package com.h.pixeldroid.objects import android.Manifest import android.content.Context import import import import android.text.Spanned import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import android.view.View import android.view.View.GONE import android.view.View.VISIBLE import android.widget.* import import import androidx.viewpager2.adapter.FragmentStateAdapter import com.bumptech.glide.RequestBuilder import import com.h.pixeldroid.R import com.h.pixeldroid.api.PixelfedAPI import com.h.pixeldroid.fragments.ImageFragment import com.h.pixeldroid.fragments.feeds.postFeeds.PostViewHolder import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.HtmlUtils.Companion.getDomain import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.HtmlUtils.Companion.parseHTMLText import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.ImageConverter import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.ImageUtils.Companion.downloadImage import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.censorColorMatrix import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.likePostCall import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.postComment import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.reblogPost import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.retrieveComments import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.toggleCommentInput import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.unLikePostCall import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.uncensorColorMatrix import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.undoReblogPost import com.karumi.dexter.Dexter import com.karumi.dexter.listener.PermissionDeniedResponse import com.karumi.dexter.listener.PermissionGrantedResponse import com.karumi.dexter.listener.single.BasePermissionListener import* import import java.text.ParseException import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date import kotlin.collections.ArrayList /* Represents a status posted by an account. */ data class Status( //Base attributes override val id: String?, val uri: String? = "", val created_at: String? = "", //ISO 8601 Datetime (maybe can use a date type) val account: Account?, val content: String? = "", //HTML val visibility: Visibility? = Visibility.public, val sensitive: Boolean? = false, val spoiler_text: String? = "", val media_attachments: List? = null, val application: Application? = null, //Rendering attributes val mentions: List? = null, val tags: List? = null, val emojis: List? = null, //Informational attributes val reblogs_count: Int? = 0, val favourites_count: Int? = 0, val replies_count: Int? = 0, //Nullable attributes val url: String? = null, //URL val in_reply_to_id: String? = null, val in_reply_to_account: String? = null, val reblog: Status? = null, val poll: Poll? = null, val card: Card? = null, val language: String? = null, //ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code val text: String? = null, //Authorized user attributes val favourited: Boolean? = false, val reblogged: Boolean? = false, val muted: Boolean? = false, val bookmarked: Boolean? = false, val pinned: Boolean? = false ) : Serializable, FeedContent() { companion object { const val POST_TAG = "postTag" const val DOMAIN_TAG = "domainTag" const val DISCOVER_TAG = "discoverTag" fun ISO8601toDate(dateString : String, textView: TextView, isActivity: Boolean, context: Context) { var format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.hhmmss'Z'") if(dateString.matches("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{6}Z".toRegex())) { format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.hhmmss'Z'") } else if(dateString.matches("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}".toRegex())) { format = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss+hh:mm") } val now = Date().time try { val date: Date = format.parse(dateString)!! val then = date.time val formattedDate = android.text.format.DateUtils .getRelativeTimeSpanString(then, now, android.text.format.DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS, android.text.format.DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_RELATIVE) textView.text = if(isActivity) context.getString(R.string.posted_on).format(date) else "$formattedDate" } catch (e: ParseException) { e.printStackTrace() } } } fun getPostUrl() : String? = media_attachments?.firstOrNull()?.url fun getProfilePicUrl() : String? = account?.avatar fun getPostPreviewURL() : String? = media_attachments?.firstOrNull()?.preview_url /** * @brief returns the parsed version of the HTML description */ private fun getDescription(api: PixelfedAPI, context: Context, credential: String) : Spanned = parseHTMLText(content ?: "", mentions, api, context, credential) fun getUsername() : CharSequence = when { account?.username.isNullOrBlank() && account?.display_name.isNullOrBlank() -> "No Name" account!!.username.isNullOrBlank() -> account.display_name as CharSequence else -> account.username as CharSequence } fun getNLikes(context: Context) : CharSequence { return context.getString(R.string.likes).format(favourites_count.toString()) } fun getNShares(context: Context) : CharSequence { return context.getString(R.string.shares).format(reblogs_count.toString()) } private fun getStatusDomain(domain : String) : String { val accountDomain = getDomain(account!!.url) return if(getDomain(domain) == accountDomain) "" else " from $accountDomain" } private fun setupPostPics(rootView: View, request: RequestBuilder, homeFragment: Fragment) { // Standard layout rootView.postPicture.visibility = VISIBLE rootView.postPager.visibility = GONE rootView.postTabs.visibility = GONE if (sensitive!!) { setupSensitiveLayout(rootView, request, homeFragment) request.load(this.getPostUrl()).into(rootView.postPicture) } else { rootView.sensitiveWarning.visibility = GONE if(media_attachments?.size == 1) { request.load(this.getPostUrl()).into(rootView.postPicture) } else if(media_attachments?.size!! > 1) { setupTabsLayout(rootView, request, homeFragment) } imagePopUpMenu(rootView, homeFragment.requireActivity()) } } private fun setupTabsLayout(rootView: View, request: RequestBuilder, homeFragment: Fragment) { //Only show the viewPager and tabs rootView.postPicture.visibility = GONE rootView.postPager.visibility = VISIBLE rootView.postTabs.visibility = VISIBLE val tabs : ArrayList = ArrayList() //Fill the tabs with each mediaAttachment for(media in media_attachments!!) { tabs.add(ImageFragment.newInstance(media.url!!)) } setupTabs(tabs, rootView, homeFragment) } private fun setupTabs(tabs: ArrayList, rootView: View, homeFragment: Fragment) { //Attach the given tabs to the view pager rootView.postPager.adapter = object : FragmentStateAdapter(homeFragment) { override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment { return tabs[position] } override fun getItemCount(): Int { return media_attachments?.size ?: 0 } } TabLayoutMediator(rootView.postTabs, rootView.postPager) { tab, _ -> tab.icon = rootView.context.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_dot_blue_12dp) }.attach() } fun setupPost( rootView: View, request: RequestBuilder, homeFragment: Fragment, domain : String, isActivity : Boolean ) { //Setup username as a button that opens the profile rootView.findViewById( { text = this@Status.getUsername() setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD) setOnClickListener { account?.openProfile(rootView.context) } } rootView.findViewById( { text = this@Status.getUsername() setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD) } rootView.findViewById( { text = this@Status.getNLikes(rootView.context) setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD) } rootView.findViewById( { text = this@Status.getNShares(rootView.context) setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD) } //Convert the date to a readable string ISO8601toDate(created_at!!, rootView.postDate, isActivity, rootView.context) rootView.postDomain.text = getStatusDomain(domain) //Setup images ImageConverter.setRoundImageFromURL( rootView, this.getProfilePicUrl(), rootView.profilePic ) rootView.profilePic.setOnClickListener { account?.openProfile(rootView.context) } //Setup post pic only if there are media attachments if(!media_attachments.isNullOrEmpty()) { setupPostPics(rootView, request, homeFragment) } //Set comment initial visibility rootView.findViewById( = GONE } fun setDescription(rootView: View, api : PixelfedAPI, credential: String) { val desc = rootView.findViewById( desc.apply { if (content.isNullOrBlank()) { visibility = GONE } else { text = parseHTMLText(content, mentions, api, rootView.context, credential) movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() } } } fun activateReblogger( holder : PostViewHolder, api : PixelfedAPI, credential: String, isReblogged : Boolean ) { holder.reblogger.apply { //Set initial button state isChecked = isReblogged //Activate the button setEventListener { _, buttonState -> if (buttonState) { // Button is active undoReblogPost(holder, api, credential, this@Status) } else { // Button is inactive reblogPost(holder, api, credential, this@Status) } //show animation or not? true } } } fun activateDoubleTapLiker( holder : PostViewHolder, api: PixelfedAPI, credential: String ) { holder.apply { var clicked = false postPic.setOnClickListener { //Check that the post isn't hidden if(sensitiveW.visibility == GONE) { //Check for double click if(clicked) { if (holder.liker.isChecked) { // Button is active, unlike holder.liker.isChecked = false unLikePostCall(holder, api, credential, this@Status) } else { // Button is inactive, like holder.liker.playAnimation() holder.liker.isChecked = true likePostCall(holder, api, credential, this@Status) } } else { clicked = true //Reset clicked to false after 500ms postPic.handler.postDelayed(fun() { clicked = false }, 500) } } } } } fun activateLiker( holder : PostViewHolder, api: PixelfedAPI, credential: String, isLiked: Boolean ) { holder.liker.apply { //Set initial state isChecked = isLiked //Activate the liker setEventListener { _, buttonState -> if (buttonState) { // Button is active, unlike unLikePostCall(holder, api, credential, this@Status) } else { // Button is inactive, like likePostCall(holder, api, credential, this@Status) } //show animation or not? true } } } fun showComments( holder : PostViewHolder, api: PixelfedAPI, credential: String ) { //Show all comments of a post if (replies_count == 0) { holder.viewComment.text = holder.context.getString(R.string.NoCommentsToShow) } else { holder.viewComment.apply { text = "$replies_count ${holder.context.getString(R.string.CommentDisplay)}" setOnClickListener { visibility = GONE //Retrieve the comments retrieveComments(holder, api, credential, this@Status) } } } } fun activateCommenter( holder : PostViewHolder, api: PixelfedAPI, credential: String ) { //Toggle comment button toggleCommentInput(holder) //Activate commenter holder.submitCmnt.setOnClickListener { val textIn = holder.comment.text //Open text input if(textIn.isNullOrEmpty()) { Toast.makeText(holder.context, holder.context.getString(R.string.empty_comment), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } else { //Post the comment postComment(holder, api, credential, this) } } } enum class Visibility : Serializable { public, unlisted, private, direct } private fun imagePopUpMenu(view: View, activity: FragmentActivity) { val anchor = view.findViewById( if (!media_attachments.isNullOrEmpty() && media_attachments.size == 1) { view.findViewById( { PopupMenu(view.context, anchor).apply { setOnMenuItemClickListener { item -> when (item.itemId) { -> { Dexter.withContext(view.context) .withPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) .withListener(object: BasePermissionListener() { override fun onPermissionDenied(p0: PermissionDeniedResponse?) { Toast.makeText(view.context, view.context.getString(R.string.write_permission_download_pic), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } override fun onPermissionGranted(p0: PermissionGrantedResponse?) { downloadImage(activity, getPostUrl()!!) } }).check() true } -> { Dexter.withContext(view.context) .withPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) .withListener(object: BasePermissionListener() { override fun onPermissionDenied(p0: PermissionDeniedResponse?) { Toast.makeText(view.context, view.context.getString(R.string.write_permission_share_pic), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } override fun onPermissionGranted(p0: PermissionGrantedResponse?) { downloadImage(activity, getPostUrl()!!, share = true) } }).check() true } else -> false } } inflate( show() } true } } } private fun setupSensitiveLayout(view: View, request: RequestBuilder, homeFragment: Fragment) { // Set dark layout and warning message view.sensitiveWarning.visibility = VISIBLE view.postPicture.colorFilter = ColorMatrixColorFilter(censorColorMatrix()) fun uncensorPicture(view: View) { if (!media_attachments.isNullOrEmpty()) { view.sensitiveWarning.visibility = GONE view.postPicture.colorFilter = ColorMatrixColorFilter(uncensorColorMatrix()) if (media_attachments.size > 1) setupTabsLayout(view, request, homeFragment) } imagePopUpMenu(view, homeFragment.requireActivity()) } view.findViewById( { uncensorPicture(view) } view.findViewById( { uncensorPicture(view) } } }