// // https://mczachurski.dev // Copyright © 2023 Marcin Czachurski and the repository contributors. // Licensed under the MIT License. // import SwiftUI import PixelfedKit struct PlaceSelectorView: View { @EnvironmentObject var applicationState: ApplicationState @EnvironmentObject var client: Client @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss @State private var places: [Place] = [] @State private var showLoader = false @State private var query = String.empty() @Binding public var place: Place? @FocusState private var focusedField: FocusField? enum FocusField: Hashable { case unknown case search } var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack(alignment: .leading) { List { Section { HStack { TextField("placeSelector.title.search", text: $query) .padding(8) .focused($focusedField, equals: .search) .keyboardType(.default) .autocorrectionDisabled() .onAppear() { self.focusedField = .search } Button { Task { await self.searchPlaces() } } label: { Text("placeSelector.title.buttonSearch", comment: "Search") } .buttonStyle(.bordered) } } Section { if self.showLoader { HStack(alignment: .center) { Spacer() LoadingIndicator(isVisible: Binding.constant(true)) Spacer() } } ForEach(self.places, id: \.id) { place in Button { HapticService.shared.fireHaptic(of: .buttonPress) self.place = place self.dismiss() } label: { HStack(alignment: .center) { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text(place.name ?? String.empty()) .foregroundColor(.mainTextColor) Text(place.country ?? String.empty()) .font(.subheadline) .foregroundColor(.lightGrayColor) } Spacer() if self.place?.id == place.id { Image(systemName: "checkmark") .foregroundColor(self.applicationState.tintColor.color()) } } } } } } } .navigationTitle("placeSelector.navigationBar.title") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbar { self.getTrailingToolbar() } } } @ToolbarContentBuilder private func getTrailingToolbar() -> some ToolbarContent { ToolbarItem(placement: .cancellationAction) { Button(NSLocalizedString("placeSelector.title.cancel", comment: "Cancel"), role: .cancel) { self.dismiss() } } } private func searchPlaces() async { self.showLoader = true do { if let placesFromApi = try await self.client.places?.search(query: self.query) { self.places = placesFromApi } } catch { ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "placeSelector.error.loadingPlacesFailed", showToastr: true) } self.showLoader = false } }