import { MappingProperty, PropertyName } from '@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/api/types' import { exists } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/misc' import { elasticSearch } from '../../helpers/elastic-search' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' import { buildUrl } from '../../helpers/utils' import { CONFIG, ELASTIC_SEARCH_QUERY } from '../../initializers/constants' import { VideosSearchQuery } from '../../types/search-query/video-search.model' import { DBVideo, DBVideoDetails, EnhancedVideo, IndexableVideo, IndexableVideoDetails } from '../../types/video.model' import { buildSort, extractSearchQueryResult } from './elastic-search-queries' import { addUUIDFilters, buildMultiMatchBool } from './shared' import { buildChannelOrAccountSummaryMapping, formatActorForDB, formatActorSummaryForAPI } from './shared/elastic-search-actor' async function queryVideos (search: VideosSearchQuery) { const bool: any = {} const filter: any[] = [] const mustNot: any[] = [] if ( { Object.assign(bool, buildMultiMatchBool(, ELASTIC_SEARCH_QUERY.VIDEOS_MULTI_MATCH_FIELDS)) } if (search.blockedAccounts) { mustNot.push({ terms: { 'account.handle': search.blockedAccounts } }) } if (search.blockedHosts) { mustNot.push({ terms: { host: search.blockedHosts } }) } if (search.startDate) { filter.push({ range: { publishedAt: { gte: search.startDate } } }) } if (search.endDate) { filter.push({ range: { publishedAt: { lte: search.endDate } } }) } if (search.originallyPublishedStartDate) { filter.push({ range: { originallyPublishedAt: { gte: search.startDate } } }) } if (search.originallyPublishedEndDate) { filter.push({ range: { originallyPublishedAt: { lte: search.endDate } } }) } if (search.nsfw && search.nsfw !== 'both') { filter.push({ term: { nsfw: (search.nsfw + '') === 'true' } }) } if (search.categoryOneOf) { filter.push({ terms: { '': search.categoryOneOf } }) } if (search.licenceOneOf) { filter.push({ terms: { '': search.licenceOneOf } }) } if (search.languageOneOf) { filter.push({ terms: { '': search.languageOneOf } }) } if (search.tagsOneOf) { filter.push({ terms: { tags: => t.toLowerCase()) } }) } if (search.tagsAllOf) { for (const t of search.tagsAllOf) { filter.push({ term: { 'tags.raw': { value: t, case_insensitive: true } } }) } } if (search.durationMin) { filter.push({ range: { duration: { gte: search.durationMin } } }) } if (search.durationMax) { filter.push({ range: { duration: { lte: search.durationMax } } }) } if (exists(search.isLive)) { filter.push({ term: { isLive: search.isLive } }) } if ( { filter.push({ term: { '': } }) } if (search.uuids) { addUUIDFilters(filter, search.uuids) } Object.assign(bool, { filter }) if (mustNot.length !== 0) { Object.assign(bool, { must_not: mustNot }) } const body = { from: search.start, size: search.count, sort: buildSort(search.sort) } // Allow to boost results depending on query languages if ( CONFIG.VIDEOS_SEARCH.BOOST_LANGUAGES.ENABLED && Array.isArray(search.boostLanguages) && search.boostLanguages.length !== 0 ) { const boostScript = ` if (doc[''].size() == 0) { return _score; } String language = doc[''].value; for (String docLang: params.boostLanguages) { if (docLang == language) return _score * params.boost; } return _score * params.malus; ` Object.assign(body, { query: { script_score: { query: { bool }, script: { source: boostScript, params: { boostLanguages: search.boostLanguages, boost: ELASTIC_SEARCH_QUERY.BOOST_LANGUAGE_VALUE, malus: ELASTIC_SEARCH_QUERY.MALUS_LANGUAGE_VALUE } } } } }) } else { Object.assign(body, { query: { bool } }) } logger.debug({ body }, 'Will query Elastic Search for videos.') const res = await{ index: CONFIG.ELASTIC_SEARCH.INDEXES.VIDEOS, body }) return extractSearchQueryResult(res) } function buildVideosMapping () { return { id: { type: 'long' }, uuid: { type: 'keyword' }, shortUUID: { type: 'keyword' }, createdAt: { type: 'date', format: 'date_optional_time' }, updatedAt: { type: 'date', format: 'date_optional_time' }, publishedAt: { type: 'date', format: 'date_optional_time' }, originallyPublishedAt: { type: 'date', format: 'date_optional_time' }, indexedAt: { type: 'date', format: 'date_optional_time' }, category: { properties: { id: { type: 'keyword' }, label: { type: 'text' } } }, licence: { properties: { id: { type: 'keyword' }, label: { type: 'text' } } }, language: { properties: { id: { type: 'keyword' }, label: { type: 'text' } } }, privacy: { properties: { id: { type: 'keyword' }, label: { type: 'text' } } }, name: { type: 'text' }, description: { type: 'text' }, tags: { type: 'text', fields: { raw: { type: 'keyword' } } }, duration: { type: 'long' }, thumbnailPath: { type: 'keyword' }, previewPath: { type: 'keyword' }, embedPath: { type: 'keyword' }, url: { type: 'keyword' }, views: { type: 'long' }, likes: { type: 'long' }, dislikes: { type: 'long' }, nsfw: { type: 'boolean' }, isLive: { type: 'boolean' }, host: { type: 'keyword' }, account: { properties: buildChannelOrAccountSummaryMapping() }, channel: { properties: buildChannelOrAccountSummaryMapping() } } as Record } function formatVideoForDB (v: IndexableVideo | IndexableVideoDetails): DBVideo | DBVideoDetails { return { id:, uuid: v.uuid, shortUUID: v.shortUUID, indexedAt: new Date(), createdAt: v.createdAt, updatedAt: v.updatedAt, publishedAt: v.publishedAt, originallyPublishedAt: v.originallyPublishedAt, category: { id:, label: v.category.label }, licence: { id:, label: v.licence.label }, language: { id:, label: v.language.label }, privacy: { id:, label: v.privacy.label }, name:, description: v.description, duration: v.duration, thumbnailPath: v.thumbnailPath, previewPath: v.previewPath, embedPath: v.embedPath, views: v.views, likes: v.likes, dislikes: v.dislikes, isLive: v.isLive || false, nsfw: v.nsfw, host:, url: v.url, tags: (v as IndexableVideoDetails).tags ? (v as IndexableVideoDetails).tags : undefined, account: formatActorForDB(v.account), channel: formatActorForDB( } } function formatVideoForAPI (v: DBVideoDetails, fromHost?: string): EnhancedVideo { return { id:, uuid: v.uuid, shortUUID: v.shortUUID, score: v.score, createdAt: new Date(v.createdAt), updatedAt: new Date(v.updatedAt), publishedAt: new Date(v.publishedAt), originallyPublishedAt: v.originallyPublishedAt, category: { id:, label: v.category.label }, licence: { id:, label: v.licence.label }, language: { id:, label: v.language.label }, privacy: { id:, label: v.privacy.label }, name:, description: v.description, duration: v.duration, tags: v.tags, thumbnailPath: v.thumbnailPath, thumbnailUrl: buildUrl(, v.thumbnailPath), previewPath: v.previewPath, previewUrl: buildUrl(, v.previewPath), embedPath: v.embedPath, embedUrl: buildUrl(, v.embedPath), url: v.url, isLocal: fromHost && fromHost ===, views: v.views, likes: v.likes, dislikes: v.dislikes, isLive: v.isLive, nsfw: v.nsfw, account: formatActorSummaryForAPI(v.account), channel: formatActorSummaryForAPI( } } export { queryVideos, formatVideoForDB, formatVideoForAPI, buildVideosMapping }