, photoData.value!![position].copy( videoEncodeProgress = progress, videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass = firstPass, videoEncodeComplete = false, videoEncodeError = error, ) ) } // Run assignment in main thread viewModelScope.launch { photoData.value = photoData.value } } } fun trackTempFile(file: File) { tempFiles.add(file) } fun cancelEncode(currentPosition: Int) { sessionMap[photoData.value?.getOrNull(currentPosition)?.imageUri]?.let { VideoEditActivity.cancelEncoding(it) } } override fun onCleared() { super.onCleared() VideoEditActivity.cancelEncoding() tempFiles.forEach { it.delete() } } private fun registerNewFFmpegSession(position: Uri, sessionId: Long) { sessionMap[position] = sessionId } fun becameCarousel(became: Boolean) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( isCarousel = became ) } } fun resetUploadStatus() { photoData.value = photoData.value?.map { it.copy(uploadId = null, progress = null) }?.toMutableList() } /** * Uploads the images that are in the [photoData] array. * Keeps track of them in the [PhotoData.progress] (for the upload progress), and the * [PhotoData.uploadId] (for the list of ids of the uploads). */ @OptIn(ExperimentalUnsignedTypes::class) fun upload() { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = false, uploadCompletedTextviewVisible = false, uploadErrorVisible = false, uploadProgressBarVisible = true ) } for (data: PhotoData in getPhotoData().value ?: emptyList()) { val extension = data.imageUri.fileExtension(getApplication().contentResolver) val strippedImage = File.createTempFile("temp_img", ".$extension", getApplication().cacheDir) val imageUri = data.imageUri val (strippedOrNot, size) = try { val orientation = ExifInterface(getApplication().contentResolver.openInputStream(imageUri)!!).getAttributeInt( ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL) stripMetadata(imageUri, strippedImage, getApplication().contentResolver) // Restore EXIF orientation val exifInterface = ExifInterface(strippedImage) exifInterface.setAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, orientation.toString()) exifInterface.saveAttributes() Pair(strippedImage.inputStream(), strippedImage.length()) } catch (e: UnsupportedFileFormatException){ strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() val imageInputStream = try { getApplication().contentResolver.openInputStream(imageUri)!! } catch (e: FileNotFoundException){ _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.file_not_found, data.imageUri) ) } return } Pair(imageInputStream, data.size) } catch (e: IOException){ strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.file_not_found, data.imageUri) ) } return } val type = data.imageUri.getMimeType(getApplication().contentResolver) val imagePart = ProgressRequestBody(strippedOrNot, size, type) val requestBody = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart("file", System.currentTimeMillis().toString(), imagePart) .build() val sub = imagePart.progressSubject .subscribeOn( .subscribe { percentage -> data.progress = percentage.toInt() _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadProgress = getPhotoData().value!!.sumOf { it.progress ?: 0 } / getPhotoData().value!!.size ) } } var postSub: Disposable? = null val description = data.imageDescription?.let { MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("description", it) } // Ugly temporary account switching, but it works well enough for now val api = uiState.value.chosenAccount?.let { apiHolder.setToCurrentUser(it) } ?: apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser() val inter: Observable = //TODO validate that image is correct (?) aspect ratio if (uiState.value.storyCreation) api.storyUpload([0]) else api.mediaUpload(description,[0]) apiHolder.api = null postSub = inter .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe( { attachment: Attachment -> data.progress = 0 data.uploadId = if(uiState.value.storyCreation){ attachment.media_id!! } else {!! } }, { e: Throwable -> _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadErrorVisible = true, uploadErrorExplanationText = if(e is HttpException){ getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_error, e.code()) } else "", uploadErrorExplanationVisible = e is HttpException, ) } strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() e.printStackTrace() postSub?.dispose() sub.dispose() }, { strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() data.progress = 100 if (getPhotoData().value!!.all { it.progress == 100 && it.uploadId != null }) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadProgressBarVisible = false, uploadCompletedTextviewVisible = true ) } post() } postSub?.dispose() sub.dispose() } ) } } private fun post() { val description = uiState.value.newPostDescriptionText // TODO: investigate why this works but booleans don't val nsfw = if (uiState.value.nsfw) 1 else 0 _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = false ) } viewModelScope.launch { try { //Ugly temporary account switching, but it works well enough for now val api = uiState.value.chosenAccount?.let { apiHolder.setToCurrentUser(it) } ?: apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser() if(uiState.value.storyCreation){ val canReact = if (uiState.value.storyReactions) "1" else "0" val canReply = if (uiState.value.storyReplies) "1" else "0" api.storyPublish( media_id = getPhotoData().value!!.firstNotNullOf { it.uploadId }, can_react = canReact, can_reply = canReply, duration = uiState.value.storyDuration ) } else { api.postStatus( statusText = description, media_ids = getPhotoData().value!!.mapNotNull { it.uploadId }.toList(), sensitive = nsfw ) } Toast.makeText(getApplication(), getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_post_success), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() val intent = Intent(getApplication(), intent.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK //TODO make the activity launch this instead (and surrounding toasts too) getApplication().startActivity(intent) } catch (exception: IOException) { Toast.makeText(getApplication(), getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_post_error), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() Log.e(TAG, exception.toString()) _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = true ) } } catch (exception: HttpException) { Toast.makeText(getApplication(), getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_post_failed), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() Log.e(TAG, exception.response().toString() + exception.message().toString()) _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = true ) } } finally { apiHolder.api = null } } } fun newPostDescriptionChanged(text: Editable?) { _uiState.update { it.copy(newPostDescriptionText = text.toString()) } } fun updateNSFW(checked: Boolean) { _uiState.update { it.copy(nsfw = checked) } } fun chooseAccount(which: UserDatabaseEntity) { _uiState.update { it.copy(chosenAccount = which) } } fun storyMode(storyMode: Boolean) { //TODO check ratio of files in story mode? What is acceptable? val newMaxEntries = if (storyMode) 1 else instance?.albumLimit var newUiState = _uiState.value.copy( storyCreation = storyMode, maxEntries = newMaxEntries, addPhotoButtonEnabled = (photoData.value?.size ?: 0) < (newMaxEntries ?: 0), ) // Carousel on if in story mode if (storyMode) newUiState = newUiState.copy(isCarousel = true) // If switching to story, and there are too many pictures, keep the first and backup the rest if (storyMode && (photoData.value?.size ?: 0) > 1){ storyPhotoDataBackup = photoData.value photoData.value = photoData.value?.let { mutableListOf(it.firstOrNull()).filterNotNull().toMutableList() } //Show message saying extraneous pictures were removed but can be restored newUiState = newUiState.copy( userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.extraneous_pictures_stories) ) } // Restore if backup not null and first value is unchanged else if (storyPhotoDataBackup != null && storyPhotoDataBackup?.firstOrNull() == photoData.value?.firstOrNull()){ photoData.value = storyPhotoDataBackup storyPhotoDataBackup = null } _uiState.update { newUiState } } fun storyDuration(value: Int) { _uiState.update { it.copy(storyDuration = value) } } fun updateStoryReactions(checked: Boolean) { _uiState.update { it.copy(storyReactions = checked) } } fun updateStoryReplies(checked: Boolean) { _uiState.update { it.copy(storyReplies = checked) } } } class PostCreationViewModelFactory(val application: Application, val clipdata: ClipData, val instance: InstanceDatabaseEntity, val existingDescription: String?, val existingNSFW: Boolean, val storyCreation: Boolean) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { override fun create(modelClass: Class): T { return modelClass.getConstructor(,,,,,, clipdata, instance, existingDescription, existingNSFW, storyCreation) } }