// // https://mczachurski.dev // Copyright © 2023 Marcin Czachurski and the repository contributors. // Licensed under the Apache License 2.0. // import Foundation import SwiftUI import WidgetsKit extension View { func withAppRouteur() -> some View { self.navigationDestination(for: RouteurDestinations.self) { destination in switch destination { case .tag(let hashTag): StatusesView(listType: .hashtag(tag: hashTag)) case .status(let id, let blurhash, let highestImageUrl, let metaImageWidth, let metaImageHeight): StatusView(statusId: id, imageBlurhash: blurhash, highestImageUrl: highestImageUrl, imageWidth: metaImageWidth, imageHeight: metaImageHeight) case .statuses(let listType): StatusesView(listType: listType) case .bookmarks: PaginableStatusesView(listType: .bookmarks) case .favourites: PaginableStatusesView(listType: .favourites) case .userProfile(let accountId, let accountDisplayName, let accountUserName): UserProfileView( accountId: accountId, accountDisplayName: accountDisplayName, accountUserName: accountUserName) case .accounts(let listType): AccountsView(listType: listType) case .signIn: SignInView() case .thirdParty: ThirdPartyView() case .photoEditor(let photoAttachment): PhotoEditorView(photoAttachment: photoAttachment) case .hashtags(let listType): HashtagsView(listType: listType) case .accountsPhoto(let listType): AccountsPhotoView(listType: listType) case .search: SearchView() case .editProfile: EditProfileView() case .instance: InstanceView() } } } func withSheetDestinations(sheetDestinations: Binding) -> some View { self.sheet(item: sheetDestinations) { destination in switch destination { case .replyToStatusEditor(let status): ComposeView(statusViewModel: status) case .newStatusEditor: ComposeView() case .settings: SettingsView() case .report(let objectType, let objectId): ReportView(objectType: objectType, objectId: objectId) } } } func withOverlayDestinations(overlayDestinations: Binding) -> some View { self.overlay { switch overlayDestinations.wrappedValue { case .successPayment: ThanksView() .transition(.move(edge: .bottom).combined(with: .opacity)) default: EmptyView() } } } }