PixelDroid Account name Account information My Profile Settings "Invalid domain" "Could not register the application with this server" "Could not launch a browser, do you have one?" "Could not authenticate" "Error getting token" Settings Application Theme Theme Only download attachments when manually requested %1$s followed you %1$s mentioned you %1$s shared your post %1$s liked your post Create a new post! Take a picture Upload a picture or Description… send "What's an instance?" Logout BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST SATURATION FILTERS EDIT Save to Gallery… Download has been failed, please try again Downloading… Image downloaded successfully Capture Switch camera Gallery Camera Confirm Share picture… No comments on this post… to show… Domain of your instance Connect to Pixelfed You need to connect to the internet at least once to use PixelDroid :( You are in offline mode, but you can still view some content! Enter Server has responded with an error, try again! Instance address cannot be empty!