package org.pixeldroid.media_editor.photoEdit import import import android.content.ContentResolver import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import import import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import android.text.format.DateUtils import android.util.Log import android.util.TypedValue import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuItem import android.view.View import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.ImageView import import import androidx.core.os.HandlerCompat import androidx.core.view.isVisible import import androidx.media2.common.MediaMetadata import androidx.media2.common.UriMediaItem import androidx.media2.player.MediaPlayer import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFmpegKit import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFmpegKitConfig import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFmpegSession import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.FFprobeKit import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.MediaInformation import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.ReturnCode import com.arthenica.ffmpegkit.Statistics import com.bumptech.glide.Glide import import import org.pixeldroid.media_editor.R import org.pixeldroid.media_editor.databinding.ActivityVideoEditBinding import import import kotlin.math.absoluteValue import kotlin.math.roundToInt const val TAG = "VideoEditActivity" class VideoEditActivity : AppCompatActivity() { data class RelativeCropPosition( // Width of the selected part of the video, relative to the width of the video val relativeWidth: Float = 1f, // Height of the selected part of the video, relative to the height of the video val relativeHeight: Float = 1f, // Distance of left corner of selected part, relative to the width of the video val relativeX: Float = 0f, // Distance of top of selected part, relative to the height of the video val relativeY: Float = 0f, ): Serializable { fun notCropped(): Boolean = (relativeWidth - 1f).absoluteValue < 0.001f && (relativeHeight - 1f).absoluteValue < 0.001f && relativeX.absoluteValue < 0.001f && relativeY.absoluteValue < 0.001f } data class VideoEditArguments( val muted: Boolean, val videoStart: Float?, val videoEnd: Float? , val speedIndex: Int, val videoCrop: RelativeCropPosition, val videoStabilize: Float ): Serializable private lateinit var videoUri: Uri private lateinit var mediaPlayer: MediaPlayer private var videoPosition: Int = -1 private var cropRelativeDimensions: RelativeCropPosition = RelativeCropPosition() private var stabilization: Float = 0f set(value){ field = value if(value > 0.01f && value <= 100f){ // Stabilization requested, show UI binding.stabilisationSaved.isVisible = true val typedValue = TypedValue() val color: Int = if (binding.stabilizer.context.theme .resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorSecondary, typedValue, true) ) else Color.TRANSPARENT binding.stabilizer.drawable.setTint(color) } else { binding.stabilisationSaved.isVisible = false binding.stabilizer.drawable.setTintList(null) } } private var speed: Int = 1 set(value) { field = value mediaPlayer.playbackSpeed = speedChoices[value].toFloat() if(speed != 1) binding.muter.callOnClick() } private lateinit var binding: ActivityVideoEditBinding // Map photoData indexes to FFmpeg Session IDs private val sessionList: ArrayList = arrayListOf() private val tempFiles: ArrayList = ArrayList() override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) binding = ActivityVideoEditBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) setContentView(binding.root) supportActionBar?.setTitle(R.string.toolbar_title_edit) supportActionBar?.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) supportActionBar?.setHomeButtonEnabled(true) binding.videoRangeSeekBar.setCustomThumbDrawablesForValues(R.drawable.thumb_left,R.drawable.double_circle,R.drawable.thumb_right) binding.videoRangeSeekBar.thumbRadius = 20.dpToPx(this) val resultHandler: Handler = HandlerCompat.createAsync(Looper.getMainLooper()) videoUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(PhotoEditActivity.PICTURE_URI)!! videoPosition = intent.getIntExtra(PhotoEditActivity.PICTURE_POSITION, -1) val inputVideoPath = ffmpegCompliantUri(videoUri) val mediaInformation: MediaInformation? = FFprobeKit.getMediaInformation(inputVideoPath).mediaInformation //Duration in seconds, or null val duration: Float? = mediaInformation?.duration?.toFloatOrNull() binding.videoRangeSeekBar.valueFrom = 0f binding.videoRangeSeekBar.valueTo = duration ?: 100f binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values = listOf(0f,(duration?: 100f) / 2, duration ?: 100f) val mediaItem: UriMediaItem = UriMediaItem.Builder(videoUri).build() mediaItem.metadata = MediaMetadata.Builder() .putString(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, "") .build() mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer(this) mediaPlayer.setMediaItem(mediaItem) //binding.videoView.mediaControlView?.setMediaController() // Configure audio mediaPlayer.setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributesCompat.Builder() .setLegacyStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC) .setUsage(AudioAttributesCompat.USAGE_MEDIA) .setContentType(AudioAttributesCompat.CONTENT_TYPE_MOVIE) .build() ) findViewById( = View.GONE mediaPlayer.prepare() binding.muter.setOnClickListener { if(!binding.muter.isSelected) mediaPlayer.playerVolume = 0f else { mediaPlayer.playerVolume = 1f speed = 1 } binding.muter.isSelected = !binding.muter.isSelected } binding.cropper.setOnClickListener { showCropInterface(show = true, uri = videoUri) } binding.saveCropButton.setOnClickListener { // This is the rectangle selected by the crop val cropRect = binding.cropImageView.cropWindowRect // This is the rectangle of the whole image val fullImageRect: Rect = binding.cropImageView.getInitialCropWindowRect() // x, y are coordinates of top left, in the ImageView val x = cropRect.left - fullImageRect.left val y = - // width and height selected by the crop val width = cropRect.width() val height = cropRect.height() // To avoid having to calculate the dimensions of the video here, we pass // relative width, height and x, y back to be treated in FFmpeg cropRelativeDimensions = RelativeCropPosition( relativeWidth = width/fullImageRect.width(), relativeHeight = height/fullImageRect.height(), relativeX = x/fullImageRect.width(), relativeY = y/fullImageRect.height() ) // If a crop was saved, change the color of the crop button to give a visual indication if(!cropRelativeDimensions.notCropped()){ val typedValue = TypedValue() val color: Int = if (binding.checkMarkCropped.context.theme .resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorSecondary, typedValue, true) ) else Color.TRANSPARENT binding.cropper.drawable.setTint(color) } else { // Else reset the tint binding.cropper.drawable.setTintList(null) } showCropInterface(show = false) } binding.videoView.setPlayer(mediaPlayer) mediaPlayer.seekTo((binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values[1]*1000).toLong()) object : Runnable { override fun run() { val getCurrent = mediaPlayer.currentPosition / 1000f if(getCurrent >= binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values[0] && getCurrent <= binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values[2] ) { binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values = listOf(binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values[0],getCurrent, binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values[2]) } Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(this, 1000) } }.run() binding.videoRangeSeekBar.addOnChangeListener { rangeSlider: RangeSlider, value, fromUser -> // Responds to when the middle slider's value is changed if(fromUser && value != rangeSlider.values[0] && value != rangeSlider.values[2]) { mediaPlayer.seekTo((rangeSlider.values[1]*1000).toLong()) } } binding.videoRangeSeekBar.setLabelFormatter { value: Float -> DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(value.toLong()) } binding.speeder.setOnClickListener { AlertDialog.Builder(this).apply { setIcon(R.drawable.speed) setTitle(R.string.video_speed) setSingleChoiceItems( { it.toString() + "x" }.toTypedArray(), speed) { dialog, which -> // update the selected item which is selected by the user so that it should be selected // when user opens the dialog next time and pass the instance to setSingleChoiceItems method speed = which // when selected an item the dialog should be closed with the dismiss method dialog.dismiss() } setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel) { _, _ -> } }.show() } binding.stabilizer.setOnClickListener { AlertDialog.Builder(this).apply { setIcon(R.drawable.video_stable) setTitle(R.string.stabilize_video_intensity) val slider = Slider(context).apply { valueFrom = 0f valueTo = 100f value = stabilization } setView(slider) setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel) { _, _ -> } setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _, _ -> stabilization = slider.value} }.show() } val thumbInterval: Float? = duration?.div(7) thumbInterval?.let { thumbnail(videoUri, resultHandler, binding.thumbnail1, it) thumbnail(videoUri, resultHandler, binding.thumbnail2, it.times(2)) thumbnail(videoUri, resultHandler, binding.thumbnail3, it.times(3)) thumbnail(videoUri, resultHandler, binding.thumbnail4, it.times(4)) thumbnail(videoUri, resultHandler, binding.thumbnail5, it.times(5)) thumbnail(videoUri, resultHandler, binding.thumbnail6, it.times(6)) thumbnail(videoUri, resultHandler, binding.thumbnail7, it.times(7)) } resetControls() } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean { menuInflater.inflate(, menu) return true } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { when(item.itemId) { -> { returnWithValues() } -> { resetControls() } } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } override fun onBackPressed() { if(binding.cropImageView.isVisible) { showCropInterface(false) } else if (noEdits()) super.onBackPressed() else { val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this) builder.apply { setMessage(R.string.save_before_returning) setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { _, _ -> returnWithValues() } setNegativeButton(R.string.no_cancel_edit) { _, _ -> super.onBackPressed() } } // Create the AlertDialog } } private fun noEdits(): Boolean { val videoPositions = binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values.let { it[0] == 0f && it[2] == binding.videoRangeSeekBar.valueTo } val muted = binding.muter.isSelected val speedUnchanged = speed == 1 val stabilizationUnchanged = stabilization <= 0.01f || stabilization > 100.5f return !muted && videoPositions && speedUnchanged && cropRelativeDimensions.notCropped() && stabilizationUnchanged } private fun showCropInterface(show: Boolean, uri: Uri? = null){ val visibilityOfOthers = if(show) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE val visibilityOfCrop = if(show) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE if(show) mediaPlayer.pause() if(show) binding.cropSavedCard.visibility = View.GONE else if(!cropRelativeDimensions.notCropped()) binding.cropSavedCard.visibility = View.VISIBLE binding.stabilisationSaved.visibility = if(!show && stabilization > 0.01f && stabilization <= 100f) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE binding.muter.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.speeder.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.cropper.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.stabilizer.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.videoRangeSeekBar.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.videoView.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.thumbnail1.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.thumbnail2.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.thumbnail3.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.thumbnail4.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.thumbnail5.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.thumbnail6.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.thumbnail7.visibility = visibilityOfOthers binding.cropImageView.visibility = visibilityOfCrop binding.saveCropButton.visibility = visibilityOfCrop if(show && uri != null) binding.cropImageView.setImageUriAsync(uri, cropRelativeDimensions) } private fun returnWithValues() { //TODO Check if some of these should be null to indicate no changes in that category? Ex start/end val intent = Intent() .apply { putExtra(PhotoEditActivity.PICTURE_POSITION, videoPosition) putExtra(VIDEO_ARGUMENTS_TAG, VideoEditArguments( binding.muter.isSelected, binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values.first(), binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values[2], speed, cropRelativeDimensions, stabilization ) ) putExtra(MODIFIED, !noEdits()) addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT) } setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent) finish() } private fun resetControls() { binding.videoRangeSeekBar.values = listOf(0f, binding.videoRangeSeekBar.valueTo/2, binding.videoRangeSeekBar.valueTo) binding.muter.isSelected = false binding.cropImageView.resetCropRect() cropRelativeDimensions = RelativeCropPosition() binding.cropper.drawable.setTintList(null) binding.stabilizer.drawable.setTintList(null) binding.cropSavedCard.visibility = View.GONE stabilization = 0f } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() sessionList.forEach { FFmpegKit.cancel(it) } tempFiles.forEach{ it.delete() } mediaPlayer.close() } private fun thumbnail( inputUri: Uri?, resultHandler: Handler, thumbnail: ImageView, thumbTime: Float, ) { val file = File.createTempFile("temp_img", ".bmp", cacheDir) tempFiles.add(file) val fileUri = file.toUri() val ffmpegCompliantUri = ffmpegCompliantUri(inputUri) val outputImagePath = if(fileUri.toString().startsWith("content://")) FFmpegKitConfig.getSafParameterForWrite(this, fileUri) else fileUri.toString() val session = FFmpegKit.executeWithArgumentsAsync(arrayOf( "-noaccurate_seek", "-ss", "$thumbTime", "-i", ffmpegCompliantUri, "-vf", "scale=${thumbnail.width}:${thumbnail.height}", "-frames:v", "1", "-f", "image2", "-y", outputImagePath), { session -> val state = session.state val returnCode = session.returnCode if (ReturnCode.isSuccess(returnCode)) { // SUCCESS { if(!this.isFinishing) Glide.with(this).load(outputImagePath).centerCrop().into(thumbnail) } } // CALLED WHEN SESSION IS EXECUTED Log.d("VideoEditActivity", "FFmpeg process exited with state $state and rc $returnCode.${session.failStackTrace}") }, {/* CALLED WHEN SESSION PRINTS LOGS */ }, { /*CALLED WHEN SESSION GENERATES STATISTICS*/ }) sessionList.add(session.sessionId) } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() mediaPlayer.pause() } companion object { const val VIDEO_ARGUMENTS_TAG = "org.pixeldroid.media_editor.VideoEditTag" // List of choices of speeds val speedChoices: List = listOf(0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8) const val MODIFIED = "VideoEditModifiedTag" /** * @param muted should audio tracks be removed in the output * @param videoStart when we want to start the video, in seconds, or null if we * don't want to remove the start * @param videoEnd when we want to end the video, in seconds, or null if we * don't want to remove the end */ fun startEncoding( originalUri: Uri, arguments: VideoEditArguments, context: Context, //TODO make interfaces for these callbacks, or something more explicit registerNewFFmpegSession: (Uri, Long) -> Unit, trackTempFile: (File) -> Unit, videoEncodeProgress: (Uri, Int, Boolean, Uri?, Boolean) -> Unit, ) { // Having a meaningful suffix is necessary so that ffmpeg knows what to put in output val suffix = originalUri.fileExtension(context.contentResolver) val file = File.createTempFile("temp_video", ".$suffix", context.cacheDir) //val file = File.createTempFile("temp_video", ".webm", cacheDir) trackTempFile(file) val fileUri = file.toUri() val outputVideoPath = context.ffmpegCompliantUri(fileUri) val ffmpegCompliantUri: String = context.ffmpegCompliantUri(originalUri) val mediaInformation: MediaInformation? = FFprobeKit.getMediaInformation(context.ffmpegCompliantUri(originalUri)).mediaInformation val totalVideoDuration = mediaInformation?.duration?.toFloatOrNull() fun secondPass(stabilizeString: String = ""){ val speed = speedChoices[arguments.speedIndex] val mutedString = if(arguments.muted || arguments.speedIndex != 1) "-an" else null val startString: List = if(arguments.videoStart != null) listOf("-ss", "${arguments.videoStart/speed.toFloat()}") else listOf(null, null) val endString: List = if(arguments.videoEnd != null) listOf("-to", "${arguments.videoEnd/speed.toFloat() - (arguments.videoStart ?: 0f)/speed.toFloat()}") else listOf(null, null) // iw and ih are variables for the original width and height values, FFmpeg will know them val cropString = if(arguments.videoCrop.notCropped()) "" else "crop=${arguments.videoCrop.relativeWidth}*iw:${arguments.videoCrop.relativeHeight}*ih:${arguments.videoCrop.relativeX}*iw:${arguments.videoCrop.relativeY}*ih" val separator = if(arguments.speedIndex != 1 && !arguments.videoCrop.notCropped()) "," else "" val speedString = if(arguments.speedIndex != 1) "setpts=PTS/${speed}" else "" val separatorStabilize = if(stabilizeString == "" || (speedString == "" && cropString == "")) "" else "," val speedAndCropString: List = if(arguments.speedIndex!= 1 || !arguments.videoCrop.notCropped() || stabilizeString.isNotEmpty()) listOf("-filter:v", stabilizeString + separatorStabilize + speedString + separator + cropString) // Stream copy is not compatible with filter, but when not filtering we can copy the stream without re-encoding else listOf("-c", "copy") // This should be set when re-encoding is required (otherwise it defaults to mpeg which then doesn't play) val encodePreset: List = if(arguments.speedIndex != 1 && !arguments.videoCrop.notCropped()) listOf("-c:v", "libx264", "-preset", "ultrafast") else listOf(null, null, null, null) val session: FFmpegSession = FFmpegKit.executeWithArgumentsAsync(listOfNotNull( startString[0], startString[1], "-i", ffmpegCompliantUri, speedAndCropString[0], speedAndCropString[1], endString[0], endString[1], mutedString, "-y", encodePreset[0], encodePreset[1], encodePreset[2], encodePreset[3], outputVideoPath, ).toTypedArray(), //val session: FFmpegSession = FFmpegKit.executeAsync("$startString -i $inputSafePath $endString -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a copy -an -y $outputVideoPath", { session -> val returnCode = session.returnCode if (ReturnCode.isSuccess(returnCode)) { videoEncodeProgress(originalUri, 100, false, outputVideoPath.toUri(), false) Log.d(TAG, "Encode completed successfully in ${session.duration} milliseconds") } else { videoEncodeProgress(originalUri, 0, false, outputVideoPath.toUri(), true) Log.e(TAG, "Encode failed with state ${session.state} and rc $returnCode.${session.failStackTrace}") } }, { log -> Log.d("PostCreationActivityEncoding", log.message) } ) { statistics: Statistics? -> val timeInMilliseconds: Int? = statistics?.time timeInMilliseconds?.let { if (timeInMilliseconds > 0) { val completePercentage = totalVideoDuration?.let { val speedupDurationModifier = speedChoices[arguments.speedIndex].toFloat() val newTotalDuration = (it - (arguments.videoStart ?: 0f) - (it - (arguments.videoEnd ?: it)))/speedupDurationModifier timeInMilliseconds / (10*newTotalDuration) } completePercentage?.let { val rounded: Int = it.roundToInt() videoEncodeProgress(originalUri, rounded, false, null, false) } Log.d(TAG, "Encoding video: %$completePercentage.") } } } registerNewFFmpegSession(originalUri, session.sessionId) } fun stabilizationFirstPass(){ val shakeResultsFile = File.createTempFile("temp_shake_results", ".trf", context.cacheDir) trackTempFile(shakeResultsFile) val shakeResultsFileUri = shakeResultsFile.toUri() val shakeResultsFileSafeUri = context.ffmpegCompliantUri(shakeResultsFileUri).removePrefix("file://") val inputSafeUri: String = context.ffmpegCompliantUri(originalUri) // Map chosen "stabilization force" to shakiness, from 3 to 10 val shakiness = (0f..100f).convert(arguments.videoStabilize, 3f..10f).roundToInt() val analyzeVideoCommandList = listOf( "-y", "-i", inputSafeUri, "-vf", "vidstabdetect=shakiness=$shakiness:accuracy=15:result=$shakeResultsFileSafeUri", "-f", "null", "-" ).toTypedArray() val session: FFmpegSession = FFmpegKit.executeWithArgumentsAsync(analyzeVideoCommandList, { firstPass -> if (ReturnCode.isSuccess(firstPass.returnCode)) { // Map chosen "stabilization force" to shakiness, from 8 to 40 val smoothing = (0f..100f).convert(arguments.videoStabilize, 8f..40f).roundToInt() val stabilizeVideoCommand = "vidstabtransform=smoothing=$smoothing:input=${context.ffmpegCompliantUri(shakeResultsFileUri).removePrefix("file://")}" secondPass(stabilizeVideoCommand) } else { Log.e( "PostCreationActivityEncoding", "Video stabilization first pass failed!" ) } }, { log -> Log.d("PostCreationActivityEncoding", log.message) }, { statistics: Statistics? -> val timeInMilliseconds: Int? = statistics?.time timeInMilliseconds?.let { if (timeInMilliseconds > 0) { val completePercentage = totalVideoDuration?.let { // At this stage, we didn't change speed or start/end of the video timeInMilliseconds / (10 * it) } completePercentage?.let { val rounded: Int = it.roundToInt() videoEncodeProgress(originalUri, rounded, true, null, false) } Log.d(TAG, "Stabilization pass: %$completePercentage.") } } }) registerNewFFmpegSession(originalUri, session.sessionId) } if(arguments.videoStabilize > 0.01f) { // Stabilization was requested: we need an additional first pass to get stabilization data stabilizationFirstPass() } else { // Immediately call the second pass, no stabilization needed secondPass() } } fun cancelEncoding(){ FFmpegKit.cancel() } fun cancelEncoding(sessionId: Long){ FFmpegKit.cancel(sessionId) } } }