package org.libre.agosto.p2play import android.content.Intent import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import import import import import import import import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuInflater import android.view.MenuItem import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.SearchView import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso import* import* import* import* import org.libre.agosto.p2play.adapters.VideosAdapter import org.libre.agosto.p2play.ajax.Videos import org.libre.agosto.p2play.models.VideoModel class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener { private lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView private lateinit var viewAdapter: RecyclerView.Adapter private lateinit var viewManager: RecyclerView.LayoutManager private val client: Videos = Videos() private lateinit var lastItem: MenuItem private lateinit var subItem: MenuItem lateinit var myMenu: Menu private val _db = Database(this) var section: String = "" var searchVal: String = "" var pagination = 0 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) setSupportActionBar(toolbar) /* fab.setOnClickListener { view -> Snackbar.make(view, "Replace with your own action", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) .setAction("Action", null).show() } */ val toggle = ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, drawer_layout, toolbar, R.string.navigation_drawer_open, R.string.navigation_drawer_close) drawer_layout.addDrawerListener(toggle) toggle.syncState() nav_view.setNavigationItemSelectedListener(this) viewManager = LinearLayoutManager(this) // Init RecyclerView this.initRecycler() this.getTrengindVideos() swipeContainer.setOnRefreshListener { this.refresh() } Handler().postDelayed({ // Title for nav_bar side_emailTxt?.text = getString(R.string.nav_header_subtitle) + " " + this.packageManager.getPackageInfo(this.packageName, 0).versionName }, 2000) } // Generic function for set data to RecyclerView private fun initRecycler(){ val data = arrayListOf() viewAdapter = VideosAdapter(data) recyclerView = findViewById( { // use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes // in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView setHasFixedSize(true) // use a linear layout manager layoutManager = viewManager // specify an viewAdapter (see also next example) adapter = viewAdapter this.addOnScrollListener(object : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { override fun onScrolled(recyclerView: RecyclerView?, dx: Int, dy: Int) { super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy) if(!swipeContainer.isRefreshing){ if(!canScrollVertically(1)){ loadMore() } } } }) } // swipeContainer.isRefreshing = false } private fun addVideos(videos: ArrayList){ this.swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true try { if(this.pagination == 0){ (viewAdapter as VideosAdapter).clearData() recyclerView.scrollToPosition(0) } (viewAdapter as VideosAdapter).addData(videos) }catch (err: Exception){ err.printStackTrace() ManagerSingleton.Toast(getString(R.string.errorMsg), this) } this.swipeContainer.isRefreshing = false } private fun refresh(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true this.pagination = 0 when(section){ "local" -> this.getLocalVideos() "popular" -> this.getPopularVideos() "trending" -> this.getTrengindVideos() "last" -> this.getLastVideos() "sub" -> this.getSubscriptionVideos() "search" -> this.searchVideos() "my_videos" -> { if(ManagerSingleton.token.token != "") this.getMyVideos() else this.getLastVideos() } } } private fun getSubscriptionVideos(){ if(ManagerSingleton.user.status != 1){ ManagerSingleton.Toast("Inicia session primero", this) startActivity(Intent(this, return } swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "sub" setTitle(R.string.title_subscriptions) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.videoSubscriptions(ManagerSingleton.token.token, this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } // Last videos private fun getLastVideos(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "last" setTitle(R.string.title_recent) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.getLastVideos(this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } // Popular videos private fun getPopularVideos(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "popular" setTitle(R.string.title_popular) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.getPopularVideos(this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } // Trending videos private fun getTrengindVideos(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "trending" setTitle(R.string.title_trending) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.getTrendingVideos(this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } // Local videos private fun getLocalVideos(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "local" setTitle(R.string.title_local) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.getLocalVideos(this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } // Videos of user private fun getMyVideos(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "my_videos" setTitle(R.string.title_myVideos) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.myVideos(ManagerSingleton.token.token, this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } // Videos history of user private fun getHistory(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "my_videos" setTitle(R.string.nav_history) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.videoHistory(ManagerSingleton.token.token, this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } // Most liked private fun getMostLiked(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "liked" setTitle(R.string.nav_likes) AsyncTask.execute { val videos = client.getMostLikedVideos(this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } override fun onBackPressed() { if (drawer_layout.isDrawerOpen(GravityCompat.START)) { drawer_layout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START) } else if(!section.equals("trending")) { this.getTrengindVideos() } else { super.onBackPressed() } } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. menuInflater.inflate(, menu) val searchItem = menu.findItem( val searchView = searchItem.actionView as SearchView searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(object : SearchView.OnQueryTextListener{ override fun onQueryTextChange(p0: String?): Boolean { return true } override fun onQueryTextSubmit(p0: String?): Boolean { if(!p0.isNullOrBlank()){ searchVal = p0 pagination = 0 searchView.onActionViewCollapsed() searchVideos() } return true } }) myMenu = menu setSideData() return true } override fun onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean { myMenu = menu!! return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu) } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml. when (item.itemId) { -> { val intent = Intent(this, startActivity(intent) return true } -> { val intent = Intent(this, startActivity(intent) return true } -> { logout() return true } else -> return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } } override fun onNavigationItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { // Handle navigation view item clicks here. // if(::lastItem.isInitialized){ // lastItem.isChecked = false // } lastItem = item pagination = 0 // item.isChecked = true when (item.itemId) { -> getSubscriptionVideos() -> getPopularVideos() -> getTrengindVideos() -> getLastVideos() -> getLocalVideos() -> { val intent = Intent(this, startActivity(intent) } -> getHistory() -> getMyVideos() -> getMostLiked() } drawer_layout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START) return true } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() setSideData() } private fun setSideData(){ if(ManagerSingleton.user.status == 1){ = true side_usernameTxt?.text = ManagerSingleton.user.username side_emailTxt?.text = if(ManagerSingleton.user.avatar!="" && side_imageView != null) { Picasso.get().load("https://" + ManagerSingleton.url + ManagerSingleton.user.avatar).into(side_imageView) } // side_imageView?.setOnClickListener { // pagination = 0 // getMyVideos() // drawer_layout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START) // } if(::myMenu.isInitialized){ myMenu.findItem( = false myMenu.findItem( = true } } } private fun logout(){ if(::myMenu.isInitialized){ myMenu.findItem( = true myMenu.findItem( = false } = false side_usernameTxt?.text = getString(R.string.nav_header_title) side_emailTxt?.text = getString(R.string.nav_header_subtitle) + " " + this.packageManager.getPackageInfo(this.packageName, 0).versionName side_imageView?.setImageResource(R.drawable.default_avatar) side_imageView?.setOnClickListener { } _db.logout() ManagerSingleton.logout() this.refresh() ManagerSingleton.Toast(getString(R.string.logout_msg), this) } private fun loadMore(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true this.pagination += ManagerSingleton.videos_count when(section){ "local" -> this.getLocalVideos() "popular" -> this.getPopularVideos() "trending" -> this.getTrengindVideos() "last" -> this.getLastVideos() "sub" -> this.getSubscriptionVideos() "search" -> this.searchVideos() "my_videos" -> { if(ManagerSingleton.token.token != "") this.getMyVideos() else this.getLastVideos() } "liked" -> this.getMostLiked() } } private fun searchVideos(){ swipeContainer.isRefreshing = true section = "search" this.title = this.searchVal AsyncTask.execute { val videos =, this.pagination) runOnUiThread { this.addVideos(videos) } } } }