import { difference } from 'lodash' import { estypes } from '@elastic/elasticsearch' import { AggregationsBuckets, AggregationsStringTermsAggregate, AggregationsStringTermsBucket } from '@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/api/types' import { elasticSearch } from '../../helpers/elastic-search' import { logger } from '../../helpers/logger' async function removeNotExistingIdsFromHost (indexName: string, host: string, existingIds: Set) { const idsFromDB = await getIdsOf(indexName, host) const idsToRemove = difference(idsFromDB, Array.from(existingIds)){ idsToRemove }, 'Will remove %d entries from %s of host %s.', idsToRemove.length, indexName, host) return elasticSearch.deleteByQuery({ index: indexName, body: { query: { bool: { filter: [ { terms: { id: idsToRemove } }, { term: { host } } ] } } } }) } function removeFromHosts (indexName: string, hosts: string[]) { if (hosts.length === 0) return{ hosts }, 'Will remove entries of index %s from hosts.', indexName) return elasticSearch.deleteByQuery({ index: indexName, body: { query: { bool: { filter: { terms: { host: hosts } } } } } }) } async function getIdsOf (indexName: string, host: string) { const res = await>({ index: indexName, body: { size: 0, aggs: { ids: { terms: { size: 500000, field: 'id' } } }, query: { bool: { filter: [ { term: { host } } ] } } } }) return extractBucketsFromAggregation(res.aggregations.ids.buckets).map(b => b.key) } function extractSearchQueryResult (result: estypes.SearchResponse) { const hits = result.hits return { total: ( as estypes.SearchTotalHits).value, data: => Object.assign(h._source, { score: h._score })) } } function extractBucketsFromAggregation (buckets: AggregationsBuckets) { // FIXME: key returned by elastic search can also be a number return buckets as unknown as { key: T }[] } function buildSort (value: string) { let sortField: string let direction: 'asc' | 'desc' if (value.substring(0, 1) === '-') { direction = 'desc' sortField = value.substring(1) } else { direction = 'asc' sortField = value } const field = sortField === 'match' ? '_score' : sortField return [ { [field]: { order: direction } } ] } export { elasticSearch, removeNotExistingIdsFromHost, getIdsOf, extractSearchQueryResult, removeFromHosts, buildSort, extractBucketsFromAggregation }