# tgpt `tgpt` รจ uno programma cli multipiattaforma che consente di utilizzare ChatG PT 3.5 senza API KEY. ## Installazione e aggiornamento ```bash curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aandrew-me/tgpt/main/install | bash -s /usr/local/bin ``` ## Sintassi ```bash > tgpt -h Usage: tgpt [Flag] [Prompt] Flags: -s, --shell Generate and Execute shell commands. (Experimental) -c, --code Generate Code. (Experimental) Options: -f, --forget Forget Chat ID -v, --version Print version -h, --help Print help message -i, --interactive Start normal interactive mode -m, --multiline Start multi-line interactive mode -cl, --changelog See changelog of versions -u, --update Update program Examples: tgpt "What is internet?" tgpt -f tgpt -m tgpt -s "How to update my system?" ``` ## Collegamenti - [https://github.com/aandrew-me/tgpt](https://github.com/aandrew-me/tgpt)