package import* import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable import okhttp3.ConnectionSpec import okhttp3.Interceptor import* import okhttp3.MultipartBody import okhttp3.OkHttpClient import import import import import retrofit2.Response import retrofit2.Retrofit import retrofit2.adapter.rxjava3.RxJava3CallAdapterFactory import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory import retrofit2.http.* import retrofit2.http.Field import java.time.Instant import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter /* Implements the Pixelfed API However, since this is mostly based on the Mastodon API, the documentation there will be more useful: */ interface PixelfedAPI { companion object { val headerInterceptor = Interceptor { chain -> val requestBuilder = chain.request().newBuilder() .removeHeader("User-Agent") .addHeader("User-Agent", "PixelDroid") //TODO check if okay? chain.proceed( } fun createFromUrl(baseUrl: String): PixelfedAPI { return Retrofit.Builder().client( OkHttpClient().newBuilder().addNetworkInterceptor(headerInterceptor) // Only do secure-ish TLS connections (no HTTP or very old SSL/TLS) .connectionSpecs(listOf(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)).build() ) .baseUrl(baseUrl) .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create(gSonInstance)) .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava3CallAdapterFactory.create()) .build().create( } private var gSonInstance: Gson = GsonBuilder() .registerTypeAdapter(, JsonDeserializer { json: JsonElement, _, _ -> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME.parse( json.asString, Instant::from ) } as JsonDeserializer).registerTypeAdapter(, JsonSerializer { src: Instant, _, _ -> JsonPrimitive(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT.format(src)) }) .create() private val intermediate: Retrofit.Builder = Retrofit.Builder() .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create(gSonInstance)) .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava3CallAdapterFactory.create()) fun apiForUser( user: UserDatabaseEntity, db: AppDatabase, pixelfedAPIHolder: PixelfedAPIHolder ): PixelfedAPI = intermediate .baseUrl(user.instance_uri) .client( OkHttpClient().newBuilder().addNetworkInterceptor(headerInterceptor) // Only do secure-ish TLS connections (no HTTP or very old SSL/TLS) .connectionSpecs(listOf(ConnectionSpec.MODERN_TLS)) .authenticator(TokenAuthenticator(user, db, pixelfedAPIHolder)) .addInterceptor { it.request().newBuilder().run { header("Accept", "application/json") header("Authorization", "Bearer ${user.accessToken}") it.proceed(build()) } }.build() ) .build().create( } @FormUrlEncoded @POST("/api/v1/apps") suspend fun registerApplication( @Field("client_name") client_name: String, @Field("redirect_uris") redirect_uris: String, @Field("scopes") scopes: String? = null, @Field("website") website: String? = null ): Application @FormUrlEncoded @POST("/oauth/token") suspend fun obtainToken( @Field("client_id") client_id: String, @Field("client_secret") client_secret: String, @Field("redirect_uri") redirect_uri: String? = null, @Field("scope") scope: String? = "read", @Field("code") code: String? = null, @Field("grant_type") grant_type: String? = null, @Field("refresh_token") refresh_token: String? = null ): Token // get instance configuration @GET("/api/v1/instance") suspend fun instance() : Instance /** * Instance info from the Nodeinfo .well_known ( endpoint */ @GET("/.well-known/nodeinfo") suspend fun wellKnownNodeInfo() : NodeInfoJRD /** * Instance info from [NodeInfo] ( endpoint */ @GET suspend fun nodeInfoSchema( @Url nodeInfo_schema_url: String ) : NodeInfo @FormUrlEncoded @POST("/api/v1/accounts/{id}/follow") suspend fun follow( @Path("id") statusId: String, @Field("reblogs") reblogs : Boolean = true ) : Relationship @POST("/api/v1/accounts/{id}/unfollow") suspend fun unfollow( @Path("id") statusId: String, ) : Relationship @POST("api/v1/statuses/{id}/favourite") suspend fun likePost( @Path("id") statusId: String ) : Status @POST("/api/v1/statuses/{id}/unfavourite") suspend fun unlikePost( @Path("id") statusId: String ) : Status //Used in our case to post a comment or a status @FormUrlEncoded @POST("/api/v1/statuses") suspend fun postStatus( @Field("status") statusText : String, @Field("in_reply_to_id") in_reply_to_id : String? = null, @Field("media_ids[]") media_ids : List = emptyList(), @Field("poll[options][]") poll_options : List? = null, @Field("poll[expires_in]") poll_expires : List? = null, @Field("poll[multiple]") poll_multiple : List? = null, @Field("poll[hide_totals]") poll_hideTotals : List? = null, @Field("sensitive") sensitive : Boolean? = null, @Field("spoiler_text") spoiler_text : String? = null, @Field("visibility") visibility : String = "public", @Field("scheduled_at") scheduled_at : String? = null, @Field("language") language : String? = null ) : Status @DELETE("/api/v1/statuses/{id}") suspend fun deleteStatus( @Path("id") statusId: String ) @FormUrlEncoded @POST("/api/v1/statuses/{id}/reblog") suspend fun reblogStatus( @Path("id") statusId: String, @Field("visibility") visibility: String? = null ) : Status @POST("/api/v1/statuses/{id}/unreblog") suspend fun undoReblogStatus( @Path("id") statusId: String, ) : Status //Used in our case to retrieve comments for a given status @GET("/api/v1/statuses/{id}/context") suspend fun statusComments( @Path("id") statusId: String, ) : Context @GET("/api/v1/timelines/public") suspend fun timelinePublic( @Query("local") local: Boolean? = null, @Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null, @Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null, @Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null, @Query("limit") limit: String? = null ): List @GET("/api/v1/timelines/home") suspend fun timelineHome( @Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null, @Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null, @Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null, @Query("limit") limit: String? = null, @Query("local") local: Boolean? = null ): List @GET("/api/v1/timelines/tag/{hashtag}") suspend fun hashtag( @Path("hashtag") hashtag: String? = null, @Query("local") local: Boolean? = null, @Query("only_media") only_media: Boolean? = null, @Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null, @Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null, @Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null, @Query("limit") limit: Int? = null, ): List @GET("/api/v2/search") suspend fun search( @Query("account_id") account_id: String? = null, @Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null, @Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null, @Query("type") type: Results.SearchType? = null, @Query("exclude_unreviewed") exclude_unreviewed: Boolean? = null, @Query("q") q: String, @Query("resolve") resolve: Boolean? = null, @Query("limit") limit: String? = null, @Query("offset") offset: String? = null, @Query("following") following: Boolean? = null ): Results @GET("/api/v1/notifications") suspend fun notifications( @Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null, @Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null, @Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null, @Query("limit") limit: String? = null, @Query("exclude_types") exclude_types: List? = null, @Query("account_id") account_id: Boolean? = null ): List @GET("/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials") suspend fun verifyCredentials( //The authorization header needs to be of the form "Bearer " @Header("Authorization") authorization: String? = null ): Account @GET("/api/v1/accounts/{id}/statuses") suspend fun accountPosts( @Path("id") account_id: String, @Query("min_id") min_id: String? = null, @Query("max_id") max_id: String?, @Query("limit") limit: Int ) : List @GET("/api/v1/accounts/relationships") suspend fun checkRelationships( @Query("id[]") account_ids : List ) : List @GET("/api/v1/accounts/{id}/followers") suspend fun followers( @Path("id") account_id: String, @Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null, @Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null, @Query("limit") limit: Number? = null, @Query("page") page: String? = null ) : Response> @GET("/api/v1/accounts/{id}/following") suspend fun following( @Path("id") account_id: String, @Query("max_id") max_id: String? = null, @Query("since_id") since_id: String? = null, @Query("limit") limit: Number? = 40, @Query("page") page: String? = null ) : Response> @GET("/api/v1/accounts/{id}") suspend fun getAccount( @Path("id") accountId : String ): Account @GET("/api/v1/statuses/{id}") suspend fun getStatus( @Path("id") accountId : String ): Status @Multipart @POST("/api/v1/media") fun mediaUpload( @Part description: MultipartBody.Part? = null, @Part file: MultipartBody.Part ): Observable // get discover @GET("/api/v1/discover/posts") suspend fun discover() : DiscoverPosts @FormUrlEncoded @POST("/api/v1/reports") @JvmSuppressWildcards suspend fun report( @Field("account_id") account_id: String, @Field("status_ids") status_ids: List, @Field("comment") comment: String, @Field("forward") forward: Boolean = true ) : Report }