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2021-07-20 11:15:03 +02:00
{"gd":{"&gt;&gt; Check all guides on &lt;&lt;":"&gt;&gt; Thoir sùil air na treòirichearan slàna air &lt;&lt;","%{resultsCount} result found for":["Chaidh %{resultsCount} toradh a lorg air","Chaidh %{resultsCount} thoradh a lorg air","Chaidh %{resultsCount} toraidhean a lorg air","Chaidh %{resultsCount} toradh a lorg air"],"<strong>%{indexName}</strong> displays videos and channels that match your search but is not the publisher, nor the owner. If you notice any problems with a video, report it to the administrators on the PeerTube website where the video is published.":"Seallaidh <strong>%{indexName}</strong> na videothan is seanailean a fhreagras ris na lorg thu ach chan eile e na fhoillsichear no sealbhadair dhaibh. Ma mhothaicheas tu trioblaid sam bith le video, cuir fios gu rianairean na làraich PeerTube far an deach a video fhoillseachadh.","A free software to take back control of your videos":"Bathar-bog saor a bheir smachd dhut air na videothan agad fhèin","Activism":"Iomairt","Add tag":"Cuir taga ris","All of these tags":"Na tagaichean seo uile","Animals":"Beathaichean","Any":"Gin sam bith","Apply filters":"Cuir na criathragan an sàs","Art":"Obair-ealain","Attribution":"Attribution","Attribution - No Derivatives":"Attribution No Derivatives","Attribution - Non Commercial":"Attribution Non Commercial","Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives":"Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives","Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike":"Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike","Attribution - Share Alike":"Attribution Share Alike","Best match":"A mhaids as fheàrr","Català":"Català","Category":"Roinn-seòrsa","Čeština":"Čeština","Change interface language":"Atharraich cànan na h-eadar-aghaidh","Comedy":"Èibhinn","Create an account to take back control of your videos":"Cruthaich cunntas a bheir smachd dhut air na videothan agad fhèin","Create playlists":"Cruthaich liostaichean-cluich","Created by":"Air a chruthachadh le","Deutsch":"Deutsch","Developed by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Framasoft</a>":"Ga leasachadh le <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Framasoft</a>","Discover this channel on %{host}":"Rùraich an t-seanail seo air %{host}","Display all categories":"Seall a h-uile roinn-seòrsa","Display all languages":"Seall a h-uile cànan","Display all licenses":"Seall a h-uile ceadachas","Display homepage":"Seall an duilleag-dhachaigh","Display only":"Seall a-mhàin","Display sensitive content":"Seall susbaint fhrionasach","Duration":"Faide","Education":"Foghlam","English":"English","Entertainment":"Dibhearsan","Español":"Español","Esperanto":"Esperanto","Euskara":"Euskara","Films":"Filmichean","Filters":"Criathragan","Food":"Biadh","Français":"Français","Gàidhlig":"Gàidhlig","Gaming":"Geamaireachd","Go on this account page":"Tadhail air duilleag a chunntais seo","Go on this channel page":"Tadhail air duilleag an t-seanail seo","Go!":"Siuthad!","How To":"Mìneachadh","In":"Ann an","Install PeerTube":"Stàlaich PeerTube","Italiano":"Italiano","Kids":"Clann","Language":"Cànan","Last 30 days":"An 30 latha seo chaidh","Last 365 days":"An 365 latha seo chaidh","Last 7 days":"Na 7 làithean seo chaidh","Least recent":"As sine","Legal notices":"Sanasan laghail","Licence":"Ceadachas","LIVE":"BEÒ","Live videos":"Videothan beòtha","Long (> 10 min)":"Fada (> 10 mion)","Medium (4-10 min)":"Meadhanach (4-10 mion)","Most recent":"As ùire","Music":"Ceòl","Nederlands":"Nederlands","News & Politics":"Naidheachdan ⁊ poileataigs","Next page":"An ath-dhuilleag","No":"Chan eil","No results found for":"Cha deach toradh a lorg airson","Occitan":"Occitan","On":"Air","on %{instancesCount} indexed PeerTube website":["air %{instancesCount} làrach-lìn inneacs PeerTube","air %{instancesCount} làrach-lìn inneacs PeerTube","air %{instancesCount} làraichean-lìn inneacs PeerTube","air %{instancesCount} làrach-lìn inneacs PeerTube"],"One of these tags":"Aonan dhe na tagaichean seo","Open an account