package org.libre.agosto.p2play import android.os.AsyncTask import import android.os.Bundle import import import android.view.View import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso import* import org.libre.agosto.p2play.adapters.VideosAdapter import org.libre.agosto.p2play.ajax.Actions import org.libre.agosto.p2play.ajax.Channels import org.libre.agosto.p2play.ajax.Videos import org.libre.agosto.p2play.models.ChannelModel import org.libre.agosto.p2play.models.VideoModel class ChannelActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var channelId: String private lateinit var channel: ChannelModel private var isSubcribed: Boolean = false private val _channel = Channels() private val _videos = Videos() private val _actions = Actions() private lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView private lateinit var viewAdapter: RecyclerView.Adapter private lateinit var viewManager: RecyclerView.LayoutManager override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_channel) channelId = this.intent.extras?.getString("channel")!! viewManager = LinearLayoutManager(this) subcriptionBtn.setOnClickListener { subscribeAction() } } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() getChannel() getSubscription() getVideos() if(ManagerSingleton.user.status == 1) { subcriptionBtn.visibility = View.VISIBLE getSubscription() } } private fun getChannel() { AsyncTask.execute { channel = _channel.getChannelInfo(channelId) runOnUiThread { usernameProfile.text = hostTxt.text = subcriptionsTxt.text = channel.followers.toString() if(channel.channelImg != "") Picasso.get().load("https://${ManagerSingleton.url}${channel.channelImg}").into(channelImg) } } } private fun subscribe() { AsyncTask.execute { val res = _actions.subscribe(ManagerSingleton.token.token, channel.getAccount()) runOnUiThread { if(res == 1){ subcriptionBtn.text = getString(R.string.unSubscribeBtn) ManagerSingleton.Toast(getString(R.string.subscribeMsg), this) getSubscription() } else { ManagerSingleton.Toast(getString(R.string.errorMsg), this) } } } } private fun unSubscribe() { AsyncTask.execute { val res = _actions.unSubscribe(ManagerSingleton.token.token, channel.getAccount()) runOnUiThread { if(res == 1){ subcriptionBtn.text = getString(R.string.subscribeBtn) ManagerSingleton.Toast(getString(R.string.unSubscribeMsg), this) getSubscription() } else { ManagerSingleton.Toast(getString(R.string.errorMsg), this) } } } } private fun subscribeAction() { if(isSubcribed) unSubscribe() else subscribe() } private fun getSubscription() { AsyncTask.execute { isSubcribed = _actions.getSubscription(ManagerSingleton.token.token, channel.getAccount()) runOnUiThread { if(isSubcribed){ subcriptionBtn.text = getText(R.string.unSubscribeBtn) } else { subcriptionBtn.text = getText(R.string.subscribeBtn) } } } } private fun getVideos() { AsyncTask.execute { val videos = _videos.channelVideos(channel.getAccount(), 0) runOnUiThread { initRecycler(videos) } } } // Generic function for set data to RecyclerView private fun initRecycler(data: ArrayList){ // val data = arrayListOf() viewAdapter = VideosAdapter(data) recyclerView = findViewById( { // use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes // in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView setHasFixedSize(true) // use a linear layout manager layoutManager = viewManager // specify an viewAdapter (see also next example) adapter = viewAdapter } // swipeContainer.isRefreshing = false } }