
399 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright © 2023 Marcin Czachurski and the repository contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
import SwiftUI
import Nuke
import PixelfedKit
import ClientKit
import ServicesKit
import EnvironmentKit
import WidgetsKit
struct StatusesView: View {
public enum ListType: Hashable {
case home
case local
case federated
case favourites
case bookmarks
case hashtag(tag: String)
public var title: LocalizedStringKey {
switch self {
case .home:
return ""
case .local:
return "statuses.navigationBar.localTimeline"
case .federated:
return "statuses.navigationBar.federatedTimeline"
case .favourites:
return "statuses.navigationBar.favourites"
case .bookmarks:
return "statuses.navigationBar.bookmarks"
case .hashtag(let tag):
return "#\(tag)"
@Environment(ApplicationState.self) var applicationState
@Environment(Client.self) var client
@Environment(RouterPath.self) var routerPath
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
@State public var listType: ListType
@State private var allItemsLoaded = false
@State private var tag: Tag?
@State private var statusViewModels: [StatusModel] = []
@State private var state: ViewState = .loading
@State private var lastStatusId: String?
@State private var waterfallId: String = String.randomString(length: 8)
// Gallery parameters.
@State private var imageColumns = 3
@State private var containerWidth: Double = UIDevice.isIPad ? UIScreen.main.bounds.width / 3 : UIScreen.main.bounds.width
@State private var containerHeight: Double = UIDevice.isIPad ? UIScreen.main.bounds.height / 3 : UIScreen.main.bounds.height
private let defaultLimit = 40
private let imagePrefetcher = ImagePrefetcher(destination: .diskCache)
var body: some View {
.toolbar {
private func mainBody() -> some View {
switch state {
case .loading:
.task {
await self.loadData()
case .loaded:
if self.statusViewModels.isEmpty {
NoDataView(imageSystemName: "photo.on.rectangle.angled", text: "statuses.title.noPhotos")
} else {
case .error(let error):
ErrorView(error: error) {
self.state = .loading
await self.loadData()
private func list() -> some View {
ScrollView {
if self.imageColumns > 1 {
WaterfallGrid($statusViewModels, refreshId: $waterfallId, columns: $imageColumns, hideLoadMore: $allItemsLoaded) { item in
ImageRowAsync(statusViewModel: item, containerWidth: $containerWidth)
} onLoadMore: {
do {
try await self.loadMoreStatuses()
} catch {
ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "statuses.error.loadingStatusesFailed", showToastr: !Task.isCancelled)
} else {
LazyVStack(alignment: .center) {
ForEach(self.statusViewModels, id: \.id) { item in
ImageRowAsync(statusViewModel: item, containerWidth: $containerWidth)
if allItemsLoaded == false {
HStack {
.task {
do {
try await self.loadMoreStatuses()
} catch {
ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "statuses.error.loadingStatusesFailed", showToastr: !Task.isCancelled)
.gallery { galleryProperties in
self.imageColumns = galleryProperties.imageColumns
self.containerWidth = galleryProperties.containerWidth
self.containerHeight = galleryProperties.containerHeight
.refreshable {
do {
HapticService.shared.fireHaptic(of: .dataRefresh(intensity: 0.3))
try await self.loadTopStatuses()
HapticService.shared.fireHaptic(of: .dataRefresh(intensity: 0.7))
} catch {
ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "statuses.error.loadingStatusesFailed", showToastr: !Task.isCancelled)
.onChange(of: self.applicationState.showReboostedStatuses) {
if self.listType != .home {
Task { @MainActor in
HapticService.shared.fireHaptic(of: .dataRefresh(intensity: 0.3))
try await self.loadTopStatuses()
HapticService.shared.fireHaptic(of: .dataRefresh(intensity: 0.7))
private func loadData() async {
do {
try await self.loadStatuses()
if case .hashtag(let hashtag) = self.listType {
await self.loadTag(hashtag: hashtag)
self.state = .loaded
} catch {
ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "statuses.error.loadingStatusesFailed", showToastr: !Task.isCancelled)
self.state = .error(error)
private func loadStatuses() async throws {
let statuses = try await self.loadFromApi()
if statuses.isEmpty {
self.allItemsLoaded = true
// Remember last status id returned by API.
self.lastStatusId = statuses.last?.id
// Get only statuses with images.
var inPlaceStatuses: [StatusModel] = []
for item in statuses.getStatusesWithImagesOnly() {
// We have to hide statuses without ALT text.
if self.shouldHideStatusWithoutAlt(status: item) {
// We have to skip statuses that are boosted from muted accounts.
if let accountId = self.applicationState.account?.id, AccountRelationshipHandler.shared.isBoostedStatusesMuted(accountId: accountId, status: item, modelContext: modelContext) {
inPlaceStatuses.append(StatusModel(status: item))
// Prefetch images.
self.prefetch(statusModels: inPlaceStatuses)
// Append to empty list.
self.statusViewModels.append(contentsOf: inPlaceStatuses)
private func loadMoreStatuses() async throws {
if let lastStatusId = self.lastStatusId {
let previousStatuses = try await self.loadFromApi(maxId: lastStatusId)
if previousStatuses.isEmpty {
self.allItemsLoaded = true
// Now we have new last status.
if let lastStatusId = previousStatuses.last?.id {
self.lastStatusId = lastStatusId
// Get only statuses with images.
var inPlaceStatuses: [StatusModel] = []
for item in previousStatuses.getStatusesWithImagesOnly() {
// We have to hide statuses without ALT text.
if self.shouldHideStatusWithoutAlt(status: item) {
// We have to skip statuses that are boosted from muted accounts.
if let accountId = self.applicationState.account?.id, AccountRelationshipHandler.shared.isBoostedStatusesMuted(accountId: accountId, status: item, modelContext: modelContext) {
inPlaceStatuses.append(StatusModel(status: item))
// Prefetch images.
self.prefetch(statusModels: inPlaceStatuses)
// Append statuses to existing array of statuses (at the end).
self.statusViewModels.append(contentsOf: inPlaceStatuses)
private func loadTopStatuses() async throws {
let statuses = try await self.loadFromApi()
if statuses.isEmpty {
self.allItemsLoaded = true
// Remember last status id returned by API.
self.lastStatusId = statuses.last?.id
// Get only statuses with images.
var inPlaceStatuses: [StatusModel] = []
for item in statuses.getStatusesWithImagesOnly() {
// We have to hide statuses without ALT text.
if self.shouldHideStatusWithoutAlt(status: item) {
// We have to skip statuses that are boosted from muted accounts.
if let accountId = self.applicationState.account?.id, AccountRelationshipHandler.shared.isBoostedStatusesMuted(accountId: accountId, status: item, modelContext: modelContext) {
inPlaceStatuses.append(StatusModel(status: item))
// Prefetch images.
self.prefetch(statusModels: inPlaceStatuses)
// Replace old collection with new one.
self.waterfallId = String.randomString(length: 8)
self.statusViewModels = inPlaceStatuses
private func loadFromApi(maxId: String? = nil, sinceId: String? = nil, minId: String? = nil) async throws -> [Status] {
switch self.listType {
case .home:
return try await self.client.publicTimeline?.getHomeTimeline(
maxId: maxId,
sinceId: sinceId,
minId: minId,
limit: self.defaultLimit,
includeReblogs: self.applicationState.showReboostedStatuses) ?? []
case .local:
return try await self.client.publicTimeline?.getStatuses(
local: true,
maxId: maxId,
sinceId: sinceId,
minId: minId,
limit: self.defaultLimit) ?? []
case .federated:
return try await self.client.publicTimeline?.getStatuses(
remote: true,
maxId: maxId,
sinceId: sinceId,
minId: minId,
limit: self.defaultLimit) ?? []
case .favourites:
return try await self.client.accounts?.favourites(
maxId: maxId,
sinceId: sinceId,
minId: minId,
limit: self.defaultLimit) ?? []
case .bookmarks:
return try await self.client.accounts?.bookmarks(
maxId: maxId,
sinceId: sinceId,
minId: minId,
limit: self.defaultLimit) ?? []
case .hashtag(let tag):
let hashtagsFromApi = try await tag, resultsType: .hashtags)
guard let hashtagsFromApi = hashtagsFromApi, hashtagsFromApi.hashtags.isEmpty == false else {
ToastrService.shared.showError(title: LocalizedStringResource("global.error.hashtagNotExists"), imageSystemName: "exclamationmark.octagon")
return []
return try await self.client.publicTimeline?.getTagStatuses(
tag: tag,
maxId: maxId,
sinceId: sinceId,
minId: minId,
limit: self.defaultLimit) ?? []
private func getTrailingToolbar() -> some ToolbarContent {
if case .hashtag(let hashtag) = self.listType {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
Button {
Task {
if self.tag?.following == true {
await self.unfollow(hashtag: hashtag)
} else {
await self.follow(hashtag: hashtag)
} label: {
Image(systemName: self.tag?.following == true ? "number.square.fill" : "number.square")
.disabled(self.tag == nil)
private func loadTag(hashtag: String) async {
do {
self.tag = try await self.client.tags?.get(tag: hashtag)
} catch {
ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "global.error.errorDuringDownloadHashtag", showToastr: false)
private func follow(hashtag: String) async {
do {
self.tag = try await self.client.tags?.follow(tag: hashtag)
ToastrService.shared.showSuccess("statuses.title.tagFollowed", imageSystemName: "number.square.fill")
} catch {
ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "statuses.error.tagFollowFailed", showToastr: true)
private func unfollow(hashtag: String) async {
do {
self.tag = try await self.client.tags?.unfollow(tag: hashtag)
ToastrService.shared.showSuccess("statuses.title.tagUnfollowed", imageSystemName: "number.square")
} catch {
ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "statuses.error.tagUnfollowFailed", showToastr: true)
private func prefetch(statusModels: [StatusModel]) {
imagePrefetcher.startPrefetching(with: statusModels.getAllImagesUrls())
private func shouldHideStatusWithoutAlt(status: Status) -> Bool {
if self.applicationState.hideStatusesWithoutAlt == false {
return false
if self.listType != .home && self.listType != .local && self.listType != .federated {
return false
return status.statusContainsAltText() == false