package import android.content.Context import import android.provider.OpenableColumns import android.text.Editable import android.util.Log import import import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import import import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import okhttp3.MultipartBody import import import import import import import retrofit2.HttpException import javax.inject.Inject @HiltViewModel class EditProfileViewModel @Inject constructor( @ApplicationContext private val applicationContext: Context ): ViewModel() { @Inject lateinit var apiHolder: PixelfedAPIHolder @Inject lateinit var db: AppDatabase private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow(EditProfileActivityUiState()) val uiState: StateFlow = _uiState private var oldProfile: Account? = null var submittedChanges = false private set init { loadProfile() } private fun loadProfile() { viewModelScope.launch { val api = apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser() try { val profile = api.verifyCredentials() updateUserInfoDb(db, profile) if (oldProfile == null) oldProfile = profile _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( name = oldProfile?.display_name, bio = oldProfile?.source?.note, profilePictureUri = oldProfile?.anyAvatar()?.toUri(), privateAccount = oldProfile?.locked, loadingProfile = false, sendingProfile = false, profileLoaded = true, error = false ) } } catch (exception: Exception) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( sendingProfile = false, profileSent = false, loadingProfile = false, profileLoaded = false, error = true ) } } } } fun sendProfile() { val api = apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser() _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( sendingProfile = true, profileSent = false, error = false ) } viewModelScope.launch { with(uiState.value) { try { val account = api.updateCredentials( displayName = name, note = bio, locked = privateAccount, ) if (madeChanges()) submittedChanges = true oldProfile = account _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( bio = account.source?.note ?: account.note?.let { fromHtml(it).toString() }, name = account.display_name, profilePictureUri = if (profilePictureChanged) profilePictureUri else account.anyAvatar()?.toUri(), uploadProgress = 0, uploadingPicture = profilePictureChanged, privateAccount = account.locked, sendingProfile = false, profileSent = true, loadingProfile = false, profileLoaded = true, error = false ) } if(profilePictureChanged) uploadImage() } catch (exception: Exception) { Log.e("TAG", exception.toString()) _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( sendingProfile = false, profileSent = false, error = true ) } } } } } fun updateBio(bio: Editable?) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(bio = bio.toString()) } } fun updateName(name: Editable?) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(name = name.toString()) } } fun updatePrivate(isChecked: Boolean) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(privateAccount = isChecked) } } fun madeChanges(): Boolean = with(uiState.value) { val privateChanged = oldProfile?.locked != privateAccount val displayNameChanged = oldProfile?.display_name != name val bioChanged: Boolean = oldProfile?.source?.note?.let { it != bio } // If source note is null, check note ?: oldProfile?.note?.let { fromHtml(it).toString() != bio } ?: true profilePictureChanged || privateChanged || displayNameChanged || bioChanged } fun clickedCard() { if (uiState.value.error) { if (!uiState.value.profileLoaded) { // Load failed loadProfile() } else if (uiState.value.profileLoaded) { // Send failed sendProfile() } } else { // Dismiss success card _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy(profileSent = false) } } } fun updateImage(image: String) { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( profilePictureUri = image.toUri(), profilePictureChanged = true, profileSent = false ) } } private fun uploadImage() { val image = uiState.value.profilePictureUri!! val inputStream = applicationContext.contentResolver.openInputStream(image) ?: return val size: Long = if (image.scheme == "content") { applicationContext.contentResolver.query( image, null, null, null, null ) ?.use { cursor -> /* Get the column indexes of the data in the Cursor, * move to the first row in the Cursor, get the data, * and display it. */ val sizeIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.SIZE) cursor.moveToFirst() cursor.getLong(sizeIndex) } ?: 0 } else { image.toFile().length() } val imagePart = ProgressRequestBody(inputStream, size, "image/*") val requestBody = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart("avatar", System.currentTimeMillis().toString(), imagePart) .build() val sub = imagePart.progressSubject .subscribeOn( .subscribe { percentage -> _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadProgress = percentage.toInt() ) } } var postSub: Disposable? = null val api = apiHolder.api ?: apiHolder.setToCurrentUser() val pixelfed = db.instanceDao().getActiveInstance().pixelfed val inter = if(pixelfed) api.updateProfilePicture([0]) else api.updateProfilePictureMastodon([0]) postSub = inter .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe( /* onNext = */ { account: Account -> account.anyAvatar()?.let { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( profilePictureUri = it.toUri() ) } } }, /* onError = */ { e: Throwable -> Log.e("error", (e as? HttpException)?.message().orEmpty()) _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( uploadProgress = 0, uploadingPicture = false, error = true ) } e.printStackTrace() postSub?.dispose() sub.dispose() }, /* onComplete = */ { _uiState.update { currentUiState -> currentUiState.copy( profilePictureChanged = false, uploadProgress = 100, uploadingPicture = false ) } postSub?.dispose() sub.dispose() } ) } } data class EditProfileActivityUiState( val name: String? = null, val bio: String? = null, val profilePictureUri: Uri? = null, val profilePictureChanged: Boolean = false, val privateAccount: Boolean? = null, val loadingProfile: Boolean = true, val profileLoaded: Boolean = false, val sendingProfile: Boolean = false, val profileSent: Boolean = false, val error: Boolean = false, val uploadingPicture: Boolean = false, val uploadProgress: Int = 0, )