Thomas 4346178db9 Guide the user when libtorrent cannot be imported
Libtorrent is required to play videos but its installation is still
manual so now a message is displayed when libtorrent could not be
imported instead of having a "service could not start" error at Kodi
The message contains a link to a page which explains how to install
libtorrent. It will be displayed when:
* the add-on starts
* the user selects a video to play (including when called externally)

Other additions:
* Create a kodi_utils module to centralize some calls to the Kodi API
* Add license information in the header of the files
* Ignore some files in Git (python cache and Mac OS system file)
2021-04-08 23:25:49 +02:00
language/resource.language.en_gb Browse only local videos by default 2021-03-28 21:27:28 +00:00
lib Guide the user when libtorrent cannot be imported 2021-04-08 23:25:49 +02:00
__init__.py Guide the user when libtorrent cannot be imported 2021-04-08 23:25:49 +02:00
settings.xml Allow playing videos only with the video ID 2021-04-08 23:16:39 +02:00