// // https://mczachurski.dev // Copyright © 2023 Marcin Czachurski and the repository contributors. // Licensed under the MIT License. // import SwiftUI import PixelfedKit import Foundation struct AccountsPhotoView: View { public enum ListType: Hashable { case trending case search(query: String) } @EnvironmentObject var applicationState: ApplicationState @EnvironmentObject var client: Client @EnvironmentObject var routerPath: RouterPath @State public var listType: ListType @State private var accounts: [Account] = [] @State private var state: ViewState = .loading var body: some View { self.mainBody() .navigationTitle("Accounts") } @ViewBuilder private func mainBody() -> some View { switch state { case .loading: LoadingIndicator() .task { await self.loadData() } case .loaded: if self.accounts.isEmpty { NoDataView(imageSystemName: "person.3.sequence", text: "Unfortunately, there is no one here.") } else { List { ForEach(self.accounts, id: \.id) { account in Section { ImagesGrid(gridType: .account(accountId: account.id, accountDisplayName: account.displayNameWithoutEmojis, accountUserName: account.acct)) } header: { HStack { UsernameRow( accountId: account.id, accountAvatar: account.avatar, accountDisplayName: account.displayNameWithoutEmojis, accountUsername: account.acct) Spacer() } .textCase(.none) .listRowInsets(EdgeInsets()) .padding(.vertical, 12) .onTapGesture { self.routerPath.navigate(to: .userProfile(accountId: account.id, accountDisplayName: account.displayNameWithoutEmojis, accountUserName: account.acct)) } } } } } case .error(let error): ErrorView(error: error) { self.state = .loading self.accounts = [] await self.loadData() } .padding() } } private func loadData() async { do { self.accounts = try await self.loadAccounts() self.state = .loaded } catch { if !Task.isCancelled { ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "Accounts not retrieved.", showToastr: true) self.state = .error(error) } else { ErrorService.shared.handle(error, message: "Accounts not retrieved.", showToastr: false) } } } private func loadAccounts() async throws -> [Account] { switch self.listType { case .trending: do { let accountsFromApi = try await self.client.trends?.accounts() return accountsFromApi ?? [] } catch NetworkError.notSuccessResponse(let response) { // TODO: This code can be removed when other Pixelfed server will support trending accounts. if response.statusCode() == HTTPStatusCode.notFound { return [] } throw NetworkError.notSuccessResponse(response) } case .search(let query): let results = try await self.client.search?.search(query: query, resultsType: .accounts, limit: 40, page: 1) return results?.accounts ?? [] } } }