
516 lines
18 KiB

# A Kodi Addon to play video hosted on the peertube service (http://joinpeertube.org/)
# TODO: - Delete downloaded files by default
# - Allow people to choose if they want to keep their download after watching?
# - Do sanity checks on received data
# - Handle languages better (with .po files)
# - Get the best quality torrent given settings and/or available bandwidth
# See how they do that in the peerTube client's code
import sys
# Python 3.x
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
except ImportError:
# Python 2.x
from urlparse import parse_qsl
import AddonSignals
import requests
from requests.compat import urljoin, urlencode
import xbmc
import xbmcaddon
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
import xbmcvfs
class PeertubeAddon():
Main class of the addon
def __init__(self, plugin, plugin_id):
Initialisation of the PeertubeAddon class
:param plugin, plugin_id: str, int
:return: None
# These 2 steps must be done first since the logging function requires
# the add-on name
# Get an Addon instance
addon = xbmcaddon.Addon()
# Get the add-on name
self.addon_name = addon.getAddonInfo('name')
# Save addon URL and ID
self.plugin_url = plugin
self.plugin_id = plugin_id
# Select preferred instance by default
self.selected_inst = addon.getSetting('preferred_instance')
# Get the number of videos to show per page
self.items_per_page = int(addon.getSetting('items_per_page'))
# Get the video sort method
self.sort_method = addon.getSetting('video_sort_method')
# Get the preferred resolution for video
self.preferred_resolution = addon.getSetting('preferred_resolution')
# Nothing to play at initialisation
self.play = 0
self.torrent_name = ''
# Get the video filter from the settings that will be used when
# browsing the videos. The value from the settings is converted into
# one of the expected values by the REST APIs ("local" or "all-local")
if 'all-local' in addon.getSetting('video_filter'):
self.video_filter = 'all-local'
self.video_filter = 'local'
return None
def debug(self, message):
"""Log a message in Kodi's log with the level xbmc.LOGDEBUG
:param message: Message to log
:type message: str
xbmc.log('{0}: {1}'.format(self.addon_name, message), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
def query_peertube(self, req):
Issue a PeerTube API request and return the results
:param req: str
:result data: dict
# Send the PeerTube REST API request
self.debug('Issuing request {0}'.format(req))
response = requests.get(url=req)
data = response.json()
# Use Request.raise_for_status() to raise an exception if the HTTP
# request returned an unsuccessful status code.
except requests.HTTPError as e:
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Communication error',
'Error during request on {0}'
# Print the JSON as it may contain an 'error' key with the details
# of the error
self.debug('Error => "{}"'.format(data['error']))
raise e
# Return when no results are found
if data['total'] == 0:
self.debug('No result found')
return None
self.debug('Found {0} results'.format(data['total']))
return data
def create_list(self, lst, data_type, start):
Create an array of xmbcgui.ListItem's from the lst parameter
:param lst, data_type, start: dict, str, str
:result listing: array
# Create a list for our items.
listing = []
for data in lst['data']:
# Create a list item with a text label
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=data['name'])
if data_type == 'videos':
# Add thumbnail
list_item.setArt({'thumb': self.selected_inst + '/' + data['thumbnailPath']})
# Set a fanart image for the list item.
# list_item.setProperty('fanart_image', data['thumb'])
# Compute media info from item's metadata
info = {'title': data['name'],
'playcount': data['views'],
'plotoutline': data['description'],
'duration': data['duration']
# For videos, add a rating based on likes and dislikes
if data['likes'] > 0 or data['dislikes'] > 0:
info['rating'] = data['likes']/(data['likes'] + data['dislikes'])
# Set additional info for the list item.
list_item.setInfo('video', info)
# Videos are playable
list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
# Find the URL of the best possible video matching user's preferences
# TODO: Error handling
current_res = 0
higher_res = -1
torrent_url = ''
response = requests.get(self.selected_inst + '/api/v1/videos/'
+ data['uuid'])
metadata = response.json()
self.debug('Looking for the best possible video quality matching user preferences')
for f in metadata['files']:
# Get file resolution
res = f['resolution']['id']
if res == self.preferred_resolution:
# Stop directly, when we find the exact same resolution as the user's preferred one
self.debug('Found video with preferred resolution')
torrent_url = f['torrentUrl']
elif res < self.preferred_resolution and res > current_res:
# Else, try to find the best one just below the user's preferred one
self.debug('Found video with good lower resolution'
torrent_url = f['torrentUrl']
current_res = res
elif res > self.preferred_resolution and (res < higher_res or higher_res == -1):
# In the worst case, we'll take the one just above the user's preferred one
self.debug('Saving video with higher resolution ({0})'
'as a possible alternative'
backup_url = f['torrentUrl']
higher_res = res
# Use smallest file with an higher resolution, when we didn't find a resolution equal or
# lower than the user's preferred one
if not torrent_url:
self.debug('Using video with higher resolution as alternative')
torrent_url = backup_url
# Compose the correct URL for Kodi
url = self.build_kodi_url({
'action': 'play_video',
'url': torrent_url
elif data_type == 'instances':
# TODO: Add a context menu to select instance as preferred instance
# Instances are not playable
list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'false')
# Set URL to select this instance
url = self.build_kodi_url({
'action': 'select_instance',
'url': data['host']
# Add our item to the listing as a 3-element tuple.
listing.append((url, list_item, False))
# Add a 'Next page' button when there are more data to show
start = int(start) + self.items_per_page
if lst['total'] > start:
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label='Next page ({0})'
url = self.build_kodi_url({
'action': 'browse_{0}'.format(data_type),
'start': start})
listing.append((url, list_item, True))
return listing
def build_video_rest_api_request(self, search, start):
"""Build the URL of an HTTP request using the PeerTube videos REST API.
The same function is used for browsing and searching videos.
:param search: keywords to search
:type search: string
:param start: offset
:type start: int
:return: the URL of the request
:rtype: str
Didn't yet find a correct way to do a search with a filter set to
local. Then if a search value is given it won't filter on local
# Common parameters of the request
params = {
'count': self.items_per_page,
'start': start,
'sort': self.sort_method
# Depending on the type of request (search or list videos), add
# specific parameters and define the API to use
if search is None:
# Video API does not provide "search" but provides "filter" so add
# it to the parameters
params.update({'filter': self.video_filter})
api_url = '/api/v1/videos'
# Search API does not provide "filter" but provides "search" so add
# it to the parameters
params.update({'search': search})
api_url = '/api/v1/search/videos'
# Build the full URL of the request (instance + API + parameters)
req = '{0}?{1}'.format(urljoin(self.selected_inst, api_url),
return req
def build_browse_instances_rest_api_request(self, start):
"""Build the URL of an HTTP request using the PeerTube REST API to
browse the PeerTube instances.
:param start: offset
:type start: int
:return: the URL of the request
:rtype: str
# Create the parameters of the request
params = {
'count': self.items_per_page,
'start': start
# Join the base URL with the REST API and the parameters
req = '{0}?{1}'.format('https://instances.joinpeertube.org/api/v1/instances',
return req
def search_videos(self, start):
Function to search for videos on a PeerTube instance and navigate in the results
:param start: string
:result: None
# Show a 'Search videos' dialog
search = xbmcgui.Dialog().input(heading='Search videos on ' + self.selected_inst, type=xbmcgui.INPUT_ALPHANUM)
# Go back to main menu when user cancels
if not search:
return None
# Create the PeerTube REST API request for searching videos
req = self.build_video_rest_api_request(search, start)
# Send the query
results = self.query_peertube(req)
# Exit directly when no result is found
if not results:
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('No videos found', 'No videos found matching query', xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_WARNING)
return None
# Create array of xmbcgui.ListItem's
listing = self.create_list(results, 'videos', start)
# Add our listing to Kodi.
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(self.plugin_id, listing, len(listing))
return None
def browse_videos(self, start):
Function to navigate through all the video published by a PeerTube instance
:param start: string
:return: None
# Create the PeerTube REST API request for listing videos
req = self.build_video_rest_api_request(None, start)
# Send the query
results = self.query_peertube(req)
# Create array of xmbcgui.ListItem's
listing = self.create_list(results, 'videos', start)
# Add our listing to Kodi.
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(self.plugin_id, listing, len(listing))
return None
def browse_instances(self, start):
Function to navigate through all PeerTube instances
:param start: str
:return: None
# Create the PeerTube REST API request for browsing PeerTube instances
req = self.build_browse_instances_rest_api_request(start)
# Send the query
results = self.query_peertube(req)
# Create array of xmbcgui.ListItem's
listing = self.create_list(results, 'instances', start)
# Add our listing to Kodi.
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(self.plugin_id, listing, len(listing))
return None
def play_video_continue(self, data):
Callback function to let the play_video function resume when the PeertubeDownloader
has downloaded all the torrent's metadata
:param data: dict
:return: None
self.debug('Received metadata_downloaded signal, will start playing media')
self.play = 1
self.torrent_f = data['file']
return None
def play_video(self, torrent_url):
Start the torrent's download and play it while being downloaded
:param torrent_url: str
:return: None
self.debug('Starting torrent download ({0})'.format(torrent_url))
# Start a downloader thread
AddonSignals.sendSignal('start_download', {'url': torrent_url})
# Wait until the PeerTubeDownloader has downloaded all the torrent's metadata
AddonSignals.registerSlot('plugin.video.peertube', 'metadata_downloaded', self.play_video_continue)
timeout = 0
while self.play == 0 and timeout < 10:
timeout += 1
# Abort in case of timeout
if timeout == 10:
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Download timeout', 'Timeout fetching ' + torrent_url, xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_ERROR)
return None
# Wait a little before starting playing the torrent
# Pass the item to the Kodi player for actual playback.
self.debug('Starting video playback ({0})'.format(torrent_url))
play_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=self.torrent_f)
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(self.plugin_id, True, listitem=play_item)
return None
def select_instance(self, instance):
Change currently selected instance to 'instance' parameter
:param instance: str
:return: None
self.selected_inst = 'https://' + instance
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification('Current instance changed', 'Changed current instance to {0}'.format(self.selected_inst), xbmcgui.NOTIFICATION_INFO)
self.debug('Changing currently selected instance to {0}'
return None
def build_kodi_url(self, parameters):
"""Build a Kodi URL based on the parameters.
:param parameters: dict containing all the parameters that will be
encoded in the URL
return '{0}?{1}'.format(self.plugin_url, urlencode(parameters))
def main_menu(self):
Addon's main menu
:param: None
:return: None
# Create a list for our items.
listing = []
# 1st menu entry
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label='Browse selected instance')
url = self.build_kodi_url({'action': 'browse_videos', 'start': 0})
listing.append((url, list_item, True))
# 2nd menu entry
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label='Search on selected instance')
url = self.build_kodi_url({'action': 'search_videos', 'start': 0})
listing.append((url, list_item, True))
# 3rd menu entry
list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label='Select other instance')
url = self.build_kodi_url({'action': 'browse_instances', 'start': 0})
listing.append((url, list_item, True))
# Add our listing to Kodi.
xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(self.plugin_id, listing, len(listing))
# Finish creating a virtual folder.
return None
def router(self, paramstring):
Router function that calls other functions
depending on the provided paramstring
:param paramstring: dict
:return: None
# Parse a URL-encoded paramstring to the dictionary of
# {<parameter>: <value>} elements
params = dict(parse_qsl(paramstring[1:]))
# Check the parameters passed to the plugin
if params:
action = params['action']
if action == 'browse_videos':
# Browse videos on selected instance
elif action == 'search_videos':
# Search for videos on selected instance
elif action == 'browse_instances':
# Browse peerTube instances
elif action == 'play_video':
# Play video from provided URL.
elif action == 'select_instance':
# Display the addon's main menu when the plugin is called from Kodi UI without any parameters
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialise addon
addon = PeertubeAddon(sys.argv[0], int(sys.argv[1]))
# Call the router function and pass the plugin call parameters to it.