package com.h.pixeldroid.objects import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.database.Cursor import import import android.os.Environment import android.text.Spanned import android.view.View import android.view.View.GONE import android.view.View.VISIBLE import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView import import import import import import com.h.pixeldroid.R import com.h.pixeldroid.api.PixelfedAPI import com.h.pixeldroid.db.entities.UserDatabaseEntity import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.HtmlUtils.Companion.getDomain import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.HtmlUtils.Companion.parseHTMLText import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.censorColorMatrix import com.h.pixeldroid.utils.PostUtils.Companion.uncensorColorMatrix import* import import import java.util.* /** Represents a status posted by an account. */ open class Status( //Base attributes override val id: String, val uri: String? = "", val created_at: Date? = Date(0), //ISO 8601 Datetime val account: Account?, val content: String? = "", //HTML val visibility: Visibility? = Visibility.public, val sensitive: Boolean? = false, val spoiler_text: String? = "", val media_attachments: List? = null, val application: Application? = null, //Rendering attributes val mentions: List? = null, val tags: List? = null, val emojis: List? = null, //Informational attributes val reblogs_count: Int? = 0, val favourites_count: Int? = 0, val replies_count: Int? = 0, //Nullable attributes val url: String? = null, //URL val in_reply_to_id: String? = null, val in_reply_to_account: String? = null, val reblog: Status? = null, val poll: Poll? = null, val card: Card? = null, val language: String? = null, //ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code val text: String? = null, //Authorized user attributes val favourited: Boolean? = false, val reblogged: Boolean? = false, val muted: Boolean? = false, val bookmarked: Boolean? = false, val pinned: Boolean? = false, ) : Serializable, FeedContent { companion object { const val POST_TAG = "postTag" const val DOMAIN_TAG = "domainTag" const val DISCOVER_TAG = "discoverTag" } fun getPostUrl() : String? = media_attachments?.firstOrNull()?.url fun getProfilePicUrl() : String? = account?.avatar fun getPostPreviewURL() : String? = media_attachments?.firstOrNull()?.preview_url /** * @brief returns the parsed version of the HTML description */ private fun getDescription(api: PixelfedAPI, context: Context, credential: String) : Spanned = parseHTMLText(content ?: "", mentions, api, context, credential) fun getNLikes(context: Context) : CharSequence { return context.getString(R.string.likes).format(favourites_count.toString()) } fun getNShares(context: Context) : CharSequence { return context.getString(R.string.shares).format(reblogs_count.toString()) } fun getStatusDomain(domain: String) : String { val accountDomain = getDomain(account!!.url) return if(getDomain(domain) == accountDomain) "" else " from $accountDomain" } fun setupSensitiveLayout(view: View) { // Set dark layout and warning message view.sensitiveWarning.visibility = VISIBLE view.postPicture.colorFilter = ColorMatrixColorFilter(censorColorMatrix()) fun uncensorPicture(view: View) { view.sensitiveWarning.visibility = GONE view.postPicture.colorFilter = ColorMatrixColorFilter(uncensorColorMatrix()) } view.findViewById( { uncensorPicture(view) } view.findViewById( { uncensorPicture(view) } } fun downloadImage(context: Context, url: String, view: View, share: Boolean = false) { val downloadManager = context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE) as DownloadManager val downloadUri = Uri.parse(url) val title = url.substringAfterLast("/") val request = DownloadManager.Request(downloadUri).apply { setTitle(title) if(!share) { val directory = File(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES) if (!directory.exists()) { directory.mkdirs() } setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(directory.toString(), title) } } val downloadId = downloadManager.enqueue(request) val query = DownloadManager.Query().setFilterById(downloadId) Thread { var msg = "" var lastMsg = "" var downloading = true while (downloading) { val cursor: Cursor = downloadManager.query(query) cursor.moveToFirst() if (cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_STATUS)) == DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) { downloading = false } val status = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_STATUS)) if (!share) { msg = when (status) { DownloadManager.STATUS_FAILED -> context.getString(R.string.image_download_failed) DownloadManager.STATUS_RUNNING -> context.getString(R.string.image_download_downloading) DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL -> context.getString(R.string.image_download_success) else -> "" } if (msg != lastMsg && msg != "") { Snackbar.make(view, msg, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT).show() lastMsg = msg } } else if (status == DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) { val ext = url.substringAfterLast(".", "*") val path = cursor.getString( cursor.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_LOCAL_URI) ) val file = path.toUri() val shareIntent: Intent = Intent.createChooser(Intent().apply { action = Intent.ACTION_SEND putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, file) data = file flags = Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION type = "image/$ext" }, null) context.startActivity(shareIntent) } cursor.close() } }.start() } enum class Visibility: Serializable { public, unlisted, private, direct } }