package import import android.content.ClipData import android.content.Intent import import android.provider.OpenableColumns import android.text.Editable import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast import import import import androidx.lifecycle.* import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import import import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import okhttp3.MultipartBody import import import org.pixeldroid.media_editor.photoEdit.VideoEditActivity import org.pixeldroid.media_editor.photoEdit.VideoEditActivity.RelativeCropPosition import import import import import import import retrofit2.HttpException import import import import import javax.inject.Inject import kotlin.math.ceil // Models the UI state for the PostCreationActivity data class PostCreationActivityUiState( val userMessage: String? = null, val addPhotoButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val editPhotoButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val removePhotoButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val postCreationSendButtonEnabled: Boolean = true, val isCarousel: Boolean = true, val newPostDescriptionText: String = "", val uploadProgressBarVisible: Boolean = false, val uploadProgress: Int = 0, val uploadCompletedTextviewVisible: Boolean = false, val uploadErrorVisible: Boolean = false, val uploadErrorExplanationText: String = "", val uploadErrorExplanationVisible: Boolean = false, ) data class PhotoData( var imageUri: Uri, var size: Long, var uploadId: String? = null, var progress: Int? = null, var imageDescription: String? = null, var video: Boolean, var videoEncodeProgress: Int? = null, var videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass: Boolean? = null, var videoEncodeComplete: Boolean = false, var videoEncodeError: Boolean = false, ) class PostCreationViewModel(application: Application, clipdata: ClipData? = null, val instance: InstanceDatabaseEntity? = null) : AndroidViewModel(application) { private val photoData: MutableLiveData> by lazy { MutableLiveData>().also { it.value = clipdata?.let { it1 -> addPossibleImages(it1, mutableListOf()) } } } @Inject lateinit var apiHolder: PixelfedAPIHolder private val _uiState: MutableStateFlow init { (application as PixelDroidApplication).getAppComponent().inject(this) val sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(application) val initialDescription = sharedPreferences.getString("prefill_description", "") ?: "" _uiState = MutableStateFlow(PostCreationActivityUiState(newPostDescriptionText = initialDescription)) } val uiState: StateFlow = _uiState // Map photoData indexes to FFmpeg Session IDs private val sessionMap: MutableMap = mutableMapOf() // Keep track of temporary files to delete them (avoids filling cache super fast with videos) private val tempFiles: java.util.ArrayList = java.util.ArrayList() fun userMessageShown() { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(userMessage = null) } } fun getPhotoData(): LiveData> = photoData /** * Will add as many images as possible to [photoData], from the [clipData], and if * ([photoData].size + [clipData].itemCount) > [InstanceDatabaseEntity.albumLimit] then it will only add as many images * as are legal (if any) and a dialog will be shown to the user alerting them of this fact. */ fun addPossibleImages(clipData: ClipData, previousList: MutableList? = photoData.value): MutableList { val dataToAdd: ArrayList = arrayListOf() var count = clipData.itemCount if(count + (previousList?.size ?: 0) > instance!!.albumLimit){ _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.total_exceeds_album_limit).format(instance.albumLimit)) } count = count.coerceAtMost(instance.albumLimit - (previousList?.size ?: 0)) } if (count + (previousList?.size ?: 0) >= instance.albumLimit) { // Disable buttons to add more images _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(addPhotoButtonEnabled = false) } } for (i in 0 until count) { clipData.getItemAt(i).uri.let { val sizeAndVideoPair: Pair = getSizeAndVideoValidate(it, (previousList?.size ?: 0) + dataToAdd.size + 1) dataToAdd.add(PhotoData(imageUri = it, size = sizeAndVideoPair.first, video = sizeAndVideoPair.second)) } } return previousList?.plus(dataToAdd)?.toMutableList() ?: mutableListOf() } fun setImages(addPossibleImages: MutableList) { photoData.value = addPossibleImages } /** * Returns the size of the file of the Uri, and whether it is a video, * and opens a dialog in case it is too big or in case the file is unsupported. */ fun getSizeAndVideoValidate(uri: Uri, editPosition: Int): Pair { val size: Long = if (uri.scheme =="content") { getApplication().contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null) ?.use { cursor -> /* Get the column indexes of the data in the Cursor, * move to the first row in the Cursor, get the data, * and display it. */ val sizeIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.SIZE) cursor.moveToFirst() cursor.getLong(sizeIndex) } ?: 0 } else { uri.toFile().length() } val sizeInkBytes = ceil(size.toDouble() / 1000).toLong() val type = uri.getMimeType(getApplication().contentResolver) val isVideo = type.startsWith("video/") if(isVideo && !instance!!.videoEnabled){ _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.video_not_supported)) } } if (sizeInkBytes > instance!!.maxPhotoSize || sizeInkBytes > instance.maxVideoSize) { val maxSize = if (isVideo) instance.maxVideoSize else instance.maxPhotoSize _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.size_exceeds_instance_limit, editPosition, sizeInkBytes, maxSize) ) } } return Pair(size, isVideo) } fun isNotEmpty(): Boolean = photoData.value?.isNotEmpty() ?: false fun updateDescription(position: Int, description: String) { photoData.value?.getOrNull(position)?.imageDescription = description photoData.value = photoData.value } fun resetUploadStatus() { photoData.value = photoData.value?.map { it.copy(uploadId = null, progress = null) }?.toMutableList() } fun setVideoEncodeAtPosition(uri: Uri, progress: Int?, stabilizationFirstPass: Boolean = false, error: Boolean = false) { photoData.value?.indexOfFirst { it.imageUri == uri }?.let { position -> photoData.value?.set(position, photoData.value!![position].copy( videoEncodeProgress = progress, videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass = stabilizationFirstPass, videoEncodeError = error, ) ) photoData.value = photoData.value } } fun setUriAtPosition(uri: Uri, position: Int) { photoData.value?.set(position, photoData.value!![position].copy(imageUri = uri)) photoData.value = photoData.value } fun setSizeAtPosition(imageSize: Long, position: Int) { photoData.value?.set(position, photoData.value!![position].copy(size = imageSize)) photoData.value = photoData.value } fun removeAt(currentPosition: Int) { photoData.value?.removeAt(currentPosition) _uiState.update { it.copy( addPhotoButtonEnabled = true ) } photoData.value = photoData.value } /** * Uploads the images that are in the [photoData] array. * Keeps track of them in the [PhotoData.progress] (for the upload progress), and the * [PhotoData.uploadId] (for the list of ids of the uploads). */ @OptIn(ExperimentalUnsignedTypes::class) fun upload() { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = false, addPhotoButtonEnabled = false, editPhotoButtonEnabled = false, removePhotoButtonEnabled = false, uploadCompletedTextviewVisible = false, uploadErrorVisible = false, uploadProgressBarVisible = true ) } for (data: PhotoData in getPhotoData().value ?: emptyList()) { val extension = data.imageUri.fileExtension(getApplication().contentResolver) val strippedImage = File.createTempFile("temp_img", ".$extension", getApplication().cacheDir) val imageUri = data.imageUri val (strippedOrNot, size) = try { val orientation = ExifInterface(getApplication().contentResolver.openInputStream(imageUri)!!).getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL) stripMetadata(imageUri, strippedImage, getApplication().contentResolver) // Restore EXIF orientation val exifInterface = ExifInterface(strippedImage) exifInterface.setAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, orientation.toString()) exifInterface.saveAttributes() Pair(strippedImage.inputStream(), strippedImage.length()) } catch (e: UnsupportedFileFormatException){ strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() val imageInputStream = try { getApplication().contentResolver.openInputStream(imageUri)!! } catch (e: FileNotFoundException){ _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.file_not_found, data.imageUri) ) } return } Pair(imageInputStream, data.size) } catch (e: IOException){ strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( userMessage = getApplication().getString(R.string.file_not_found, data.imageUri) ) } return } val type = data.imageUri.getMimeType(getApplication().contentResolver) val imagePart = ProgressRequestBody(strippedOrNot, size, type) val requestBody = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart("file", System.currentTimeMillis().toString(), imagePart) .build() val sub = imagePart.progressSubject .subscribeOn( .subscribe { percentage -> data.progress = percentage.toInt() _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadProgress = getPhotoData().value!!.sumOf { it.progress ?: 0 } / getPhotoData().value!!.size ) } } var postSub: Disposable? = null val description = data.imageDescription?.let { MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("description", it) } val api = apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser() val inter = api.mediaUpload(description,[0]) postSub = inter .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe( { attachment: Attachment -> data.progress = 0 data.uploadId =!! }, { e: Throwable -> _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadErrorVisible = true, uploadErrorExplanationText = if(e is HttpException){ getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_error, e.code()) } else "", uploadErrorExplanationVisible = e is HttpException, ) } strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() e.printStackTrace() postSub?.dispose() sub.dispose() }, { strippedImage.delete() if(imageUri != data.imageUri) File(URI(imageUri.toString())).delete() data.progress = 100 if (getPhotoData().value!!.all { it.progress == 100 && it.uploadId != null }) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadProgressBarVisible = false, uploadCompletedTextviewVisible = true ) } post() } postSub?.dispose() sub.dispose() } ) } } private fun post() { val description = uiState.value.newPostDescriptionText _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = false ) } viewModelScope.launch { try { val api = apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser() api.postStatus( statusText = description, media_ids = getPhotoData().value!!.mapNotNull { it.uploadId }.toList() ) Toast.makeText(getApplication(), getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_post_success), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() val intent = Intent(getApplication(), intent.flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK //TODO make the activity launch this instead (and surrounding toasts too) getApplication().startActivity(intent) } catch (exception: IOException) { Toast.makeText(getApplication(), getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_post_error), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() Log.e(TAG, exception.toString()) _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = true ) } } catch (exception: HttpException) { Toast.makeText(getApplication(), getApplication().getString(R.string.upload_post_failed), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() Log.e(TAG, exception.response().toString() + exception.message().toString()) _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( postCreationSendButtonEnabled = true ) } } } } fun modifyAt(position: Int, data: Intent): Unit? { val result: PhotoData = photoData.value?.getOrNull(position)?.run { if (video) { val modified: Boolean = data.getBooleanExtra(VideoEditActivity.MODIFIED, false) if(modified){ val videoEncodingArguments: VideoEditActivity.VideoEditArguments? = data.getSerializableExtra(VideoEditActivity.VIDEO_ARGUMENTS_TAG) as? VideoEditActivity.VideoEditArguments sessionMap[imageUri]?.let { VideoEditActivity.cancelEncoding(it) } videoEncodingArguments?.let { videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass = videoEncodingArguments.videoStabilize > 0.01f videoEncodeProgress = 0 VideoEditActivity.startEncoding(imageUri, it, context = getApplication(), registerNewFFmpegSession = ::registerNewFFmpegSession, trackTempFile = ::trackTempFile, videoEncodeProgress = ::videoEncodeProgress ) } } } else { imageUri = data.getStringExtra(org.pixeldroid.media_editor.photoEdit.PhotoEditActivity.PICTURE_URI)!!.toUri() val (imageSize, imageVideo) = getSizeAndVideoValidate(imageUri, position) size = imageSize video = imageVideo } progress = null uploadId = null this } ?: return null result.let { photoData.value?.set(position, it) photoData.value = photoData.value } return Unit } fun newPostDescriptionChanged(text: Editable?) { _uiState.update { it.copy(newPostDescriptionText = text.toString()) } } /** * @param originalUri the Uri of the file you sent to be edited * @param progress percentage of (this pass of) encoding that is done * @param firstPass Whether this is the first pass (currently for analysis of video stabilization) or the second (and last) pass. * @param outputVideoPath when not null, it means the encoding is done and the result is saved in this file * @param error is true when there has been an error during encoding. */ private fun videoEncodeProgress(originalUri: Uri, progress: Int, firstPass: Boolean, outputVideoPath: Uri?, error: Boolean){ photoData.value?.indexOfFirst { it.imageUri == originalUri }?.let { position -> if(outputVideoPath != null){ // If outputVideoPath is not null, it means the video is done and we can change Uris val (size, _) = getSizeAndVideoValidate(outputVideoPath, position) photoData.value?.set(position, photoData.value!![position].copy( imageUri = outputVideoPath, videoEncodeProgress = progress, videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass = firstPass, videoEncodeComplete = true, videoEncodeError = error, size = size, ) ) } else { photoData.value?.set(position, photoData.value!![position].copy( videoEncodeProgress = progress, videoEncodeStabilizationFirstPass = firstPass, videoEncodeComplete = false, videoEncodeError = error, ) ) } // Run assignment in main thread viewModelScope.launch { photoData.value = photoData.value } } } fun trackTempFile(file: File) { tempFiles.add(file) } fun cancelEncode(currentPosition: Int) { sessionMap[photoData.value?.getOrNull(currentPosition)?.imageUri]?.let { VideoEditActivity.cancelEncoding(it) } } override fun onCleared() { super.onCleared() VideoEditActivity.cancelEncoding() tempFiles.forEach { it.delete() } } fun registerNewFFmpegSession(position: Uri, sessionId: Long) { sessionMap[position] = sessionId } fun becameCarousel(became: Boolean) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( isCarousel = became ) } } } class PostCreationViewModelFactory(val application: Application, val clipdata: ClipData, val instance: InstanceDatabaseEntity) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { override fun create(modelClass: Class): T { return modelClass.getConstructor(,,, clipdata, instance) } }