A kodi addon for watching content hosted on Peertube (http://joinpeertube.org/) This code is still proof-of-concept but it works, and you're welcome to improve it. # Functionalities * Browse all videos on a PeerTube instance * Search for videos on a PeerTube instance (Only supported by 1.0.0-beta10+ instances) * Select Peertube instance to use (Doesn't work yet) # User settings * User definable preferred PeerTube instance * Number of videos to display per page * Sort method to be used when listing videos (Currently, only 'views' and 'likes') # Limitations * This addon doesn't support Webtorrent yet. So, it cannot download/share from/to regular PeerTube clients. The reason is that it uses the libtorrent python libray which doesn't support it yet (see https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/issues/223) * The addon doesn't delete the downloaded files atm. So, it may fills up your disk * Currently, the addon always download the smallest file it can found for any video you want to play. So, video quality is mostly low. # Requirements * Kodi 17 or above * libtorrent python bindings (https://libtorrent.org/). On Debian type `apt install python-libtorrent` as root.